
2024.11.25 04:30 Visual_Ad3724 Suffering

Suffering submitted by Visual_Ad3724 to OkHomo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 SunnyShoretide Does she belong here? It’s Snickers!

Does she belong here? It’s Snickers! submitted by SunnyShoretide to SupermodelCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 According_Ad_1116 S class exotic

S class exotic Is it worth it to repair this ship or should I sell it for scrap?
submitted by According_Ad_1116 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]


It might come off as impudent to many here who revere their parent, but take a second and think! Now it's ok to stay with your family when they need your support especially when they are medically unwell but during college days go out to study. The merits are numerous, career wise and also to make you realise where you actually stand...I stay with my parents, my sibling in another city so it's just the three of us....most of my time flows away with homely errands and rants ...the other dealing with fucked up college peers/ friends....I am a girl, so I can't go out without telling and they might cancel all of your plans with just a no and you can't question back. You can not vent to your parents, it will backfire and you have no one else at your place....Any minor event in your house will burden you for the rest of the day and unconciously you get involved in things that weren't meant to meddle during this time....your personal space will be non existent and forget about outings with your will never learn to allocate your expenses and will have to beg for pettiest things.
EVEN your classes will not hold any importance if they have their own work which needs your time, so fucked up schedule...if you are planning for an all nighter....get yourself ready for random inspection and 15 minute rant over it. and forceful curb on it too....If you have honest parents then get ready to be called out as a loser or a failure on every day basis and get a daily lecture on past failures too (which you desperatly want to forget)....Sometimes when you actually need their support and encouragement you'll exactly the opposite and don't ever think of ranting the same with your college friends, one minor dispute will get to you like flood....
BASICALLY you won't be able to please your parents at the moment, neither will you be able to make friends since they are from other cities they have roommates they have life is something I don't really want so I won't say a thing on that.....and yeah you will be constantly reminded by your mother that within no time you'll be married off!!!!!
NOW, I love my parents and I respect them for what they give me, it saves my energy to worry about shelter, good food and I don't have to worry about stationary but this time of your life is meant for you to make decisions and manage your lifestyle, chose and learn.....feel empowered by doing things on your own and not just tailing your parents.....especially if your siblings are living out of town, get out too.
My mother is emotionally reliable on me would now be even harder for her to let me go away and she is expressive about it. It makes your heart warm but at the same time you have other things to manage and you will find yourself in a dillemma.....
Now during chosing my college I had good options, even better than the one I chose in other cities but as a girl and slightly conservative parents refused , I argued but it didn't helped at all and I have moved on from that tiring past....nevermind
SO THINK, ANALYSE AND DECIDE (my situation may differ from others but if any one of you can see the inference of the same in your's best to take this option)
submitted by Repulsive-Might-8240 to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 EBMang2_0 Which episode is this?

Which episode is this? submitted by EBMang2_0 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 SignificantSearch263 Son of Ymir 3D model and painted miniature

submitted by SignificantSearch263 to disciples [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 RedditisStupidfr Difference between a pretty boy and a masculine Chad?

submitted by RedditisStupidfr to trueratediscussions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 fxt_dadwgn Anyone else?

It just so happens when I’m in my VB I hardly ever see any other ones, unless it’s a meet. When I’m in my wives car I always see VB’s! She laughs because it has turned into a game for her to count how many we can spot, when we go for cruises in her car 😂
submitted by fxt_dadwgn to wrx_vb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Mariusz803 AnyDesk Closes After Being Minimized for 5 Seconds

My AnyDesk will actually exit and close after being minimized to the task bar after about 5 seconds (no session in use). I can only remotely connect if it's open. Any ideas what's causing the program to close after being minimized? (again this si without being in a session).
submitted by Mariusz803 to AnyDesk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 OldDrummer3110 Send me your gf

submitted by OldDrummer3110 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Synch_Thy_Byte My trouble with Socks - What about you? And how (if at all) did you fix it?

