Costa Rica on Instagram: "¡Qué rico! Una hermosa danta disfrutando del paraíso costarricense ❤️😍🇨🇷. ¡BENDITA NATURALEZA! 🙌😎"

2024.11.25 02:10 Melodic-Soil-5487 Costa Rica on Instagram: "¡Qué rico! Una hermosa danta disfrutando del paraíso costarricense ❤️😍🇨🇷. ¡BENDITA NATURALEZA! 🙌😎"

Costa Rica on Instagram: submitted by Melodic-Soil-5487 to costarica [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 ItsJoswagger While I realize we’re playing with house money

The WR2 and CB1 need is glaring. Forever grateful for 85 catching that Hail Mary, but we need a Tee Higgins type weapon. I really hate to hate, but frfr the ball has hit him in the facemask, between the numbers, and through his hands. Tough loss overall tbh, we had many gifts and didn’t capitalize
submitted by ItsJoswagger to Commanders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Zealousideal_Walk493 More gull help :) [San Diego]

Attempting to learn gulls and would love confirmation of species + what is the specific giveaway for next time down at the shore.
The bird of interest is gray backed, darker than the western gull reference in 3. The wing tips don't entirely look black to me, which I believe would be indicative of a herring gull? I'm also not sure if its wingtips are gray enough to be that of a glaucous-winged gull? I'm torn between these two species.
Or am I off the mark and is this a completely different gull species lol.
submitted by Zealousideal_Walk493 to whatsthisbird [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 wakeupsamurai444 Peloamordedeus alguém me ajuda a descobrir o fabricante desse xarope

Esbarrei com esse xarope caseiro numa prateleira escondida em uma loja de produtos naturais da minha cidade. Achei interessante por ter uma aparência bem caseira mesmo, embalagem simples, tipo receita de família, e prometer curar resfriados, doenças respiratórias e limpar o pulmão de fumantes (sou ex fumante). Resolvi levar because why not, era 8 reais. No caixa, a caixa não conseguiu passar o código de barras, como se o produto não existisse no sistema. Estranho. Enquanto ela resolvia o problema, uma moça que tava passando de longe viu ele e veio até mim só pra falar que ela conhecia e era maravilhoso, tinha curado a bronquite da filha. Achei interessante. No caminho de casa fui ler o rótulo com mais calma, estava curiosa pra saber de onde era e as únicas informações que tinham eram os ingredientes ( uma porrada de ervas que nunca ouvi falar) e o nome: XAROPE DA VOVÓ ISABEL. Nenhum fabricante, nenhum endereço, telefone, logotipo, nada. Cheguei à conclusão que era um desses produtos bem regionais, algum produtor artesanal bem underground, já que eu nunca na minha vida vi esse negócio em lugar nenhum. Em casa, larguei ele na geladeira e fui jogar witcher 3. 4 dias depois, estou no sacolão que vou sempre, (super longe da primeira loja, quase em outra cidade) e esbarro com o dito cujo de novo, em uma prateleira escondida. Não sei porque mas fiquei cabrera com isso, mostrei pra 2 funcionários e perguntei se alguém ali podia me informar o fornecedor. Nenhum deles fazia ideia, mas o segundo pra quem perguntei olhou bem pra garrafa e disse lembrava da mãe fazer ele tomar quando tava resfriado e era tiro e queda. Isso me deixou mais cabrera, pensei ok, chegando em casa eu procuro na net. Dito e feito, procurei na net e qual foi a minha surpresa ao me deparar com links de lojas em vários ESTADOS, tem vendendo até de pacotão no mercado livre. Todos com a mesma bendita embalagem. A única coisa que achei sobre esse xarope foi link pra venda em loja online e um depoimento de 2016 em um fórum de mães, com uma mulher dizendo que o negócio é simplesmente incrível e curou o bebê dela de não sei o que. Mais nada. Absolutamente nenhum site de produtor, fornecedor, etc. PENSEI OK, vou perguntar pro oráculo (chat gpt), não tem como se esconder dele. Pois bem, as únicas infos que ele me forneceu foram a descrição de ingredientes da embalagem e os mesmos links das lojas que eu mesma achei. Mais nada. Alguém tem alguma informação sobre de onde raios saiu esse xarope? Eu nem tomei o negócio ainda, tá lá fechado na geladeira, eu só quero saber de onde isso vem, to começando a achar que esse xarope é uma falha na Matrix
submitted by wakeupsamurai444 to AjudaBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 drinkmasagua Need help figuring out what kind of lightbulb fits here. What kind of base is this? (120v 60hz ac written on tag)

Need help figuring out what kind of lightbulb fits here. What kind of base is this? (120v 60hz ac written on tag) submitted by drinkmasagua to Lighting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 LawfulnessObjective5 Mudarme a España siendo militar.

Buenas, soy argentino, tengo 24 años,soy oficial del ejército acá, una carrera de cuatro años que te da una licenciatura al egreso. Mi hermana está viviendo allá con mi cuñado que es médico, y empezaron convencerme de viajar y empezar allá. Pero quería saber que opciones tengo, escuche de la legión, del ejército regular, o incluso de la guardia civil, quería saber si me reconoces algo de mis estudios, y que ofertas hay allá. Muchas gracias!
submitted by LawfulnessObjective5 to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Juno_is_cloudy ARF COMS ON A 10% DISCOUNT ASWELL AS YCHS!!

