2024.11.25 00:41 ChrissiTea What's the closest you've been to death?
submitted by ChrissiTea to CreepyAskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:41 Extreme_Comedian9285 Fix for massive frame drops in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
I'm running Stalker 2 with an I9 -9900k and a 4070 with 16gb of DDR4 ram and was noticing right about the 4 hour mark my game was dropping down to 1-12 FPS.
Use this uninstaller to scrape out all Display driver files - shouldn't take long display might flicker while it does so
Grab the latest game ready driver from Nvidia and do a custom install (Clean, reset to default settings)
Don't know if it will fix for AMD GPUs but it's allowed me to go back to 100+ FPS rather than 1. Hopefully this finds who it needs to.
submitted by Extreme_Comedian9285 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:41 yankindafruity i got two red eared sliders, can i put them in the same tank??
submitted by yankindafruity to PetAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:41 RiceFame 2024 Merritt Classic TSU Aristocrat of Bands 2nd Half Highlights vs MVSU 08312024
submitted by RiceFame to HBCUBands [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:41 finnicksluvr Collegeboard fee waiver for UCs
I’ve already surfed this subreddit for the answer, but only saw responses from four years ago. I don’t qualify for the automatic one provided by the UC application, but I have a collegeboard fee waiver. Would I still be able to use that fee waiver for four of my applications? And would I be able to email my waiver or should I mail it in?
submitted by finnicksluvr to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:41 MansaX_UncannyBlerd Arse or tits both are so hot
submitted by MansaX_UncannyBlerd to KajunwineThaRedLeo [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:41 Puzzled-Net2377 Celebrar logros?
Hola, soy H de 27 años, hace poco cumplidos.
Y eso me ha hecho pensar varias cosas, soy profesional y me gradué este años de posgrasi. Ya tengo mi vehículo que compré con una inicial de 45 % y financiado el resto.
Pero el asunto de todo es que, no me siento feliz por eso, nunca he sido de celebrar los logros. Me ha costado mucho trabajo y esfuerzo, sin obviar el apoyo en casa, ya que vivo con mis papás. Ellos son mi sponsor en alojamiento, donde también aportó algo mensual.
Pero todo esto, a veces no tiene sentido. Algunas razones por las que lo pienso es: primero termine una relación larga, donde me veía con esa persona para la vida, tome malas decisiones y se acabó todo y con eso, parte de los propósitos de todas estas cosas. Segundo, no encuentro una verdadera satisfacción o felicidad alcanzando metas socialmente esperadas y tercero, en casa no lo ven igual, siento que mis logros son solo míos, a veces se ven mal estas acciones por considerarla egoístas en mi casa.
Mi sentir es: cómo entender que son logros y debo sentirme feliz por eso, cómo ser feliz sin depender de los logros.
Qué experiencias tienen ustedes, en qué estaban a esa edad? Cómo alcanzar felicidad?
submitted by Puzzled-Net2377 to Colombia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:41 xMarshmallowy Snow Falling On Redwoods
submitted by xMarshmallowy to Satisfyingasfuck [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:41 Drkshdws91 Is this one good?
He popped out submitted by Drkshdws91 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 One-Possession7392 1 out of 32768 chance, is this rigged?
submitted by One-Possession7392 to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 edsmart123 BUYING[USA-MI] [H] Paypal good and servces [W] Budget gaming PC
Located in Ann Arbor. May not be 100% looking to buy. I want gaming pc <$200
submitted by edsmart123 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 Admirable-Gas-2869 Small procedural painterly texture I made!
submitted by Admirable-Gas-2869 to blender [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 Separate_Primary6161 Would Anyone Be Interested in an Affordable Interstellar Watch Raffle? Need Your Thoughts!
