2024.11.24 22:30 Veg_n Recommendations for a cookware set for an electric flat top
I have a lot of Tefal and a couple of Le Creuset pans but would like a complete overhaul.
This is not an induction hob and cannot be replaced for gas
I make a lot soup, meat, dairy and egg free home. UK
submitted by Veg_n to cookware [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 TheOneWhoBricks Crime Syndicate
"It doesn't really matter. Nothing matters" Left to right: Deathstorm, Power Ring, Johnny Quick, Ultraman, Owlman, the Outsider, Superwoman, Grid, Sea King and Atomica. submitted by TheOneWhoBricks to LegoDC [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 22:30 RuthlessOne2378 Information
Fellas I’m trying to see what is the going rate for Sprinkler fitter [ Service Technician ] on the industrial side [ Texas ] ? Also what is the pay difference after obtaining the RME-I [ Inspecting & testing water based systems ]?
submitted by RuthlessOne2378 to firePE [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 Destrite3 Buff itens
In monster hunter world there was a couple itens that you can let in you menu and they will provide some status bonus, there is anything like that in rise/sunbreak?
submitted by Destrite3 to MHRise [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 Proof-Pollution-9748 [WTS] PVS-7 housing
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/Timzxv2
Just the housing, missing image intensifier and also screws for housing. In good shape otherwise
$600 shipped
submitted by Proof-Pollution-9748 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 randomquestions38 Just got the best idea for a gay subreddit
Imagine if it was called dickdoppleganger and people posted their dicks. There’s so much variety between color, length, girth, curve, tip shape, etc…so imagine posting your dick or dming someone else who posted who has practically the exact same looking dick as you. Sounds fun, right? I’m not sure this is the right place to post this but I needed to write the idea down before it leaves me. (Or does this already exist?)
submitted by randomquestions38 to gaybros [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 KingOk5876 How do I know if I am depressed or not? Cause most of the time I feel lonely, I don’t like to go out of the house . I only go to college and currently gym. I need real help
submitted by KingOk5876 to depression_help [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 JPereira_Design McLaren Concept Kits
submitted by JPereira_Design to McLarenFormula1 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 22:30 Altruistic-Ad-9701 Primal Kyogre on me 457523715071
submitted by Altruistic-Ad-9701 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 ApprehensiveMix7312 When has your manager/boss been the most angry at you and why?
submitted by ApprehensiveMix7312 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 jakeshmoney Dialga on me. 509393377088
submitted by jakeshmoney to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 22:30 ParamedicNegative728 How do I use this oven???
So I used to use an oven with a twisting like the stoves have. And I’ve recently moved here when the oven is a bit more tech-y.
What I do is select the temperature and then cooking time.
Also, it takes a long time to “pre heat.” And what do I do after it pre heats?
I feel like I need step-by-step instructs at this point. It’s a KitchenAid oven is it matters…
submitted by ParamedicNegative728 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 Cdub484 toxtricity 577793413882
submitted by Cdub484 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 Guster_br Tatuagem de Frieren que fiz hoje. Feito pela @na_ink no Instagram.
submitted by Guster_br to animebrasil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 22:30 esotilyn alguien paja sin limites?
submitted by esotilyn to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 wjp666 CAR SHARE! December 21st O2, London - Driving From Dorchester, Dorset... Anyone Need A Lift?
So a friend and his daughter are driving from Dorchester, Dorset to the concert on 21/12/24, and have a couple seats in their car if anyone from the same (ish) area might want to hitch a ride? They are coming back the same night also. Drop me a line f this would help anyone out. (Obviously they don't want to be driving out of their way much, really, so would suit someone in the same, localish area. :-)
submitted by wjp666 to Slipknot [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 No_Mirror_8533 Malin bot era considerat "alarmist, senzaționalist etc" cand spunea că rușii ne mănâncă. Na, uite acum un pro rus pe primul loc. Candidat despre care Malin bot tot aduce dezvăluiri de 5 ani.
