Essex UK author TG Trouper introduces "The Collaborator" on the talk sh...

2024.11.25 03:30 CentralValleyTalk Essex UK author TG Trouper introduces "The Collaborator" on the talk sh...

Essex UK author TG Trouper introduces submitted by CentralValleyTalk to BriggsonBooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Keepontyping Separating Work and Personal Life on Computer used for both

How does one do this? I'd like to use my computer for home life, and for the occasional presentation...of course mixing the personal and professional could be embarassing. A pop up message, a glimpse of browser get the idea. How does one avoid mixing these two worlds?
submitted by Keepontyping to lifehacks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Realistic_Algae3897 What is this?

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submitted by Realistic_Algae3897 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Greedy-Carrot-5082 NCSO designation (BC Canada)

Are the 3 years experience required for the designation totalled in hours or how long you worked at a company. For example, steady part time work while in school. Is it the year someone worked there 3 days a week, or the hours? Also, do trade labour hours on smaller projects such as residential stone masonry count or just large construction sites, like a highrise or commercial building? Thank you!
submitted by Greedy-Carrot-5082 to ConstructionManagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 ilikelotsofthings_1 My early puppet which is missing a hat, I might use him for a cosplay or until I make a Rolfe

My early puppet which is missing a hat, I might use him for a cosplay or until I make a Rolfe submitted by ilikelotsofthings_1 to ShowbizzPizza [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Cricket6072 Uruguay es una empresa seria.

Ya hay presidente electo. Ya hablo con el presidente en funciones y acordaron trabajar para la transición. Van juntos al próximo encuentro fuera de fronteras. Ya había ministro de economía.
Ta mañana.
submitted by Cricket6072 to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Desperate_Hunter_708 Please help identify

Please help identify South Alabama, found on headboard
submitted by Desperate_Hunter_708 to bugidentification [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 themunchkinland Thanksgiving and other holidays with a very small family

Hello! I have a five-year-old son. Divorced parents on both sides. On my husband side, he has his mom who lives a three hour plane ride away who we see a couple of times a year. No other close family. On my side, we have my dad and his wife who are 2 hours away and my brother and his kids who are 3 hours away. My mom lives 30 minutes away, but she’s a snowbird and lives in Florida half the year. This Thanksgiving, we’re going to have to drive probably five hours due to traffic just to see my brothers kids and my dad and step mom. Everyone else there will be people I barely know from my sister in laws side.
I’d almost rather do nothing, but I feel guilty having my son miss out on having people to spend Thanksgiving with.
Every year for Christmas we fly to see my mother-in-law. There are no other kids at our gathering. It’s just us my son, my mother-in-law and her partner. My mother-in-law is a very wonderful person, and I do feel it is important to fly to see her because she does not get time off work.
Is anyone else in a similar situation? I know that I don’t have control over how large my family is or how close they live, but it’s hard not to feel guilty sometimes.
submitted by themunchkinland to oneanddone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Faith5g Hairline prove them god these balance, _____!

submitted by Faith5g to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 zCSI Possible to sell back to the grid but also use panels for ecoflow batteries ?

I currently sell my solar back to SCE. I was a bit ticked the other day we had a power outage for 2 days and I couldn't utilize my solar panels on my roof for power.
Is it possible to somehow divert solar power (currently hooked into the grid ) into let's say an Ecoflow Ultra until it's fully charged and then send the remaining power to the grid only if it shows my ecoflow being full ? I want to take care of me first before SCE. Thanks
submitted by zCSI to Ecoflow_community [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 mpkvegeta88 Gift Card Use

Yes, I searched already and no, I didn't find the answer, so I figured I would just ask. Does anyone know if you can use a Gamestop gift card to pay for the fees to send sports cards out to PSA for grading?
submitted by mpkvegeta88 to GameStop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 ItsLexington25 Help Me Find This Jacket

I lost this jacket around 3 years ago and I have been trying to find an exact copy but no luck. I've listed some info about the jacket below.

