2024.11.25 12:14 Sennaf Amına koyim iyice Twitter'a döndü sub'ta partiler olacak derken ama bu seçim biraz deney seçimi gelecek seçim kesinlikle daha düzgün ve kurallı olacak. yoksa daha 195 kişiyken bu kadar karışıklık varsa 1000 üye filan olursak yarra yeriz
submitted by Sennaf to Notorite [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 damnyouok free aura reading!!
Hello!! I've always been very curious about knowing what colour my aura is and I was wondering if anyone would be able to help for free? I'd be very grateful thankyou
submitted by damnyouok to PsychicServices [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 Ezio-0 Insurance broker Howden: cyberattacks have cost UK businesses ~£44B in the past five years and 52% of private sector companies have reported at least one attack (Carolyn Cohn/Reuters)
submitted by Ezio-0 to Techmemefeed [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 Abwer1 NEW ➡️ KF098 watch face+BOGO
submitted by Abwer1 to galaxywatch5 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 Ezio-0 Airbnb plans to let tenants in nearly 1,500 flats owned by Greystar in London to sublet homes on a part-time basis, expanding on a 2022 Greystar partnership (Eri Sugiura/Financial Times)
submitted by Ezio-0 to Techmemefeed [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 Intrepid-Bumblebee94 urgent question
do you know if there is a way to switch from the new zone system to the old one? thanks in advance for the answers P.S. I apologize for my English but I am not a native speaker
submitted by Intrepid-Bumblebee94 to OrnaRPG [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 Heavyclone11 Thoughts on ronin?
I love ronin, he's fast and I like the execution and swinging that sword (No I don't use it as my main weapon, like many ronin players, it's just a distance maker against titans)
submitted by Heavyclone11 to titanfall [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 PatrickAttaway Demise of the Trinity is Free 11/25/2024 - 11/27/2024
submitted by PatrickAttaway to ebooks [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 xarzCS Tips for Smoother Gameplay: Improving CS2 Performance: Hardware Upgrades
Hi folks,
I wanted to share a few performance optimization tips that helped me get the most out of Counter-Strike 2. After some hardware upgrades and tweaking settings, I noticed a significant improvement in my gameplay experience, and I thought it might be useful for others who are looking to enhance their performance.
CS2 is a bit of a unique case, requiring you to fine-tune your PC setup to get the best performance out of it. Note: As I'm not a native English speaker, I used ChatGPT to help refine this guide.
Long story short: I upgraded my CPU from a Ryzen 7 5700X to a Ryzen 7 7700 paired with an RTX 3070, and only saw a slight improvement in average FPS in the CS2 benchmark (from 540 to 580 FPS). Here's what I learned and what made a real difference:
1. Use Dual-Channel RAM for Better FPS The first upgrade I made was switching to dual-channel RAM. CS2 runs noticeably better with dual-channel, giving me 30–40 more FPS in benchmarks. Plus, the game runs more smoothly in longer sessions, especially in modes like Deathmatch. If you’re using single-channel RAM, it’s definitely worth considering the upgrade.
Note: Personally, I don’t see much difference between2. Set a Stable CPU Frequency for FPS stability Instead of relying on automatic CPU boosts, I manually capped my CPU at it's maximum. This made a noticeable improvement in CS2's performance. While my CPU isn't perfectly stable at this clock for all workloads (it passes CPU-Z stress tests but crashes in Cinebench), it doesn’t affect CS2 as long as the temperatures stay within safe limits. Capping your CPU ensures more consistent performance without fluctuations that can cause stuttering or instability during gaming.fps_max 400
on a 240Hz monitor, so I stick to the lower value. Higher FPS can lead to faster VRAM fragmentation because the GPU has to process and update memory more frequently. This mainly makes a difference in Deathmatch, where the game’s pace is faster and more demanding on memory, but in 5v5, the difference is less noticeable.