Hey everyone, I’ve got a cool idea I’ve been thinking about and wanted to ask the Reddit community for feedback. With the 10th anniversary re-release of Interstellar coming up, I’m considering running a raffle for the Hamilton Khaki Field Murph Auto, the iconic watch from the film. It's an affordable way for people to win a piece of movie history, especially for fans of Interstellar and sci-fi lovers. Here’s what I’m thinking: Ticket Price: Around $2–$3 per entry (keeping it affordable for everyone). Watch: The Hamilton Khaki Field Murph Auto, the same watch featured in the film, with the Morse code engraved on the second hand (a super cool detail for fans). Goal: Sell a limited number of tickets (around 200) so everyone has a chance to win without spending a lot. I’d love to know if you’d be interested in something like this! Would you enter? Do you think $2–$3 for a chance to win is a fair price? Any suggestions on how to make this work? Thanks for your thoughts, and I appreciate your feedback.
submitted by Separate_Primary6161 to interstellar [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 cartiikills SIMPS follow my twitter account and send me $22/$222/$2222 NOW to congratulate me 👸🏽
submitted by cartiikills to CashCowChannels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 Wlmar1 Starter Relay and Overload Protector Replacement?
Hi -
I have an Aobosi JC-85B Wine Refrigerator that is not cooling. I want to replace the starter relay and overload protector and I think I've found compatible ones online, but the part numbers online never are an exact match for the parts I have.
The parts I have are:
Starter Relay - QPS2-A4R7MG1 and underneath it says EP-19C JX
Overload Protector - DRB23M61A 2 and then underneath it says 19H JX
I think these may be compatible parts: https://www.amazon.com/QP-02-4-7-Refrigerator-Compressor-Overload-Protectodp/B08HHZCQ6P/ref=sr_1_16?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zT-kAo53MJaBZ39D4YWnGkMPPbAjNSZ8LtGRxCFGWh2l8NyINmk2x56XZkjQfghDDhAlPmrRJJpCQ7Any8zO3ZZyh9ByVbqvaDav1NqM5HbwBxHcBHorEY9_zRIp8Of0gyVpkdUeMPuzLeIhf9nPUH-t3cCIJStHL1dR8m06pd_TNitBAO72iu9r8AKllSbtKRfh8Z1aytBsi9T0KbFvOlRYXGj7x4cBPVd83ZoT2_anUHiEO4fKywAtwG-Ssk2ELQutfkHhFihrR-ln0eP5OzGZCDdxzHmDJpW3lGaeDOE.uxVA_bOePzkIwSokTPH0nF1Oskw_4y0nnSZjATLRTvY&dib_tag=se&keywords=Beverage+Refrigerator+Replacement+Parts&qid=1732494516&s=appliances&sr=1-16&ts_id=9425844011
But I'd love some guidance before I buy. Thanks!!
submitted by Wlmar1 to appliancerepair [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 flord10 These papers being scattered everywhere isn’t helping Burt’s case
He’s gonna get dragged back into the conspiracy spiral
submitted by flord10 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 Confident_Rate_1747 RATE MY WALL DECORATIONS 1-10!
submitted by Confident_Rate_1747 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 Holdonlupin Happy birthday!
submitted by Holdonlupin to MechaUde [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 AGOTFAN Wicked took the top spot in New Zealand for its opening weekend with $1.15M. 🎟️Gladiator II now holds 2nd place, adding $548K. 🎟️Red One is in 3rd place in its third weekend with $145K.
Source: https://numero.co/reports/2024/11/25/wicked-opening-weekend-over-dollar1m-in-new-zealand submitted by AGOTFAN to boxoffice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 Actual-Berry3943 How long does it take for money to be added to bank
I’m just curious as anyone I need to know
submitted by Actual-Berry3943 to FreeCash [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 NemoNadie000 This woman I swear
submitted by NemoNadie000 to cimsnark [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 00:40 Lazy_Meet4334 How to stop vivid dreams
I’ve suffered from extremely vivid dreams on and off for years now. They usually relate to something I’ve watched, seen, or something going on in my life. It’s come to the point that I mix dreams and reality up and I spend every day so tired because it feels like I don’t sleep at night. I’ve tried melatonin but it usually strengthens the dream. I’ve been having more nightmares recently and it makes me very paranoid. I’ve tried prozac as an antidepressant that supposedly also helps with vivid dreams (prescribed by a psychiatrist) but it does nothing for my depression and I’d rather have vivid dreams than be sad all the time. Does anyone have any tips on how to make the dreams less vivid or how to stop them completely? I’m so tired and I’m out of ideas, I’ll try anything.
