How 'Dune: Prophecy' Creates a Conversation With Denis Villeneuve’s Movies

2024.11.25 03:50 oregon_cabin How 'Dune: Prophecy' Creates a Conversation With Denis Villeneuve’s Movies

How 'Dune: Prophecy' Creates a Conversation With Denis Villeneuve’s Movies submitted by oregon_cabin to DuneProphecyHBO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 yoggenfogger 111427

111427 submitted by yoggenfogger to CountOnceADay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 systematic-decline Request: Violent Femmes Add It Up w/The Doors Break On Through

submitted by systematic-decline to mashthisup [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Confident_Candy_4049 464691987778 quick adding first people in 1 minute lets go

464691987778 quick adding first people in 1 minute lets go submitted by Confident_Candy_4049 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 ObesePufferfishh choosing a base?

I’m enlisting around next month, took my ASVAB and got a good score; and I was told by my recruiter that I can choose where I want to be stationed after AIT. I don’t recall the exact list, but it was pretty big, included Carson, Hawaii, Wainwright, Moore, Campbell, pretty much the whole shabang, although I think it was only options here in the U.S.
Any opinions on what I should choose, or even just how this works? Sorry if this is asked often.
Thank you!
submitted by ObesePufferfishh to army [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Zee_Nation1 Can I get recommendations based off my top 3 tv shows?

I think the top 3 best things I've watched any time soon are, 1 Arcane, 2 cyberpunk, 3 AOT ( Attack on titan)
submitted by Zee_Nation1 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Hot-Actuary5831 How’d everyone do this event?

How’d everyone do this event? I got 37 shiny Pokémon, 3 perfect Pokémon (1 shundo). I played for like 6 hours yesterday and two hours today. I tried to hatch a shiny toxel, hatched like 60 eggs, no shiny smh
submitted by Hot-Actuary5831 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 nep_nep34 Damn door blocking

I can't do quiets quest due to a npc called vanya captain just standing in front of the doctor's door blocking the only way in, can this be fixed at some point as it super annoying as the only work around I've found is reloading a past save
submitted by nep_nep34 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Exotic_Ad_7486 Selling Diljit Mumbai GOLD tickets at mrp direct delivery through Zomato.

submitted by Exotic_Ad_7486 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 _LuxInTenebris_ Names ending in N

Third trimester and we’re at a total loss for names for our little girl. We knew our first 2 children’s names were perfect the moment we heard them. We haven’t experienced that feeling this time around.
All of our names are Irish names ending in N. A complete coincidence but we’d like to stick with the theme now so one name doesn’t stand out.
We’d love suggestions for female/ gender neutral names! We have a Cillian and Rowan in the family already.
I’m partial to Morrigan but worry about negative connotations due to the fairy tale. Dads not so keen on it.
submitted by _LuxInTenebris_ to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 ProfessorActual2806 Anyone else have this issue resolved

Banned account on Depop has anyone received their payments afterwards and how so? I’ve been told I would but still haven’t gotten them??
submitted by ProfessorActual2806 to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 SingleCondition2022 Is there any pirated website that has all of OK KO?

Now that it’s been a month since OK KO got removed on Hulu, this show has been on my mind since the day it’s been announced for its removal. I haven’t watched anything pirated since last summer and the only pirated apps my friend found has certain shows and do not have OK KO. If anyone pirated OK KO, is there any pirated website that I could watch all of OK KO on?
submitted by SingleCondition2022 to okko [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Pure_Option_1733 I wish society didn’t have the expectation that a persons situation later in life is determined solely by what they want in life with no regard for what ones opportunities are.

It’s pretty infuriating how there’s an expectation that a persons situation, such as how much they traveled, whether they have a job, where someone lives, whether someone gets married, whether a person goes to college and if so what college they go to is enough to know what someone desired in life when we have a system set up so that not everyone has an equal opportunity. People who are poor as well as people who are disabled don’t have the same opportunities as rich people and people who don’t have any kind of disability. I feel like the expectation that if one lives in a certain city it says something about what kind of place the person prefers to live with no regard for where the person was born and the opportunities the person has just makes people with less opportunity to move, such as myself, more likely to get misunderstood. I feel like the way that I know a lot of people have this idea that everyones life trajectory is entirely determined by desire and choice makes me more socially anxious and can make misunderstandings more likely than a difference in neurotypes on its own would.
submitted by Pure_Option_1733 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 CiaoIsBae Does friendship go up once the person sends me a gift or do I have to open it?

