The Element of Statistical Learning (ESL) 是频率学派的统计学习“圣经”。 而 Introduction to Statistical Learning with R(ISL)可以满足更广大阅读人群;ISL是ESL的入门版,不仅大量的去除了繁复的数学推导,还加入了R编程的部分,方便大家可以尽快上手。 点击cleanup tools可以打开修复工具,这里不能通过工具中element optimize(自动优化)进行修复,只能通过箭头所指split quad element(分割单元)进行修复。选中该工具后,即可点击要修复的单元进行修复。面板上的其他修复工具可根据单元具体问题,进行选用。 2、蒸炸烤多功能. 因为使用了全金属设计,金属内腔的内腔环境更为稳定,这也让一些空气炸锅加入了加入蒸功能,使其由单一空气炸锅变成一台蒸烤炸一体机,不仅能通过纯蒸模式蒸包子蒸海鲜,还能通过蒸汽烤在烤肉类食物的时候保持食材的鲜嫩多汁,大大增加了烹饪体验。 2、Element 3D Element 3D可以让你快速在AE里导入以及编辑模型,所有三维空间的操作在AE里都实现地非常的流畅。 Element 3D 2.0版本近期也发布了,针对模型新增了Ambient Occlusion(环境光吸收)以及灯光预设功能。 今天刚入手的西数element移动硬盘,京东自营,果然正品保障。之前在淘宝买过假盘,不仅坏道多还敲盘滴滴答答响,格式化后用西数的硬盘序列号检测一看,你面是你妹的三星垃圾盘#(喷)#(喷)#(喷)。 本科期间专门开过这两门课,修学分的,这两个软件都是用有限元法(Finite Element Method)编写的,近二三十年还发展了一些无网格方法,比方物质点法(Material Point Method),但我没接触过无网格方法的软件,应该很少或者没有。 在工作中偶尔会遇到需要确认ie的版本,因为其他浏览器和ie存在着一定的关系,有时候ie升级以后会出现不兼容等情况,这个时候就得确定一下目前我们电脑里安装的ie是哪个版本了,但是就是这么一个小小的问题却难倒了一大批人,那么究竟如何查看自己电脑里安装的ie版本型号呢? 基于 framework4.0,原生控件开发,参考 Element、DotNetBar 主题风格,包含 Button、Panel、TextBox、CheckBox、RadioButton、TabControl、NavBar、DataGridView在内的常用控件超过 40 个,满足常规开发需求,每个控件都精雕细琢,注重细节。 winxp系统用反斜杠字符分隔文件夹名来显示完整的文件或文件夹路径,win7系统的地址栏不再以传统方式显示当前文件夹的完整路径,win7系统如何获取文件或文件夹的完整路径,具体操作方法如下所示。 感觉会长期共存。我个人倾向于使用element plus。 因为近期公司刚部署了一个项目,后端面板采用的 vue-element-admin ,进行技术选型前我做了一些相关查询,所以近期也关注了这两个仓库和相关人员,很多相关资料知乎还有 github 的 issue 里都有,所以有些事情还是很清晰的。
2024.11.25 05:20 NoDemand4726 Element Bolt V2 sale?
Hey I want to buy my first computer and have been eyeing the bolt v2 but have not seen it go on sale not even for Black Friday. Does anyone know if it goes on sale any time soon? The Garmin 540 is on sale right now and possibly will go with that one because of the cheaper price.
submitted by NoDemand4726 to wahoofitness [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 Tummakarme Абьюз
submitted by Tummakarme to Pikabu [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 cosmicbooknews Disney Star Wars ‘Putting All Their Chips’ In Rey
submitted by cosmicbooknews to StarWarsNewsRumors [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 napalm_phosphorus Does anyone have recommendations for brushes.
submitted by napalm_phosphorus to ClipStudio [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 thatretroartist Rare 1930s Daily Worker posters, pamphlets, and clippings
A part of my collection of early twentieth-century American communist ephemera, focusing on things printed by the Daily Worker. Included is a newsstand poster covering the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia, an informational pamphlet for the 1933 NYC municipal elections, and a clipping advertising New Years’ Eve events, the last one being notable for mentioning the Communist Party’s Yiddish newspaper alongside its English language one (referred to as merely the “Freiheit”) submitted by thatretroartist to MarxistCulture [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 MetalBear93 "W!"
I had no idea where else to post or vent about this, so I chose here. I simply cannot fucking stand this new age "brain rot" trend that's going around. Young kids are speaking in these half retarded/half demonic fabricated "languages" and are trying to pass it off as actual conversation. They say things like "fleebowjs" "skipidy" "geyatt" "rizz" what in the actual god damn flying mother FUCK is that?!?? It's brain dead mentally challenged fucking bullshit that does absolutely NOTHING but kill brain cells and corrupt our society. There is ZERO logic or intelligence behind ANY OF IT. Thankfully I have a 9 year old who I am very proud to say can't stand that talk and doesn't use it.
