Alguien más que le guste un familiar?

2024.11.25 00:40 Many_Dragonfly7885 Alguien más que le guste un familiar?

submitted by Many_Dragonfly7885 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Intelligent-Call23 Se puede demandar a q alguien por hacer ruido?

Verán, el mismo problema que mucho gente. Tengo en frente vecinos que no respetan que uno duerme o que uno quiere tener un domingo en paz. Quisiera saber si eso es demandable 🤔 para al menos hacer que escarmienten con dinero.
Si es así supongo que tendría que evidenciar todo con grabaciones o qué más se podría usar? Yo a la policía la dejé de llamar desde hace mucho porque literal pasan y no hacen nada, sólo pasan por el frente.
submitted by Intelligent-Call23 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 SaintsNoah14 Where Black Chicagoans Are Moving

Where Black Chicagoans Are Moving submitted by SaintsNoah14 to Chiraqology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 mavjohn84 Best Vr2 sense controller charging station

Hey VR community. What's everyone's opinions on the best psvr2 docking station. I've heard mixed thoughts on sonys original docking station. I've also heard mixed things on the collective minds VR display stand. But the concept of that looks more appealing.
View Poll
submitted by mavjohn84 to PSVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Prize_Palpitation711 Is this rare?

Is this rare? I found this lamba at the dam. I've never seen this color variation.
submitted by Prize_Palpitation711 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 urfavlilsecretxo which would you dress me in?

submitted by urfavlilsecretxo to Sudburyguiltfreesex [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 TheDELFON Ok

submitted by TheDELFON to Funnymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Anthrax-961 Game freezing

In these 2 days, I have lost 4 Survival tokens and 2 onslaught tokens because of the game freezing, and it is STILL NOT ADDRESS BY SNOWPRINT, if an 800$ phone is not enough I dont know what is, this post is made after I bought a new phone because it always froze on my older, this IS NOT A PHONE ISSUE, Fix your damn game
P.S: Game always freezes on YOUR turn, never on an enemy turn, the Second you want to move your character it freezes
This will be my 4th post about this game freezing, until someone notices
submitted by Anthrax-961 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Odd_Active_1085 I need help

NSFW tag is just for the groping segment. (Yes you read that right.)
I'm going to first give some explanation for my questionthen the question itself will be at the end. So skip to the end if you dont want to read a long story.
Hello, Flight Corporal Hayward here, (if you know me that's cool.) And as you can see by the title I need help, as you likely can tell by the title, but with what you may ask? Well, I feel my chain of command is not doing something they should have done a year and a half ago. I feel that a cadet is negatively effecting my squadron, ( about 40 cadets depending on the night) other local cadet units, and the cadets in them. (About 150 including navy luege.)
Now you may wonder, "What could this one cadet be doing thats so bad but not have the COC take action?" And it is here that I will explain to you what it is.
As much as I dislike this cadet, I will be using a false name (Cadet Problem,) as I do respect their personal privacy.
Now that I have gotten formatting out of the way, (I know, im just so professional. 😎)
I will explain LAC Problems actions.
This begins a year and a half ago, when they joined, it was clear immediately that this cadet was on the spectrum, however, we did not really think of it too much, but this becomes a big factor later in this story.
When Cadet Problem first joined, he was quiet and nobody really knew anything about him, we were all too excited about a upcoming FTX in 2 weeks FTX, so that's when problems really started, and boy was it a bad first start.
I wont get into the details of the FTX but I will explain what he did. He gropped not one, but two, and allegedly 2 more female cadets while we were formed up, and I witnessed both that I know happened as I was happened to be near him when we were both in the back rank, the other two I did not witness so I can only say they allegedly happened.
Anyways, the week after the FTX the female cadets who were groped, or atleast one of them, went to the CO and other officers. Although I don't know what happened for investigation/punishment stuff, But what I do know is that he was still allowed to show up and be in cadets. Wich many members of my squadron were appalled by.
And from this beginning, things would only go downhill, they include but are not limited to;
1: Harassing female cadets and attempting to hug and touch them without permission and after being told no, (hugs and whatnot) this has gone on since he joined.
2: Having zero respect for chain of command.essentially, if it dosnt come from a officer, he just straight up say "no" and refuses to follow any instructions he doesn't feel like doing, this ranges from just adjusting his headress, to asking him to sit in the bleachers/leave the area. So essentially, nobody has control him but the officers.
3: He doesn't even participate in classes or anything, he just wanders around the parade square.
4: He is allowed to handle air rifles and the .22 enfields (drill and range) Qnd i have multiple times been subject to a muzzle in the face after turning a corner.
And many other less important more of nuance things like horrible at drill (can't even stand still, constantly flicking his arm, I belive this is linked to his autism though.)
Anyways, he is a problem, and what has the COC done? Well I can't know of everything, but I do know he is able to do whatever he wants, and they won't kick him out, and how do I know this? I was told quote "there's nothing we can really do because "Cadets is a place for everyone." Is this true?
Yea i mean, I get including everyone, regardless of race, gender identity, religion, medical conditions etc. But THIS? I want to know where they draw the line, because at this point, It seems like there is no line.
I know he has caused atleast 6 cadets to quit, ranks from cadet to flight seargent. And I am considering joining them. So before I do,
is there anything I can do? Anybody i can contact who can help get something done? Or is this what cadets has come to be?
Cheers mates.
FCPL Hayward.
submitted by Odd_Active_1085 to Cadets [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Jojotalksalot Stimulants and psychedelics

