cosplay文化在日本为何能够发展,前面已经说了很多原因了,最后我还想说说一个看不见的因素——人心。我们每个人都必须长大,会和童年的自己告别,穿上一身笔挺西服后,要学着收起自己的悲喜,对别人察言观色。 你看,这何尝不是某种层面上的cosplay呢? 歡迎來到Cosplay 電漫角色扮演哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 找標題 查詢標題相符的文章 找作者 查詢作者相符的文章 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 谢邀,收藏夹里好看的cos真的太多了,但说起最让人惊艳的cosplay,大概是那种第一眼看到就让人大喊“哇——”的那种吧。下面就给大家整理一下我收藏夹里曾经惊艳到我的cosplay作品吧。 篇幅有限,完整作品请戳原地址查看,喜欢就顺手去为coser点个赞吧~ 我是今年才喜欢上cosplay的,想成为一名coser,需要注意什么呢?第一次买衣服,需要到哪里买呢?谁能告诉我 巴哈-ACG大辭典-Cosplay (中文) 維基百科 - Cosplay (中文) 巴哈 - Cos廣場 (中文) 小精靈 - 訂製品質心得與推薦 (中文) 小精靈 - 隱形眼鏡品質心得與推薦 (中文) 友板:巴哈-創夢-同人資訊情報誌 (中文) 友板:巴哈-ACG角色扮演討論區 (中文) 友板:遊戲基地-Cosplay同人村 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 第一次出cosplay需要准备什么? [图片] 题主第一次去完漫展之后,就兴奋的要死,想出一次cos,但是不知道要怎么准备什么,又怕辣眼睛_(´ཀ`」 ∠)__ ,完全没有经验,唯一知道的… 客观上,近几年国内环境的日渐宽松,国家对ACG产业的相对重视,cosplay已经从之前的一群二次元宅之间的小众爱好变成了有规模的,有商业价值的一件事,会有很多人加入完全属于正常现象。 2.玩cosplay的价值何在? 如何自己制作cosplay的服装? 我中学的时候也玩过几天cos,但是自己颜值身材都比较抱歉,表情也僵硬,怎么拍都不还原。 最主要的是我眼睛过敏严重,不能戴彩片。
2024.11.25 11:40 Tomozuki Soa cosplay by sirousa1211
submitted by Tomozuki to playfoamstars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:40 Sea-Sign-1163 OH NO
THIS SUB IS DYING!!1!1!!1!!!1!!!! POST MEMES TO KEEP IT ALIVE (i cant for some reason, they wont show up)
submitted by Sea-Sign-1163 to TheMemeSub [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Positive-Chicken-180 Vehicle impound
Two months ago, my car was impounded, and I was advised to collect it after a month from the date of impound. However, I didn't pick it up right away as I was still saving money. I later received a letter stating that my car would be considered abandoned, but I missed that detail in the letter (I know, it was careless). I'm currently on a work visa and recently completed my graduation. Now, I'm unsure about when I need to appear in court. Is there any chance I can still get my car back, or when should I expect a court notice?
Please help
submitted by Positive-Chicken-180 to AusLegal [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 BusyInspector95 29f - searching for a friend during work hours
Hey there! I work from home and so, I get pretty lonely really quickly. What I'm looking for is someone I can chat to during the day. We don't have to be besties, I just want someone to text when I have nothing to do. Talk about our day, maybe share some baking recipes....
I love reading and writing my own short stories. They are absolutely terrible but they are there.
I'm an outdoor enthusiast, hiking, kayaking, biking. I do hate running.... Like A lot.
I tend to overstimulate myself with movies and dramas. But it is what it is.
I also overly enjoy making my own iced coffee.
submitted by BusyInspector95 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 lveRanOutaIdeas Why Part 1 Feels Underwhelming: Big Discussion
TL;DRS Included. Now I want to preface this by saying it annoys me when people complain and I don’t want to discredit the legends staff as they definitely tried their hardest to give us a good opening to fest, but we’re all thinking it. The opening to this fest feels extremely underwhelming especially compared to how hype legends fest 2023’s start was. There are multiple reasons why but I’ll organize them so this yap session into chapters so it’s easier to read and so you can skip to parts you actually care about. (Also if any YouTubers like NanoGenix, Raiyuden, Playbox, Goresh, Zakashi, or Slaybix would like to validate or criticize my takes it’d be greatly appreciated).
