2024.11.25 02:30 clairee26 Which fictional story do you consider to be the most impactful or masterful?
submitted by clairee26 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 NUHusky51 Dark Mode
Does anybody know how to turn the dark screen off on DraftKings? I can't find the switch to save my life.
submitted by NUHusky51 to DraftKingsDiscussion [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 EverSeenAChildClown My E Maxx - center drive shafts upgrade
New Integy center drive shafts (previously had upgraded to MIP axles)
submitted by EverSeenAChildClown to Traxxas [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Laymon_Fan Seohyun
submitted by Laymon_Fan to KpopUnlimited [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 FalseWinner2296 Baseball with friend
submitted by FalseWinner2296 to SydneyThomasNSFW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 Cyrusmarikit Rick rolling spotted.
submitted by Cyrusmarikit to rickroll [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Ok-Breath-7591 Vitebsky Railway Station, St. Petersburg, Russia by Sima Mihash and Stanislav Brzozowski (1904)
submitted by Ok-Breath-7591 to ArtNouveau [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 cutecookiec sobre ser ficante, leiam
ser ficante beneficia só o homem, sinceramente. ele volta pra casa feliz por ter transado, e eu volto feliz por ter saído e ter tido um momento legal. eu finjo não pensar muito sobre o passado dele, com quantas outras conversa, se já ficou com outras, mas é muito difícil saber que provavelmente sou só mais uma e que esses pensamentos sou só eu que penso. é difícil saber que um dia não vou mais aguentar ser só uma diversão e vou sumir, ou ele vai enjoar de mim e sumir também. é complicado competir quem sente menos, quem se mostra mais desapegado, e é horrível saber que essa competição talvez seja só do meu lado. eu só trato ele como ele me trata, mas eu odeio ter que jogar esses joguinhos. odeio me sentir incapaz de fazer ele sentir qualquer coisa além de tesão, odeio. odeio sentir que não chego no nível dele e que tem outras bem mais bonitas. às vezes sinto vontade de sumir e acabar com o sentimento de ser só uma pessoa que ele sai quando nenhuma outra aceita sair com ele, mas ainda queria ficar ali. essa incerteza dói. me deem dicas, não sei se vale a pena continuar.
submitted by cutecookiec to relacionamentos [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 AdSalt9607 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by AdSalt9607 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Usual-Cup259 need help looking for something
I need a prop gun to shoot someone but doesn't fire anything I just need a loud bang and smoke what's the cheapest I can get away with something like that thanks in advance
submitted by Usual-Cup259 to blackpowder [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 neurodivergentowl Allowing map scrolling??
Hi folks, I just purchased my first car with factory CarPlay support, a 2020 Chevy Bolt. In the past I have used aftermarket head units with wired CarPlay. My new car supports only wired CarPlay/AA, and while I don’t mind connecting a cable, I am super annoyed that I can’t naturally scroll on a map view. I don’t understand this restriction, as I tried a cheap wireless CarPlay dongle, and scrolling works as it should. Using the dongle had latency that was annoying, and connectivity was unreliable. Is there any way to trick the CarPlay protocol into allowing these gestures over a wired connection? I don’t mind buying some hardware or making minor modifications
submitted by neurodivergentowl to CarPlay [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 todaystartsnow Best cheddar?
Aldi seems to have several variety of cheddar. Which one do you guys prefer?
Or better yet what cheeses from Aldi make good Mac n cheese?
submitted by todaystartsnow to aldi [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 xkidbri I asked ChatGPT to roast us.
What it said must have been so heinous that it violated its terms of use. submitted by xkidbri to danandphil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 Jimothy_wick Guys what?
Any st with similar stats (consistent in speed shooting dribling) My gerd muller at full rank and training With dexterity and 1 shooting gets this But if there's someone similar I don't want to go all in on gerd muller submitted by Jimothy_wick to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 thatguybme2 Edge help ripstop nylo
Making some items (think tarp like) w ripstop nylon (1.3 ish oz ) and looking for guidance on how to keep the edge from fraying. Did not get good results cutting w a soldering iron or heat sealing the edges.