submitted by Lazy_Meet4334 to Dreams [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 Ready_Finance_1442 Estamos deixando de existir por conta das máquinas?
A filosofia tecnológica existencial:
Renê Descartes, o pai da filosofia moderna, com sua contribuição mais famosa, do princípio "Cogito, ergo sum" (em latim, "Penso, logo existo"), utilizando-a a fim de comprovar sua existência, pode por meio dessa nos apresentar uma nova maneira de analisar a existência humana no século XXl.
“O problema da humanidade é que só porque ela circula por aí ela pensa que ela existe, enquanto na realidade se você tirar a memória das pessoas elas não sabem nem voltar para suas casas. Por isso que digo, quem pensa, existe.”. Essa frase é relacionada aos pensamentos do filósofo John Locke, que vincula a identidade pessoal à continuidade da memória (a identidade de uma pessoa é definida pela continuidade de suas memórias) que por sua vez se relacionam com os pensamentos de Descartes. Portanto, se pensarmos em um ser humano sem memória, ele talvez continue "existindo" no sentido literal, mas sua identidade seria completamente apagada. A humanidade, enquanto se prende a uma existência superficial e reativa, pode falhar em perceber que a verdadeira profundidade da existência está em compreender quem somos, para além das ações ou da simples presença física. A memória, nesse contexto, é o fio que conecta a consciência presente com um sentido mais amplo de "ser".
Aprofundando, John Locke apresenta uma visão sobre identidade pessoal que está profundamente enraizada na memória e na experiência. Para Locke, a identidade não é algo fixo ou intrínseco a uma substância, mas algo construído e contínuo por meio da consciência. Sua teoria é apresentada especialmente em seu trabalho "Ensaio sobre o Entendimento Humano". Dessa forma, para Locke existe uma separação entre o “homem” (sentido literal/biológica) e o “eu” (sentido pessoal/espiritual), sendo que a identidade pessoal não está no corpo físico, mas na continuidade da consciência, que se dá através da memória. A memória conecta experiências passadas ao presente, criando uma narrativa de "eu" ao longo do tempo. É por isso que você se sente a mesma pessoa de anos atrás: suas lembranças formam essa continuidade, essa identidade.
Dessa forma, a terceirização da memória por meio da tecnologia é presente já que a facilidade proporcionada ao resguardar cognições humanas é ampla, incluindo pensamentos e informações de vida. Com a memória externalizando. Dessa maneira, a tecnologia está usando a memória delas para substituir a nossa, como informações de número de telefone, endereço e até nomes, além das utilizações dentro do ramo matemático.
Ou seja, nós estamos deixando de pensar, as máquinas estão pensando por nós com permissão e incentivo humano. Ou seja, vamos parar de existir já que não pensamos mais, sendo uma revolução das máquinas imperceptível.
submitted by Ready_Finance_1442 to Filosofia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 SupremeDream1927 Earplugs
Hello I thought this would be the best sub to ask I do a lot of fishing / kayaking / swimming I’m just wondering what are the best earplugs you can recommend as I’m very prone to ear infections price range doesn’t matter I just want the best of the best in durability and resistance
submitted by SupremeDream1927 to Swimming [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 00:40 BeginningFlatworm730 Playing with friends on Xbox
If I’m laying in bed on my legion go can I play a game such as nba 2k25 or cfb 25 with people who are on an Xbox?
submitted by BeginningFlatworm730 to LegionGo [link] [comments]