2024.11.25 04:41 Waffles_four_you How have these devs been allowed to get away with text chat not working on console…
Like it can’t be that hard to fix they haven’t bothered with it for whatever reason
submitted by Waffles_four_you to TXChainSawGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 master_debaters Can I marry a poopademoiselle without having diarrhea?
I have stopped defecating for 623 days, my bowel no longer thinks about diarrhea, my bowel only focuses on self-development and inner peace. I am no longer interested in diarrhea and I feel that my life is peaceful and happy like a newborn baby. I now have good self control, I will have diarrhea with my wife just to have children. Because the turd stored in my body makes me a strong, disciplined, focused and calm poopadour.
submitted by master_debaters to NoPoop [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 Suspicious-Invite541 Logan and Daniel ?
Will we ever see Logan or Daniel again ?
What was the point of introducing Logan for one movie ?
submitted by Suspicious-Invite541 to saw [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 FallowThylacine How am I ever supposed to move on?
It's now been just over one year and one month since I lost my heart dog a big, devious 13 year old GSP mix named Violet and 4 months since I lost my sweet little Australian shepherd Mate who I adopted to keep her company they were the best of friends for almost 10 years.
I was still mourning Violet when I learned Mate had end stage cancer, I'd only just considered maybe getting another dog. Two weeks later he was suffering and I had to let him go. I could not save either of them. I've posted about them before I don't want to go into detail about what happened.
2 months after losing Mate and I started talking to a breeder about getting a puppy similar to Violet. I'm so afraid. I'm so afraid of anything that could go wrong. Mate had cancer, Violet almost certainly had cancer, so I had to have exposed them to something that caused it right? I don't smoke, so what did it? Was the food poor quality? The toys? The carpet and bedding? The very air in the suburb I live in? I have the option to move to the country but then highly venomous snakes are a huge issue.
I'm staying at my mother's place to look after her animals after she broke her leg and just last night while walking her dogs I burst into tears. I was thinking about my dogs and what they felt as they slipped away and how they would have loved to be walking with me. It happens often. So often I think 'oh I wish Violet was here, she'd get those bunnies' or 'Mate would have been an instant friend of this dog'. Not a day goes by that wouldn't have been better with my little buddies. Now I'm friendless and left with the guilt of signing their lives away sure there was no hope for either but even still... they both just wanted to come home they didn't understand that they wouldn't get better this time and that haunts me.
submitted by FallowThylacine to Petloss [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 SithLordCountPooPoo Who is this
submitted by SithLordCountPooPoo to a:t5_5zn767 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:41 FewSeaworthiness3794 Iggles win...
but at least we get to see their fans get their asses kicked in the concourse after the game.
submitted by FewSeaworthiness3794 to LosAngelesRams [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 Famous-Cry5180 H Xbox game pass until the end of the year fh4 ultimate edition injustice 2 ultimate edition mkx ultimate edition multiple cods Batman Arkham collection South Park collection W delisted racing games
Let me know if you have any delisted racing games
submitted by Famous-Cry5180 to gamesharing [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 YoghurtVirtual5330 KING IS BACK
Im banned from the discord tho...
submitted by YoghurtVirtual5330 to AnimeAdventuresRBLX [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 lothrek Is this enough??😭😭😭 i want to get off the mines already 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
https://preview.redd.it/o61q5a5l8z2e1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c93a9901072a632ff98cef1b70404ffb49a351f submitted by lothrek to ArlecchinoMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:41 ejturtle09 Does anyone know why this is happening, and how to resolve it?
I have downloaded the extended account data, it just won’t let me import it. submitted by ejturtle09 to statsfm [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:41 BlackDragonTribe Gensokyo Late-Night: Broadcast [170]
submitted by BlackDragonTribe to YDAFT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:41 Iris0420 Toxic ☣️
Put together a new look & outfit today ✨💚 submitted by Iris0420 to imvu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:41 Thlaylis Anyone tried ordering rave outfits from Candycatz and had issues??
Tried to get a couple sets from their BOGO deal and it said there was a payment error yet still charged my card. No confirmation email and the sets are still in my cart. The charge was also labeled as Paypal *Badinka (I think they're sister companies??). Please tell me I didn't just get screwed! Just reached out to support and messaged on all their socials, but the sale ends tonight so if they don't respond and it didn't go through I'm just SOL.
submitted by Thlaylis to aves [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 Spiritual_Bad- Reminder that kengan fighters are much tougher than rocks or iron, also Wanoh prolly could've tanked a got toter im ngl
submitted by Spiritual_Bad- to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:41 android_tests_pac Gif comment with image disabled tests
submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_ama_anyone [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:41 limabean0 IM AN ISLAND BOY 😭😥
submitted by limabean0 to nickfromthegymsnarkk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:40 LungMuGong Using God and Autism to Justify narcissism and cunning?
Is it normal for a person to use God and autism to dismiss their narcissistic and cunning behavior as lack of restraint? This guy spread crap behind my back and when I confronted him, he said in a BP ceo tone “I’m sorry I didn’t know that was bad”.
I even caught him spying on me with squinted eyes when I was with my friends, and caught him in social media befriending everyone in my social circle and ass kissing them on Facebook and LinkedIn.
He joined all of my major clubs i am in.
He also tries to subtly intimidate me by walking behind me when I’m with my friends. And intentionally waited for a class candidate to sell Christian club candies, knowing that the candidate couldn’t decline or else they would look bad. When confronted about the tactic he simply said he didn’t know it was bad despite knowing what he was doing.
He also tried to intimidate me by showing me a book called “how to manipulate people” and word for word 1 minute before class started, saying “you are responsible for everything in North Korea, I DEMAND you to do this physics problem for me”.
Is this a normal Christian or a narcissistic psychopath who uses God to justify and cover up his behavior?
submitted by LungMuGong to Christianity [link] [comments]
Goddamn it
submitted by WhyAmIHere2048 to ShadowFightArena [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:40 Resident-Stretch5059 If you j3rktr1b her, i’ll unblur and feed until you explode 0546f2072330ecb0b3b1f5f97eadd09380738baf25a647fc71515e55ab96696361
submitted by Resident-Stretch5059 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:40 veridiux Asking a dumb question probably
At the countdown requisitions station there is a "Year 6 Season 1: First Rogue Cache" what's in it? Is there any reason to get it? "Also, what is the cap to the countdown tokens.
submitted by veridiux to thedivision [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:40 firminocoutinho FT ✨Shiny Buzzwole LF ✨Shiny Xurkitree
Not registered and can’t fly. UB for UB :)
submitted by firminocoutinho to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:40 DelrayDad561 Yes.
submitted by DelrayDad561 to IASIP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:40 TacticalMap Town's Bay [32x44]
submitted by TacticalMap to battlemaps [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:40 GroundbreakingTell92 My ex was actually the fucking worst
I would’ve loved to end on good terms and stay friends but that man put me in a box and made so many assumptions about me that it stunted my growth and made me so insecure. He was so mean to me.
submitted by GroundbreakingTell92 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:40 Oonisaurr Too good to go
Has anyone used the too good to go app yet? I can only see one place around me which is sold out. I hope more businesses in Ballarat get on board! Need to get the word out.
If you haven’t heard of it it’s an app where stores that choose to sell things that they’re going to just throw out at the end of the day in a mystery bag for a very cheap price. It’s all over my TikTok right now.
submitted by Oonisaurr to ballarat [link] [comments]