What is this?

2024.11.25 05:10 Mammoth_Shop3811 What is this?

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submitted by Mammoth_Shop3811 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Quirky-Current-766 Időskori elmagányosodás - rant

Közeleg a karácsony, és pár éve észre vettem, hogy ebben az időszakban sok reklám, társadalmi célú hirdetés szól arról, hogy ne hagyjuk az idős embereket elmagányosodni, látogassuk meg ne csak a nagymamát, hanem a szomszed nénit-bácsit is, mert szegények milyen szomorúak és elszigeteltek és hogy várják a társaságot.
És itt jön az unpopular vélemény: 1. Miért elvárás hogy legyen társaságuk a semmiből? A magány ellen az ember leginkább maga tehet, nem? Keresni kell a kapcsolatokat, a lehetőséget ismerkedésre. Az idősek miért nem szerveznek maguknak programot, hívnak vendégséget, invitálják be a szomszédot egy kávéra, stb? Miért nekünk, fiataloknak a felelősségünk a karácsonyi hajrában Manci néni bánatos lelkét ápolni?

  1. Az elszigeteltség nem korfüggő és nemcsak az idosebb generációt érinti. A fiatalabb generáció is rettenetesen szenved ettől, 20-40 közötti ismerőseim és kollegaim elég nagy hányada küzd a széthullott családjával (válás, elidegenedett nárcisztikus szülők elég gyakoriak), szülők halálával, párkereséssel. Egyáltalán nem alap dolog hogy a fiatalok nem magányosak és mindig van társaságuk.
  2. Az időskori magányra visszatérve, a napokban olvastam askhun a kivándorlásról és hogy külföldön éles után miért jönnek sokan haza. Nem egy válasz volt hogy hát az idos szüleiket féltik. Meg szegény idos szülők jaj de magányosak. Sokszor komplett családokat, kisgyerekeket hazakoltoztetnek emiatt. Azok az idos szülők, ha meg egészségben élnek, tehetnének a maganyuk ellen. Nyugdíjas klubbal, akarmivel. Engem előbb találna bárki holtan, minthogy hazarángassam az unokámat egy fejlettebb országból, fejlettebb iskolarendszerből mert én hüpp-hüpp unatkozom és egyedül vagyok.
  3. Kolléganőm (31N) sztorija visz mindent: hárman tesok, vidékiek. Az anyja egyetlen programja hogy folyton haza rángatja a gyerekeit, főz hatvanfele kaját és ott kell ülni majd minden hétvégén. Ez önmagában nem lenne akkora baj, viszont ha a gyerekek nem mennek, sértődés van, rendes érzelmi terror. Kolléganő teljesen kivan, sokszor nincs energiája 250 km-t autózni oda-vissza meg lemondani hétvégi programokról az anyja ebédje miatt. Ahogy ő fogalmazott: “a szüleimnek nincsenek barátai. Mi vagyunk a barátaik.” Szerintem ez súlyos képet fest erről a generációról. A megható “figyelj a szegény kis magányos szomszed nenire” propaganda nézése közben mindig eszembe jut: vajon miért is magányos az az öreg szomszed? Hol vannak a barátaik, s vajon milyen viselkedéssel vaditottak el a családot maguktól?
submitted by Quirky-Current-766 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Few-Case8348 Palayam Palli

Palayam Palli submitted by Few-Case8348 to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Similar-Yam6095 经济下行波及大内宣 中国2千家电视台恐倒闭

submitted by Similar-Yam6095 to GTok_CN [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 nuclearrmt Pre-war formal wear & panharmonicon

Pre-war formalwear enters while panharmonicon is on the field. If the first trigger resolves, what happens to the 2nd trigger? Do you resurrect another dead creature with the 2nd etb trigger? Thank you for answering.
submitted by nuclearrmt to mtgrules [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Elklandboy Need advice on what Keyboard would work well with a Behringer UB-Xa Desktop