Lisdexamphetamine + 2c-b.
it’s common knowledge the dangers of mixing these substances.
I’m on adhd medication and are low doses of psychedelics for nights out (22:00 dosages ) safe?
If anyone has experience, my curiosity would love to hear it.
submitted by Jojotalksalot to 2cb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 lo________________ol URL fragments and (Brave) browser fragmentation

I recently discovered a neat feature that recently made its way onto Firefox: Links to text fragments. Instead of linking to the top of a webpage or some predefined anchor, text fragments allow you to scroll down a page and highlight text anywhere, as long as the browser supports it.
Here's an example:,importance
(For reference, this is how the link looks when you click on it in a supported browser.)
And this works perfectly if you try the link in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Vivaldi... but not Brave.
Why not Brave?
Based on their developers' own words back in 2022, the feature has "open and known security risks" which have been documented. And (as far as I can speculate) Google built this feature mostly to make their web searches a little more contextually relevant.
But, as far as I can tell, those security issues have mostly been mitigated, and people other than Google might want to use the feature. Now might be as good a time as any for Brave to reach feature-parity with their fellow browsers.
submitted by lo________________ol to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 New-Butterscotch-560 Got this for $50

Got this for $50 Fire or nah?
submitted by New-Butterscotch-560 to Texans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 PalamationGaming Despite our differing opinions on the games, can we all agree that the combat has been amazing throughout the whole series?

Despite our differing opinions on the games, can we all agree that the combat has been amazing throughout the whole series? submitted by PalamationGaming to marioandluigi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Fuzzy-Geologist-7490 What is your opinion on this tier list?

What is your opinion on this tier list? submitted by Fuzzy-Geologist-7490 to stonermetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Yungxbull710 After a long losing streak it feels good to hit even if it’s a small one

Little 6$ flip
submitted by Yungxbull710 to underdogfantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 No-Sell5179 Editing a video : adding 5 video in 1 video ? Merging videos in 1 ?

Hi everyone !
I would like to merge some videos I have in one video. How is it possible to do that with Youtube editing app ? I see where I can edit a video but not adding videos before and/or after a video. Thanks in advance ! :)
submitted by No-Sell5179 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Single-Elderberry-46 Few singles for sale. Lmk who you need.

submitted by Single-Elderberry-46 to BaseballCardsForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Fit_Dinner_2999 Normal day in uk

Normal day in uk submitted by Fit_Dinner_2999 to jschlattsubmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 ANUB1SE Sou a favor do aborto, eutanásia, prisão perpétua, trabalho forçado, suicídio assistido e pena de morte

Começando pelo aborto, a escolha entre manter ou não a vida gerada deveria ser um direito fundamental da mulher, independente da motivação, obviamente que respeitando critérios, como por exemplo a interrupção da gravidez até a 12° ou 14° semana.
Sobre a eutanásia, se é um caso irreversível e a pessoa vai vegetar a família deve ter o direito de escolher se vai ou não mantê-la viva, caso não a eutanásia (não a ortotanásia) deveria ser uma opção digna.
Mesma coisa para o suicídio assistido, se a pessoa está em uma condição grave de saúde ou limitação física severa e julga que não é digno viver dessa forma, ela deve ter o direito e o suporte para colocar fim em sua existência.
Trabalho forçado como punição de crimes graves, nada mais justo que o preso trabalhe para reparação parcial dos danos que causou a vítima e a família dela, além disso para sua própria manutenção no sistema prisional, e dependendo da gravidade do crime (pedofilia, estupro, homicídio por motivo torpe), pode ser combinado com a prisão perpétua.
Pena de morte, há crimes tão hediondos que a opção anterior ainda parece pouco, nesses casos a única opção é a pena capital.
É isso, quando expresso esses pontos de vista todo mundo me acha meio maluco.
submitted by ANUB1SE to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Professional_Sir252 Friend code

NA server Friend invite code: bAKE7pgpAJDj
2 dupe yuta with 1 dupe nonstandard as assist unit
submitted by Professional_Sir252 to JJKPhantomParade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 AffectionateMovie186 Does anyone have contour and contour brush recommendations?

I have fair skin with neutral leaning cool undertones. Thank you!
submitted by AffectionateMovie186 to Ulta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Solraay-xWest Miss you Queen Elizabeth

Miss you Queen Elizabeth submitted by Solraay-xWest to theviralthings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 vijxuf-1 Who wants to see my Asian gf? Censor/post? 0590ed7f6553340ef383c43b520263acbd9502cf0c5bc15a003f2060f9d797975f

submitted by vijxuf-1 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 GamingTimeJ7 Anybody visiting Bahrain?

submitted by GamingTimeJ7 to qatar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 sopita0208 Cuando cuesta ser realmente nómada digital

Últimamente se ha hablado mucho de está personas llamadas nómadas digital quienes trabajan remotamente y se les permite viajar en cualquier parte del mundo. Quisiera saber cuánto deberían ganar una persona en dólares para vivir de esa manera o si es realmente posible llevar ese estilo de vida. Pregunto porque consultando muchas fuente dicen que puedes tener ese estilo de vida con solo 1.000 dólares pero realmente es posible porque digamos que los vuelos para viajar a cualquier país del otro mundo no bajan de 2 mil dólares. Entonces realmente quisiera saber cuál es la realidad de eso.
submitted by sopita0208 to ColombiaReddit [link] [comments]