Portrait of a Jumping Spider

2024.11.25 08:49 kietbulll Portrait of a Jumping Spider

If You love my Photos, buy me a coffee: paypal.me/KietHuynh490
Panasonic G9 Mark II PRO & OM SYSTEM M.Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3.5 Macro 2:1 IS PRO + Godox V860 III O + Diffuser
submitted by kietbulll to OlympusCamera [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:49 i_like_cake_96 Nina at Las Vegas F1 with Red Bull

Nina at Las Vegas F1 with Red Bull submitted by i_like_cake_96 to NinaDobrev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:49 Suitable-Truth-9585 nike socks 1kg haul

submitted by Suitable-Truth-9585 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:49 magikoxd Subscription Inquiry

Hey everyone!
If I buy the Premium deal for $499, do I get a free certification voucher and have the option to choose any certification (I’m planning to choose ECIR)? Additionally, will I also receive a 50% discount on any other certification I wish to purchase?
Secondly, I purchased the EWPTX presale offer. Does the Premium subscription include access to the labs for ECIR as well?
submitted by magikoxd to eLearnSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 no-incognitoing local cafe!

Could you suggest a few local cafes that are affordable and cozy?
submitted by no-incognitoing to nasikatok [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 After-Quail9008 Does the mini goal matter when we just start as cam model?

Hey Guys, I'm new here! It's so nice to be here and connect with all of you! I started streaming and have done three streams so far. I got confused as I set the goals but didn't reach them, so I was disappointed. I know that I am at the beginning, so I give myself time, but I wonder if it is necessary to meet the goals or if I can just suggest my favorite tip menu pattern.
Also I thought maybe I don't log in at the best time as I understand that the best time is to stream during the day in the USA but for me is the middle of the night!
Do you think I can just get naked and do my things without waiting to reach the goals at the beginning? any suggestion on how to get more views and tippers?
submitted by After-Quail9008 to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 tsukin0usagi Moving to Grenoble in Jan/Feb. Need advice for job hunting.

Hello, my French partner and I (italian) will be moving to Grenoble around January/February.
My French language skills aren't good, meaning I can understand simple conversations and have general knowledge of it, because it's a language I've studied from middle school to the end of high school.
However, my English is good and it's the main language I rely on (it's how my partner and I communicate, for example). My mother tongue is Italian tho.
Is there any chance I could find a job with basic knowledge of French? Rn I'm in Italy and working in accounting, but I'm obviously willing to start any other manual labor job.
I was wondering, considering my situation, if anyone could point me to an association/place to job hunting.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by tsukin0usagi to Grenoble [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 realCLTotaku What will or would an electrician do to *diagnose* this frustrating circuit issue? (picture for reference and description in comment)

What will or would an electrician do to *diagnose* this frustrating circuit issue? (picture for reference and description in comment) submitted by realCLTotaku to electrical [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 shishikuku Anyone for Ibrahim Maalouf & Richard Bona Jazz on the 29th at NMACC?

Any of you guys interested in Jazz? Maalouf is Lebanese trumpter and Bona is a funky bass player. Should be fun if you like this kind of music.
submitted by shishikuku to mumbaimeetups [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 Lonely-Connection-41 I just broke my collarbone playing rugby AMA

I broke my collarbone in a rugby match yesterday. Currently lying in bed with a not insignificant amount of pain. AMA
submitted by Lonely-Connection-41 to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 GameDevEvv Vr games to make custom levels for

I want to get better at level design for Gamedev, and I think the best way to do that will be to make custom levels for a few games before than. I'm looking for good vnonvr Games to make custom levels for in blender. The only game that I've found that could help me in that regard would be Gorilla tag, and even that they use unity's pro builder so I don't know if blender will even work for that. Are there any games that you guys have made custom content for, that helped in that regard. I'm also not wanting to use the hammer editor, so any games that use that or a similar one like trenchbroom I don't want to use, as it wont be applicable for the type of levels I want to create.
submitted by GameDevEvv to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 SpaceTop119 Jeste li ikada bili na odlagalištu smeća?

Ja jesam. U sklopu faxa, nailaskom na divlja odlagališta i bliskim susretom s plastičnim folijama i bocama u moru. Moram reći kako su moje navike bitno izmjenjene i proizvodim puno manje smeća jer ne kupujem nepotrebne stvari. Vjerujem da bi se mnogi zapitali, jer sortiranje otpada u vrećice i odlaganje u obojeni kontenjer nije ni približno dobro riješenje koliko to mislimo.
I ja sam krenuo gomilajući nepotrebno, dok se nisam zapitao jesam li toliko glup? Prolongiram vijek, ignorirajući trendove koliko god mogu. Zar nije jednostavnije generirati fejk sliku za prikazivanje ljepote jer ionako se živi na ekranima?
Sinoć sam gledao Netflixov dokumentarac "Kupi odmah" i užasnut sam kamo to vodi brže nego ikada. Problemi s otpadom su očiti i u našoj svakodnevici.
submitted by SpaceTop119 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 NebulaDangerous1880 it's been over 1 month ! deleted my ig and got new one !