I recently purchased the Behringer UB-Xa 16-voice Multi-timbral Polyphonic Desktop and i was wondering what keyboard would work well with it? I'm looking for a standalone keyboard that would not break my bank account that would connect to the desktop version ($100-=$500). I didn't have $1300 to buy the one with keys so bought the $649 desktop version instead. I am as new as they come, so I'm not very knowledgeable but trying to learn.
submitted by Elklandboy to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Flimsy-Class-5010 Question maxxxine/ Pearl

I just finished Maxxxine after watching Pearl last night. In the ending of Maxxxine is her father the killer? How can that be possible if in Pear movie her father was immobile almost dying? Or am I extremely confused?
submitted by Flimsy-Class-5010 to HorrorMovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Historical_Glove_119 I got my first shundo today, he has a non-shiny twin too that is a hundo

I got my first shundo today, he has a non-shiny twin too that is a hundo submitted by Historical_Glove_119 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Beautiful_Garbage_55 Fasting makes me feel like I have full control of my life 🙌🏾💕

I've been in a rocky relationship for about 5 years now. I DID NOT TRULY see (until recently) how chubby I was getting?? I sort of did months prior, but it progressively got worse ):😅😒 I'm talking about... big arms, back fat and protruding stomach. Since officially starting IF this year on October 25th (I do a mix of all methods, but I'm mainly trying to perfect doing ADF majority of the time) I have lost ALL my back fat and slimmed down all over. Lost a total of 4 pounds so far in a month, which I’m assuming was true fat loss because it wasn’t too much or it didn’t happen too fast!
I absolutely love that I have control and am taking control over what I eat. It's freeing to me idk how to explain it. I'm mad my boyfriend didn't really tell me this, I guess bc my butt was getting huge it was okay? (I’m black so in our culture as long as butt comes with its lol it’s fine). But I genuinely was feeling like a pig, feeling so lethargic, HUGE, and disgusting.
When I finally took "before pics" its was insane how much weight I truly saw I gained (TAKE BEFORE PICS ITS SO IMPORTANT!) My boyfriend obvi wears the pants in the relationship and he pretty much has say so on a lot of things…which I trust his opinion on a lot of things as well, but sometimes I want to feel like I have FULL control of SOMETHING?? I guess I have issues being fully feminine /submissive which is a whole different convo! I feel like it's just not in my DNA to be fully submissive. So he's not going to make me eat or tell me what to eat, he's not really controlling per se, but he's very opinionated on what I should and shouldn't be doing, within good reason??
Hes seen my fasting results and he's very happy so no stopping now. I feel better. Only thing is I get BOREDDD lol and want to throw in the towel periodically throughout the day, but I try to keep myself motivated and disciplined with a couple methods I don't mind sharing if anyone cares haha they help 🫶🏾🙌🏾
submitted by Beautiful_Garbage_55 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Free_Exchange1278 S1ze b3t for my m.0m. on SC inf0 below

Horny af want to Sizebet for my mom. Outsize and make me into a cuckson. Snap : spirmi22
submitted by Free_Exchange1278 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Potatoplayz88 You can grow 4 more arms

You can give yourself 6 arms except the extra 4 are only 3 inches long Once you want to get rid of them, they pop off like a lizards tail and you can eat them for extra nutrients or they just shrivel up and rot after a few minutes. They have a 1 hour cooldown
submitted by Potatoplayz88 to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 The_Urban_Wanderer Over 100 Million Africans Without Internet Access!

Over 100 Million Africans Without Internet Access! submitted by The_Urban_Wanderer to AfricaVoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 Budget_Carrot_630 Do yall think the zapatron will be in og fortnite? Because it should (Nerfed or not)

Do yall think the zapatron will be in og fortnite? Because it should (Nerfed or not) submitted by Budget_Carrot_630 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 ChicChickk Doggy is more fun with a tight petite Latina daddy!

