2024.11.24 23:00 socandostuff How to stop this leaking
Posted in DIY uk but no response. Hoping for help and advice.
Assume, turn water off. Unscrew this nut and then do I twist the handle anti clockwise to loosen it? Asking because I don't know and don't want to damage anything.
Probably will be replacing the whole thing at some point next year.
https://ibb.co/3vGykY3 https://ibb.co/XD5jW5d https://ibb.co/XXzFF6n https://ibb.co/yyGDPXQ https://ibb.co/XjGCjZv
submitted by socandostuff to DIY [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 Artistic-Aide-5165 Question about bodily fluids and differet surgery technices
TW, anatony: I'm having bottom surgery in 11 days. I didnt really ask many questions at my consult, because I'm only able to choose between one surgeon, either that or I have to go privatly in another country.. Didnt really get a lot of information about the surgery either, but from what I understand, they leave a small hole left from the fronthole, so small that it isn't noticable, to let the wetness from the vagina come out of. From what I've gathered on the internet, it's normal to close the fronthole completely and let the wetness come out through the urethra. Can this be changed later by a different surgeon or is it impossible? Has anyone heard about this before??
submitted by Artistic-Aide-5165 to Metoidioplasty [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 kuya5000 Bi-weekly Discord Design Challenge
A new bi-weekly design challenge prompt has been posted on the subreddit's official discord! Please click our discord link to enter the challenge!
Prizes include receiving the gold 'Design CHAMP' award and more!
Join the discord here: https://discord.com/invite/streetwearstartup
submitted by kuya5000 to streetwearstartup [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 meissakr Bleach help
Hi, I've been dyeing my hair lavender for a couple of years now and recently I've been thinking about trying neon green. Idk how to phrase this since I don't know the correct terminology or anything but would I need to bleach it for as long as I have to for the lavender or does it not have to be as light? submitted by meissakr to HairDye [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 AutoModerator Sunday Scaries - November 24, 2024
Remember to report comments that break reddiquette. This thread happens every Sunday Night!
submitted by AutoModerator to barstoolsports [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 Grandknight-GG The duo with perfect attendance. They ain't skipping a game.
submitted by Grandknight-GG to StreetsofRage [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 dniepr Megathread 25 Novembre - Giornata internazionale contro la violenza di genere
Dopo la discussione dell'anno scorso sui femminicidi, apriamo qui il megathread per il 25 novembre con una riflessione su tutto quello che può avvenire prima dell'uccisione. Violenza di genere è anche, e soprattutto, violenza domestica.
Di seguito parte di un referto di Pronto Soccorso in un caso clinico dell'AUSL Emilia Romagna (pagina 91):
«…tutto inizia quando ho preso l’impegno di lavorare in un bagno al mare, dopo aver fatto il colloquio di selezione, qualche giorno prima. Sono riuscita a fare alcune domeniche, ma non riconoscevano un compendio in base alle ore svolte, ma una cifra mensile complessiva. Dopo averlo firmato, lui ha trovato la mia copia nello zainetto… mi ha svegliata durante la notte aggredendomi per aver firmato… mi ha offesa dicendomi: “… sei stata una cretina…dovevi essere più attenta…” Da quel momento però era una lite continua…mi pressava tutti i giorni ed io arrivavo al lavoro già agitata, stressata ed intontita dai suoi attacchi continui, arrivavo già stanca, avevo sempre la testa da tutt’altra parte. E’ capitato anche che fosse venuto sul posto di lavoro a fare confusione. Sfinita da tutto, decido, quindi, di lasciare il lavoro. Lo stesso giorno, lui mi assale con offese, urla e spintoni offendendomi perché ero sottopagata, perché mi sfruttavano. Praticamente è poi successo che ha iniziato a picchiarmi per tutta la notte…spintoni, tirate di capelli, urla, parolacce, trascinamenti a terra e continuava a rinfacciarmi quel lavoro e di aver firmato un contratto sottopagato… Quella notte è stato un delirio, sono arrivata allo sfinimento delle forze…tremavo come una foglia raccolta nella punta del letto…ero piena di lividi. Il giorno dopo ho ripreso contatti con la mia famiglia, dopo anni che non la vedevo, e mia madre ha deciso di portarmi in PS dove mi ha poi raggiunto anche mio fratello. Ora sono a casa dei miei genitori.»A poco più di un anno dall'omicidio di Giulia Cecchettin, cosa è cambiato? Sulla carta, il DDL Roccella. Nella realtà, non molto.
«…Si sono ripetuti gli eventi di violenza che ho subito…in passato mi picchiò per ore fino a farmi perdere i sensi, fu lui poi a portarmi in PS dopo avermi lasciata priva di forze chiusa in casa da sola per ore con i bambini. Ero rovinata…mi diedero 45 giorni di prognosi, avevo il viso rotto ed ero piena di ematomi. Sono venuta in PS anche quest’anno sempre perché mi aveva picchiata. Mi aveva accompagnato lui, ma poi sono tornata a casa da sola a piedi. Più o meno mi picchia una volta al mese, quando perde il lume della ragione e non sa controllarsi. Poi il giorno dopo è come se nulla fosse successo, il giorno prima è un animale e il giorno dopo diventa un agnellino.»