This edge will ultimately have a 1.5” band (hem?) around it - for installation of grommets. The grommets sections will have reinforcement on them, not just 2 layers of fabric, for those wondering
My original thought was to do a rolled edge hem as small as I could get it for that fabric type, which appears to be about 1/4”. Then I read that the edges may still fray w only the rolled edge
Google led me to do a zigzag /overlock-ish stitch (possibly overlaid with a straight stitch to lock it in) as the best method to prevent fraying
Would you suggest doing a rolled hem edge THEN go over that with a zigzag? I like the idea of the nicer finished edge of the roll hem
Or just use a zigzag to keep it from fraying and forget the rolled edge?
submitted by thatguybme2 to sewhelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 ExpertPhysics7967 Thanksgiving Break
Seems like according to school calendar schedules sessions and instant chats might die down a bit until after next week since I am seeing a delay in emails and text messages on opportunities for sessions.
submitted by ExpertPhysics7967 to varsitytutors [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 yexiu13 Is there a way I can come back?
I lost the first leg 7-0 away , second leg I’m going to be at home, I have enough for a training camp, and I have a level 3 stadium which formation and tactics should I use to try and comeback
submitted by yexiu13 to onlinesoccermanager [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 anakinburningalive No Corrado don’t hit me!
submitted by anakinburningalive to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 mixxipie Automatic profile update
Hey guys i also had the same problem where all my pins would go straight to my profile. I reached out and sent a complaint. Pinterest said they’re experimenting with new ways to “improve” their platform. They changed the layout and they say its not possible to go back to the old format. I think some of you know already, but i saw a lot of people asking about it still.
submitted by mixxipie to Pinterest [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 CrotasScrota84 Point Contact Cannon Brace is disappointing
I made a build using this and it’s just lackluster or I’m using it wrong. I tried Prismatic and Arc.
I feel like this exotic should speed up the charge of full damage Thunderclap by 50% or more vs without exotic. I think that would help it tremendously.
The damage is lackluster also and is inconsistent. Also tried this in GM and it was just pitiful.
submitted by CrotasScrota84 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Agile_Reference9558 I don't know how to come out
I'm a baby trans girl and u want to come out to my close family and my school bu I don't know how and I'm worried I'll get bullied. I also don't know if it's too soon. Please help me in the comments!!!
submitted by Agile_Reference9558 to asktransgender [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Relevant_Ad_594 Blueberries
I need blueberries for a recipe Angus wants to make but I am in winter and blueberries don’t seem to grow this season. Do I just have to wait till I can change the season again or is there another way I can get the quest done?
submitted by Relevant_Ad_594 to wyldeflowers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 ClassicDirection7559 Looking for random nm Kikien.
Does anyone accepts it, if it's 1 - 1.3m? Cause 1.3m is my only budget.
submitted by ClassicDirection7559 to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 holydvr1776 D-104 Refurbishment
Received this microphone broken, but untouched best I could tell otherwise. Luckily it was not horrible overall, though it may have been dropped a few times! Everything inside was loose and rolling around. It is complete now. Sounds great once again, and hopefully outlasts me.
submitted by holydvr1776 to microphone [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 paddywally Stolen Tools
Every hand and power tool I own all stolen today.
Happened while I was at Tafe (school for trades in Australia). All of it Milwaukee. Im a third year plumbing apprentice and only just managed to get all my tools. It will take me another three years to buy it all bag.
Rest in peace to all my packout gear, all my power tools, my packout hand tools bag and all its contents, wet dry vaccum, five batteries and m12 laser level.
Work doesnt insure contents of the ute, and Tafe doesnt take responsibility for stolen items in the car park. Police essentially said there isnt much they can do, but they'll keep an eye out.
I barely make it week to week, and all of my expendable money goes to purchasing tools to help further my career and now they're all gone.
Not sure what to do anymore, genuinely considering quitting the trade.
submitted by paddywally to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments]