Yay Or Nay? (Im in the explorer at the rear)

2024.11.25 00:31 CommercialFew9752 Yay Or Nay? (Im in the explorer at the rear)

Yay Or Nay? (Im in the explorer at the rear) submitted by CommercialFew9752 to Americantrucksim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Suspicious-Editor290 New Instagram post! This girl is something else

New Instagram post! This girl is something else submitted by Suspicious-Editor290 to SydneyThomasNSFW [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Ollliedura18m What should I price these as

What should I price these as Help they’re great condition what’s a good price
submitted by Ollliedura18m to vinted [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Nearby-Grade-1060 will my pc be enough?

I just found my old laptop from 2009, it's equipped with an Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 (it's a dual-core 2.8GHz, 6MB cache), an Intel T4600 for graphics card, and 8GB DDR3. I was planning to play vanilla, or with optimization mods like that one that pre-renders your map. I wanna know if I even bother trying to create a server with this.
submitted by Nearby-Grade-1060 to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 bigmikeyay GreenLink: Pro-Environmental EV Charging Research Group from a Student Startup

GreenLink: Pro-Environmental EV Charging Research Group from a Student Startup https://preview.redd.it/20136o460y2e1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=c807978d25838859e492de65226113ee8ce431ca
We are a small team of students researching EV chargers and would like to look for interest in our product that’s currently in development: GreenLink.
GreenLink is an EV charger that helps offload some of the household's electricity consumption away from the grid when electricity demand is at its highest. By reducing your consumption during these peak demand events, you reduce the grid’s need to turn on gas-powered “peaker plants” that can consume up to 50% more natural gas and emit 60% more greenhouse gases to produce the same amount of energy as a standard power plant that runs throughout the day. Through this affordable vehicle-to-home (V2H) technology, GreenLink could reduce your household’s carbon emissions by 2.1 metric tons of CO₂ each year. Sign up for our waitlist today! https://bilink.kit.com/greenlink-waitlist?_gl=1*djyc74*_gcl_au*MTc2NjIzMTA3OC4xNzMyNDE3Njg3
submitted by bigmikeyay to energy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 DependentEducation34 This battery charger is okay for NiMH battery

This battery charger is okay for NiMH battery submitted by DependentEducation34 to rc_cars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Centennial_Incognito Me molesta lo normalizado que está el proselitismo en un país donde supuestamente hay libertad de culto

El otro día estaba haciendo turno para una cita médica y de repente viene uno de los que dan terapia física a pararse frente a los pacientes en la sala de espera a predicar. No me mal interpreten... A mi meseimporta en lo que usted crea, mi problema es cómo la gente usa su profesión para "evangelizar" en un área totalmente inapropiada para eso, y lo tenemos tan normalizado que nadie puede decir nada en contra de eso porque te tachan de odioso, hijo del diablo y demás yerbas aromáticas. Es una falta de ética profesional.
Una vez estaba en una sesión de terapia familiar y el psiquiatra me salta con que para arreglar mi relación con el familiar en cuestión (quién fue el que cometió la falta y destruyó la relación) que dios tiene que poner la semillita del perdón en mi corazón. Y yo me quedé 🤨 y le digo que yo soy atea y que por defecto no creo en dios, y el pana insistió que solo dios puede arreglar las cosas. Pues en consecuencia, el familiar no ha hecho ni el más mínimo esfuerzo en arreglar nada, porque está esperando que "dios ponga la semilla del perdón" (dígase que yo haga todo el trabajo).
Yo no puedo ni siquiera ir a disfrutar al parque con mi familia sin que haya un religioso con un megáfono o bocina evangelizando a todo pulmón. Y es una contradicción tan grande, que los evangélicos y demás dicen que respetan las creencias de los demás, sin embargo activamente imponen su religión a todo el mundo por todos lados. Yo te aseguro que un haitiano o un musulmán no podría evangelizar de la misma forma en la que lo hacen los cristianos, irónicamente.
submitted by Centennial_Incognito to Dominicanos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Billybhoy91 If I could describe today’s commanders loss

If I could describe today’s commanders loss submitted by Billybhoy91 to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Screenleak Hva er ordet "Frenzy" på Norsk?

