IE 420 Seat

2024.11.24 22:30 StrangeInstruction42 IE 420 Seat

I would pay for someone’s IE 420 seat. DM if interested
submitted by StrangeInstruction42 to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 JumboThy-Flukey UK Open

Hi everyone, sorry if this seems like a silly question but never looked into it before.
For the UK open, how do you book it? In terms of do you have to book tickets to the event and then butlins separately or do you they do it as a package?
Has there been any news of on sale dates yet? Or if anyone knows what they have been in previous years?
Thanks guys
submitted by JumboThy-Flukey to Darts [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 savviathan664 So, did anyone else notice this in The Week Before??

So, did anyone else notice this in The Week Before?? Ralph flashes the victory sign, a gesture that’s basically the British middle finger at the camera, after getting jumpscared by a Mop in the supply closet. Michael does the same thing in FNAF 4. We know for a fact phone guy in the games isn’t British, but… this one is?? Or is he supposed to be Michael?? I’m so confused! Seems like such an odd detail to reference in the book and the games.
submitted by savviathan664 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 the_one_who_kn0ck i cant find official discord server,can smn send me a link?

submitted by the_one_who_kn0ck to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 motoflipphone_mhm Does anyone have any good idol x rapper (secret relationship) manhwa recommendation? (Preferably gl or bl)

I know it may be a little niche but also any kind of secret relationship manhwa is great, I'm open to melancholic tropes LMAO
submitted by motoflipphone_mhm to manhwarecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 potatoecommander Meta Quest 3 Cable

I dont have a USB C port in my PC, can i just use a cable that has a normal USB A port on one and on the other end it has USB C? Could it work if maybe the other specs are right?
submitted by potatoecommander to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Limp-Transition8938 Risk. Bull has cou.sins facebook. Cock is twitching K!k Alexios123456 8V3ZRNXGS

Risk. Bull has cou.sins facebook. Cock is twitching K!k Alexios123456 8V3ZRNXGS submitted by Limp-Transition8938 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Straydog38 What Feeds the Fog by Steve Strahan (me)

submitted by Straydog38 to drawings [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 deepfriedcajunbacon The Expo

submitted by deepfriedcajunbacon to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Lhaylablendinger Blisssed by Netherlands

Hi! I wanted to know if anymore has ever tired “blisssed” products and have some review, are they strong.. etc.
Thank you!:)
submitted by Lhaylablendinger to microdosing [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Raluca1394 Sou babaca por achar minha amiga uma mendiga?

Boa noite galera, preciso fazer um desabafo. Eu tenho uma amiga de 30 anos que praticamente vive as custas dos outros. Ela trabalhou fixo por um ano e faz um dois meses que ela perdeu o emprego. Desde então ela parou de pagar o aluguel (que é um apto emprestado de um amigo) e a mona começou a pedir TUDO pros outros. Coisas como gás, carne, alimentos, e até Gillete, na MAIOR cara de pau. Outro dia ela pediu pra vir dormir na minha casa e simplesmente saiu comento tudo que tinha na geladeira, no café da manhã ela comeu 5 ovos, frutas, biscoitos, tudo que via pela frente ela ia pegando, detalhe, eu tenho dois filhos pequenos que já comem muuuuuito e é uma luta manter a despensa do mês. Acontece que ela quer vir dormir aqui toda semana agora kkkk claro que eu cortei, mas ela continua pedindo pra vir e eu já nem sei mais o que inventar. Outra situação que aconteceu foi que eu ela e outro amigo fomos comer num açaí do lado da casa dela, (nesse dia ela me pediu pra levar mantimentos pra casa dela e eu levei), pois a menina comeu o açaí voando e disse que deu dor de barriga, foi embora correndo e nem falou nada sobre o açaí, ficou pra gente pagar. Enfim, eu não tenho nenhum problema em ajudar alguém que precisa, mas uma pessoa em plena saúde, que não busca uma ocupação querer vivem as custas dos outros é complicado. Avaliem por favor 🙏🏻
submitted by Raluca1394 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Brilliant-Purple-591 Take back control over your thoughts. Use THIS simple trick.

Thoughts are often like bubbles rising from the depths of the ocean—seemingly random ideas pop into your mind, and you have to deal with them. Most of us have zero control over how many bubbles surface or whether those thoughts are positive or negative.
With this post, I want to share one superior tool for the mental warfare with yourself. Ready? Let’s surf!
Our consciousness is limited. The day has only 24 hours, and there isn’t enough time to create an endless stream of negative thoughts. You can literally become an expert at keeping your mind occupied with positive ones—and it’s surprisingly simple.
When I was 22, I had a small palm tree in front of my bed. I took great care of it, but eventually, it became sick. Within weeks, all its leaves turned brown and fell off. What was left was a dead plant—the first thing I saw every morning when I woke up. It was depressing. For weeks, my first thought upon waking was sadness and frustration because I believed I had taken good care of it.
One day, I said to myself: “Enough.” I got out of bed, took the plant outside, and threw it in the garbage. (But not before thanking it for all the joy it had brought me when it was alive—haha.)
What's the lesson here?
We can’t always control the thoughts that arise, but we can control physical triggers. Your environment plays a huge role in shaping your thoughts. Design it to encourage the kind of thinking you want to have.
Noam Chomsky once said about mass media:

