Vous mangez quoi ?

2024.11.25 12:53 Roseaccount Vous mangez quoi ?

Je (27F) cherche à prendre du poids (2 à 5 kilos) du coup je me penche à un peu sur les habitudes alimentaires.
Vous êtes de la team bon repas avec des produits de qualités (style saumon mariné avec asperges grillées et riz avec de la mangue) ou de la team "ce qui compte c'est les macros" avec du riz dinde épinards 6 fois par semaine ?
J'essaye de trouver le bon équilibre entre les deux (question de budget et de motivation), ce midi c'était thon en boîte au citron, haricots verts et riz+huile d'olive.
submitted by Roseaccount to FitnessFrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 cbareddit1998 What are some mind-blowing facts about medieval medicine?

submitted by cbareddit1998 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 BubblyHospital9347 Lycia - simpler times (2022)

Lycia - simpler times (2022) submitted by BubblyHospital9347 to darkwave [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 princessp15 Baby Care Items for Daycare

I have not ever used some of this and I am a new mom (7mo baby). I am looking for organic, natural alternatives for the following products to send to daycare. It would be great if I could get most of them from the same place!

I hate to be that mom that provides everything for her child differently while the other kids are using daycare provided stuff...but I just dont want a lot of these things on my baby's skin if I can help it.
submitted by princessp15 to moderatelygranolamoms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 James-Incandenza Mexico City, 2022

submitted by James-Incandenza to ACAB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 donkeyknee23 Is there anywhere to get good cropped graphic tee shirts in the uk?

I’m a woman and I really struggle to find decent graphic T-shirts in shops, especially ones that aren’t oversized. I like cropped fit because I feel like they fit me the best as well as I like it when they have cartoony drawings on them as opposed to ones that just say the name of a city. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
submitted by donkeyknee23 to ask [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 punkchance Weekly Discussion Thread (November 25 – December 1)

submitted by punkchance to ArmeniaNT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 JoiBoiia Started running, did runwalk & walk on alternate days, by second week i got stress fracture, how much time does it last and what have done wrong? Would like suggestions.

I weigh 200 lbs, 5,7 height, started running to lose weight, first week i just walked for about 40mins 6days, then started couch to 5k next week (just run app) where it is runwalk 3 days a week, rest of the 4 days i walked for about 40 mins, & i have a sick person at home so i have to do lot chores @ home as well takes a lot of walking back n fourth, by week2 i got stress fracture (i have consulted a doctor, he asked me to rest for about three weeks) so i'd like to know,
what did i do do wrong? How long does this take to heal, when can i start running again? What precautions should i take to avoid future injuries?
Any injuries that needs full time rest will cause major disruption in my life, so i'd like to avoid injuries in the process of losing weight.
I am a begginer to running, So would appreciate suggestions n tips on how go on forward.
submitted by JoiBoiia to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Lozzar242 How is it possible that Arishem is the most consistent deck?

I don't know if recently I've just been having awful luck with other decks or incredible luck with Arishem, but it feels like I can't get a winning streak unless I'm playing him. I have all but about 8 S4/5 cards and yet I only get consistent results with Arishem...
Anyone else having a similar experience? Or is DD just getting to me too much?
submitted by Lozzar242 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 alsage13 Any plan on making a web interface for Pomocat

I have tried in vain to find a Pomodoro app that syncs with its web-based timer. I love your app and am just curious if you think you might every create a web app. Thanks!
submitted by alsage13 to enfp_dev_studio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 REYBIGBHES Liv

Liv submitted by REYBIGBHES to LivMorganLust [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Diligent-Alfalfa-821 Maid outfit :3

Maid outfit :3 submitted by Diligent-Alfalfa-821 to femboy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 GonzoisBaby I turned my butler into Komugi from Hunter x Hunter in CAS

submitted by GonzoisBaby to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Quirky_Conclusion306 tell me something that shocks me

tell me something that shocks me new to this so what’s something you can tell me about my life
submitted by Quirky_Conclusion306 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Noordoostpolder [PS][1999?] Fighting game with robot dragons/dinosaurs on a arena floating in space

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Fighting
Estimated year of release: Somewhere at the end of the nineties, start of the 2000's.
Graphics/art style: Lots of coloured big polygons, bright primairy colours, 3D,
Notable characters: Dragons or dinosaur robots
Notable gameplay mechanics: rotating camera, one can fall of the edge of the arena and lift yourself up again from that same edge by grabbing it. The rest is a standard fighting game I would say.
Other details: None other than - maybe the original is from Japan?
submitted by Noordoostpolder to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Quantisnow Sally Beauty upgraded by TD Cowen with a new price target

Sally Beauty upgraded by TD Cowen with a new price target submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 hassansamiul What is this?

What is this? I am thinking of buying a hdd adaptor and the adaptors on Amazon says it only supports 2.5mm sata hdd then i searched what a 2.5mm sata hdd is and the images matches my hdd except for that pins on the left side . Can anyone confirm if that thing is compatible for the adaptor
submitted by hassansamiul to techsupportmacgyver [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Content_Machine3596 Collage

Collage submitted by Content_Machine3596 to lavendercoquettelilac [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 inski92 Gönne Schwestern von Kumpels auf Snap. Berq97

submitted by inski92 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 babareto1 Cities Skylines - City 3 - #24

submitted by babareto1 to SimCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 MachineZer0 [USA-CT][H] PayPal [W] Intel I7-7700K

Dusting off a new-old MB for a project. It tops out at 7th gen. Let me know the model and shipped price. Prefer ’K’
submitted by MachineZer0 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 XDarkPool ETUF dia de pescar

submitted by XDarkPool to EuTireiUmaFoto [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Heavy-Conclusion-134 Dog People

Dog People submitted by Heavy-Conclusion-134 to dogsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 FixCreepy2081 End sem sa daar lag raha ha guys. 🥹

Guys 2 dec sa end sem ha maths ma kuch nahi phada abhi tak . Or 30 dec ma workshop ka practical bhi ha kya karu maths ma aab ???
submitted by FixCreepy2081 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:53 Optimal_Tangerine17 Fenix a320 msfs2024

Hi guys. I’ve not yet bought the fenix addon for 2020. I’ve seen that it works on 2024 and my question is:
Anyone has experience with limited 8gb vram? I’ve tried the inibuilds a321 but that ones is eating my vram up like its dinner.
Specs: i7 9700k, Rtx4060. Just want to make sure it runs on my rig on medium settings. Thanks!
submitted by Optimal_Tangerine17 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]