Har spilt en del Elden Ring og lurte på om det var et ord som dekket det. Alt jeg har funnet er vanvittig og/eller raseri, men det utilfredsstillende.
submitted by Screenleak to norge [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Icy-Bat6236 Shrinked while masturbation

I was watching porn for like 2 hours and masturbating. It went soft all of a sudden so I just went to pee and came back to try again, it was like semi hard when I was doing it, took me a few seconds to finish and after that it went shirinked.
I can't get it hard now, even with my imagination. On touch it feels like it's hard but it's shrinked.
I don't know what to do. Please help. Can this be fixed? 😭I'm 20 yes old.
submitted by Icy-Bat6236 to PrematureEjaculation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Wide-Muffin5261 Day 67 of fnaf gues the charecter

1.they are purple 2.they are a Easter egg 3.they are in fnaf2
submitted by Wide-Muffin5261 to FNaF [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Fruit_Punch86 350€ for the Ultimate Edition - here is what's inside!

350€ for the Ultimate Edition - here is what's inside! submitted by Fruit_Punch86 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 EconomistNo9878 Cum watch me bust for your hot feed, discord themelman1

submitted by EconomistNo9878 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 enad_13 What kind of Hoya is this?

What kind of Hoya is this? submitted by enad_13 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Exciting-Ad-1914 Looking for an iOS Developer to Collaborate on Exciting Mobile Projects

Hi everyone!
I’m looking to connect with a talented iOS developer to brainstorm and work together on exciting mobile app opportunities. I’m eager to collaborate and build something impactful from the ground up.
What I’m looking for:

If you’re interested in exploring opportunities together, drop a comment below or send me a DM. Let’s connect and create something amazing!
Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks
submitted by Exciting-Ad-1914 to iosdev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Salem1690s Has anyone resurrected the Emperor, then console commanded him to follow you?

If so, does it work?
submitted by Salem1690s to oblivion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 art-ho_ Did this for myself to see if I could- the second and third pic are the results of my efforts 😺

Did this for myself to see if I could- the second and third pic are the results of my efforts 😺 Not a professional by any means but I thought it seemed like a good challenge and the stools were $40 on fb marketplace. I learned a lot, including what I would do differently if I were ever again to restore the caning on a piece of furniture 🙄 but I’m proud of the result!! I did the bare minimum with the wood- got feed n’ wax from Lowe’s and applied it, following the instructions on the bottle. Before, the legs especially were seemingly very dry and parched looking, the backs and bendy parts were dull but not as bad. It definitely brought some luster back into the wood overall so I’m happy with it compared with how much time and money I invested in doing it. Sure, it could use more complete refinishing but it’s not in dire need of it. Overall, I’m happy I did it and I saved them from being cushioned and painted over. Sadly, they’re too tall for the bar in my home and I’m going to have to part with them so I wanted to memorialize what I did here in this post. since I’ll never be able to show them in my own house 😓😓😓 I’m actually in distress about it but it’s a good reminder that things are just things :) have a nice day!
submitted by art-ho_ to furniturerestoration [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Southern-Pace-6611 Looking for advice

Going to be my first pc build and looking for advice if its good or need to change things out would appreciate the helps thanks
submitted by Southern-Pace-6611 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 FigStriking8205 Half Life 2, if it was good

Half Life 2, if it was good submitted by FigStriking8205 to OKbuddyHalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Lazarito_54 Busco Pareja

Busco pareja hembra para mi grifón de Bruselas
submitted by Lazarito_54 to brusselsgriffon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Procfrk [WTB] PDP 2.0 dpp plate

Looking for the 2.0 cut Delta Point Pro optic plate. $25 to $50 depending on what you have?
Yes I'm aware of Walther will send you a plate, yes I already redeemed my free one.
submitted by Procfrk to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 pullupandwreckk 26M/UK - Anyone wanna jump straight into a voice call? [chat]

Looking for someone that feels pretty comfortable jumping straight into a call. Whether you're wanting to get something off your chest, have a laugh or just talk about anything hit me up!
submitted by pullupandwreckk to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Ezequiel_Hips What plots could Bismuth have after Future?

What plots could Bismuth have after Future? submitted by Ezequiel_Hips to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 HeelStriker5k Besides steak/eggs/ground what else are you eating.

How much pork/fish/chicken do you eat. How much dairy and what kind?
submitted by HeelStriker5k to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:31 Indecisive_Noob What secrets have you found from clicking on things multiple times?

Here are two I have found, and both are in chapter 2.
In the top right scene of chapter 2 (image is of a hall with a phone on the left and a mirror on the wall to the right), look at the mirror multiple times. You will get a glimpse of the person in the raincoat (aka possibly the MC before getting trapped in this other world).
For the other secret, start in the room with the TV (forth row, second column of chapter 2). Look at the TV and keep changing the can, the secret triggers randomly eventually. Eventually the TV screen turns blue, then your screen turns blue with the menu image being glitched, then you die. I wonder what this one means considering the 4th wall break.
submitted by Indecisive_Noob to Homicipher [link] [comments]
