Bullvia oliva concept art, i wani hug that gator, [by: EnvyCreates1] Im think about making a entire new game based on this fanfic of a blind Inco and a bully like Oliva. Ill make it in the same set up as snoot game and i wani hug that gator and will take story suggestions through chat.

2024.11.25 05:30 Envycreates1 Bullvia oliva concept art, i wani hug that gator, [by: EnvyCreates1] Im think about making a entire new game based on this fanfic of a blind Inco and a bully like Oliva. Ill make it in the same set up as snoot game and i wani hug that gator and will take story suggestions through chat.

Bullvia oliva concept art, i wani hug that gator, [by: EnvyCreates1] Im think about making a entire new game based on this fanfic of a blind Inco and a bully like Oliva. Ill make it in the same set up as snoot game and i wani hug that gator and will take story suggestions through chat. submitted by Envycreates1 to SnootGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 AssignmentTall987 Any F’s want to confess their sins

submitted by AssignmentTall987 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 ChannelTasty5313 Not all hero’s wear capes. Make sure you stop by my cubicle tomorrow

Not all hero’s wear capes. Make sure you stop by my cubicle tomorrow submitted by ChannelTasty5313 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 TerribleLunch2265 We can’t be good at our low income jobs if we’re pretty and deserve to be boycotted

We can’t be good at our low income jobs if we’re pretty and deserve to be boycotted What even is this, a male version of 4b? 😂 It’s a lot of words to say that you hate women whom you want but can’t have sex with so hence they should suffer.
So are men going to fill the millions of receptionists roles that are essential to run society? I have been a medical receptionist and it was mentally one of the hardest jobs i’ve done, abused daily, for the lowest pay.
submitted by TerribleLunch2265 to NotHowGirlsWork [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 kangkangkornitz Cheska

Cheska submitted by kangkangkornitz to PinayBeauties [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 GoinThruTheBigD TIL that Charlie, from the 1971 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, never acted again, and recently retired from his large animal practice as a veterinarian.

TIL that Charlie, from the 1971 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, never acted again, and recently retired from his large animal practice as a veterinarian. submitted by GoinThruTheBigD to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 GusGangViking18 I can’t remember the last time I disliked a character but loved the actor so much as I do with him.

I can’t remember the last time I disliked a character but loved the actor so much as I do with him. submitted by GusGangViking18 to TheWhiteLotusHBO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 DancingSchoolBus What to do day after Christmas?

I’ll be visiting Nashville this year during the holidays. Use to live in Nashville back in 2010. Will be staying at Opryland for a night. Last year we came to visit family (again) and explored downtown and broadway along with downtown Franklin. What are some things that we can do the day after Christmas? Might be tired of doing Christmas festivities at this point. Wanted to travel down to Chattanooga but probably not worth the only day we have until we go back home.
submitted by DancingSchoolBus to VisitingNashville [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Dj0sh I want to finish Elden Ring, but at 60 hours in I have lost interest. Am I missing something?

I know a lot of people adore this game so I hope I don't cause any frustration with this post. Also this was my first Soulslike, I guess aside from Remnant 1 & 2 if they count, and apologies for the long post.
Essentially, I'm in the snowy mountain area of the map and have hit a point where I've just grown a bit tired of the game, but I want to finish it so I'm curious if I'm just missing something that would make it more fun.
I started playing early in the year and took a break for a few months as some other games released. I tried to play it again a couple of weeks ago and had fun for about an hour but then my interest started fading again. I beat another one of those big tree-looking guys (Erdtree Avatar) pretty much straight away, then some big skull bird thing (Death Rite Bird), and then I found the snow dragon out in the big open snow/ice(?) area, which I didn't beat but I had lost my will to try by that point and I think it would have been a very long fight due to the very powerful AOE attacks it had and the amount of evading I would have had to do.
I want to say first before getting into my problems, this game IS incredible. The world and bosses are cool af, I adore the vibes and feeling of everything and it was well deserving of GOTY. I think the problems I have with it are just me problems or due to lack of understanding of things.
Here goes