I: Unit Choice II: Character Design III: Future (tag) Buffs IV: Events I: Unit Choice I’m gonna make this one short (hopefully) as there are much more important things than it but I feel like it needs to be talked about. I thought it, you thought it, literally every content creator thought it, we were all expecting fusion Zamasu to be the headliner for the fest and a NEW Vegito and a Solo Black during reveals definitely disappointed if not, surprised nearly everyone watching. Many people including myself have been wanting a Tag Zamasu and Goku Black or a bew fusion Zamasu forever now, especially with his only 2 existing versions being a 1% and a F2P with the same exact animations, and with the introduction of the synchro gauge, many have wanted a synchro gauge version of him since the anniversary. And although I’ve seen many argue that it seems more fitting of a anniversary feature and I can see that as a valid point, it is still very disappointing and I hope we get him as the part 3 ultra (yes over MUI, agree to disagree).
TL;DR: Many people were expecting fusion Zamasu as the headliner but he wasn’t, disappointing and surprising many people
II: Character Design Now this is one that many people have talking about the most and it’s definitely worthy of it. First let me get Vegito out of the way since I have far less to say about him.
Vegito: He’s definitely a solid unit and very much helps deal with the stupid amount of units with auto counter gauges that have been released this year and he definitely has the potential to thrive after fest is over unless someone in this fest is made to directly counter him. However he has 2 inherent flaws, his color and his banner. I know the banner part doesn’t have much to do with the unit itself but it’s not enough to warrant its own category so I’ll make it short. This man’s banner is absolutely abysmal compared to not only Black, but literally every other banner released this year. Literally every single one of the units on it are Zenkais that have fallen off except for Evoken who is a NON Zenkaied LF that fell off, and FGB who is literally replaced by Vegito but I do see as a nice catch if you didn’t already have him and don’t pull Vegito. Now as for his color, I don’t think it’s that big a deal as he can get type null in decently easy ways, allowing for him to still hold up well against UG4. My only real complaint is that even as a green he can’t counter Turles as much in regards to his comeback to be fair, there’s only so much they could do.
TL;DR: Vegito is a solid unit overall especially compared to Black. However he has some slight flaws and his Banner is god awful
Goku Black: Now this one’s a real doozy. I thought I was just being rough on him first because I felt that his team wide cover null wasn’t that good but no, a lot of the community seems to think he’s also underperforming, dubbing him Godku 2.0 as it definitely doesn’t feel like he’ll survive post legends festival, and for more than just his “new ability”. The main 3 reasons at least to me are his pre transformation green, his color, and his unique gauge. Starting of with his pre transformation green, its definitely not his biggest problem but it’s just not that good. It just feels like a far less superior version of Super 17s green as he only locks you in (with sub counts at that), deletes your ki and vanish, and locks your rush ONE TIME, now granted this for his pre transformation form which your most definitely going to spend a short amount of time in compared to Rosé form but I digress. Now as for his color, why yellow? Everyone was expecting the headlining units to be Red and Green and although we did get the green in the form of Vegito, why the hell is Black yellow? In fact, why does it seem like they gave Mai what Black should’ve had, be Red and permanent endurance null. This would make black way more viable as you still see Majin Vegeta running around a bit with the use of Treeku calming down, and this would definitely give him more value by helping him deal with them if encountered. Now his biggest flaw, his unique gauge, boy oh boy is it flawed. The way it work by destroying enemies the enemies cards, ki, and inflicting no cover change in 3 hits is definitely good, but it just seems like a less good version of Treekus unique gauge. But now just in terms of what it inflicts to the enemy, but also how you refill it. The fact it doesn’t reset automatically after filling it up is a huge weakness as after it’s popped once, you can’t benefit from its disruption again if your enemy keeps combing you without letting black get out a blue or green to reset it, leading it to feel very obsolete. Also I just find it a little funny that there was actually a typo in his kit that Goresh spotted out that said it unique gauge would reset once it was filled so that cool.
TL;DR: Rosé is an overall underwhelming unit with a flawed kit and most likely will end up like Godku post fest
III: Future Buffs I don’t see enough people talking about this, maybe it’s just me being very pessimistic but I feel like it needs to be said. Obviously I’m glad they served out some new future units and that the tags finally getting love ever since its last release being SD Cell. But to be honest this doesn’t feel like much of a future buff at all and more so just even more buffs to Saiyans as most people are just running Vegito and Black with Turles and Majin Vegeta, kind of undermining they’re purpose to counter them. I feel like even just giving Ultra Rosé a plat can be a huge leap in the right direction as he isn’t the best anymore and although it’s definitely very early, a plat would help him out. I also don’t think it’s the most far fetched thing in the world to ask for part 2 or 3 (not both) to be another future buff with part 2 being Game Originals Tag Future Gohan and Future Trunks, and Part 3 being Ultra Fusion Zamasu. These I feel would definitely push more incentive to run an actual future team (along with being retribution for Zamasu not being the headliner. And for anyone who’s about to whine about the cat that future will now have 3 ultras under its belt, calm down as Buu Saga has already reached 3 Ultras and it’s only a matter of time before USV gets plat, making him broken.