This is part curiosity and part asking for some genuine advice because you never know as someone who has only recently started understanding the concept of reaching out, what others may have found.
For context I've pretty much never worn socks except for the earliest childhood. They don't feel right and I don't exactly get anxious wearing them but after a few hours they get annoying and frustrating and as an end result I've simply stopped wearing them for most of my life.
In recent years I'm starting to kind of make some changes in my life and part of that is to try and help with physical health and the like. As my feet are naturally constantly cold (And my hands and nose, quite frankly) even when indoors. I figured I should give it a try again because this is an issue even when I'm under a blanket and maybe it'll help, maybe it won't. But I'm curious to hear what kinds of experiences other people have had with this kind of thing? And more over if anyone's ever found any kind of solution for it.
submitted by Synch_Thy_Byte to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 ilovecutecats18 What is your strongest childhood memory?

submitted by ilovecutecats18 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 deanominecraft Brand new highly regarded investing strategy

This strategy is guaranteed to make you profit
Step 1: choose a stock
Step 2: pick an amount of money to put in
Step 3: spend half of that money buying the stock (with as much leverage as you can)
Step 4: spend the other half on puts for the same stock (again, max leverage)
If it goes up your buying makes profit, if it goes down the pits make profit, you can’t lose
submitted by deanominecraft to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 alexesparza One pot rice cooker shrimp w/ asparagus and blueberry cobbler for dessert (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)

One pot rice cooker shrimp w/ asparagus and blueberry cobbler for dessert (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠) submitted by alexesparza to tonightsdinner [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 SweetDadJeans Two dooms

On another reread and came across something I hadn’t given any consideration to previously. When Ba’alzamon first appears to Rand in a dream while they’re in Baerlon, Ba’alzamon says that he whispered in Hawkwing’s ear and sealed two dooms. The doom of Hawkwing wanting one land, one people and a doom yet to come. What’s the doom yet to come?
submitted by SweetDadJeans to WoT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 AnIntelligentApe Drake went on a teenage stream and set it up so they could play songs of people he can have the opportunity to say a slight about. Man is trembling.

Drake went on a teenage stream and set it up so they could play songs of people he can have the opportunity to say a slight about. Man is trembling. submitted by AnIntelligentApe to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 EducationalCancel133 Quiche feta courgettes

submitted by EducationalCancel133 to BonneBouffe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Worried_Barnacle_712 Transmission vent hose broken inside(i think). Should I be worried?

Transmission vent hose broken inside(i think). Should I be worried? On the way home my check engine like came on. I was able to make it home, but when I checked under my hood I found that my transmission vent hose was pulled out and missing about 2-3 inches of the end of it. I'm not sure where it went, but I believe it's inside the transmission.
Should I be worried? The last place to change my oils was a ford dealership, is this something that can be blamed on them?
(The final photo is what it's SUPPOSED to look like)
submitted by Worried_Barnacle_712 to FordFocus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Living-Vac-19 Nightwing and Starfire in the DCAMU.

submitted by Living-Vac-19 to DCuniverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 White_sheep___ Cheap physio

Hiya, I’ve recently injured my shoulder in a sporting injury and looking for a physio in wellington. Most places i’ve checked have been $60 for ACC appointments. Are there places any cheaper or is $60 the best i’ll find?
submitted by White_sheep___ to Wellington [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Mylifemystorymypath I just started

I just started I just started a common place book and wanted to show how I’ve organized it .
submitted by Mylifemystorymypath to commonplacebook [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 overlying_idea Totally unedited/staged..What Does it Say?

Totally unedited/staged..What Does it Say? I’m curious what a stranger would see.
submitted by overlying_idea to FridgeDetective [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 AaronTheProtogen18 I can’t get past the 12-18 Catacombs

I can’t get past the 12-18 Catacombs I legit can’t kill these red deathgels and this Miasma or whatever it’s called. The purple one. My hp is 92, every spell is maxed out, I’m using the Lively Mini Geist Scythe, and I’m level 13. Help.
submitted by AaronTheProtogen18 to Atlyss [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Senior_Rip9451 Came across something that mentions still supporting WP after many years :)

Came across something that mentions still supporting WP after many years :) Felt a little emotional ngl, I was so invested in Windows phone in my college days until Microsoft abandoned it.
submitted by Senior_Rip9451 to windowsphone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:30 Feralmore Combination from Solitude, Blaidd and Igon, The Black Wolf Knight

Combination from Solitude, Blaidd and Igon, The Black Wolf Knight submitted by Feralmore to EldenBling [link] [comments]