Anyways I was at my friend's Halloween party a few weeks ago being the DJ because their choice of music was fucking garbage, and I was also asked to provide some tunes. This (presumably 19 year old) kid comes up to me and goes "W"! I stared at her in confusion. She did it again "...W!". I was like what the fuck does that mean? And she goes "it means win...hOw dO yOu nOt kNoW tHaT???". I was seeing every shade of red at this point. I said "How old are you?" She replied "14" and walked away. This girl was completely serious.
It's people like this who make me completely ok with the fact that we are all going to eventually drop dead. Because if humanity is going to become this fucking useless, it's probably better off for other more intelligent (and clearly deserving) life forms to move forward. This trend has to stop completely and I hate every single thing about it. Apparently now ADULTS are using this language too and are engaging with it. FUCKING. STOP. You people are feeding into this and showing our children and our world that it's completely ok to be a complete fucking idiot. You can't contribute to the dumbing down of our society and then complain that "everyone's stupid!!!" NO. IT'S YOU. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
submitted by MetalBear93 to Rants [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 Both_Letterhead_569 AF servo only one eye tracking square?
Is there an option to only have the small eye tracking square in servo mode? I notice when it can’t find the eye it starts focusing on cluster of blue squares in random spots (not ideal since I shoot portraits and I only care about the focusing on their eyes. I just want the small eye tracking square. Is this possible? I’ve been searching the menu for ages and I can’t find it
submitted by Both_Letterhead_569 to CanonR6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 Naive_Ambassador1384 Johnnie’s attitude’s reminds of snake snake from bread winners
submitted by Naive_Ambassador1384 to snarktarajakejohnnie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 jaywestgaming Geoguessr
Come join my stream and play along in Geoguessr, hang out and enjoy the vibes
(5) jaywestgaming - Twitch
submitted by jaywestgaming to TwitchStreaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 FadedSA What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by FadedSA to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 BelfastTelegraph Anyone feel MyProtein is struggling as a company and that is why all the Black Friday deals are really shit?
submitted by BelfastTelegraph to Myprotein [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 North_Run_4417 🔴🟡𝙎𝘾𝙐𝙁𝙁𝙀𝘿💫𝟏𝟖+ // ARGUMENTS & DEBATES🤬 // LIMITED RULES⚠️ // DARK HUMOR☢️ // MARIJUANA🍃 // ACTIVE🎉 // PSYCHEDELICS🍄 // E-GIRLS💘 // GAMING🎮 // VC🎙
submitted by North_Run_4417 to PromoteDiscordServer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 Hs1799 Cart to flower question
Hey y’all,
Just as a preface: tapering is working for me as I’ve only been smoking the last few months to avoid withdrawal so only one hit at night with a 1 maybe 1.5 second pull. Honestly just enough to relax some.
However, I know withdrawal is a bitch especially from carts. I’ve gotten down to 40% thc in carts from 90 something and that’s the lowest I can go before it jumps to flower.
What was the jump like from cart to flower? I’m planning on tapering down to a 30% strain. Is there a noticeable withdrawal from the cart specifically or is it still like the normal uncomfortableness you feel when you taper? Just trying to gauge if I should make the jump Sunday or wait til Friday in case I need the rest.
Thank you all in advance! Proud of everyone in this sub.
submitted by Hs1799 to leaves [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 Embarrassed_Mess_863 Simple Kaul
submitted by Embarrassed_Mess_863 to BollywoodInBikinis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 Professional-Wish332 Laser removal
First pic is before starting my laser removal, second pic is 5 days after my second session. So happy with the progress so far. Getting treatments at Removery using picoway laser. Zero complications, no blisters
submitted by Professional-Wish332 to TattooRemoval [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 pre1twa Nasa umbrella referral
Am about to create an account with Nasa... If someone DMs me their 'name' we can get 2 weeks 0% margin... It says this on the signup "If a friend recommended you let us know their name, and you'll both get 2 weeks zero margin as a thank you!"
submitted by pre1twa to ContractorUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 Narrow_Barracuda6816 Update: My friend is not talking to me
This is an update for my last post.
I apologize if this is not the way I’m supposed to update. If there is another way, please let me know so I can do it. :)
First I want to thank everyone for your kind words and advices. I want you guys to know that I’ve gathered the strength to talk to my friend and I’d like your opinion about our conversation.