Va las aici link catre live-ul lui malin bot. Poate ar fi bine sa nu mai ascultați ce spune presa mare si sa ascultați la cei pe care sistemul îi denigrează. Aka malin bot. https://www.youtube.com/live/nj4uF77l9qg?si=LZkHoVlVvuFqDPE-
submitted by No_Mirror_8533 to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 Loose-Excitement-169 What's a belief that you hold on to, even though you know it's completely irrational?
submitted by Loose-Excitement-169 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 TrinkenDerKoolAid KelTec RDB 18" Complete Parts Kit
submitted by TrinkenDerKoolAid to partskits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 22:30 Odd_Let4237 I have been feeling depressed recently. I don’t like the cold fall weather, and am nervous about an upcoming exam. What are classic films that can get my mind off this?
submitted by Odd_Let4237 to classicfilms [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 yasminaaa0610 Verkaufe fußbilder
Hello möchtest du meine fußbilder kaufen ? Alles bleibt anonym
submitted by yasminaaa0610 to Sockenfetische [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 unibabi anyone else having this issue?
submitted by unibabi to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 Mobile_Photo1547 Eu sou babaca por tentar consertar as coisas?
Para dar um contexto aos acontecimentos que vou narrar é importante que vocês saibam de uma coisa, eu fazia parte de um grupo de amigos, dentro desse grupo a gente se apoiava, compartilhava memes, conversava e também interagia em RPG, com cenas que eram no geral muito divertidas, foi assim durante muitos anos até que semanas atrás tudo mudou.
No dia em questão estávamos no meio de uma cena muito importante e que eu tinha planejado detalhe por detalhe, tudo corria bem, até que uma das pessoas que estava na cena disse que estava com raiva e que iria descarregar tudo na cena, até aí tudo bem, eu acho errado, mas contanto que ela não faça nada que passe dos limites tá beleza.
Adivinhem? Ela passou dos limites e eu claro, como já tinha tido experiências semelhantes no passado reclamei e no ápice da minha frustração disse que não mais faria mais cenas com elas por causa daquilo, eu reconheço que esse foi meu erro, porém a coisa escalou em um nível que eu nunca pensei que fosse possível.
Elas ficaram aborrecidas e tudo bem, eu dei um tempo e depois chamei elas para conversar, uma delas então disse que não queria mais a minha amizade e ok... eu fiquei bem chateado e triste porque, eu já havia pedido desculpas e levando em conta tudo que passei com eles e todos aqueles anos de convivência tivessem significado para eles e pelo visto não teve.
No entanto, o que mais me deixou frustrado, indignado, triste e abalado é que dessas pessoas estava a garota que eu gostava e que por muito tempo foi minha melhor amiga, durante 8 anos! Mas até ela fez silêncio e se recusou a me responder se poderíamos continuar conversando e sendo amigos, como uma pessoa não pode simplesmente dizer sim ou não?
submitted by Mobile_Photo1547 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:30 fonzzzdon Who's this dude or dudet?
Found in NJ inside a kitchen sink. Wife spayed it with ant raid and it died. This is the only pic because she's afraid to move it from the sink until I get home 😅 submitted by fonzzzdon to insects [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 22:30 RelationshipLoose348 WORDS OF MOTIVATION
I’m going through it straight up just like that. Every food I eat has caused me to feel hot and I like I’m doing OK right now because of Zyrtec & I have no idea what I can eat. I can’t cook at home due to a Personal Situation and eating outside from Restaurants with “Home Spices” & “Natural Flavors”feels like a Gamble that I just don’t want to take. I’ve put my Faith in God and I’ve let him take the Wheel💯. I have a Allergist appointment tomorrow. But if I’m being honest I’m really feeling Sad (It doesn’t help that I’m Detoxing from Weed as I’m allergic to that now). I can’t even say it’s from this Detox because I’ve been without weed before and faired decently. But thinking of a Bad reaction to food and all these “New” Allergies after Quitting is deterring me from Ordering anything Willy Nilly. Please anybody who has gone through this, tell me if it got better or the truth. A God Fearing 17M but this is really getting to me unlike anything else and I have Asthma so I’m not stupid enough to take certain risks. Thank You GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
submitted by RelationshipLoose348 to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]