Doggy is more fun with a tight petite Latina daddy! submitted by ChicChickk to Daddys_Broken_toys [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 anxiousmongoose Cat (1F) has been diagnosed with FIP and will have to be isolated for 2 months; how to make it easier for her?

Hello! Hope this is okay to post here. One of our cats, a sweet little calico, has been diagnosed with FIP recently. This was thankfully caught early since she had to get a blood test prior to getting spayed. She’ll be starting her treatment soon and part of it is that she’ll have to be isolated for 60 whole days as the treatment takes effect.
Her isolation is necessary as we have two other cats — one is our older orange cat that we adopted early on and the other is her brother, who she’s been inseparable from since we got them. Sweet girl has had to isolate ever since she got diagnosed and we can’t help but worry about how being separated from the other two might affect her :( We have her isolated in one of our bigger bedrooms, and we try to always have someone with her to keep her company, but since everyone in the house is working/studying, there are periods where she has to be alone for some time.
Her 2-month isolation will be starting next week, and we’re trying to find ways to make the bedroom more stimulating? for her, like adding a cat tower by the window, so she can birdwatch. Any other tips on how to make her isolation easier for her? Or if you’ve had a similar experience, would love to hear how it went!
submitted by anxiousmongoose to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 Comfortable_Rub_5412 Just sayin …

Just sayin … submitted by Comfortable_Rub_5412 to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 Intrepid-Cry5328 Can I port a 787 (Puerto Rico) area code to Tello?

I’m considering switching to Tello and want to know if it’s possible to port a phone number with the 787 area code (Puerto Rico).
submitted by Intrepid-Cry5328 to Tello [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 slushycub p0197

Earlier in the evening i got in my fiancees car to move it oit of the driveway, upon turning on the vehicle, a warning popped up on the screen stating “check oil pressure sensor” followed by a CEL and a triangle with an exclamation mark to be illuminated. On the screen a small oil can with what looks like liquid underneath also popped up. Automatically i searched up what that oil can meant and it said low oil level or low oil pressure. I popped the hood and check the dipstick, and it was slightly lower than what i had left it, i filled it to the middle of the gauge not knowing it should be at the top, in my vehicle i always filled up to the middle of the gauge and never encountered a problem, in this vehicle due to lack of knowledge you must fill the oil level to the top of the gauge, i did an oil change for her about two months ago and the code just popped up. Again the oil gauge went from the center to the bottom, not much oil was burnt off, i topped it off to the top of the gauge and proceeded to check for the CEL code, the code was p0197 which read temperature sensor A circuit low. Could low oil potentially trigger this CEL, i drove the car and the engine doesn’t rough idle nor sound loud, the vehicle drives fine and my fiancee says she doesnt notice any difference. She drives approximately 8 miles a day for work and errands, she doesnt drove much and she has less than 40k miles. Any suggestions? Should i clear the code and see if it comes back?
submitted by slushycub to jetta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 deltatunes What is this?

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submitted by deltatunes to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 jodawi Kitty from place we rented for a couple days

Kitty from place we rented for a couple days Rented a hut at SunRay Shire in Washington. This kitty came in when we checked in and stayed napping through the next day.
submitted by jodawi to tuckedinkitties [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 AvailableWerewolf600 Director Defendants - - Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint - re: DK-Butterfly-1, Inc., et al. v. Edelman, et al