Does friendship go up once the person sends me a gift or do I have to open it? Ideally I wanna stack up a few of best friend so I only have to use one egg and I’m tryna figure out what will make my friendship go up
submitted by CiaoIsBae to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 nsRetro Estoy teniendo el problema "estamls teniendo problemas para recuperar tus perfiles"

Recientemente me di cuenta de que alguien entró a mi perfil y estuvo viendo capitulos de algo que no había visto ni yo ni mi familiar que tiene acceso a mi cuenta, así que procedí a intentar cambiar la contraseña y me salió error, después de eso volví a la pagina principal y ahora me da ese error y solo sale la pantalla con "algo salió mal" y eso en todos los navegadores de pc que intento, mi app de celular lo carga bien pero no puedo cambiar la contraseña desde ahí tampoco ni cambiar de perfiles porque me tira error
submitted by nsRetro to Crunchyroll [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 mehwhynotme Orders from yesterday printing today

Having something random tonight happening. Orders are printing to kitchen from yesterday. From a server not even signed today does it randomly. Check number and everything matches from last night. No network issues and everything else is completely fine.
submitted by mehwhynotme to ToastPOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 princessbar1234 Is a good work? I did it myself

Is a good work? I did it myself submitted by princessbar1234 to NailArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Affectionate_Tip2142 8938-9402-0118 wanting friends for gifts and xp. I will send gifts daily

Thank you everyone
submitted by Affectionate_Tip2142 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 marcuscouch Fresh Ocean Fish Market?

Where are the local places to get quality fresh fish? (Halibut, Cod, Redfish) Also looking for ocean oysters (not fresh water or bayou). Sadly I am told by some locals that I have to drive to Houston for that. I'm turning to the subreddit for a rescue recommendation. Any suggestions? Thank you!
submitted by marcuscouch to EastTexas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Fair-Butterfly9989 AAC wins!

Just have to tell someone that gets it cause I’m so freaking proud. My son, lvl 1 ASD - 2.5 years old, has been working with his AAC for 6 weeks. We have been diligent with it and so has ABA and speech! For context, my son has some words but mostly random “pop up” words and not very consistent or functional.
This weekend my son: - used his AAC he wanted to swing while listening to Old McDonald (going to multiple pages!) - told me he wanted to go outside and then said “outside” - used his own finger 3 times to use AAC (he struggles with fine motor skills and often uses someone else’s hand) - asked for milk, water, blueberries, mozzarella sticks, super simple songs, baby shark - asked to go to his room, basement, and the park!
The best was HE SAID MOM!!!! On our walk he said “Ma I’m done!” 😭😭😭😭
Honestly, I didn’t realize how smart he was until his AAC. He caught on soooo fast. I’m so happy for him and proud! And he’s only 2.5! If he can do this at 2.5 - I’m just feeling really hopeful.
I was telling my friends all this and they just don’t get how big of a deal this is so posting here! I’m sorry if it comes off as bragging I just don’t think I’ve ever been this proud!w
submitted by Fair-Butterfly9989 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Felgado 496996866630 - add me!

496996866630 - Looking for friends!
submitted by Felgado to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 silly_lil_bunny Recording without consent

I (18F) am still living in my parents house with my sibling currently, everyone in the house fights a lot and regularly, police have been called over the years but nothing has ever come from it. I occasionally record audio from my room ect when it gets really bad, looking back even though I record a minute or less it has built up to be a sizeable amount. I have never shown these to anyone, most I haven't listenend to.
I was wondering if I ever did show it to someone else, or a therapist, possibly in court, would it be considered illegal on my half? Most of the noise is so loud you car hear it from outside our house down the street, I even have a recording from when I left the house a few blocks down, so it's not private in the sense that anyone else would have been able to record 90% of what I have.
I just feel guilty, some of them date back to when I first got my phone at 11 and in a way I'm horrified it's been this long but also that I've been recording this long? It doesn't feel right but I'm not sure if that's because of me or because of what's happening.
submitted by silly_lil_bunny to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 ThatSlytherinRonBlak Question

I may be getting a 1967 Beetle (depending on if it's still available when I have the money) and was wondering if anyone knew how much it would cost to put a hand clutch in it? My left leg was amputated above the knee and the right below the knee, I can work gas and brake with the right leg because I can push down on the right and control it coming back up, and I can't do that on the left due to a lack of original knee, so just need the hand clutch, thank you in advance
submitted by ThatSlytherinRonBlak to beetle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 No-Fisherman3037 Urgent selling

Diljit Mumbai 1 gold ticket at mrp And be delivered to your address directly Self booked
submitted by No-Fisherman3037 to diljitconcert [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:50 Vegetable-Tart7548 bybit card ref-feral

its been stuck like this for two weeks anyone has some thoughts?
submitted by Vegetable-Tart7548 to BybitCard [link] [comments]