Risk to update from 1.6 to 2.2

2024.11.25 07:20 ArtMajor6459 Risk to update from 1.6 to 2.2

I have a Ledger Nano S that I haven't touched in a few years. I can't transfer what is left of my funds to exchange without this update, I tried 3rd party wallets. I'm not sure where I left my recovery phrase. What is the actual risk that the update will reset my Ledger?
submitted by ArtMajor6459 to ledgerwallet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 AilurophilexX AIO: Someone has tried to enter my unit multiple times and idk what to do.

For context, I (24F) live alone with my cat in an indoor apartment complex in the area. My complex has multiple locked doors (main entrance, hallways, and elevators all require a fob to enter) so it’s not really plausible for it to be someone who doesn’t already live in the building.
Multiple times (at least 5x) over the past few months someone has tried to come into my apartment between the hours of 10pm-1am. The first few times I was watching tv but heard the door handle jiggle. One of the next times while I was in bed it was a very aggressive attempt to open the door, scaring my cat into airplane mode lol. It was so aggressive that there was a bit of a gap and I had to push the door back in place. Each time I’ve gotten up (after a few moments of panic/adrenaline) and checked the peephole to find nobody in sight. Once I felt it was safe enough I finally opened the door to check around and noticed the piece of metal around the lock hole was bent from how hard they tried to get in. The next morning I went down to the office and tried to discuss it to no avail. I was actually told it was probably someone who went to the wrong door or might have been on the wrong floor. While there are lots of units in this complex and that is a possibility, my unit is in a small corner at the very end of the hall on my floor with only 3 units.
I’m honestly starting to get kinda scared living here alone. It’s happened a few more times since, but none as crazy. I’m stuck here until end of May and cannot get out of my lease without paying a crap ton to break it. I also have limited proof aside from the dent in my lock. Am I overreacting or is this something I should try and escalate?
submitted by AilurophilexX to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 luvsh1t Worth it ba AIRPODS 4 ANC?

Lahat ng devices ko are from apple. Is it worth it to buy the airpods 4 with anc?

submitted by luvsh1t to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 kdbleeep Book stores and cats are always a winning combination.

Book stores and cats are always a winning combination. submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 dumax_ Hello, what it's the technical name of those plastic canals where's plastic flows

Hello, what it's the technical name of those plastic canals where's plastic flows https://preview.redd.it/y34wwx89103e1.png?width=858&format=png&auto=webp&s=06d8cac47597863d15e720aa69b51255789b134e
submitted by dumax_ to plastic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Addler_Delaine [M4F] The Night Shift Sucks (Modern Fantasy)

Hey everyone!
I’ve got a new character idea I’m excited to share:
Meet Levi—he hasn’t exactly been winning the lottery of life lately. After an unfortunate run-in with a high-ranking vampire, Levi found himself unexpectedly turned. The good news? Vampire law says they can’t just get rid of him. The not-so-good news? He’s barred from participating in court.
Luckily, Levi’s always been a night owl. His new nocturnal lifestyle just made it official.
Despite the challenges, Levi’s managed to hold onto his upbeat attitude and carve out some normalcy. His boss moved him to the night shift at the convenience store, and he’s finishing up his schoolwork online.
Money, though, has been a little… tight. Turns out, finding reliable takeout for the fang-inclined is even pricier than Uber Eats—especially when you’re not exactly the suave type who can lay on the charm at parties and clubs.
But hey, Levi’s always found a way to make it work. Just gotta take it one day—er, one (night) at a time.
submitted by Addler_Delaine to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 3worldscars what is the most painful thing you've been told?

submitted by 3worldscars to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 yadsiz I keep being told I manipulate, but I don’t think I do?

Everyone I’ve been with says I manipulated them and when they finally realized “what I was doing,” is when they left me. I’m not sure what to do because being 100% honest I don’t feel like I’m trying to manipulate people. What are some common things I could be doing inadvertently that could be manipulative behavior? I genuinely don’t know what to do anymore.
submitted by yadsiz to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 clarchildce stumbled across this

stumbled across this submitted by clarchildce to CampCult [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Healthy_Toe_1183 Nu e problema de razboi

Nu e problema de razboi submitted by Healthy_Toe_1183 to romaniacrazy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 M3talK_H3ronaru Happy Birthday Shuka from Cardfight!! Vanguard IF Congratulations Realize!!

Happy Birthday Shuka from Cardfight!! Vanguard IF Congratulations Realize!! submitted by M3talK_H3ronaru to cardfightvanguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Steampunky fishing piranhas with just a piece of meat

submitted by Steampunky to nakedandafraid [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 SamwiseTheStoutheart 28 [M4F] - Online Chat - Women who like tall guys, what do you find attractive about height?