Hello all,
This is the new Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint filed by the former BBBY Director Defendants. I read the entire motion while comparing it to the original Motion to Dismiss the original Complaint and majority of the content is identical.
Where it differs is when addressing the new statements made in the Amended Complaint. (TLDR at the end.)
I have already broken down Mark Tritton's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint and the TLDR for it was that Mark Tritton doubled down in denying that he did anything wrong.
I have also already broken down Gustavo Arnal Estate's Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint and the TLDR for it was that they claimed Gustavo was powerless in stopping the accelerated stock buyback as he was not a director and thus has no fiduciary duty towards the action regardless of being the CFO.
To read a breakdown of the Amended Complaint (highly recommended read), here it is:
BBBY Board Determined To Fight Off Activist Investors - Ryan Cohen Is Everything They Feared
Here is my TLDR for the new information in the Amended Complaint:
Processing img 1npvl8ilny1e1...
Because the new motion is so similar to the original motion to dismiss, I will be strictly focusing on what's new so I don't repeat myself.
To read what I have already discussed for the director defendant's motion to dismiss, see my previous breakdown here (all of the content in this post is included in the new motion to dismiss so it is still relevant):
Director Defendants - Motion to Dismiss + Board Not Protected by the Exculpation Clause?(CHECKMATE?) - re: DK-Butterfly-1, Inc., et al. v. Edelman, et al
Here is my TLDR to the post above for the original motion to dismiss:
Processing img lmepb5pfoy1e1...
Here is the link to Docket 37 & 38 which is the Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint and the Memorandum of Law.
There are lots of small changes in sentences that do not change the overall message of the original motion to dismiss so I will not include them and focus solely on the major new statements.
Let's begin.
The following two paragraphs are new which more or less recap the original complaint:
This paragraph is new:
The highlighted section here is new:
For some context around the following screenshots, it was added in the section when the director defendants labeled the plaintiff's breach of loyalty accusations as deficient of evidence:
They go on to say:
Final new information:
Since the Amended Complaint includes the original allegations that the Director Defendants denied in their original motion to dismiss, I will include the TLDR from my previous post alongside the new one for this current post.
TLDR: Director Defendants state that the Plaintiffs allegations are inconsistent, subjective, and deficient of evidence. They state that their is no proof that the board was preoccupied in warding off activist investor threats, determined to keep their board seats, and that their weapon of choice in thwarting activist investor campaigns was the accelerated stock buy backs.
My opinion: Plan Administrator will oppose the motion to dismiss and fire back with hard hitting evidence that Mark Tritton, Gustavo Arnal, and the Director Defendants are lying about acting in good faith of the company and shareholders.
Don't forget that Michael Goldberg is the co-chair of the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Practice Group at his law firm. Michael’s practice has focused on the recovery aspects of complex bankruptcies and high profile investor fraud. Michael would not have put forth this case unless he had an ace in the hole. He's letting the board dig themselves deeper before he reveals his trump card that they are guilty of breaching their fiduciary duty.
submitted by AvailableWerewolf600 to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 TessaWhitakery Yes, I do

Yes, I do submitted by TessaWhitakery to DisneyMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 Smooth_Hurry_8357 Comment Find

Is there a way to see all the comments I’ve ever sent in a template ?
submitted by Smooth_Hurry_8357 to CapCut [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 PhanseyBaby In the spirit of Thanksgiving I’d like to thank the Army

Thank you Army. You took a young kid headed nowhere to somewhere. You taught me so many valuable life lessons. You taught me to follow and to lead. You surrounded me with friends and a new family. You gave me the opportunity to go to college. I actually have no idea where I’d be if it weren’t for the drills that broke me down and built me up, the peers I created bonds with and the NCOs and Officers who have mentored me. The Army is so flawed but GAWT DAMN am I proud to be part of it. I’ve been around the world and I get to lead Soldiers while the guys I grew up with cook crack. So thanks, not to the institution but all the people. You have turned my life around!
I’ll take some Turkey, but after all the homies are fed.
submitted by PhanseyBaby to army [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:09 realchrisgunter Esther Hart instantly told her story that the titanic split in half but experts argued with her. She maintained that story until 1985 when it was proven beyond doubt.

Esther Hart instantly told her story that the titanic split in half but experts argued with her. She maintained that story until 1985 when it was proven beyond doubt. submitted by realchrisgunter to titanic [link] [comments]
