Daily Challenge - November 25, 2024

2024.11.25 08:00 BloonsBot Daily Challenge - November 25, 2024

Discussion about the today's daily challenge in Bloons TD 6.
Please keep all discussion, question and strategies about the daily challenge and advanced challenge to this post to keep subreddit clutter low.
Make sure to distinguish whether you are posting about the daily challenge or the advanced challenge clearly in your comment.
Click here to see previous daily challenge posts
Happy popping!
submitted by BloonsBot to btd6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 android_tests_pac Crosspost source test for 25/11/2024 07:57:07

submitted by android_tests_pac to automation_crossposts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 Cool-Nose-2285 Offering armored mewtwos looking for legendary or rare shinys

Offering armored mewtwos looking for legendary or rare shinys Looking for legendary or rare shinys. Post offers below thx
submitted by Cool-Nose-2285 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 AutoModerator Weekly Generation 5 Friend Code Exchange

This is the weekly post to exchange your friend codes.

Using the DNS exploit, you can now battle and trade with others online and even obtain old WiFi limited events. A guild to do so is found Here by Jrose11 on Youtube
To find your own friend code, use the in game pal pad and select (your game player's name) friend code. There should be your 12 digit code.

Please comment using this format:
Your player name
In game Friend Code
Game you are playing on

Pokemon Black
Also feel free to join our discord server: https://discord.gg/pWJm2j6
submitted by AutoModerator to PokemonBlackandWhite [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 acestrider3 Proof that in Tekken 8 you don’t need to block and can button mash to blue rank

Proof that in Tekken 8 you don’t need to block and can button mash to blue rank submitted by acestrider3 to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 Prestigious_Load_661 My strange no buy hack

So I have too much stuff. Especially when it comes to clothes,food and soap (I think it may have to do with growing up in poverty and experiencing food scarcity regularly). I just wanted to share a strange little hack that I have found works for me. I emptied my closet and refilled it with all my clothes that I wear on a day to day basis. The rest I packed up in boxes and put away. On days where I feel the crazy urge to shop for clothes (which is becoming less and less all the time)....I pull out one of my boxes from storage and 'shop' from what I already own. I usually find a few items that I am excited about and gives me the same dopamine hit as shopping. I feel satisfied. The rest I give away to my niece or to others in need. I have done the same thing with my insane soap collection. And so far it works! And my desire to seek these things out seems to be fading slowly over time.
submitted by Prestigious_Load_661 to nobuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 Drag-Pure Help me figure out what’s wrong with me!!

Help me figure out what’s wrong with me!! I have a long medical history. Doctors diagnosed me with pots but are stumped… I have terrible symptoms all the time and a history of weird illnesses. Need fresh ideas. Already in progress of EDS genetic testing and plan to retest autoimmune markers (negative 4 years ago). Am I missing something obvious?
submitted by Drag-Pure to rarediseases [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 ShafiTechnique How should be the mindset or way of thinking on exam day so that we don't forget anything that we studied and write exam well?

submitted by ShafiTechnique to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 hatchcats-game NiceScruff

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by hatchcats-game to hatchcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 GlitchXGamerX [BO] Quick question: does anyone know if BO1 has separate download files on Steam?

Just a generic quick question 'cause I wanna know if I can save some space on PC since I don't officially own a copy
submitted by GlitchXGamerX to CallOfDuty [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 truetablecom Spectacular Photography of a Small Planktonic Crustacean! by Marek Mis - Mikrofotografia

Spectacular Photography of a Small Planktonic Crustacean! by Marek Mis - Mikrofotografia submitted by truetablecom to diving [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 CSCQMods Interview Discussion - November 25, 2024

Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed.
Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.
This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here.
submitted by CSCQMods to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 ConversationLost3989 Dream stans are losers, they compose a story while also being completely blind

Dream stans are losers, they compose a story while also being completely blind submitted by ConversationLost3989 to DreamStanCringe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 BroMandi [Amazon] 32-Oz CamelBak Chute Mag Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle (Black) $14.69 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $14.69, Actual: $35.00]

[Amazon] 32-Oz CamelBak Chute Mag Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle (Black) $14.69 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $14.69, Actual: $35.00] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 Glass_Culture_6209 Verblendung Dunstabzugshaube aus dünnem Edelstahlblech kürzen …(sehr dünnes Blech)

Verblendung Dunstabzugshaube aus dünnem Edelstahlblech kürzen …(sehr dünnes Blech) Hallo zusammen! Ich muss eine Verblendung aus Edelstahlblech einkürzen, da meine Deckenhöhe zu niedrig für die Haube ist. Hat hier jemand ne Idee, mit welchem Werkzeug ich das am besten erledige, ohne dass ich hässliche Grate oder schiefe Schnitte an der Verblendung verursache. Ne Flex ist wahrscheinlich eher ungeeignet, oder? Foto zur Verdeutlichung hab ich beigefügt. Danke vorab!
submitted by Glass_Culture_6209 to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 scienceandjustice Kanafani, Ghassan. "He Is A Freedom Fighter". Circa 1969.

submitted by scienceandjustice to PropagandaPosters [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 Specialist_Bit9667 Any HS boys up that wanna tell me what the would do to my wife? 058f54adca996213943608896857587844bd305ed013d43d625c7b433e22aefc1d

