Can anyone explain this math to me?

2024.11.25 00:13 Screamofgoat Can anyone explain this math to me?

Can anyone explain this math to me? Five dollar promo subtracted that means the batch would be two dollars and some cents. What?
submitted by Screamofgoat to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:13 Positive-City5118 Best rep moonswatch

Can someone link the best rep moonswatch, one that has translucent moons, and a chronograph that works.
I have seen the 14$ one linked here but want a step up from that.
submitted by Positive-City5118 to ChinaTime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:13 matreo987 Odd cognizant shift feeling overnight..?

21M, moved out at 17 and have been living with fiance for almost three years. I’m more mentally mature than most and am as responsible as most 21 year olds are with a significant other.
Background out of the way, last night I had drinks after a family thanksgiving party. I woke up this morning (hungover unsurprisingly) and I just felt… different. I was playing games and I just felt mentally different and i kept saying it to myself “this feels weird. i feel different mentally”.
I talked to my fiance about it and she says she’s had them occasionally, a major mental shift that feels like it happened rapidly even though brain development takes years. I really don’t know how to explain it. An example is our house is messy and there are other things that would normally be overwhelming and stressful, but today I just concisely tackled the issues. I haven’t been nearly as emotional as normal, almost zero anxiety with pressing matters.
I wish I knew how to explain how i feel. I feel like a tool typing this lol like i’m trying to one up people. Idk. i’m stone cold sober and not hung over but feel like a new man, just wondering if anyone else has had this happen.
submitted by matreo987 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:13 joserick92 "Mañana... mañana lo checo"

submitted by joserick92 to Warhammer40kEsp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:13 mtronnes Looking for a hybrid women’s bike, comfortable and not to fancy, Schwin, ozone, any recommendations? Thank you

Hybrid bike recommendations
submitted by mtronnes to mountainbiking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:13 Worth_Macaroon_6733 What is what I'm feeling called?

So I feel like I want to die and wouldn't care if I got into a car accident or something. But I've only not killed myself for two reaaons; people I care about being deeply affected and finding a non-painful way to die. I don't feel like I'm truly living with a purpose I'm just there going through my days to not disappoint the people I care about. Does anyone else feel like this or if it has a name? Should I go to therapy?
submitted by Worth_Macaroon_6733 to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:13 tigrecotone [For Hire] COMMS are OPEN: I draw OCs, DnD, fantasy. Anime and semi-real style.

[For Hire] COMMS are OPEN: I draw OCs, DnD, fantasy. Anime and semi-real style. submitted by tigrecotone to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:13 AccomplishedStock420 WB groudon 989397367243

submitted by AccomplishedStock420 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 bot_olini Nueva masacre en bar, asesinan a 6 personas en Tabasco

Nueva masacre en bar, asesinan a 6 personas en Tabasco submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Physical_Ant7427 Today’s loss

Has to go down as one of the worst in franchise history. It’s is a before and after game which really puts the nail in the coffin for the hope of having a special season. I hate to sound like a doomer but I don’t see any of the issues being fixed, specially with the slate coming up. Meco doesn’t seem to be concerned which is worst of all. Team has ZERO killer instinct and that comes directly from the HC.
submitted by Physical_Ant7427 to Texans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 SV-NTA Primal Kyogre 287007773534

Primal Kyogre 287007773534 submitted by SV-NTA to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 seanradagon10 Reminder to not post "obvious thing is obvious" type posts

Thats how ency1 got permabanned
submitted by seanradagon10 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Automatic_Cash5249 Auchanos aranygaluska recept?

Egyszerűen imádom az auchanos aranygaluskát,de fogalmam sincs hogyan tudnám itthon újrakreálni.Leginkább a szószt.Valaki esetleg nem tudja a receptjét?:D
submitted by Automatic_Cash5249 to sutesfozes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 anxietygirl13 She's for sure a lap dog (just ask her)

She's for sure a lap dog (just ask her) Junie B, 8 months old
submitted by anxietygirl13 to bernesemountaindogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Curious_Arachnid6731 ¿Es recomendable descargar juegos piratas?

