Felicitaciones al que ganó (y a tener en cuenta lo que dice la canción, porque celestes somos todos)

2024.11.25 00:30 BananoNewbie Felicitaciones al que ganó (y a tener en cuenta lo que dice la canción, porque celestes somos todos)

Felicitaciones al que ganó (y a tener en cuenta lo que dice la canción, porque celestes somos todos) submitted by BananoNewbie to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Tytxn_ [Hip-hop & Rap] Tytxn - Sauce

[Hip-hop & Rap] Tytxn - Sauce submitted by Tytxn_ to Stickymusicfeedback [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 pennynotpenelope Scout rank 20 maximum?

Is scout rank 20 the highest rank? Because Flamey doesn’t ask for more logs but happily burns them but there was no end credits and I’ve only had one bear ascend .. is that the end of the game? I’m confused
submitted by pennynotpenelope to campspirit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Cute-Interaction4646 How did you get through your worst times?

submitted by Cute-Interaction4646 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 ItsTreecko ID?

ID? Never seen them around my Area Cypress CA
submitted by ItsTreecko to birds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 ConventResident Get this deal while it's hot!

Get this deal while it's hot! submitted by ConventResident to takomapark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Eh_Joe Primal Groudon 024038467555 or 874748484897

Primal Groudon 024038467555 or 874748484897
submitted by Eh_Joe to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Kitchen_Worry5156 Tattoo sleeve failed to load

Hopefully others appreciate my humor 😆
Always wanted a sleeve, but not both arms. Figured this would be a funny way to show that 🤣
submitted by Kitchen_Worry5156 to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 JoT2001x Mrzim povrće , a vi?

Jako je čudno, ali otkad znam za sebe mrzim povrće. Kao malu tata i mama su pokušavali na razne načine da me pridobiju kako bih bar probala komadić nekog povrća. Nebrojeno puta su mi obećavali kul igračke samo ako probam zalogaj. Kao i svako dete, probavala sam ali se svaki put završavalo isto, sa mojim preteranim gađenjem propraćenim nagonom za povraćanjem. Posle odredjenog vremena prosto su se pomirili sa tim da ne jedem povrće, i da nije u pitanju moja izbirljivost. Kako sam rasla, to je postajalo sve izraženije nekad čak i prećutim jer znam da je prečudno. Najobičniji primer za vreme porodičnog ručka zamolila bih tatu i mamu da udalje što više od mene salatu koju jedu, jer mi je i sam miris iste budio gađenje i ubijao želju za dovršavanjem obroka. Svesna sam da to mogu tražiti samo od mame i tate i da druge ljude boli uvo za moj ,,poremećaj" , pa sam tako u stanju da opšte ne jedem u kućama ili na mestima za koje ja smatram da mi ne bi prijala, ma koliko god bila gladna u tom trenutku. Trenutno imam 23 godine, i moj stav je i dalje isti. Moja okolina je upoznata sa mojim problemom, i uglavnom su svi navikli iako im je i dalje prečudno, kao i meni samoj. Stalno su mi govorili da će se to promeniti kad porastem, sada sam odrasla ali i dalje ne mogu da ga smislim. Dosad u životu sam upoznala samo jednu osobu koja ima isti problem, a zanima me da li vas ima još koji ne podnosite povrće?
submitted by JoT2001x to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Olipili210 The Myth of "Consent"

The Myth of submitted by Olipili210 to heavensburnred [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 SubstantialRope9471 How did everybody's tickets translate to credit last year?

submitted by SubstantialRope9471 to Goatapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Cantsleep2155 Anyone know there name and designer of these chairs?

Anyone know there name and designer of these chairs? They sold before I was able to buy them?
submitted by Cantsleep2155 to Mid_Century [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 starstew_ this waiting is unbearable.

it's worse when he's so close. we're almost there and yet i can't take it anymore. sunday...
submitted by starstew_ to SundayMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 GrAphixNY Boogie woogie ruling

How does this work with a raided card, does the card under it stay or does it get sidelined?
submitted by GrAphixNY to Union_Arena_TCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Positive-Average-547 Songs in Public Domain?

