2024.11.25 15:40 Burngis12 I’m halfway through Stone of Farewell and this series/author has become an all time favorite.
It’s so rare to find a book/series that feels like it was written specifically for you, but when you find it it’s the best feeling in the world.
I got hints at that feeling when I read Dragonbone Chair about a year ago. (I have a bad habit of taking inexplicable breaks between books in a series even if I love it - and that’s in ADHD, I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯). Making me feel nostalgic for my middle school days when LotR was coming out in theaters and I was obsessed with Tolkien. And reading Eragon for the first time. And going to the largest RenFair in the nation. All those cozy warm feelings of adventure and escaping to another world. Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight is maaaaybe my fav ongoing series rn, but it definitely doesn’t give me these feelings.
I got to the part in Stone of Farewell where it just feels like things are HAPPENING..the Rector just really popped the f*ck off to Pryrates, then the Rector and Dinivan were killed, Simon is dealing with Skodi..whatever the heck she is.., Maegwin is delving into some wondrous underground city..
I just had a moment where I was hit with the feeling like “yeah..this is it..” A book series I feel like I’ve been chasing since seeing Lord of the Rings for the first time.
This was rambling and incoherent but I had to just vent my excitement. Can’t wait to keep going.
Oh and yeah..I read the first book at the same time as I went to that same RenFair last year, and I’m going to it again this weekend (Texas Renaissance Festival). Feels fortuitous and wonderful. Haha good cozy exciting fantasy vibes.
submitted by Burngis12 to TadWilliams [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 dirtyharrison Internet Mogul Kim Dotcom Suffers 'Serious Stroke' Ahead of Extradition to U.S.
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 adamthenecromance copy 2 online ready to help
i brought this ready to help submitted by adamthenecromance to antisolver [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 dirtyharrison DOJ: Former Arizona ABC Anchor and Husband Committed PPP Loan Fraud
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 jaytm_ Attending a Game
Hey guys. Long story short I plan on attending the last regular season vs the Chiefs. I live in Miami never been to a Broncos game (wanted to go last year to the Dolphins game but glad I didn't lol). What time do the games normally start and end in Denver? I need to know how to plan my flights accordingly. I plan on flying in and flying out same day as this is a spontaneous trip. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by jaytm_ to DenverBroncos [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 atmaca35 How we attracted a whale..
Hi Everyone,
What attracts a whale to a memecoin? Pyrate just answered that question. After a recent whale invested 21 SOL, we're opening the doors to our exclusive Whale Group. Secure your spot with a 5 million $PYRATE purchase, but don't wait too long – the price of admission keeps rising! We are wanting all people to come to our TG Chat and grill us on the project because we are confident about the project and we have nothing to hide.
If you buy 5m at 800k MC = $4000 If you buy 5m at 2m MC = $10,000
Processing img 7xa6jh9bh23e1...
What questions did we have to answer? What sets Pyrate apart? We told him for us its all about the unique blend of utility, community engagement and strategic partnerships we have with Hege and Hodl. Pyrate is a community where you can leave your money in safely as we are nearly 1 month old and we have had 2 bad actors try to rug us unsuccessfully. We have applied for CMC LISTING however we are planning to fund a fast track to solidify Pyrate as the next Hege! We have a fully doxxed Dev and you can watch him speak on the following link in case you worry and want to learn more..
Not feeling like a whale yet? Buy a smaller piece of PYRATE and join the community! You’ll see the PYRATE community is real and if you ever wanted to be at the start of a successful project that will do x40, here’s your best chance! Grab it!
Lastly, Pyrate has some of the original Hege members who helped build Hege through early investing. They have Glitter Beard King, Nick, Danny and both the Hege Dev and Alex the Pyrate Dev have a relationship which is great as we know at the beginning Hege needed partnerships to flourish like it did. It’s clear we aren’t a pump and dump project, we have ambition to get in the tens of millions Market Cap!
GBK has made calls on Pyrate at various Market Caps and here is his analysis in case you want to read more.
My call at 230k –
My call at 400k - https://www.reddit.com/SolCoins/comments/1gourz2/pyrate_went_parabolic_said_that_autistic_chart/
My call at 500k –
CA: 5odbSFH3kKHFNcy6Kai7ykm7da9B55Kk9wgy4fh8gsfh TG: @pyratefun Chart: https://dexscreener .com/solana/5odbsfh3kkhfncy6kai7ykm7da9b55kk9wgy4fh8gsfh Website: https://pyrate .fun X: https://x .com/pyratefun
As always in Crypto, Do your own research!
submitted by atmaca35 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 DreamMighty [H] $50 eBay Gift Card [W] 78% Cashapp
submitted by DreamMighty to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 MCDoermit Honor Magic V2 Screen problems
I have had my Honor Magic V2 since Wednesday.