TL;DR: This feels more like a buff to saiyans rather than Future and more steps and buffs need to be taken to push future parties more
IV: Events Now to end it off with something a little more simple, it feels a bit light on events right now. Now this one I feel does have a been of reasoning behind it as they’re obviously not gonna drop all the amazing events and raids with CC for us to get already (heck I already make 3k back after going broke on my summons) but the amount of event see can do does seem a bit small right now, but I do feel like we’ll get a bit more once the weekly reset hits.
TL;DR: Events are dry asf rn
Conclusion Now as a whole I can definitely see that this can be very harsh as fest has only been going on for 3-4 days at the time between writing and uploading this, so we can definitely be judging it a bit to early. I don’t think we should give up on the devs yet and we still have 2 more parts and many more weeks to go till fest is over and we are definitely going to get spoiled by the end of it. And anyone would like to chime in in the comments please do.
TL;DR: Fest just started and there’s so much more to come
submitted by lveRanOutaIdeas to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Tiny_Wish_2177 I'm such a lady.
submitted by Tiny_Wish_2177 to Pitbull [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:40 HWKD65 Marty on 'Dial M for Murder'
submitted by HWKD65 to Scorsese [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:40 VandShionk DÚVIDA - que música seria essa?
Oi galera!
Esse final de semana fui num evento musical que prestigiava o cantor Elomar Figueira Melo, e a cultura sertaneza nordestina, do interior, e todo o lugar era ambientado nisso. Enquanto o show não começava, deixaram tocando algumas músicas regionalistas tradicionais, como Siba, Mestre Ambrósio, Cátia de França, entre outros.
Passei por uma música, cantava com voz feminina, que eu não consegui reconhecer, mas eu achei maravilhosa, e tentei anotar fragmentos da letra pra ver se encontrava depois (estava muito falatório, não sei se captei certinho o que era cantado):
"um povo lá de Manaus.. o bumba brilhou em mim .. passando pelas gerais... Tem dança do açaí.. no distrito federal tem... Tem toda celebração... Em Fernando de Noronha tem vale... Afoxé ...Orquestra de berimbau.."
Pelo que consegui ouvir da música meio que tenta evocar aspectos culturais de vários lugares do país. E me lembrou um pouco a banda Abacaxepa. Alguém conheceria uma música com letra que lembra esses fragmentos?
submitted by VandShionk to MusicaBR [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Imaginary-Ice-7603 Angela Alvarez - Masturbating Pussy Hot Video
submitted by Imaginary-Ice-7603 to hollywoodgoddess [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 bjtara What WON’T Meta help with?
I submitted by bjtara to RaybanMeta [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:40 LarenUFrehtOna Mods for keeping Noct's young appearance in the late game
Hey, are there any mods that let Noctis keep his young appearance in the late game? I’m not a fan of his adult look and have been searching for a mod to change this, but I haven’t found anything yet. If anyone knows of such a mod, I’d really appreciate your help. 🙏🏻"
submitted by LarenUFrehtOna to FFXV [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 v3196 Series drop announced
submitted by v3196 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:40 Future-Standard-7497 Symptoms with normal labs
My endo said my labs were perfect but I’ve started having symptoms & dr said it could be something else and to get labs done again. What else could it be? Should i go to primary care to do extensive bloodwork?
submitted by Future-Standard-7497 to Hyperthyroidism [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 TheAhmett ESP32 WebSocket client example problem
Hi everyone I'm trying to use this example. When i send a message to the "ws://" i can get message from postman but when i write "ws://" this link to the websockets_server_host in the example i can connect with wi-fi but i cant connect with the server
submitted by TheAhmett to esp32 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 riddleman01 Is dat onderdeel gebroken? (4) letters
Is dat onderdeel gebroken? (4) letters
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 keepdiettips Jordan Barrett Diet Plan: Secrets Behind the Supermodel's Fitness
submitted by keepdiettips to diet [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 NetusMaximus So... what am I missing here guys?
submitted by NetusMaximus to bonds [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Lo0la4 اقتراح العاب
ايش فيه العاب جيدة تقترحونها لPS5 ؟
submitted by Lo0la4 to saudi_gamers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Skibidi-doutt i tried to make a cat eye as a mediocre gacha maker, and the results...... welll..
its not bad for a medi gacha like me tho 😅👍🏻 submitted by Skibidi-doutt to GachaClub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:40 Landlover2 New Pixel 7 Pro?
