Max making vodka redbulls on live television on Sky Sport DE

2024.11.28 23:12 Milan_Academy Max making vodka redbulls on live television on Sky Sport DE

Max making vodka redbulls on live television on Sky Sport DE submitted by Milan_Academy to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 MrBillHinTX Solar Power Wi-Fi Cameras and Recording

Solar Power Wi-Fi Cameras and Recording
Wi-Fi - I have a two-story house where it is inconvienent to run POE cables (I know I wish it wasn't such a hassle to run the wiring, but wi-fi cams better than no cams at all)
Solar - Don't want to have to climb up to cameras to change out batteries (although front of house faces north so no direct sunlight in winter)
Recording - Does the Home Hub allow for recording from various cameras for later review?
I assume that the cameras could be available to view via iPhone app when triggered?
Thinking about 4-5 cameras plus doorbell cam to capture various angles around the house, maybe inside camera or two?
Is the Argus Pro 4 a good camera for my situation?
We live in a nice suburban neighborhood with relatively small lot, but have had several property crimes:
Parts stolen out of back of pickup parked in front of house; laptop stolen out of car in driveway; shingles stolen out of driveway
submitted by MrBillHinTX to reolinkcam [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 666Locker Enclosure checkkk

Enclosure checkkk just wanted to share my 20 gal enclosure. I’ve had my corn (Swiss) for a couple months now and I think he really enjoys it! Let me know your thoughts on mine, but also feel free to share your cute enclosures in comments i love to see them and be inspired lol
P.S. there’s a water bowl on the very left side along with a small black hide. they’re just covered by leaves at this angle lol
submitted by 666Locker to cornsnakes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 12Ghreyz06 Broken vow 🎧

Broken vow 🎧 submitted by 12Ghreyz06 to PHCovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 presidentsday 🔥 Magic Hour at the Grand Canyon

🔥 Magic Hour at the Grand Canyon Source
submitted by presidentsday to NatureIsFuckingLit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 ithinarine Having problems with Alberta MyHealth Records?

I had to have blood work done today.
Signed up for an account while I was at it and got the account verified and everything to check my results online.
Any time I go to log in though, the website just forwards my browser like 3 times and I end up on the page that is the agreement for their terms and conditions for creating a new account. If I press accept, it obviously just gives me an error that I've already created and account with this email address.
Curious if anyone else has had the same thing happen to them and what they potentially did to fix it. This is through multiple different browsers and multiple different devices. Cache has been cleared on all of them.
submitted by ithinarine to alberta [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 spngplayer [Stream] N2 of the Thanksgiving tradition, Dead & Co - Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 6/28/17, TONIGHT 8PM ET

[Stream] N2 of the Thanksgiving tradition, Dead & Co - Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 6/28/17, TONIGHT 8PM ET submitted by spngplayer to foodtooth [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 ayyzhd what updates are coming next

I'm waiting till the game gets all its gameplay updates before playing again.
submitted by ayyzhd to StarWarsOutlaws [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 mrxBug Acidente nos trilhos, sinalizador n funciona, o motorista está bem!

Acidente nos trilhos, sinalizador n funciona, o motorista está bem! submitted by mrxBug to curitiba [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 Gold_Lemon542 BPI text message. TIA!

BPI text message. TIA! Hi guys, ask ko lang if ganitong text message may higher chance na mapprove? Always decline ako kay BPI kahit more than 2 years na akong naka BPI due to payroll hehe. Baka sakali lang hehe
submitted by Gold_Lemon542 to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 Normal_Experience_87 What's your guys high score?

Could you guys send videos of a game where you get more than 10k or so. My high is 6k but i want to get a higher score so seeing how somebody better than me get a higher score could be useful
submitted by Normal_Experience_87 to blockblast [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 TrojanTerran5 Who’s online and wants to chat all things RIC?

submitted by TrojanTerran5 to RICfetish2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:12 NeekotinaLover Prejuízo de pegar uma bomba

