Programmable Merger for transport loading

2024.11.25 12:48 Longshot338308 Programmable Merger for transport loading

We need a programmable merger. I despise how I cant reasonably transport more than one material. I want to use a drone to move a bunch of plastic, some rubber, and a little bit of fuel. A programmble merger could let you meter the input. One item from left, 6 from middle, and 2 from the right. Repeat. If doesnt make sense for it to be so hard to transport varied loads. If I want to do that now I would need a annoyingly complicated abomination of splitters.
submitted by Longshot338308 to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Archean777 What is this?

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submitted by Archean777 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Visible_Definition28 🩷

🩷 submitted by Visible_Definition28 to camilakisara_of [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 ThenCow6134 Please help for BEE

3 phase AC ke liye koi playlist suggest kar do. Vo headphone se ek hi side aawaz aari freesources wali playlist se ekkeda wali and ranjan rai se midsem ke dauraan single phase ac pd ke gya tha midsem mei chutiya katt gya. So uspe bharosa nahi kaisa pdhaya hoga vo. Koi theek thak length wali playlist 3 phase ac ke liye bata do :)
submitted by ThenCow6134 to DTU__Delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 lemkowidmak @NovaFootball: 🎥 🎤 QB1 checks in after the @NCAA_FCS Selection Show! #TapTheRock #FCSPlayoffs #GoNova@r_c_w4 @tessa_peloso

@NovaFootball: 🎥 🎤 QB1 checks in after the @NCAA_FCS Selection Show! #TapTheRock #FCSPlayoffs #GoNova@r_c_w4 @tessa_peloso submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 mujhsejaltehailog Am I too old for MBA?

I gave CAT the first time this time, prepared well, slot 2 , Varc was really really good but I fumbled Dilr. One of those days when the approaches clicked in my brain right after I left the exam hall.
Anyway, I turned 25 in Nov 1st week, so I'll be 26 when when I attempt next year, 26.5 when I start college if I get selected and 28.5 by the time I'll graduate. I'm a CA already. With 3 yrs work ex rn.
Will it be too late for me at 26?
submitted by mujhsejaltehailog to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Airman1376 flight simulator 2020 or 2024 pirated for mac question

hi sorry for my bad english
official version of flight simulators will be crash using gptk2 nd crossover maybe because of online features but pirated version is offline so has anyone try to run flight simulator pirated version on mac or not ? thanks
submitted by Airman1376 to macgaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 iblamesb All the people who think John did it

According to people who believe John did it, he has paid off every detective, journalist, politician, etc., who holds a different view. The crazy thing is that they’re completely serious and unable to consider other theories or evidence about an intruder. That man should’ve been broke by now with the number of people he’s supposedly paid off.
submitted by iblamesb to JonBenetRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Yozora-kyun We are so back

submitted by Yozora-kyun to Aether_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 IDK_Maybe_ My tuna can fits perfectly inside my sink drain

My tuna can fits perfectly inside my sink drain submitted by IDK_Maybe_ to midlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 ModernMaloney BIDA, wenn ich meinen Vorgesetzten einen Hinweis gebe?

Hallo zusammen, Ich liege leider krank im Bett zu Hause. Letzte Woche habe ich mit einem Kollegen zusammengearbeitet, dem es im Laufe der Woche schlechter wurde, so dass er teilweise gar nicht mehr reden konnte, weil es so wehtat.
Ich habe ihn damals gesagt, er soll zum Vorgesetzten gehen und sich krank melden. Nachdem er immer wieder rum getan hat, habe ich ihn gesagt, dass er jetzt entweder sofort heimgehen soll oder still sein soll. Ich habe ihn aber sehr deutlich ersteres empfohlen. Er ist geblieben.
Jetzt liege ich krank zuhause und bin nun etwas ärgerlich über mich selber, warum Ich ihn nicht heimgeschickt habe. (Bin keine Führungskraft) Ich kann zwar nicht 100% Nachweisen, dass ich von ihm angesteckt wurde, aber ich vermute es stark.
Jetzt muss ich dann meinen Chef anrufen und ihm sagen wie lange ich krank bin (ist so Tradition bei uns bzw. Ist er von mir gewohnt)
Jetzt wollte ich ihn den Hinweis geben, dass er doch bitte bei der nächsten Teambesprechung alle nochmal darauf hinweisen soll, dass wenn sie krank sind, doch auch zuhause bleiben sollen, egal wie die Umstände sind. Wäre ich das BDA? Kollegen verpfeifen oder ankreiden will ich eigentlich nicht.
submitted by ModernMaloney to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 TheBoredScienceGuy I would like to have a nice chat and maybe a new friend :)