She sent me this message:
“ I think this is the longest we've gone without talking, and that saddens me deeply. I feel like our friendship doesn't mean the same to you as it does to me, and that hurts me. I tried reaching out a couple of times, but only received rejection. Just on the day of the events, I marked you because I thought: It's not that big of a deal... But your pride did not give in, and my friend even told me: 'Maybe she will come', and I told her “of course not, sHe is the proudest person in the world”, and, Unfortunately, that's how it was.
This birthday was special to me, and it hurt me not to have you as a part of it. I understand that everyone has their own life, but for me you were an important part of mine. Now I feel like our friendship was relegated to something distant, like third grade.
With the situation about Taylor’s concert, I felt very guilty at the time, but everyone, including my therapist, helped me realize that I wasn't the problem. And in this situation I feel the same.”
This was my answer:
Hi, I’m going to be honest with you. It hurts that we’ve reached this point, but I feel it’s necessary to set some boundaries. What happened with the call wasn’t due to pride, it was because I was genuinely busy. It’s unfair to misunderstand not being available as a lack of interest; that’s not the case.
About your birthday, I understand it was something special for you, but I was really surprised when you uninvited me, especially after I had planned it. My absence wasn’t my choice. You uninvited me. I feel like you have expectations I don’t share, and when things don’t go the way you expect, you show your hurt in a way that makes me feel like I have to justify myself or change my feelings so that they don’t hurt you.
As for Taylor, I still have a different perspective on what happened, and even though your therapist and “everyone” have helped you see things in one way, my family and I had a very different experience. It was hard, and my feelings haven’t changed because of it.
Now, I find out from my mom that you ordered some packages to ny friend’s house, and she had to go pick them up to send them to you. I think it’s really inappropriate that you did that without even letting me know. Last time you did mention it… but now? I understand that sometimes we ask for favors, but I think these things should be handled directly, especially when our relationship wasn’t in the best place.
I value our friendship, but I also need to set clear boundaries. After reading your message, I feel like you expect me to apologize for something I don’t think was my mistake.
I understand what you were saying about being there when you needed me, and I appreciate you being there for me. But I want you to know that friendships aren’t just about favors or being present to “repay” something. I’ve been there for you, but I don’t do it expecting to “owe” anything
Well…. That was my message… sorry for the long post… setting boundaries for me at least with this particular friend is so new, when I sent this message I felt my heart was going to explode out haha… I know she will get so mad at me… I kind of feel she is trying to make me feel like bad or sentimental about something and try to manipulate me… but at the same time I don’t know if she is being real… I don’t know… now I think I’m over thinking and I don’t even know what to think… I’d like some clarity…
Any thoughts???? Do you think I was rude?? I was trying to set boundaries and got the courage to do it once I wrote here…
submitted by Narrow_Barracuda6816 to SettingBoundaries [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 realistic_aside777 Arrived today, Why the hell is my new M4 MBP using so much memory without opening anything
submitted by realistic_aside777 to macbookpro [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 cosmicbooknews Disney Star Wars ‘Putting All Their Chips’ In Rey
submitted by cosmicbooknews to CosmicBookNews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 Valkiyre-Kun What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Valkiyre-Kun to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 Elmartillo40k To the people who Bullied Doll husband to the point of almost killing him
Shame on you, you are horrible human beings, Heretics, don’t kill your self tho but you disgust me, you could have literally made some one die because of you, are you proud? Are you proud of almost making someone take they’re own life? submitted by Elmartillo40k to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 BroMandi [Target] Apple iPad 10.2-inch Wi-Fi 64GB (2021, 9th Generation) - Space Gray $199.99 [Deal: $199.99, Actual: $329.99]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 Hayu-Ain Kingfisher Towers , Bangalore [OC]
submitted by Hayu-Ain to IncredibleIndia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:20 geekyplug Working NeuronWriter Lifetime Coupon 2024
Are you searching for a content editor that lets you plan high-ranking content using semantic recommendations to boost your SEO?
If yes then NeuronWriter is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (NeuronWriter lifetime discount code attached), you will be able to claim the lifetime deal for a LIMITED TIME.
submitted by geekyplug to wpdealsanddiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:20 Agile_Star6574 Any Milo Marathon CDO runners here on December 1?
I will be visiting CDO for the 1st time to run 42K for the Milo Marathon Finals this coming Sunday. True po ba na sa Centrio Mall usually start ng race? I will just like to ask if what should we expect sa race course? Ano po kaya masarap na restaurants, coffee shop sa area na recommended kainan? 24/7 po ba yung public vehicles s area like jeep? Saan po kaya mas okay mag stay na cheaper? Sorry po madami tanong. Thank you po! submitted by Agile_Star6574 to cagayandeoro [link] [comments] |