I have noticed that when I open the device, I hear a noise on the left side around the middle. Additionally, you can feel a slight unevenness when this crackling noise occurs. However, there is NOTHING visible. It feels as if there is air under the screen. If I press a bit harder to the side, as if pushing bubbles out of a film, a crackling noise occurs. I have the impression that it gets a bit better until I leave the phone to rest and then open it again.
Additionally, the extremely slow scrolling bothers me! I have permanently activated 120Hz in the settings but cannot find a setting for scroll speed.
This slow speed really annoys me. Is there any way to fix this?
I switched from the Google Pixel 7 Pro only because my display was defective.
I really like the Honor, but I am afraid that this crackling indicates a defect.
I hope you can help me; I am still within the 14-day return period.
submitted by MCDoermit to Honor [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 PurryMurris Uncle Boon's Massaman Curry Recipe?
Unless I'm misremembering, Uncle Boon's (RIP) used to have their Massaman curry recipe posted on their website but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone still have it?
submitted by PurryMurris to FoodNYC [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 dirtyharrison Gingrich: Trump Administration Filled with ‘Strong, Intelligent Women’
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 Boburism What’s good for 100-200 bucks?
Bought Marshall Major IVs. Sound good, but ppl saying that there are better options for a person looking for a better, more balanced music experience.
I am planning on selling them and getting me some better ones. I use them everywhere, about 5-7 hours per day. So it would be nice if they are good to be carried around and worn comfortably everywhere.
While I am not ready to spend 500 bucks on headphones, I do want good sound - like, really good. To be an improvement over my Major IVs.
Also possibly over-ear, to give better isolation. At the price range in the title, what would you guys say is the best option for me?
submitted by Boburism to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 High_Lady29 Visiting with possibility of moving!
submitted by High_Lady29 to grandrapids [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 twist_myarm Enviar dinero a Uruguay
Buenas! Me encuentro radicado en los Países Bajos y necesito enviar dinero de bancos neerlandeses a bancos uruguayos, en especial Itau y Santander. ¿Cuál medio electrónico es bueno y confiable y que no me mate con las comisiones?
Agradezco opiniones. Saludos.
submitted by twist_myarm to uruguay [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 No-Conversation7083 Avis montres à gousset
Bonjour, Je viens vers vous pour une petite question j'ai plusieurs montres à gousset qui ont été expertisé par un horloger sur Strasbourg mais j'aimerais savoir si le fait de les rénover pour 300 €, ça vaut le coup ou pas en sachant que c'est 300 € pour les 6 ou 7 montres à gousset en tout les autres serviront pour pièces et il me rendra ce qu'il en reste. Donc voici l'intégralité de mes montres à gousset les six qui sont sur le bas de la photo sont celles qu'il a mis de côté en conclusion qu'elle les était les plus a peut-être restaurées et entretenu pour des coups pas trop élevés car les autres demandent beaucoup beaucoup trop de réparation et sur un point de vue rentabilité financière ça vaut pas le coup Pour la précision du devis au moment où je lui ai montré les mondes donc il a on a bien pris le temps de regarder chaque montre deux d'entre elles d'ailleurs sont de fabrication sur l'ancienne manufacture qui était à Épinal donc ils sont intéressants au point de vue historique mais financièrement valent pas grand-chose non plus donc lui il a regardé il m'a montré sa fiche de tarif sur ses tarifs il était à 240 € par montre à peu près et quand je lui ai expliqué que je mettrai pas ce prix là pour chaque montre et que c'était pas possible et que je lui propose également de récupérer les pièces des autres montres à gousset qui ne m'intéressait pas vraiment c'est là qui m'a proposé le prix donc de 300 € pour la restauration des 6 montres au total voilà donc voir si est-ce que ça vous paraît intéressant est-ce que éventuellement l'un d'entre vous sera intéressé par une des 6 montres et à combien il me la reprendrai pour éventuellement me réduire un peu mes coups de restauration. PS : les photos où je n'ai pas mis l'arrière ou l'intérieur arrière c'est parce que il y avait aucun marquage intéressant à part les dates et les numéros de référence pour les différents entretiens qui a eu par les anciens propriétaires mais sinon aucune gravure et aucune marque en particulier submitted by No-Conversation7083 to Montres [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 chinmoku000 (31) lacking confidence, have a selfie!
submitted by chinmoku000 to Faces [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 thefrozenflame21 Best sim playbooks?