completely changed my number ! am i clear ?
like 5 days a go i vcalled (on whatsapp )a filippina girl i met on a dating app and she recorded and started threatening me with screenshots of my followers on insta , i started talking to her with acting scared buying time for myself to get some information . blocked her eveywhere and desactivated my accounts and never heard from her . today i reactivated my insta account and i found out that she blocked me too ! 1) did i assist the situation wrongly ? 2) is she probably moved on to the next victims since she is using dating app ? 3) can i consider my situation resolved ?
submitted by NebulaDangerous1880 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 BTWheeler Parry Street, Perth, WA (2024)

Parry Street, Perth, WA (2024) submitted by BTWheeler to Robocop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 android_tests_pac This is a new title test for 25/11/2024 08:47:05

submitted by android_tests_pac to automation_crossposts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 Hour_Education9194 İlayda Üstün | 🔥

submitted by Hour_Education9194 to turkish_celeb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 SubtleRhino Any f lurking searching for an older guy to impress or chat to? Latina, Asian a bonus. Ses below

submitted by SubtleRhino to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 geekyplug Working WP Spectra Lifetime Coupon Code 2024

Do you want to supercharge your WordPress editor and build beautiful websites and pages from scratch?
If yes then WP Spectra is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (WP Spectra lifetime discount code attached), you will get up to 50% OFF for a LIMITED TIME.
submitted by geekyplug to wpdealsanddiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 gutotavo Dietas das pessoas respeitar ou não?

Eu tento respeitar a dieta das pessoas quando cozinho para elas mas, não recebo o mesmo tratamento. Vocês acreditam que devemos respeitar a dieta das pessoas quando vamos recebê-las ou ela se vire para se alimentar ?
submitted by gutotavo to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 StatusOk5935 Doctors who have fallen in love with their patients. How did it go? Was it as bad as people say?

submitted by StatusOk5935 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 Alternative-Bet6919 Anmäla förening för att städare fått tillgång till lägenhet?

Nyligen så var jag hemma en dag, hörde att någon låste upp dörren. Trodde först det var tjejen som av någon anledning kom hem igen efter ha gått till jobbet.
Går ut till farstun och 2 sydamerikanska städare håller på kliver in i lägenheten och frågar om det ska städas här.
Hindrar mig i sista sekund från att bokstavligen sparka ut dem. De inser sitt misstag och ber om ursäkt.
Hajar såklart att ett misstag har skett, men fortfarande är detta helt oacceptabelt.
Hade jag inte varit hemma så hade de kunnat rota igenom lägenheten och sno allt möjligt.
Mailat klagobrev till föreningen men undrar om man kan anmäla antingen dessa individer eller föreningen?
I mina ögon har dem gjort inbrott och antingen har föreningen gett dem fel nycklar eller ännu värre nån slags huvudnyckel. Helt sinnessjukt att det ska gå runt städare med tillgång till alla lägenheter i en hel förening obehindrat.
Kan väl inte vara lagligt? Oavsett så blir det att byta låskolv så denna hyresgäst förening inte kan hålla på skapa massa problem i framtiden.
submitted by Alternative-Bet6919 to Sverige [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 LowResJPG Quitters are Ruining this Game!

This game seriously needs a message to pop up after someone quits that says something like:
Winner's Screen: Your won the fight! (Opponent quit)
Loser's Screen: You lost the fight (Quit).
And then have a sportmanship rating like in Gran Turismo 7 where A rated players are paired against each other while anyone rated C and below are placed in the same lobbies. Like in GT7, it shouldn't be permanent and players can still work their way back to an A rating by finishing more fights. It gives you a sense of pride to also have a good rating next to your name.
In GT7: S rating is the highest rating and even the scummiest players strive to get this now.
As of right now, it's too vague and doesn't deter quitters at all.
submitted by LowResJPG to undisputedboxing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 Ka1-Bo1 Chances of being offered a conditional for BSc Economics from LSE? (IB)

I am currently predicted a 766 for math AAHL physics HL and Econ HL with a 40/45 for IBDP in total. My scores are kinda below average for the other LSE Econ applicants but I think I have a rather strong personal statement. I talked about a research I conducted utilising econometrics I learnt in the summer and I also engage with lots of wider reading and research papers, currently I just need to shorten it and add in lots of personal takeaways from my experiences. Right now I am revising a lot for the TMUA in January which hopefully, I can get a good score in. Do you think my IB scores will prevent me from getting a place in LSE or do you think that if I refine my personal statement good enough and get a good test score on the TMUA I will possibly have a chance?
(I also was awarded a commendation from the John Locke Essay Competition for my economics essay and I am not sure if I should put that in my personal statement because I am quite tight on the word count and also the concepts explored in my essay is nothing too crazy just using normal IB stuff)
submitted by Ka1-Bo1 to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 Ftstarter Taking delivery of my first EV tomorrow 😌

Taking delivery of my first EV tomorrow 😌 Can’t wait!
submitted by Ftstarter to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:48 Additional-Garlic-18 Which is better looking?

Which is better looking? I just got in two h2a arbys today and decided that they’d look cooler with a black under suit here’s each for comparison. What do yall think?
submitted by Additional-Garlic-18 to megaconstrux [link] [comments]
