2024.11.25 00:30 Fernand095 Cite um artista que merecia ter um peso maior na música brasileira
submitted by Fernand095 to MusicaBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:30 heirdollie 😭🙏
submitted by heirdollie to yxl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:30 YuhRight_ Nakapila na ba ang lahat?
LNPH ticket selling today, sana may makuha! :(
submitted by YuhRight_ to nikizefanya [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 hblackf1 Caption this
submitted by hblackf1 to captionthis [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Roman-Empire_net Roma Aeterna
submitted by Roman-Empire_net to ancientroma [link] [comments] |
I don't think you guys will understand the depth of how much I don't care about each and every single person in here. Please let's keep not caring. You guys dont matter, you are not cared for, and if no one cares, I DONT GIVE A F*CK ABOUT YOU! Let's keep not caring for each other PLEEAAASEEEE
submitted by Chau_Mein97 to GenZ [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 BloodbathMcGrath- Hells Angels (1965)
submitted by BloodbathMcGrath- to RareHistoricalPhotos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:30 solochamber Worth the price or nah?
submitted by solochamber to LegionGo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:30 Alph-ah Does anyone here know how to change the behavior of shaders in mods?
As there is a particular shader i want to learn how to edit out one of its quirks. Being "Windows 7 and Vista" by Dorment Coder.
The CRT monitor shader that goes over the screens and tabs eases the pain on my eyes about a year ago while i did late night typing, studying, ect. And ever since 2024 it has now not been the same.
Both shaders in this mod pack now jitter and glitch out as part of the aesthetic when before they didn't.
I am asking if anyone knows what i would need to do to begin figuring out how i can change it so it doesn't do those extra visual effects
submitted by Alph-ah to OperaGX [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 SendtoAriaa Yal seem to love the gym pics
submitted by SendtoAriaa to MakeMeFeelGood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:30 isbrealiommerlin Male pattern hair loss in the middle of the forehead only?
So, I'm a 20 years old transgender man who has been on testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy since I was 17, prescribed and followed up by an endocrinologist who specialises in this. This hair loss started gradually in the past year. I know it's all about genetics when it comes to male pattern hair loss, but my impression is that it usually starts in the temples and/or the back of the head, and my hair loss is in the middle of the forehead. So like a receding hairline, but only in the middle. The hair is not completely gone there yet, so it’s not a bald spot, but it looks like it’s about to be.. Is this a normal variation of male pattern hair loss, or should I see my doctor?
submitted by isbrealiommerlin to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 SpinachImportant4945 Okay so vodka with grapefruit juice and some sprite is sooo good!
You can’t even taste the vodka because the grapefruit masks it so well yum! 😋
submitted by SpinachImportant4945 to 52WeeksOfCocktails [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Brilliant-Push-5287 Drop ur strictly platonic ships in tbhk here :3
So mine is Akanene(Akane + Nene), Aoinene (Aoi + nene), Hanakou (hanako + kou) and terukane (teru + akane)
i might have more but im just too lazy to add it lol 😭
submitted by Brilliant-Push-5287 to hanakokun [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Repulsive-Tie-7607 When do you start to cap nap time?
My baby is 7 weeks now and only does contact napping during the day. He recently started to go 3-4 hours without feeding during the day, mostly because he’s napping on me. And he still wakes up every 2-3 hours at night to feed. Based on takingcarababies, I should cap his naps at 2 hours max to get longer stretches of sleep at night. So I’m considering not letting him nap as much during the day. Has anyone tried cap naps during the day to get longer stretches of sleep at night? If so, when did you start doing that for your baby?
submitted by Repulsive-Tie-7607 to NewParents [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Effective_Cost_6895 Product configurator solutions
I have a big issue with the wix store configuration. I have 1 product with 6 options, each with about 4 variances/upgrades. By the time I do this the variance table is asking for 768 inputs. This is insane to me. Why can't wix take the price of the 25 or so options I have and calculate all the possibilities. Seems crazy to me that it can't.