  1. The melee/dodge roll combat has grown pretty dull. It was incredibly exciting at first as I felt like I was overcoming my fear of this genre of game, but now that I've beaten a fair few bosses and overcome some fights that were pretty hard at first, that excitement has diminished. Now I feel I am just going through the motions in this big (incredible) world doing the same doge roll/doge roll/doge roll/melee combat over and over and the only difference in the fights is that some bosses are tankier or more bullshit than others. In my mind, it's hard to judge if I'm supposed to beat them when I find them, or if it's intended for me to level up my character and weapons more first. I enjoyed taking on challenges at the start, but my energy and drive for learning another boss fight is much lower now, due to the combat not really changing much outside of stamina increases. It's a lot harder to be patient with bosses when you're not motivated to beat them.
  2. Inventory bloat makes figuring out the gear side of the game a bit frustrating. I think I've maybe used a total of 6 different weapons in my playthrough. I went from dual Halberds to dual Swords (doing a lot of jumping heavy attacks), not because they were better, but because dual swords is cooler to me. I have avoided trying different weapons and setups because the resources to upgrade weapons don't seem all that plentiful? I find the stat screen for the weapons a bit confusing, like getting some cool looking weapons from bosses but they have lower damage than what I'm using makes it a commitment to use, because I have to devote resources to them that are uncommon to find and I might not end up liking them. Should I be going back to low level areas to try out different weapon setups before deciding if I want to use them? I don't have any spells yet.. Should I have spells as melee? Do people spec into a bit of Intellect just to use some spells? Would that spice the game up or just be a waste of stats?
SO, am I creating my own boredom by not experimenting with things? Am I missing something that would make trying more weapons easier to do? Would trying different weapons change the combat much anyway?
Is the genre just not for me?
submitted by Dj0sh to soulslikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 toothlessndrm EL SHADNAP!!!!!

Hi comunidad de reddit
Vengo desde twitter a pedirles un favor, si pueden votar por el shadnap (shadoune + sapnap), es por un bien mayor (nuestros egos) VOTEN!
submitted by toothlessndrm to DreamWasTaken2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Mewodle What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Mewodle to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 tikvahh Cozy for the cold months

Cozy for the cold months Got the guest room made up and everything!
submitted by tikvahh to TsukiOdyssey [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Left-Start9694 Cerebrate Hatched

Cerebrate Hatched Broodwar + Starcraft 2, this is for you Cerebrate.
submitted by Left-Start9694 to starcraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 I_Am_Flownominal Random disconnections

Hey, is anyone else having an issue where the "server stopped responding" and you get dropped from the match while it's still ongoing? I had it happen three times in survivor matches almost back to back before I gave up on playing for tonight. Once while working on a gen, once in a chase, and once while running out the exit gate. It's making me wonder if all the bots I have been playing with aren't quitters but being disconnected.
Before anyone asks, I reset my console, I reset my Wi-Fi, and I checked my connection. I don't see anything wrong on my side from my troubleshooting.
submitted by I_Am_Flownominal to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 GP3_ What can Scott say? He’s just a chill guy

What can Scott say? He’s just a chill guy He’s totally chill dude 👍🏽
submitted by GP3_ to ScottPilgrim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 wildditor25 Out of all the "Investigation ~ Core"/"Heart of the Investigation" soundtrack of the Ace Attorney series, AA4 is (for me) the most bangers out of the other Core soundtracks

Out of all the That kind of feeling when the party somehow finally gets into the bottom of it during their investigation and then, this music played...
submitted by wildditor25 to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 soderlund91 The_Simpsons.jpg

The_Simpsons.jpg submitted by soderlund91 to hakanhomelabwall [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 BeautifulExpression5 SELLING 14s & 13s

SELLING 14s & 13s DS AJ1 UNION 1 sz 14- $140 DS A MA MANIERE AJ3 sz13- $130
submitted by BeautifulExpression5 to BigBoiRepFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 FearlessTea247 Reverse 2.3 new game modes

They all look super hard what characters should I prioritize getting/building for them?
submitted by FearlessTea247 to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 anonWoodsWitch Watermelon divination

Watermelon divination I've been going mad with a larger witch group on FB, posting the most innocuous things, asking what the signs mean. A curl in someone's hair and a shadow on a dirty glass window have been recebt culprits of pareidolia... but now, a watermelon. Admin gets on you if you post anything fact or science based.
The only thing civil I could comment, "If everything is a sign, nothing has meaning."
submitted by anonWoodsWitch to SASSWitches [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 JOUUTA Me when i try to fight the bot but it keeps getting defeated in a single attack and it can't stop flying backwards with just a punch

Me when i try to fight the bot but it keeps getting defeated in a single attack and it can't stop flying backwards with just a punch submitted by JOUUTA to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Ok-Election3537 What should I put my points into?