Hello! I am interested in making a few YouTube videos playing my accordion and would like to know if the songs in the Palmer Hughes Accordion Course books are in the public domain. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
submitted by Positive-Average-547 to Accordion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 kittyclover Recent victim of SIM swap and subsequent identify theft

I recently had someone SIM swap my phone and get into my bank, accounts, and some credit cards. They also tried to open things in my name. There were several third party accounts connected with my bank to different and small loans. All these accounts were in my name.
I have followed the information in this wonderful guide.
and am almost caught up but ran into a few snags that I can't take care of until the offices are open. I found two reports on ChexSystems that were not me.
One application was denied and another service shows nothing but their applications department was closed so I can't check pending apps until Monday.
Considering getting another phone number. Changed all passwords, closed bank accounts, set up better alerts, etc.

  1. Why did things die down when I got my phone back? Are they waiting for me to stop being as diligent to strike again? It seems like with all the personal info they have they would keep applying. For example, I didn't freeze ChexSystems until a couple days after the event because I didn't know about it. So, why hadn't they kept trying banks? I found some of these random accounts with companies with information that matched a portion of my social at least. I have an anxiety disorder already and will never be relaxing again so I will stay vigilant. But, what should I be watching for?
  2. I want to switch to Schwab bank as it is the only bank I can find that has another option for 2FA that is not able to be bypassed with text. But I am so nervous to unfreeze my ChexSystems account to open an account and move money. Thoughts?
  3. Should I switch to Efani to prevent sim swapping. It is so expensive but better than fraud. I hear googlfi is better protection against SIM swapping but also see information about leaks.
  4. When I try and block certain services such as Clarity, I get an error that requires me to mail in copies of my SS and id. I guess there is no other way?
This has been absolute hell and I am constantly looking at my phone. It may seem dramatic but I feel like I have developed PTSD and triggered depression which I am already susceptible to. I am grateful to this community for guidance when I have felt so overwhelmed. I have spent almost every free moment on the phone.
I saw a ladybug next to my yoga mat and that apparently means good luck or that I'm fertile. Well, I have my tubes tied so I am hoping for the former.
submitted by kittyclover to IdentityTheft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 DeepSpaceWanderer "Show Recommended support Gems" checkbox in the Support Gems Gemcutting window is easy to miss, so should be moved and highlighted (see image for my siggestion)/

submitted by DeepSpaceWanderer to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 WebPrestigious9858 Should I add holiday pricing?

I've been cat sitting for almost 2 years and I think it's time I start adding a holiday fee. I'm thinking to add it after Thanksgiving holiday. How much do other pet sitters ask for during holidays? Do you ask for additional money for the holiday day only?
submitted by WebPrestigious9858 to Catsitting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 AmbivalenceKnobs Re: Durlag's Tower, does anyone else...

...start it and not finish it on purpose? Or is it just me?
I've completed the entire thing successfully a few times, but anymore I tend to just do the first level for the loot and XP then forget about it. Occasionally will go all the way to the bottom level, again for the XP and items (especially if I'm trying to nab more XP on a dual-classed character). But unless I'm purposely trying to get a dual-classed character to max XP, I tend not to do the entire quest anymore just because then everyone hits XP caps with a substantial chunk of the game still left and it annoys me. Plus, other than the XP, the stuff with going back to Ulgoth's Beard after clearing the Tower doesn't really offer any great rewards.
submitted by AmbivalenceKnobs to baldursgate [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 Unusual_You_5231 Could one kindly bestow one doge coin🫣👀🤣

I’ll send feet pics bro🤠😭
submitted by Unusual_You_5231 to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 yousef42069 No clue what is considered shitpost so I'll just post Brian rot instead

submitted by yousef42069 to shitposting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 puzha Anyone hiring an SE in NYC ?

Hi everyone, SE with 3+ years of experience based out of of L.A. needing to move ASAP - curious if anyone knew of anyone hiring in Manhattan ?
submitted by puzha to salesengineers [link] [comments]



2024.11.25 00:30 spiderturtle9151 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by spiderturtle9151 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:30 pushamayne Storm Reid

Storm Reid submitted by pushamayne to Blackcelebrity [link] [comments]