Any HS boys up that wanna tell me what the would do to my wife? 058f54adca996213943608896857587844bd305ed013d43d625c7b433e22aefc1d submitted by Specialist_Bit9667 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 hatchcats-game DevilDevil

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by hatchcats-game to hatchcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: demonstration

English: demonstration

  1. especially, proof beyond the possibility of doubt
  2. (mil.) a decisive exhibition of force, or a movement indicating an attack
  3. an exhibition; proof
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/translations
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 gabrycas91 Starvie triton pro touch, pareri

Qualcuno di voi ha provato la nuova starvie triton pro touch? Dalle recensioni sembrerebbe l'anello mancante tra la soft e la pro. Io l'ho ordinata e a breve arriverà, ma nel frattempo volevo capire le sensazioni di chi la ha già provata
submitted by gabrycas91 to PadelIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 reddit_lss_20 Post event test

submitted by reddit_lss_20 to ModEventTesting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 Classic-River7759 Human Tornado

Human Tornado Mia is a 5 month old husky She is rambunctious,Sassy, Playful & Talkative, but most of all loyal to my daughter
submitted by Classic-River7759 to husky [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 Necessary-Tie2568 Advice

I’m going to start emdr next year (nervy) but my therapist recommended not seeing my family while doing it. Have others done this how’d you go? We’re you able to go to work after sessions?
submitted by Necessary-Tie2568 to EMDR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 stopcopingaboutHF Hard flaccid is caused by TRAUMA to the penis, not pelvic floor imbalances, spinal compression, etc

My HF like that of the vast majority of men was caused by penile trauma. I masturbated too many times with a tight grip and had immediate pain and loss of erection with bulging veins and after that day my penis was never the same. It's only gotten worse with time. Sensory changes, lack of reaction to heat and cold, a deformed shaped penis, and tingling in my foot on the side of injury. These are obvious symptoms of nerve damage. But whenever I look at HF communities people seldom talk about the actual trauma to the penis even though that's the most obvious explanation. There are a bunch of theories like pelvic floor muscular imbalances, spinal compression, fascia. Notice that they're all "fixable". I truly think this is people coping with the damage to the penis by frantically trying to find a less gloom and doom explanation than "nerve damage" or "scar tissue".
Most people get HF from penile trauma. We've all seen the story or experienced it ourselves, a guy jelqs, pumps his dick, masturbates way too much, there's an event of injury, and... the penis was never the same and symptoms persist for months years and even decades. This would be like if someone hit my hand with a hammer really hard and it ends up numb, sensationless, and doesn't function for years and years. Then people suggested it's because your forearm muscles were imbalanced. That would be absurd and easily recognized as wishful thinking.
First of all, where did these explanations for the pelvic floor theory originate? From the same stupid PE forums that told people to do these horrible "penis exercises" that gave them HF and fooled victims into becoming sexual cripples. These places are positivity cults where you get victim blamed and banned for saying anything bad about PE because "PE is perfectly safe bro it's your fault because you did the exercises wrong". Of course on the PE cult forums and subreddits the idea of PE causing permanent penile trauma is a no-no and would scare men from PE, but the "tight pelvic floor" theory is much more mild and acceptable. Many people have done these pelvic floor exercises and seen no results or attributed what was a normal fluctuation in the symptoms to the benefit of the exercises then had them come back.
How can the problem be solved if we can't even admit there's a problem?
There are tons of men with tight or weak pelvic floors because of our modern sedentary lifestyle, they do not have these horrible symptoms. The vast majority of men with PF problems do not have our problems and have little issue getting erections. Before my injury I had a sedentary lifestyle and kegeled all the time when I masturbated or had sex. Supposedly these things are awful and will give you PF dysfunction but it did nothing. I had perfectly normal erections and a normal sex life, in fact I had perfect sexual functioning right up until the day my penis was injured. HF is a quite rare newly discovered conditions and most cases seem to be modern, and the causes are mostly from extreme masturbating or PE. Because people weren't edging for 8 hours to porn or jelqing in the past which injured their penises. If some muscular imbalance or excessive kegeling truly caused HF then there would have been many more cases and it would have been well known in the medical literature for a very long time.
We fucked up and damaged our penises with excessive masturbating, penis pumps, penis stretching, etc. There was a traumatic injurious event and then we weren't the same after it. The nerve, smooth muscle tissue, or blood vessels/veins/arteries in the penis itself was damaged. And I think common sense dictates looking for a cause outside of the penis is wasting time. I'm sure there are some people with some spinal compression or some severe pelvic floor problem that causes HF like symptoms, in the same way cataracts and diabetes can both make people blind. But the causes are completely different. Trauma based HF is very clearly a whole different ballgame and the closest thing to a cure will probably be some kind of tissue graft to the penis or some kind of regenerative medicine that can heal the damaged tissue.
submitted by stopcopingaboutHF to hardflaccidresearch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:00 seoghoer_dk Christian Degn afslører kønnet: Vi venter os en lille...

Christian Degn afslører kønnet: Vi venter os en lille... submitted by seoghoer_dk to SEogHOER [link] [comments]