What playbooks and what aggressiveness levels have you found work best for simulating in dynasty? I've done a lot of experimentation personally but I'd like to hear what everyone else has found.
submitted by thefrozenflame21 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 Ok-Control-3394 Will Pyro traveler be any good?
The kit honestly seems interesting, but it seems like it all depends on the numbers.
I know he will be worse, but could he somewhat replace Xiangling in the classic Lyney/Kazuba/Xiangling/Bennett?
submitted by Ok-Control-3394 to lyney [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 hatem900n want to buy a GAN Mirror cube M
so i live in egypt and i want to buy that gan mirror cube and i found a one on jumia for around 27$ and with some extra shiping (because it came fro the us ) it will go for 30$ do you think it worth it or do you have a better solution for me becaus im in egypt
submitted by hatem900n to Cubers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 dirtyharrison Poll: Three in Four Say Donald Trump Should Prioritize Deportations
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 Makepurethyheart EASY HUNAN TOFU
https://makepurethyheart.com/easy-vegan-hunan-tofu/ submitted by Makepurethyheart to veganrecipes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 atmaca35 How we attracted a whale.. - crypto posts are banned here
Hi Everyone,
What attracts a whale to a memecoin? Pyrate just answered that question. After a recent whale invested 21 SOL, we're opening the doors to our exclusive Whale Group. Secure your spot with a 5 million $PYRATE purchase, but don't wait too long – the price of admission keeps rising! We are wanting all people to come to our TG Chat and grill us on the project because we are confident about the project and we have nothing to hide.
If you buy 5m at 800k MC = $4000 If you buy 5m at 2m MC = $10,000
Processing img 7xa6jh9bh23e1...
What questions did we have to answer? What sets Pyrate apart? We told him for us its all about the unique blend of utility, community engagement and strategic partnerships we have with Hege and Hodl. Pyrate is a community where you can leave your money in safely as we are nearly 1 month old and we have had 2 bad actors try to rug us unsuccessfully. We have applied for CMC LISTING however we are planning to fund a fast track to solidify Pyrate as the next Hege! We have a fully doxxed Dev and you can watch him speak on the following link in case you worry and want to learn more..
Not feeling like a whale yet? Buy a smaller piece of PYRATE and join the community! You’ll see the PYRATE community is real and if you ever wanted to be at the start of a successful project that will do x40, here’s your best chance! Grab it!
Lastly, Pyrate has some of the original Hege members who helped build Hege through early investing. They have Glitter Beard King, Nick, Danny and both the Hege Dev and Alex the Pyrate Dev have a relationship which is great as we know at the beginning Hege needed partnerships to flourish like it did. It’s clear we aren’t a pump and dump project, we have ambition to get in the tens of millions Market Cap!
GBK has made calls on Pyrate at various Market Caps and here is his analysis in case you want to read more.
My call at 230k –
My call at 400k - https://www.reddit.com/SolCoins/comments/1gourz2/pyrate_went_parabolic_said_that_autistic_chart/
My call at 500k –
CA: 5odbSFH3kKHFNcy6Kai7ykm7da9B55Kk9wgy4fh8gsfh TG: @pyratefun Chart: https://dexscreener .com/solana/5odbsfh3kkhfncy6kai7ykm7da9b55kk9wgy4fh8gsfh Website: https://pyrate .fun X: https://x .com/pyratefun
As always in Crypto, Do your own research!
submitted by atmaca35 to ico [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:40 dirtyharrison Russia and Ukraine Trade Strikes as Kyiv Claims Successful Attack on Weapons Plant
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 TopCounty3305 Picanha
submitted by TopCounty3305 to ShitpostBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 IcyPineapple2072 GWM-nél mennyit lehetnek a Melanival közös gyerekek? Foglalkozik egyáltalán velük? Sokkal boldogabbnak tűnt ez a csávó is régen, meg fiatalabbnak…
Az előző posztban nem takartam ki a gyerekeket, többet jelezték, elnézést! submitted by IcyPineapple2072 to talk_hunfluencers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:40 InThaThicket Manifesting Something “Impossible”
What are your thoughts on manifesting something seemingly“impossible”? Something that defies our laws of nature. There is something I want to manifest, but I can’t say what it is. What about manifesting a skill or ability you weren’t born with, like say athleticism. Just giving an example.
submitted by InThaThicket to Manifestation [link] [comments]