Spoon from Great Grandma

scoop spoon的区别在哪里呢scoop、spoon的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、scoop:勺,铲子。2、spoon:匙,调羹。二、用法不同1、scoop:勺子:一种有柄的可以舀取东西的器具,常指用来喝 spoon是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和动词,可以翻译为.匙、调羹,等等。 单词简介: 读音:[英][spu:n] [美][spun] n.匙,调羹;一匙的量;匙状物,匙桨; vt.用汤匙舀取;向上击; vi.轻轻向上击;用匙状假饵钓鱼;痴爱,迷恋; 怎么更改扩展名,取名参考楚辞,诗经,唐诗等著作!怎么更改扩展名,分析严谨,精选好名等你来拿! spoon用于搅拌或进食的小勺子,搅拌羹汤使之均匀或美味。是一种常用的餐具。南方方言,北方也有部分地区叫调羹,普通话叫勺子或汤匙。使用调羹,主要是喝汤,有时也可以用调羹盛装滑溜的食物。 3、侧重点不同. scoop是那种把冰淇淋从桶里盛出来的勺子。 big spoon和little spoon具体指什么意思?以下用图片来解释 spooning 的意思。基本上 spooning 这个动作就是两个人/动物/物体 在身躯有点弯曲的姿态下互相靠拢着或贴着。 Grab a spoon!在英语里有什么特殊含义吗?是经典的美剧《老友记》(friends)里的对白了 grabbed a spoon原意是“分一杯羹”.即指“抓住一个机会” 剧中的原句“I just grabbed a spoon.”因为joey把女人比喻成冰激

2024.11.24 22:31 Then_Marionberry_259 Spoon from Great Grandma

submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

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2024.11.24 22:31 Aggravating_Sky_9410 Excuses

Is it just me but every time I see a post on TT from Rustic Love she saying she can't go live because she doesn't feel well and hasn't slept in days. If she's not up on live then what is she up doing all night. I just see one excuse from another from day one with her .
submitted by Aggravating_Sky_9410 to BombPartyGossip [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 THENINETAILEDF0X Decided to try actually painting a face nicely; quite pleased with it, let me know your tips!

Decided to try actually painting a face nicely; quite pleased with it, let me know your tips! submitted by THENINETAILEDF0X to minipainting [link] [comments]

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2024.11.24 22:31 Ziggurat1000 I took the advice I got from my last post and redesigned some of my characters. What do you think about the changes? (all listed below)

submitted by Ziggurat1000 to characterdesigns [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Wuddntme All of the 80's shows you remember so fondly really didn't age well. Go try to watch one. I'll wait.

They seem so poorly written with shallow plots and the acting, for some reason, seems awful. I'm talking about the A-Team, Knight Rider and especially Automan.
The music is still awesome though!
Did you go watch one? Did I ruin your childhood memory?
P.S. Golden Girls is an exception. Golden Girls rules!
submitted by Wuddntme to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

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submitted by Remote-Direction963 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

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After seeing all this technology now a days do u think tech will get to good where will all just be gto gods ?
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2024.11.24 22:31 TheMagicWorld [PC,Flash Game] [2000-2011] Superhero with grappling hook.

Hello guys,help me find this one. (This might be more harder to find). Basically I remember playing this 'Flash Game' with my cousin around 2011. The purpose of the game was to survive as much as possible by moving forward and holding on to hot air balloons or airships with grappling hooks, without falling. The protagonist was this hero with a cape and hat,similar to the one in the photo, and he used these grappling hooks(might be only one grappling hook) to hook up to hot air balloons. I tried to recreate the scene that I have imprinted in my mind, adding as many details as possible. I don't remember the site where we played it,but it was one with a lot of free Flash Games. Feel free to ask me questions about the game and I will try help you! =)
submitted by TheMagicWorld to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

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View Poll
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Please share if you have multiple colors of this so we can compare! Having a hard time deciding which one would look best. I have dusk and pink engages. None of the switch colors are quite like them…
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Drove a few miles the front right tire went 32 to 34lbs. Still calling for extra pressure?
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M.E. cousin Vinny... I see the family resemblance.
submitted by Zealousideal-Solid88 to CHIBears [link] [comments]

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Been searching around for Deino for about a day now. /spawnchance says he has a (rare) chance to spawn on skulk underground, but when I look up his "spawning location info" online it says he CAN'T spawn in the Deep Dark. Does that mean I should be hunting for him on small patches of skulk outside the Deep Dark, or can he still be found down there anyway?
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2024.11.24 22:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [National] - Some Dems back Trump-pick Rubio for Secretary of State but remain critical of Hegseth, Gabbard and Gorka | NBC

[National] - Some Dems back Trump-pick Rubio for Secretary of State but remain critical of Hegseth, Gabbard and Gorka | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]