Então, tô em busca de comprar minha primeira moto, não sou alguém experiente na área então estou com algumas dúvidas, agradeço se puderem dar uma ajuda.
Meu plano principal é juntar uma grana e comprar uma CG usada, no momento tô mais inclinado para uma Fan 150 ou uma Titan 150 mix. Não entendo muito da parte mecânica, então a possibilidade de entrar em uma furada comprando usada não é baixa, então já quero me "preparar" pra caso aconteça.
A dúvida aqui é o seguinte, caso eu compre uma moto dessas, não consiga avaliar bem e dê bastante azar, qual seria o nível do prejuízo que uma moto dessas poderia me dar? Quanto eu precisaria gastar pra deixar ela "zera", se necessário?
Existe também a possibilidade de pegar o valor que daria em uma usada, e dar de entrada no financiamento de uma nova, ou como lance em um consórcio. São possibilidades mais seguras, mas não me agradam.
submitted by NeekotinaLover to motoca [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 malocErcan45 Babanızın yarrağını tarif edin

benim babamın yarrağı utangaç, masum ve kabuksu bir yapıya sahip. Her ne kadar yılların verdiği yorgunlukla eski fiziksel özelliklerini kaybetmiş olsa da hala benim diyen yarrakları utandıran bir görüntü sergiliyor. Tıraş olmaktan yer yer tahriş olmuş ve 4 litre sperm&sidik deposuna sahip olan babamın yarrağı, şu anda görüntüsü itibariyle burger king’de yediğiniz elma dilim patatesin boyut olarak biraz daha büyük haline benziyor. Mavi slip külotta bulunan mavi boyadaki kimyasallara, uzun kırmızı viceroy sigarasına ve aşırı kullanıma bağlı olarak meçli kahve rengini alan babamın yarrağı, 0-100 arasını 4 saniye gibi kısa bir sürede alıyor ve 6 bar basınçla fışkırtma kapasitesine sahip. Tüm bu teknik özelliklerden dolayı formundan hiçbir şey kaybetmemiş gibi görünüyor. Ancak, yılların verdiği alet karıştırma alışkanlığı nedeniyle taşaklara doğru bir göçüklük mevcut olsa da her açıdan iş görür nitelikte. Saydığım çevresel etmenlerden dolayı bazı olumsuz özellikleri bulunsa da sonuç olarak 59 yaşındaki adamın yarrağından bahsediyoruz arkadaşlar. O kadar kusur kadı kızında da olur. Hala, babamın yarrağını gören kadın ve erkeklerin, yarrağın önünde saygı duruşunda bulunup, o iri yarrağı kavrayarak hatıra fotoğrafı çektireceğinden eminim.
Şimdi siz babalarınızın yarraklarını tarif edin de iç geçirip dinleyelim. Eğer bu konuda benim gibi deneysel bir çalışma yapmadıysanız cefakar annelerinizden yardım alabilirsiniz.
submitted by malocErcan45 to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 TattooedHelperGuy All out war with the Naytiba? How sad…

All out war with the Naytiba? How sad… submitted by TattooedHelperGuy to stellarblade [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 rennistry Bradford Exchange Black Friday Sales 2024

Check out the link for Bradford Exchange Black Friday Sales 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by rennistry to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 suspicious__turtle Name of Youtube Channel

I'm sorry if my English is not written correctly (I translated this with Google). I wanted to look up the name of a YouTube channel I saw a while ago. I really only saw one video that was of a girl with old clothes from around the Middle Ages and she was cooking old recipes the way they used to be made.
submitted by suspicious__turtle to TastingHistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 ASICmachine The total crypto market cap has gained $1 trillion in November! (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

The total crypto market cap has gained $1 trillion in November! (x-post from /Bitcoin) submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 mazzy80 Where do you go for inspiration?

I’m looking for some YouTubers, Instagram, bloggers etc that you suggest I could look at for general decor inspiration. Thanks!
submitted by mazzy80 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 ASICmachine dumb question (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 DreadedRaider Lil round

Lil round I haven't grown in over a decade and never indoors. Can't say I've seen a plant so rounded before. What say ye?
submitted by DreadedRaider to ACInfinityAdvancegrow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 Cheese_Pufffffff Why was my post just taken down?

Posted the flushable photo. ????
submitted by Cheese_Pufffffff to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 ASICmachine Achieving True Decentralization (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 goblinmilkbutter my mom is mad I have no sense of direction

So Imma pack up my stuff and right 😤
submitted by goblinmilkbutter to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:11 Gojomadrid Deficit?

Hey guys im 23 (m) currently 77,8 Kg with 22% bodyfat. My height is 178cm. I was at 95 kg 9 months ago and had 28% bodyfat
Im doing an Arnold Split.
Chest back Legs Arms Rest Repeat
Doing 3 excercises for each mucle group with 2x sets to failure. I do cardio for 15 mins sometimes After the workout. I work in an office so i Dont get much steps a day.
Now im unsure which amount of calories i should eat i currently eat 1800 but i think 2100 would be better. I always eat around 150-180g of proteins.
Pls help me ! My goal is to achieve 15% bodyfat
submitted by Gojomadrid to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]