If I ever want to adjust pricing I'm seeing it will be a nightmare.
Does anyone have a solution, plugin, optimized product configurator?
submitted by Effective_Cost_6895 to WIX [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Haunting-Flow-3057 Thorfinn got a chance to say it again!
submitted by Haunting-Flow-3057 to VinlandSaga [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Intelligent-Fox-4529 Efi live autocal v3
I bought a used tuner from a guy with a 17 Cummins. I have a 11 Duramax. I know the tunes won’t work but do I just need to buy the new vin package from EFI and then add my tunes or do I need to do something else?
submitted by Intelligent-Fox-4529 to DieselTechs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 beeweetv Ahmpy Death Screen
submitted by beeweetv to xaryu [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 browncowstunning23 Is it too late to try and 100% in the multiplayer challenges and cameos after so long?
submitted by browncowstunning23 to blackops3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 The_one_who-repents Joe and Snoop on BL
submitted by The_one_who-repents to brucelee [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:30 KillerKittenInPJs What can I use instead of silken tofu to make a lemony cheesy sauce?
I’m trying to make a sheet pan gnocchi meal I found on Merle O’Neal’s YT and she blended up a silken tofu sauce with garlic, nooch, and lemon juice.
OFC when I went to the store to buy the ingredients, they were sold out of tofu.
And I’m wondering if I could accomplish something similar with kite hill Greek yogurt or vegan sour cream. Im worried that it will come out a lot more sour than if I had silken tofu.
submitted by KillerKittenInPJs to veganrecipes [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Finn_704 Absolutely absorbed
Our gurl has been completely fascinated by the movie Free State of Jones. She got really excited by the did barking. I will add the video if I can. This is her watching right now.
submitted by Finn_704 to Rottweiler [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Acceptable-Gap-2397 Bald baby *oug*oug
submitted by Acceptable-Gap-2397 to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:30 extended_eye_contact Behind the scenes of CM Punk's return at survivor series 2023. Nov 25th 10 am est on the WWE YouTube channel
I cannot wait for this. It's about time they released the footage!
submitted by extended_eye_contact to cmpunk [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:30 Mean_Buddy5105 Emotion abuse
Jeg var gift med en person, som jeg stærkt mistænker for at være narcissist (ikke formelt diagnosticeret, men for denne diskussions skyld lad os antage det). Efter vores skilsmisse vendte hun min søn imod mig og indgav anmeldelser til politiet og retten. Retten bemærkede endda beviser på sammensværgelse mellem hende og min søn.
Siden skilsmissen har hun fortsat med at manipulere ham. På et tidspunkt fortalte han sin lærer, at jeg var voldelig mod ham. På baggrund af dette er jeg blevet forhindret i at se mine børn de sidste otte måneder. På trods af gentagne henvendelser til kommunen om hendes konstante gaslighting, som har haft alvorlige konsekvenser for min søn, er der ikke blevet taget nogen meningsfulde handlinger.
I løbet af de sidste otte måneder har hans lærer bemærket bekymrende ændringer. Min søns mentale helbred er forværret, hans karakterer er faldet, og læreren har endda foreslået, at han skal se en psykiater. Denne situation rammer mig hårdt, fordi jeg selv oplevede lignende følelsesmæssigt misbrug, mens jeg boede med min eks.
Jeg er ekstremt bekymret for mine børn. Det føles som om systemet støtter hende. Selv KK (familieafdelingen) har fejlagtigt fremstillet mig over for Familieretshuset og retten. Familieretshuset tog ikke hendes tidligere adfærd alvorligt, herunder da hun forgiftede både mig og børnene. De afviste det som “spice,” og politiet nægtede at undersøge sagen.
Jeg føler mig fortabt og ved ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre. Hvis nogen har været i en lignende situation eller har råd til, hvordan jeg kan navigere i dette, vil jeg sætte stor pris på jeres input.
submitted by Mean_Buddy5105 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]