Hi, I think I bought a brand-new pixel Pro 7 but am wary. Would the box give a clear indication it is brand new or not? I have not had a smartphone in over ten years but have seen YouTube videos and they rip these cardboard strips off before the box will open. Do any of you remember or any advice on how I can confirm it is brand new please. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Landlover2 to Pixel7Pro [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Humble-Ad1510 Benefits of Disability quota for less than 40%
I recently got a disability id but here's the twist the government doesn't consider someone with less than 40% as eligible to avail their disability schemes
So i wanted what know what beneficiary I am actually eligible with for someone with less than 40% disability quota
submitted by Humble-Ad1510 to indiasocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Due-Solid-7245 She’s just not sexual anymore
My marriage of 10 years is like most, things were pretty great in the beginning and as soon as we started having kids my wife lost most of her libido entirely and went full mom. While I do think she’s a great mother, I feel as though she has completely abandoned the idea of simultaneously being a wife.
We’ve been struggling for years due to her sexual desires just disappearing after child birth and here we are 10 years later fighting like cats and dogs over it almost daily. While we are having sex a few times a week, most of the time it feels like duty sex(which completely kills the entire mood/intimacy aspects for me).
I’m in the best shape of my life, 35, and feel like I’m wasting away my best years to be sexually happy and active at this point. She hasn’t given me oral whatsoever since I got her pregnant with our first child nearly 9 years ago. When I ask what I can do more or change to being that back she responds with “I never liked doing it, I only did it when we were dating”.
Needless to say that hurts me on a deep, deep level. I feel betrayed in a way, bait and switched. For the record, I’ve always been a very sexually active guy, that’s who I was when she met me and who I’ve been over the past decade. I’m basically to the boiling point where im checked out, and it doesn’t help that il getting a lot of attention in the gym from other women either.
submitted by Due-Solid-7245 to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 Mr_Drake64 Is it normal to have an erection around a female friend?
(M23) am good friends with a girl named Olivia (F23). Olivia and I have been attending the same church for the past few years. Our church has a lot of older people, so there aren’t many younger people my age to spend time with. Olivia and I went on one date a few months ago, but we realized we didn’t share the same values to pursue a long-term relationship.
I really enjoy spending time with Olivia. She’s nice, kind, and overall a fun person to be around. Even though I no longer have romantic feelings for her, I often find myself getting an erection when we hang out. It could be something as simple as sitting next to her in a movie theater or having a one-on-one conversation in the car, and it happens almost every time.
Is this normal?
submitted by Mr_Drake64 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 milind_223 Did I [19M] cross a significant boundary or was it a minor lapse of judgement with no impact ?
There's this girl in my office whom I address as my older sister and she also thinks of me as a brother. Now I felt some attraction towards her that I know for a fact was not physical or sexual in any sense, but it was some kind of attraction. I reckon it was because of her personality, she was always happy and laughing and just in a very good mood and I really liked that.
Now I have never had a lot of friends so I kind of wanted her in my life and liked her attention.
One day we were playing some game in our office where 5 people had to stand in a circle holding hands, while I was holding her hand I noticed my heart racing and in a reflex my thumb grazed the back of her palm ( it was only 1 cm ).
Now I was at that time in a committed relationship and immediately, almost within a fraction of a second felt stinging guilt.
I never told my girlfriend of this incident as I was scared I made a mistake. Now that I am broken up and just trying to make sense of things I can't help but think of myself as some sort of monster. I never repeated anything of this sort ever again.
Maybe I feel this way because of whatever attraction I felt towards the office girl and because of the fact that I have had fights with my girlfriend over minor things like this as I am quite an insecure person ( I am trying to make myself better.)
Any help would really be appreciated. I also am guessing that this is some immature question but I still need help.
Also I am from a country where dating is still kinda taboo with arrange marriage being the norm.
submitted by milind_223 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:40 AquaGecko1 Delivery is delivered to the wrong place but it has the correct address and my name on it?
How do I contact Royal Mail about this, my delivery address is correct and my name is on there. How do I contact them or find out where it went? Do I ask every block of flats around me? Thanks
submitted by AquaGecko1 to royalmail [link] [comments]