Hey there! I think it would be interesting to learn what different people think about this
About me: - 28 years old - 6 ft tall - halfie 🇺🇸 🇵🇭 - average-to-fit body type (SFW/wholesome pics on my profile!) - big fan of good coffee shops, fantasy books, live music, and silly questions like this
I know that height doesn't actually matter to most women as much as some men seem to fear that it does. Still, I know that some ladies do find tall guys attractive
What I am curious about is: why that is. In other words, what about a taller man is attractive to you?
Of course, different people will inevitably have different preferences and perspectives. That's why I'm asking here - I'm interested to hear about some of those differences!
If you'd like to share, feel free to message me on here. Looking forward to it!
submitted by SamwiseTheStoutheart to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Riot502 Yesterday, my mother told me how proud she was of herself

My mother voted for Trump. I knew she would. She paid for my abortion in 2010. I’m gay. She has a trans grandkid (although she doesn’t know it, for the kids safety).
She cried to me on the phone about how “mean” Democrats in her art class have been. Her proof? They are whispering and were sad after the election.
She told me she stood up on her art class and went on some big speech about how she voted Republican and that she can still be friends with them.
The other women in her art class don’t know me. I haven’t even lived in my home state in over a decade. But I bet they are sad for me. I know I am.
She’s worried about losing friends, I’m worried about me and my kids losing our rights.
She’ll never understand, just like my dad. I just keep the conversations brief and grey rock as much as possible.
submitted by Riot502 to QAnonCasualties [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 bot-bouncer Overview for Moonlit_Serenity24

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Ok-Reception-1719 Disabled Taxi's

I know this might be a wee longshot but does anyone know lf a service that operates cabs that can accommodate powered wheel chairs? Ive tried Alpha, Renfrew, TOA/Paisley, with no luck, i got that, desperate i tried the air port taxis but no luck.
So if one has a suggestion thatd be great mainly now there weathers getting dodgy .
submitted by Ok-Reception-1719 to Paisley [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Specialforce_69 "India wasting money on nuclear submarines, should use that money to reduce poverty instead. Pakistani Navy has no plans to compete with the Indian Navy," said Sajid Mehmood Shehzad, Ex-Commodore of Pakistani Navy.

 submitted by Specialforce_69 to IndianDefense [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 I_love_lucja_1738 The person who hasn't finished the show entering the show's subreddit starter pack

The person who hasn't finished the show entering the show's subreddit starter pack submitted by I_love_lucja_1738 to starterpacks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Dry-Cod-5196 Let’s goon to my bubble butt irl! I love asslicking/sniffing, armpits, pee, bi! She’s 1…,…,;6! Sess below!

submitted by Dry-Cod-5196 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 19860914 Thank you for my Dottie girl!

Thank you for my Dottie girl! So precious!!
submitted by 19860914 to DoodleMyDog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 sandaL9090 Any good courses for SNAP and NMAT? Please let me know

Any good courses for SNAP and NMAT? Please let me know I can't leave the things CAT bharose, want to give my 100% on snap and nmat, now that I think I've made some silly mistakes in cat.
Please suggest me some good courses. While looking I came across MBA karo, MBA pathshala and iqu.. and all but your advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Main concern is quants
submitted by sandaL9090 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Evagoras1981 No 86 Through the Winds

No 86 Through the Winds submitted by Evagoras1981 to GoodAIVibes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 sopla-beingh можете посоветовать интересных и оптимизированных игр для pc vr

submitted by sopla-beingh to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 jakesucks1348 This is just silly

This is just silly I very much enjoy this game, but it’s the little things like this that take me out of it ….
submitted by jakesucks1348 to StarWarsOutlaws [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:20 Known_Abrocoma_3144 Wie überwinde ich meine Unsicherheit beim ersten Kuss?

Ich (M, 22) habe vor ungefähr einem Monat eine Kommilitonin kennengelernt. Wir verstehen uns super und verbringen seit zwei Wochen immer mehr Zeit miteinander. Man könnte fast von einer Kennenlernphase sprechen – nur gibt es ein Problem: Ich bin total unerfahren. So richtig geküsst (oder rumgemacht) habe ich noch nie, und irgendwie bin ich zu schüchtern, das zu initiieren. In den letzten Tagen, wenn wir uns nach einem gemeinsamen Abend verabschieden, versuche ich immer, über meinen Schatten zu springen und es einfach zu tun. Doch am Ende traue ich mich wieder doch nicht. Dabei weiß ich, dass sie den Kuss erwidern würde.
Meine Sorge ist, dass sie bald das Interesse verliert, wenn ich mich nicht traue, den nächsten Schritt zu gehen. Aber warum ich mich nicht traue? Meiner Meinung nach gibt es in meinem Alter die gesellschaftliche Erwartungshaltung, dass man gewisse Erfahrungen schon gemacht haben sollte (darunter auch diese) – und dass man dann auch nicht komplett schlecht darin sein dürfte. Ich bin aber ein ziemlich beschissener Küsser und habe "Angst", dass dieser Umstand ihr Bild von mir ändert.
Dazu eine kurze Anekdote: Anfang des Jahres habe ich in einem Club betrunken "rumgemacht". Dabei habe ich vergessen, meine Augen zu schließen, und als sie nach ein paar Sekunden versuchte, ihre Zunge ins Spiel zu bringen, bin ich in der Menge untergetaucht, weil ich von dem Move total überfordert war. Vielleicht ist diese Erfahrung der Grund, warum ich das Ganze jetzt so krass überdenke. Normalerweise bin da gar nicht der Typ für, aber mittlerweile bin ich in so einer Denkspirale drinnen wo es immer krasser wird.
Direkt davor zu fragen, wie es auf Reddit manchmal empfohlen wird, käme mir aber total aromantisch vor – und ist für das Gegenüber vermutlich auch ein ziemlicher Abturn, oder? Ich weiß nicht, was ich mit diesem Post genau erreichen möchte. Vielleicht hoffe ich wirklich auf ein paar Ratschläge, aber auf jeden Fall hat es gut getan, mir das mal von der Seele zu tippen.
Schönen Morgen euch! :)
submitted by Known_Abrocoma_3144 to beziehungen [link] [comments]