You have the power to limit your focus to specific triggers that keep you on the trajectory you desire—not the one others want for you.
What changed after this “Eureka!” moment? I changed everything. The TV had to go. I sprinkled notes with my favorite quotes and questions all over my apartment:
“Happiness is a decision. ⟷”
I removed almost every trigger that made me procrastinate or feel bad about myself. I even had to let go of some people that long time ago stopped serving our friendship. I shifted my focus from money to passion and relationships.
Soon, my walls were covered with pictures of my favorite artists and idols. Every time I looked at them, I felt pride and inspiration.
Yes, many of us live in misery and without perspective. But there’s a vast, untapped potential in how we create our reality.
So here's the question for you:
What can you change today in your immediate environment to create more positive triggers for you mind?
submitted by Brilliant-Purple-591 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 bluedotmama4 Give her time

Give her time Ernie’s about to do her porch next😏 Does anybody think she actually pays him for this?
submitted by bluedotmama4 to LittleCajunSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 My_NaMe_Jeff1233 Pinterst knows what's going on

Opened my phone found this shit
submitted by My_NaMe_Jeff1233 to goth [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 SpicySt3ve What flag is this?

What flag is this? Found in UK pub. Bar staff didnt seem to know nothing either!
submitted by SpicySt3ve to vexillology [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Goalringmod27 Wow, Great Circle really will take us everywhere 🤠 Hope Indy's got his iron boots...

submitted by Goalringmod27 to indianajones [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Secret_Teach3136 Help with petals on MK3 ST-3 focus 2012

Help with petals on MK3 ST-3 focus 2012 submitted by Secret_Teach3136 to FocusST [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Simple-Speaker-7651 Is this work acceptable?

We hired a mason to install lintels - is the brick and mortar 3rd from the left acceptable or will this turn into a problem?
submitted by Simple-Speaker-7651 to masonry [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 knpnite Primal Groudon raid 945726285364

submitted by knpnite to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 jakobprn Thats what I send my bf on locked 😊

Thats what I send my bf on locked 😊 submitted by jakobprn to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Athletica_ai Daily Status Report

Daily Status Report submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 Scissorheart666 Emails from Cuckoo saying that Fibre will be available ‘soon’ - but how soon?

So CityFibre have been in the area digging up the road outside my rural premises and they are also scheduled to do a big stretch going out of the village in the next few weeks. Cuckoo are one of their partner ISP’s and we’ve been receiving emails from them asking us to sign up as the Fibre service will be available ‘soon’. I am guessing that they have been given the nod by CityFibre to commence marketing activities knowing that the service will be available fairly soon.
Has anyone had a similar experience? If so, what were the rough timescales?
submitted by Scissorheart666 to CityFibre [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 LikesBigWordsCantLie Can I use 1.25” deck screws (4 on each side) to hold Monkey Bars in a 2x6?

Essentially making monkey bars that will be bolted into the walls with a 2x4 support cleat under them. 2”x6”x10’ will be on end on top of the cleat, going across their playroom. Can I use 1.25” deck screws (4 on each side of the monkey bar, which is steel) to screw the monkey bars into the stud? My 2x6 is just shy of 1.5”, thanks to nominal measurements (eye roll).
submitted by LikesBigWordsCantLie to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 hoemaker9000 Psilly Dots trip report

(This is my first time taking these.) So, last night my friend and I took these. Me and my other friends took 1.5 (of the maga dose not the hero dose. . We started to feel it like 20 min. in. Okay before I go any farther, I just wanna say I'm 6'4 250 pounds. At like the 25 min. mark, my stomach started to turn. I know this is normal so I just try to distract myself from thinking about it. So about an hour in. I still have no visuals. I thought I was starting to see things move but I'm pretty sure I was just trying to convince myself. Then my friend started tweaking and asking the same question over and over again. I got really pissed off at him then he chilled out. At about the 2.5 hour mark we go outside to smoke some bud and get fresh air. Mind you at this point in the trip I still have not gotten any visuals and neither has my friend (He's 6'2 195). So we smoke then we go back inside cuz it was cold asf. So this whole trip was just like a really intense body high. Nothing visually happened and I was kind of disappointed. I wanna try them again but I'm not sure if I should try to take more or less. Cuz the body high coming down was way nicer then the peak body high. But I also wanna have visuals. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
submitted by hoemaker9000 to delta8resellers [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:30 fishyfishyfish1 Texas hospitals are now required to ask about your citizenship

Texas hospitals are now required to ask about your citizenship submitted by fishyfishyfish1 to FuckGregAbbott [link] [comments]