2024.11.25 12:14 CaptainUsku best mirage finder script?
do you guys know best mirage findingvscript or anyone willing to help me???
submitted by CaptainUsku to robloxhackers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 slzp122 Lets chat about your girls big ass and fantasies, cucks + 0528367560806c2a8cf414292d88edfcf60bdba0fcc53a4f4bd077d01ee595e64a
submitted by slzp122 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 Gaysocksguy Looking for thin ribbed dress socks
Anyone selling worn thin ribbed dress socks? Customised? Hit me up
submitted by Gaysocksguy to MensUsedSocksForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 DisposableBits Phone system
What phone system does your store use? Ours is just a regular residential phone with a voicemail box, if we can't answer (because we're getting fucked) it just goes straight to voicemail.
submitted by DisposableBits to upsstore [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 Sr-rookjesko Somebody draw this with boykisser
submitted by Sr-rookjesko to boykisser2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 Edwin1925 Erasmus başvurudan önce
Merhaba herkese. Gemi İnşaatı ve Gemi Makineleri 2. sınıf öğrencisiyim. Erasmus başvuruları başladı. Bir tercih yapabiliyoruz galiba ben de Polonya Gdansk yazdım ve tabii ki İtalya'da aklım kaldı :D
Özellikle geçim kolaylığı ve etrafındaki ülkeler olarak (Berlin'e ve Prag'a gitmek istiyorum okurken İtalya da olabilir) Kamilkoç'un Berlin'e seferleri var yanlış hatırlamıyorsam Gdansktan :D hangi ülkeyi önerirsiniz ne düşünüyorsunuz ?
Erasmus tecrübeniz var mı ? Merak ettiğim yurt bulabildiniz mi, schengen vizesi alabildiniz mi, ek iş yaptınız mı ?
Eğitimden çok Avrupa görmek istediğimden dolayı erasmus yapmak istiyorum. Gitmeden çalışıp para biriktirsem belki 1k 1.5k euro ne kadar yardımcı olur mesela gezme dışında ?
Türkiyeye dönerken neler getirebilirim ? Yiyecek-içecek/elektronik/kıyafet tarzı.
Bu tarz sorular. Vakit ayırana şimdiden teşekkür ederim. Umarım gidebilirsem seneye uzunca bir tecrübe postu paylaşmak istiyorum :)
submitted by Edwin1925 to UniversityTR [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 Cryptostock85 Wallet disappeared with correct recovery phrase
I have been trying to recover my wallet created with Phantom for two years. After forgetting the password I used the secret phrase to recover it and another empty wallet appeared.
I tried to search in all the derivation paths but sometimes the addresses can be infinite.
Does anyone have a solution? Does anyone know if there is a way to search for a specific wallet of a secret phrase?
Since these wallets, phantom, solflar etc etc detect the wallet that has money inside, would it be useful to try to send a few cents to the wallet address? Could it re-establish the correct reading of the wallet to be loaded?
submitted by Cryptostock85 to solana [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 assclown616 Olivia Munn
submitted by assclown616 to CelebrityAsians [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 NoBreakfast7035 Jorkin it at the strip club
submitted by NoBreakfast7035 to dankmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 DueCourt7 3 vs 4
On Amazon today both the pocket 3 and 4 are around £200. I don't understand why but I'm guessing the 4 will be better than the 3? Or am I missing something
submitted by DueCourt7 to osmopocket [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 NecktieNomad TMUK - Greg likes deferential but not obsequious, clever but not smug - which contestants got it right and which ones failed?
Greg’s word and points are final, and there’s been many an occasion where competitors have talked themselves up - or down - points.
Who, in your opinion, ‘got’ Greg in order to maximise their standing? Who just pushed it and blew it? And who just couldn’t get a break?
I’m expecting Desky, Rhod and Noel to feature in the comments…
submitted by NecktieNomad to taskmaster [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 Matissker Pieteikšanās ZS
Nesen vēlējos pieteikties ZS, bet bija jānodod obligāti asins un urīna analīze, kas mani satrauca. Beigās nepieteicos, jo nevēlējos saņemt ziņu atpakaļ par analīžu rezultātiem, kuros uzrādītu pozitīvu THC līmeni asinīs. Vai kāds ir sastapies ar šo problēmu? Vai mani pieņemtu ZS, ja rezultāti būtu pozitīvi?
submitted by Matissker to latvia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:14 Zee2A New imaging method enables detailed RNA analysis of the whole brain
submitted by Zee2A to STEW_ScTecEngWorld [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 Kiryuinnn Fischl challenges you to TCG (@Sysen)
submitted by Kiryuinnn to Fischl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 Appropriate_Feed_638 Les dérives de l’éducation sexuelle à l’école et le silence des ministres
submitted by Appropriate_Feed_638 to france6 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:14 TheLoneSlimShady Nurse Witch (by 甜瓜炭酸 from Pixiv)
submitted by TheLoneSlimShady to nursewitchkomugi [link] [comments] |