What is the biggest challenge you face when trying to deal with anxiety?

2024.11.25 08:40 anxiety_support What is the biggest challenge you face when trying to deal with anxiety?

submitted by anxiety_support to anxiety_support [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 FlightOutrageous3692 New mining method

So I was playing survival and I found the mining charges realy helpfull nut I don't want to make more but I found that if you connect a canister to the furnace when it's running you can get it to a real high temp and pressure and when you get the overpressure warning you have like 20 seconds till big explosion that js good for mining
submitted by FlightOutrageous3692 to Stationeers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 CynicalSeahorse Behold my son!

Behold my son! submitted by CynicalSeahorse to ShrimpsIsBugs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Aggressive-Gene5115 500USD - Asus RX6900XT ROG Strix

500USD - Asus RX6900XT ROG Strix Used it about 30 hours
submitted by Aggressive-Gene5115 to LebaneseMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Affectionate_Gur8619 What flicked the switch for you?

So, this is all fairly new territory for me. Ive been in for 5 years, in that time I progressed very quickly, I was a very zealous pioneer, never missed a meeting, I was in 110% I did it because I love my Father, my creator. I thought this was what he wanted. But I also rely on my Father for direction... So I started to see the red flags, but dismissed them as "imperfection". Then it was during my personal Bible reading and study of Revelation (my favourite Bible book) without any input from JW library, I realised how utterly off course the climax book is. As I realised this, I realised that what the GB are teaching, isn't actually scriptural. I realised that they don't have God's Holy Spirit. Boom! I went from in to out in a very short space of time. It hit me like a brick. I'm still trying to figure out what has just happened. I'm actually feel quite confused as to what I thought was truth, infact isn't... I love my Father, and I want to serve my God, but now... I really don't know how... So while I'm still processing my situation, it got me thinking... What was the straw that broke the camels back for you so to speak?
submitted by Affectionate_Gur8619 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Comfortable-Ant-3656 Alguien que me ayude a correrme con fotos de aitana o alguna otra influencer? hago caso a lo que digáis

Alguien que me ayude a correrme con fotos de aitana o alguna otra influencer? hago caso a lo que digáis submitted by Comfortable-Ant-3656 to lolaloliitaaa_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Real_Basis45 WTF job

Hi everyone, I'm looking for WFH work that would be s good fit for my skills: I have a degree in English and Journalism, I've worked as an Assistant Editor in the magazine publishing industry as well as taught English as a second language. I have strong English writing, copy-editing and comprehension skills. I live in a developing country so anything upwards of $15/hour would be great. Thanks for your help!
submitted by Real_Basis45 to WFHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 CopperSaint What is the greatest lie ever told?

submitted by CopperSaint to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Royal_Ad_1502 What's this rock

What's this rock submitted by Royal_Ad_1502 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Gold240sx Paintor Pro vs Corne

Anyone familiar with both? I have a Corne and a Moonlander 42 key I use as my primary but the Piantor looks interesting and I wanted to get a better idea about how the two compare. Thanks! Would love to hear y’all’s preference!
submitted by Gold240sx to splitkb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 QuirkyNeighborhud69 COMP9020-Help Please

Any tips for the final exam are appreciated.
And how are you dealing with it I think it’s too lengthy given the time limit 🥲.
submitted by QuirkyNeighborhud69 to unsw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Perfect_Garlic1972 My son Elon called me 'pure evil' when he was a raging liberal. Now he's Trump's First Buddy, I get to hear just what Donald's going to do to his enemies! Musk senior reveals all about his billionaire son in no-holds barred interview

My son Elon called me 'pure evil' when he was a raging liberal. Now he's Trump's First Buddy, I get to hear just what Donald's going to do to his enemies! Musk senior reveals all about his billionaire son in no-holds barred interview submitted by Perfect_Garlic1972 to PeacekeeperSatoshiN [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Zenkari- Tollwood inka Bollywood vi item songs khi ardham lehna lyrics inka daridramyna music videos inka songs vaati sontanga assalu cinema kosam akarilevu uttiga fillers avi , na alochana ki maruchandi

Tollwood inka Bollywood vi item songs khi ardham lehna lyrics inka daridramyna music videos inka songs vaati sontanga assalu cinema kosam akarilevu uttiga fillers avi , na alochana ki maruchandi submitted by Zenkari- to Ni_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 The_UltimateFapper4 M4F looking for a Bi or straight WOMEN who wanna chat dirty on actresses or wanna just sexting i'll feed

M4F looking for a Bi or straight WOMEN who wanna chat dirty on actresses or wanna just sexting i'll feed submitted by The_UltimateFapper4 to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Fickle_Researcher707 7700x + 7900xt Build Check as Black Friday Looms

Hello all, driving myself a bit crazy with this but I am finally building a new pc after a good 10 years. As such I am SORELY out of practice when it comes to modern PC specs (The 1080 isn't god anymore... my heart). So far I am planning a 7700x/7900xt build trying to stay around 1,500$. Here's all the components I so far have and/or plan to get. (already purchased the 850w power supply, SSD, monitor, and RAM) It is unfortunately edging slightly above my budget. As nice as getting step-laddered feels if anyone has any cost-minimizing advice, I'm all ears! Any cheaper coolers, cases, motherboards, or other recs are appreciated!
PCPartPicker Part List

Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 4.5 GHz 8-Core Processor $259.99 @ Newegg
CPU Cooler Cooler Master MasterLiquid 240 Atmos 70.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler $84.99 @ Amazon
Motherboard MSI MAG B650 TOMAHAWK WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard $179.99 @ Amazon
Memory Corsair Vengeance RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6400 CL36 Memory $95.99 @ Newegg
Storage Nextorage NEM-PAB 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive $109.99 @ Newegg Sellers
Video Card ASRock Phantom Gaming OC Radeon RX 7900 XT 20 GB Video Card $624.99 @ Newegg
Case Corsair iCUE LINK 3500X RGB ATX Mid Tower Case $114.99 @ Amazon
Power Supply Corsair RM850x (2021) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply $99.99 @ Amazon
Monitor ASRock PG27QFT2A 27.0" 2560 x 1440 180 Hz Monitor $148.76 @ Newegg
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $1719.68
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-11-25 03:38 EST-0500
submitted by Fickle_Researcher707 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 HeadSundae8395 Meri and Kody incident

I really wish Meri had the reaction that Kody had (upset) and he deserves no opinion on the situation at all. It’s sad to see her reaction - although I know it’s a trauma response. And him taking it so seriously is such a joke 🙄 all of a sudden he’s so serious about monogamy.. A LITTLE LATE FOR THAT!
submitted by HeadSundae8395 to SisterWives [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Worth-Custard-8954 what it means to me

always wanted to talk about this, but didnt want to put myself out there since i feel like i might be projecting or something, but just remembered reddit was a thing i have always wondered why no other yn fangame has ever clicked with me like yume nikki did, and have been thinking about it for a while, and finally made an answer for myself, and i think its mostly based on how its structured, how certain worlds are designed to make you feel certain emotions and the contrast with how other worlds makes you feel, specifically uncertainty, comfort and loneliness, how you can go not knowing what the hell the visuals are trying to represent and then go to another world and realizing that, "yeah thats a forest" or "thats some kind of desert" and how it plays with it, but all of that for me is just some kind of introduction so you can experience the events better, because finding something beautiful or just stimulating after experiencing other worlds makes them so much special And this is the part i wanted to talk about the most, how the events makes me feel, and for most of them or for most of npcs, beautiful scenes and events, it makes me feel like im not part of whats happening, in some way even tho its supossed to experience someones brain, it feels like i do not belong there, as the character, a lot of them makes me feel like im just watching something happen, but from a distance, without involving myselft into it, and that is somethhing that resonates with me a lot, that feeling of just being there and keeping distance from whats hapening around me. And for some reason that feeling brings me comfort, because thats a situation i know really well, its the one that i have put myself in on purpose for most of my life, but still it does feel lonely But of course not all events are like that, there are some that makes you a participant of whats happening, or triggers from interacting with something, not every experience can be from a distance, and most of them are represented as the horror section, the events that wakes you up or force you to wake up, it feels like every memory where you tried to interact it ended up wrong and although i think i might be projecting a bit too much, all of the ideas do fit the shut in status of the protagonist, the social anxiety and the ending, at least for me, and well all of this just came to me because i wanted to think about what makes this game so special to me in comparasion of other yn fangames and what are they are missing for me, so thats it i guess
submitted by Worth-Custard-8954 to yumenikki [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 AonGlyph Triple Facepalm When Quay Drops the Easy Interception and Goes Ass Up

Triple Facepalm When Quay Drops the Easy Interception and Goes Ass Up https://preview.redd.it/txsdw7p8f03e1.png?width=1115&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d438157e7eca5652e3caa1372594f62fb33fe44
submitted by AonGlyph to GreenBayPackers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 CrazzzyGood Nikako ne mogu da skinem poklopan wc solje (Geberit)?

Prilicno sam siguran da ovaj poklopac ima quick release opciju ali ova siva dugmad izgleda kao da se zaglavila. Pogledao sam sinoc svaki moguci video kako da ovo resim i nisam uspeo. Naprskao sam i lubrikant, mislio sam da se jednostavno zaglavimo ali izgleda da nije. Pokusao sam da malo jace povucem ali nista.
Normalno radi ono sporo spustanje ali nije moguce skinuti poklopac. Ima li neko neki savet? Nema nikakvih srafova, imbusa, zavrstnja ispod ovih hromiranih delova ili ispod ugradne wc solje.
submitted by CrazzzyGood to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 2oosra What are the 14 tabaks, and what makes them go roshan in your personal case?

You are allowed to use notes and copy from your neighbor
submitted by 2oosra to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Wise-Plant-6869 Looking for a free link for a book titled Forced Maiden for the cursed Alpha king??

submitted by Wise-Plant-6869 to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 slate-thefluffy-derg Title

Title submitted by slate-thefluffy-derg to wingsoffirememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 AnonymousJailbreaker Organic Marine and Terrestrial life Planet Orbiting Brown Dwarf

Organic Marine and Terrestrial life Planet Orbiting Brown Dwarf submitted by AnonymousJailbreaker to spaceengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 versatiletoast Kudo and Zur, Eternal Schemer interaction

How would [[Zur, Eternal Schemer]] turning an enchantment into a creature work with [[Kudo, King Among Bears]]?
I feel like there’s a combination of outcomes, depending if Kudo ETBs before or after a Zur’s ability transforms an enchantment into a creature - but looking for any clarity. Thanks.
submitted by versatiletoast to mtgrules [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Specialist-Drink1732 Morning Lemonapes 💤 Fallacy Alarm Clock, STFU

Morning Lemonapes 💤 Fallacy Alarm Clock, STFU submitted by Specialist-Drink1732 to lemonapes [link] [comments]