Obvio tengo un par, pero marico hay varias joyas que de pana quiero jugar pero no quiero envirular toda la pc que tanto trabaje para comprar ¿Tienen malas experiencias bajando juegos piratas? ¿Alguna pagina que recomienden que no les haya dado nunca problemas?
submitted by Curious_Arachnid6731 to VeneJuegos [link] [comments]


Impossível deixar de mencionar a fraqueza absurda de cards nacionais para medicina bem feitos. Isso é um fenômeno até meio difícil de relatar, porém acredito que sendo a faculdade de medicina extremamente cara, toda e qualquer forma livre e mútua de ajuda sem interesses financeiros praticamente inexiste. É impossível deixar de mencionar a firmeza que se têm a partir da realização de um bom flashcard para retenção de conteúdo, e em outros países essa cultura é muito forte (vide o anking, que pasmem é de graça até as penúltimas versões, com a versão paga custando $4,5, sim $4,5). No entanto, em se tratando de brasil, fazem disso um mercado, com plataformas de flashcard custando a bagatela de 300 reais por mês (meu Deus do céu). Enfim, apenas gostaria de registrar esse desabafo, pois não creio que seja o único que fica indignado com isso.
submitted by SorryThing7881 to ankimedicina [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Previous-Ad-3581 Now I understand why we didn’t see many shots last time and prob not this time. They’re proofs. That she can’t afford to pay for.

Now I understand why we didn’t see many shots last time and prob not this time. They’re proofs. That she can’t afford to pay for. The photographer watermarks them all (rightfully) until she pays for individual shots. Which is also prob why he kept putting her off — because he knows she’s won’t pay for very many shots.
submitted by Previous-Ad-3581 to ruthlysssnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Pooaman Picosure

Picosure Before / after .. hoping the red is gone for good
submitted by Pooaman to MicrobladingRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Varsher1 Somthing doesn't feel right that the lion and Burt are probably the first 2 that are voted off, we need to break up these typical alliances

Also has there been any mention of a 2nd fishtank reveal?
submitted by Varsher1 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Apprehensive_Use2557 Cómo se si me veo bien físicamente?

Cómo se si me veo bien físicamente? Hace como 4 años q voy al gimnasio y no se la verdad como me veo, no sé si sirve de algo,y la verdad estoy medio desmotivado. Del 1 al 10 como avance?🙃
submitted by Apprehensive_Use2557 to BuenosAires [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Dido_BG123 Изкупувам всякакви стари вехтории

Ако имате някакви стари вещи от Бабите или Дядовците ви който не ви трябват и бихте се отървали плащам до 30% от стойността им Изкупувам: Монети,Банкноти,Значки,Марки Медали,Ордени,Плакети Неща от преди 1944г. Всякакви неща от Соца. Книги,Комикси,Плакати,Списания Предмети от Селският Бит Стари Прибори с Маркировка Посребрени и Позлатени предмети Статуетки Бюстове и Фигурки Часовници,Будилници,Ръчни Часовници и др. Военни Предмети Икони,Кандила и др. Религиозни предмети Народни Носии и др. подобни Играчки от Соца. Възрожденски накити пафти и др. Стари Ножове и инструменти. Интересни сувенирни предмети Модели на Автомобили,Самолети, Влакове,Камиони и др. Картини,Гоблени,Пана Стари Ел. Игри Музикални инструменти Камбанки,Чанове,Звънци Изделия от дърво. Керамични изделия. Порцеланови стъклени и кристални изделия. Колекционерски Ретро и Антикварни предмети. И всякакви интересни и разнообразни предмети. Ако имате интерес пишете ми
submitted by Dido_BG123 to bulgaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Still-Valuable5487 What’s one quote that you’d tattoo in your body just to remember it forever?

submitted by Still-Valuable5487 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 IKilltheplayers This is my new favorite sidemen video, haven’t laughed at anything as much as i did with these folks.

This is my new favorite sidemen video, haven’t laughed at anything as much as i did with these folks. Poor Vik tho 🤣
submitted by IKilltheplayers to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Present_Shoulder_197 PEB ACCEPTED FOR ACTION

Background, on a MEDBOARD. Been at TRS and came back today for an MOL MESSAGE TO POP UP WITH: PEB ACCEPTED FOR ACTION
Any info anyone has on this is appreciated!!
submitted by Present_Shoulder_197 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:12 Bubbly-Ad-4152 Senior Photos

Hi all! I just got my grad photos done and I figured I would share my photographers link - shes local and cheap and so nice! I was struggling to find someone cheap so I hope this helps someone out there!
submitted by Bubbly-Ad-4152 to gwu [link] [comments]