  1. It's a green jacket with a light gray hood. The hood has a zipper and so it is removeable.
  2. The jacket had lots of pockets, it had two regular pockets (like normal sweaters and jackets), and it had 4 additional button pockets as shown in the picture. One of the button pockets near the chest had an additional pocket that is accessible with a zipper. The jacket also had a zipper pocket on the left arm. Now, for more pockets, the jacket had some pockets on the inside as well (i think it was just 3 or 4 regular pockets).
  3. When you wear the jacket, it kind of looks like you are wearing a jacket with a sweater underneath. When you want to close the jacket, you can do so with a zipper or with the buttons the jacket has.
  4. The inside of the jacket has some light colored fur but the sleeves and hood didn't. The sleeves were like insulated or something like that (I can't really explain it sorry, but they were like the sleeves of puffer jackets).
  5. The jacket wasn't heavy, I've looked at other similar jackets but they were all heavy compared that the one I had.
  6. The jacket didn't have a brand logo anywhere, and I never took a look at the jacket's tag. The jacket was gifted to me so I don't know what store they bought it from, I just know they bought it from a mall.
I give my thanks to anyone who tries and manages to find this jacket.
submitted by ItsLexington25 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 JUICEMUNYUN55 What was I thinking going this old bum

What was I thinking going this old bum submitted by JUICEMUNYUN55 to underdogfantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 lunch_at_midnight payton w for shrugging off sam's hysterics

this is so dumb production was obviously chomping at the bit to get this guy on the show so they could live out some retarded punishment fantasy and now they're seeing that actually normal people (who they never encounter) don't immediately start huffing and puffing when some guy makes a jump suit for a 9 yr old gay kid
submitted by lunch_at_midnight to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Specific-Attempt2199 Does anyone happen to own a j141 and a j22?

Interested in if they fit the same, or if they feel different. Much appreciated thanks
submitted by Specific-Attempt2199 to Carhartt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 BvHauteville Maki versus Uraume

Maki versus Uraume submitted by BvHauteville to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Intelligent_Bite_519 opinions on the vital essentials freeze-dried minnows?

looking for healthy treats for my cat, anyone had any bad experiences with them?
submitted by Intelligent_Bite_519 to catfood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Frequent_Ad8446 Great share bonus $200 Max withdrawal
submitted by Frequent_Ad8446 to OnlinePayIDPokiesAUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Own-Cranberry5642 My Casio Collection so Far.

submitted by Own-Cranberry5642 to casio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 ElBrunasso What is this?

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submitted by ElBrunasso to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Safe-Perspective9649 How do I deal with nonsensical answers from parts?

I realize the goal is to build trust. Sometimes I get answers I get just don’t seem right, or don’t make sense.
I asked a part how I could honor her, she said play golf?
I’m a working class female. Playing golf just doesn’t vibe with what I’m into.
Does anyone understand what I’m getting at here? What do I do with that information?
submitted by Safe-Perspective9649 to InternalFamilySystems [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 EnterTamed Don't listen to the corporate media that insists progressives cannot win! They have been wrong about everything important the last 25 years!

Don't listen to the corporate media that insists progressives cannot win! They have been wrong about everything important the last 25 years! submitted by EnterTamed to CenkForAmerica [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 basiliskkkkk Somebody explain dragon rot's effect please. I am confused

Apart from restoring unseen aid, whar does it do. My merchant has it and he is still buying and selling stuff so why would i cure him?
I don't care about unseen aid that much.
Also how abundant is dragon's blood for curing it? I only have 1 rn
submitted by basiliskkkkk to Sekiro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 SinWin247 Original Gen 1 (1-151)

Original Gen 1 (1-151) submitted by SinWin247 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:30 Rough-Ad-1168 When you complete the main story so you start doing the side quests.

After streaming all their top songs with Talaarawan and Feel Good after months, I couldn't get enough and finally explored their whole discography. They have so many underrated songs from outside their albums! From the Coke Studio collabs (people slept on Love Yourself) to their singles Pit A Pat, they really don't miss. Or at least now, all their songs have grown on me. Some definitely wasn't my taste at first listen like Born To Win or No Fear, but now I memorize and rave to them 😂 I love how versitile they are, they've really pulled off all the genres and styles they've explored so far, and it only gets me excited for their next releases, whether official, collab, or cover \
For now, B HU U R is on loop for me. I gotta get those bars down!
submitted by Rough-Ad-1168 to bini_ph [link] [comments]