What should I put my points into? submitted by Ok-Election3537 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 LatchKeyKid46 Troy is being abused and in danger and the guy doesn’t even realize it🤦🏼‍♀️

Does Troy realize that he is in danger and being abused by being in the presence in Little Debbie Star Crunch Face? Does he realize that the woman hates his daughter and could possibly harm her? I know Karen said her son is slow mentally but is he really that slow to where he can’t identify that he and child let’s add Karen to the mix as well are in immediate danger? Star crunch face is a ticking bomb ready to explode any minute and I worry for this man and his daughter’s safety.
submitted by LatchKeyKid46 to loveafterlockup [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Radiant_Contest_1570 [H] Nordstrom Rack $65usd [W] $35 PayPal

submitted by Radiant_Contest_1570 to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 _Chickenman__ how do i get out of this and go back to being normal?

I’m 16 and a junior in high school. This goes back a bit, but throughout my life, I haven’t really had anyone to support me or talk to when things get tough. I also don’t have a good relationship with my parents. They’re still married, and I’ve just been putting up with how they’ve treated me over the years. But now, I feel like I’ve hit my limit and can’t take it anymore.
On top of that, my girlfriend broke up with me last week, and it’s been really hard. We’d been dating and talking since September, and we were really close. We talked, called, FaceTimed every day, and hung out at least three times a week. She was so kind, supportive, and just an amazing person. I have nothing but respect for her. I’ve been in other relationships before, but none of them came close to how happy she made me feel. She believed in me, came to my football games, and was there for me when we lost in the playoffs.
Things started falling apart when I didn’t text her much one day because it was a boring day, and she was upset. That day, she told me about some of her problems and a bad dream she’d had, and we had a good conversation about how I’d do better and be there for her. But later that night, she called me crying. It caught me off guard because it was late, and I was about to go to sleep. I didn’t know what to say, and I know I messed up, especially since we had just talked about me being better for her.
The next day, I went to her house to talk, but she was still really upset. I tried to apologize and let her know I wanted to fix things, but she said there was now a trust issue and that she was holding a grudge. The day after that, she said she wanted a short break, and I understood.
While I was trying to fix things with her, I let my parents know where I was, but they didn’t care. They kept texting me, telling me to come home. I stayed with her a little longer, but when I got home, my parents were angry. They took away my car and computer and said I couldn’t do anything anymore. I didn’t argue and just went to bed.
The next morning, they were still upset and arguing with me. I’ve been putting up with this for so long, and with everything going on with my girlfriend, I finally snapped. I started yelling at them, and things escalated. My dad slapped me, and I pushed him back. Then, they kicked me out of the house. My sister heard everything and took me to her college. We came back later that day, but we didn’t talk.
The next morning, the same arguments happened, so I just sat outside and waited for them to leave. I went back in but got called out of school. That night, my girlfriend texted me, saying she wanted to talk. Even though it had only been two days since our break, she said she missed what we had but wasn’t sure if her heart could take it anymore. I tried to reassure her and sent her a heartfelt message. She said it touched her heart, but she still needed more time.
The next morning, she texted me saying she was breaking up with me. I saw the message, sent her one back saying I respected her decision, and she replied, saying I was a good guy for being so mature about it. I haven’t opened that message since. That day and the next, I just stayed in my room, crying and not eating. I even watched The Notebook because it reminded me of her.
On Monday, I had to go back to school. My mom heard me crying and started arguing with me, saying I was being dramatic. She took my phone, so I walked to school in the cold. The arguments continued all week until Wednesday when I finally got my phone back, but there was still no message from my ex. On Thursday, I got my car back, but all I’ve been doing since is driving around, listening to music she likes, and thinking about her.
I feel so lost and alone, like no one is here for me anymore. I don’t know how to get out of this sadness. I don’t feel like I can talk to my friends about it, and I miss her so much. I just want to have her back in my life and not have to deal with my parents anymore. I miss everything about her and us.
submitted by _Chickenman__ to therapy [link] [comments]