2024.11.24 23:00 NathanAka117 New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! Let's Kumo-desu
submitted by NathanAka117 to aiakari [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 tidderresueman Sailin' on (Acoustic cover)
submitted by tidderresueman to AcousticCovers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 Illustrious_Age_7878 Iron farm + trading hall
Putting your iron farm in your trading hall is pretty efficient space wise, and this one is cheap! I designed it on my own, taking inspiration from others of course. Now I can trade and watch iron golems melt at the same time. https://preview.redd.it/va1a3l2vjx2e1.jpg?width=2733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbc96c9caebf72b95ef07137f7d10b86ec2d24e submitted by Illustrious_Age_7878 to MinecraftBedrockers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 One-Mushroom-4352 Where can I buy a yo can uni pro?
I’m going to folium dispensary to get a crt later but they don’t have the yo can uni pro I’m stick, do smoke shops sell them
submitted by One-Mushroom-4352 to MedicalCannabisOz [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 mrsmehan Suddenly stopped accepting Duluth Trading Company
Basically the title says it all. Thred Up has suddenly added Duluth Trading Company to their list if not accepted brands even though they have items from the brand for sale and have taken items in the past. submitted by mrsmehan to ThredUp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 RagnarLothbrok2525 So my alt just got to 200! I dont want to invest a lot on him, but would like to be able to farm AP30-60 (he dies after like an hour)… Silver pets, only Equinox buff… any advice?
submitted by RagnarLothbrok2525 to MapleStoryM [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 t3atimeo7 Ask Anything Thread
qna ask what ever you like and i will answer them all
submitted by t3atimeo7 to justmemesyuh [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 ClassicThis7562 merge 2 accounts?
Hello, I have 2 active phone numbers on WhatsApp, I want to move all my chats and groups from the 1st number to the second. But I don't know if when using the number change procedure I lose the data of the second account because there are chats that are on both numbers (with both accounts I spoke to the same person). Since I had given up on the first account, I did my best to regain contact with certain people. But I already recovered access to the first account so I only want to keep the 2nd one. I do it because there are people with whom I no longer have face-to-face contact, but I do have contact with them via chat. So I would like you to have that notification of "xxxx" number change to XXXX" Does anyone know what I can do or what would happen if I use the number change procedure?
submitted by ClassicThis7562 to whatsapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 throwawaymurps Main bus, scale-able to the end or time for trains?
After hundreds of hours of spaghetti + random trains, I'm starting a 2.0 and learning how to main bus. But realistically, do I just go trains now that I'm building engines? https://preview.redd.it/trtlq3cyjx2e1.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=d62e813dbf0bbd9d10c90022bd2a594bd2bd054d submitted by throwawaymurps to factorio [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 AutoModerator Crypto Markets Today
Crypto (stockbuyvest.com)
submitted by AutoModerator to stockstobuytoday [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 grayboy6 Can someone identify this tree?
We are planning to get a dog next year and want to confirm what sort of tree/berries these are for safety. Thanks in advance! submitted by grayboy6 to NewZealandWildlife [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 Hydroponically ISO Traveling Mechanic
2017 Tahoe Alternator - I have the part - need someone to help me install it in my driveway - can pay cash app - ideally asap / tonight.
submitted by Hydroponically to sanantonio [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 Eyrate Options if you can't take Mtx
Ever since I've been on this medication, I get the blood monitoring every three months. If someone can no longer take this due to side effects or signs of liver problems, what else is there? It seems like the medicines I am familiar with are all in conjunction with MTX, but there has to be something.
submitted by Eyrate to rheumatoid [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 tonyiommi70 Lemmy and Ian
submitted by tonyiommi70 to DeepPurple [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 Savvybaby2_0 Zales Rapunzel Ring
Has anyone bought the Rapunzel engagement ring shown below from zales? How has it held up? Pros and cons? submitted by Savvybaby2_0 to EngagementRings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 23:00 Rocky_Duck Dissapointed
Have had the iphone 16 pro max since launch and I think this is the most dissatisfiedI have ever been with an Iphone as a life long apple user
Issues from terrible Bluetooth connection to horrible voice dictation to god awful touch recognition. Its leaving a horrible taste in my mouth that is making me consider other options
submitted by Rocky_Duck to iphone [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 AutoModerator Monday Unshit Thread
We've moved to shittygaming
submitted by AutoModerator to GamingCircleJerkGIFs [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 23:00 LivingBlock3576 Primal Kyogre on me! 224015546492
submitted by LivingBlock3576 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]