Prices until 12-31-24:
Digital art
$6.30 headshot $7.20 bust $9 halfbody $10.80 fullbody Traditional art
$9 small $18 medium $27 large $36 XL Water color $36
(includes 2 predrawings and 1 watercolor peice ANY ADDED GORE WILL BE $2.70 DUE TO COMPLEXITY OF BLOOD
Scrapbook page $13.50
$2.70 "icon"
$5.40 "Kissing"
$4.50 "Sleepy/grumpy"
$13.50 "candy gore"
$9.00 "coffee"
$49.50 "Christmas ych"
submitted by Juno_is_cloudy to Nicoisapuppyboy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 StJoan281 Nice

Nice Finally leveled up my HH
submitted by StJoan281 to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 rhyswilliamdudek My very first diamond!💎

My very first diamond!💎 I have had this game for awhile but recently really started playing it. Been playing a lot of Revontuli Coast and just walked right into not only my very first diamond moose but first diamond ever!
submitted by rhyswilliamdudek to theHunter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Intelligent-Log-9502 Yellow fever chat 050bc6c25464ab21c3ccf1ebd883d488478eff2d390eec4bfd6ee187e79fbe3121

submitted by Intelligent-Log-9502 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Bus_Stop_Graffiti Playing on survival has led to me noticing so many small details and locations for the first time, like this chair/lookout/smoking spot overlooking Concord's Red Rocket

Playing on survival has led to me noticing so many small details and locations for the first time, like this chailookout/smoking spot overlooking Concord's Red Rocket submitted by Bus_Stop_Graffiti to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Tomrocksss 572474800157 Groudon raid

submitted by Tomrocksss to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Rough_Tree_8588 Advice on Lightweight Server Setup with Orange Pi Zero 3 and Future Expansion?

Hi everyone,
I’m currently using an Orange Pi Zero 3 running Ubuntu Server as my lightweight dedicated server. My goal is to set up:

Since the Orange Pi Zero 3 is limited in resources, I plan to keep it lightweight and add a mini desktop later to handle tasks like Nextcloud for file storage/sharing.
Does this setup sound practical, or am I overcomplicating things? Any suggestions for optimizing my current setup or transitioning when I add the mini desktop? Would love to hear your ideas or similar experiences!
submitted by Rough_Tree_8588 to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 garn-fan-47 A neighborhood

A neighborhood submitted by garn-fan-47 to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 ninkompoop87 Psx w: mule talisman h: ask

submitted by ninkompoop87 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 EchoBusy3419 LOOK AT HIS PAWS 🐾

LOOK AT HIS PAWS 🐾 submitted by EchoBusy3419 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Traditional_Crow7738 Primal kyogre 804041172121

submitted by Traditional_Crow7738 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 bearoscuro Scurvy resurgence highlights issues of food insecurity in Canada's rural and remote areas

Scurvy resurgence highlights issues of food insecurity in Canada's rural and remote areas submitted by bearoscuro to onguardforthee [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Mystlque WTS everything, highest offer in 3 Days games everything!

WTS everything, highest offer in 3 Days games everything! Curiosity got the best of me I bought a box at GameStop, I want to get rid of everything if possible pm me offers I am open to ANYTHING and if you need more pictures of anything, I can ship out on mercari/ebay/paypal goods n service.
submitted by Mystlque to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 BpAquarius 😃

😃 submitted by BpAquarius to depressionmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Least-Back-2666 As a giants fan seeing the cowboys-commanders gwme

As a giants fan seeing the cowboys-commanders gwme submitted by Least-Back-2666 to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 AdAlarming1993 music project :3

music project :3 Recently released this project which I’ll link in the comments. It’s an experimental dnb kinda of style. There were a lot of influences for it including Lain & Eva.
The cover is a re-design of the PS Lain game cover with Rei in place of Lain.
More stuff on the insta @ giftcult
submitted by AdAlarming1993 to Lain [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Zakrath What is the circle effect? I'm using that three headed blue dragon.

What is the circle effect? I'm using that three headed blue dragon.
submitted by Zakrath to VampireSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 ih8needles Invitation code if anyone needs it: G3XHF

submitted by ih8needles to benable [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 DirtierGibson Need a reservation or appointment for a fancy place in Paris? USE. YOUR. PHONE.

I know it's 2024. I know all companies have a web presence with various "contact" options – chat, feedback forms, online calendar, etc.
The reality however is that all those things still eventually interface with humans, and humans are making the final decision. France still is pretty old school as a culture, and fancy restaurants and luxury companies still are quintessentially old school.
If you can't get an appointment or reservation through the web or social media accounts, use your goddamn phone.
When Kim Kardashian or Priscilla Chan want to make an appointment at Louboutin or Maison Dubois, they don't use the web. They have their P.A. call those places to secure a spot. Using their phone. Like it's the 80s. Because it's still the best way to get a hold of someone. And then they can text you updates and confirmation (unless you used a landline, which I seriously doubt). All those places will have someone speaking fluent English to take your call. All of them.
There's a whole industry now based around securing appointments in restaurants or stores online to resell them those spots the secondary market. Many restaurants or luxury stores don't even take appointments online anymore for that reason. Most don't use Whatsapp either. They want to make sure an actual human is making the reservation. Someone they can call back to confirm. Someone they might even look up online to make sure they're a real person. Hell, they might take a look at your LinkedIn profile to see if you can afford paying the bill.
So please, instead of coming in here to complain that you can't find a way to make an appointment or reservation online, use your phone. Some restaurants will show they're fully booked on Resy or their own website, but if you call they might actually have a spot because someone cancelled, or they'll put you on a waiting list. Same with luxury stores. And if you're complaining that you can't afford an international call, you probably can't afford those places.
submitted by DirtierGibson to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]