Soo im danny 23 im from the netherlands and my friends tell me im a sweet, caring and respectful guy that likes to be right haha and loves discussions. Other than that my intresseds are science, nature, animals, getting to know new people, fun facts and lego. Over all im a pretty normal guy with a odd disability because.. im left handed.... Buut but ehm i also have green eyes so that makes me pretty special right?? Haha other than that im a open book and have no secrets so feel free to ask whatever is on your mind!
Discord: scienceisdeadly
submitted by TheBoredScienceGuy to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 sam_tsang Steam vault edition missing content

I bought the vault edition package on Steam but have not gotten any content like Blackcell
Anyone got a fix or got the same problem?
submitted by sam_tsang to BO6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 funnyZ10 Kindly don't have a emergency!

Kindly don't have a emergency! submitted by funnyZ10 to funnysigns [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Maximum_Amphibian753 One card pay vs direct deposit

One card pay vs direct deposit So I am new to this , I’ve only been doing this for two weeks now. I originally signed up for direct deposit with my chase checking account. Now I switched to the one account. I am wondering that now that today is 11/25/24, if I drive today will my earnings go into my one account? I have the card and I downloaded the app. Do they show up right in the app immediately after you finish an order ? How does that work? And if you want cash you have to go to the Walmart customer service desk, or can you just go to an atm? Also are the tips given immediately or are they delayed a day?
submitted by Maximum_Amphibian753 to Sparkdriver [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Unhelpful_Idiot "Then slide my thumb where her uh at"

submitted by Unhelpful_Idiot to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Accomplished_Rip6307 Negative Dot might be worse than S3xhaveR

Negative Dot might be worse than S3xhaveR He has to be banned aswell
submitted by Accomplished_Rip6307 to yeat_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 maverick15001 my white beast

my white beast Pretty much done. Mods for desert driving primarily.
submitted by maverick15001 to Montero [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Own_Hedgehog_9209 What is this?

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submitted by Own_Hedgehog_9209 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Altruistic_Spite_930 Final Call Nov 2024: Ali Amin Gandapur is now under close scrutiny, with his movements heavily restricted by fellow protestors. The heightened mistrust stems from his controversial escape during the September protests, which led to widespread discontent among his peers.

Final Call Nov 2024: Ali Amin Gandapur is now under close scrutiny, with his movements heavily restricted by fellow protestors. The heightened mistrust stems from his controversial escape during the September protests, which led to widespread discontent among his peers. submitted by Altruistic_Spite_930 to HaqeeqiAzadi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 GillWordon Outlook Web issue

Good Morning,
Over the past week, my organization has been experiencing an issue with Outlook on the web when accessed from computers. The application fails to load and displays an error message.
Link to Screenshot of Error:

The problem is isolated to Outlook on the web when accessed through any browser on a computer. Despite having an open ticket with Microsoft, there has been no progress toward resolving the issue.
I’d appreciate any insights or guidance you can provide.
submitted by GillWordon to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 911nihilist Media publishes footage of a cargo plane crash in Vilnius.

Media publishes footage of a cargo plane crash in Vilnius. submitted by 911nihilist to NihilistNewsNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 monkeyapplez Is this thrips?

Is this thrips? This is some type of succulent that recently died in my care but was looking at the soil and noticed white spots. Is that thrips eggs or just mineral/soil deposits?
Water once a week, drainage pot at the bottom, next to east facing window
submitted by monkeyapplez to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 carriebtv First post here

First post here submitted by carriebtv to crossdressMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:48 Delicious-Yam-4236 Speech therapy in New Zealand

I have been researching and struggling to find the specifics to being a speech-language therapist in NZ. I have a masters in speech language pathology in the states and have a ton of experience (10 years). I have experience in school based and private practice. Im trying to find in the salary would allow for decent living in NZ. Also differences in speech therapy from the states vs NZ. In schools, do SLPs work multiple schools? What is the average caseload? Are students seen in groups vs individual? What are supports for students in special education like? Do they have access to communication devices, etc? The specifics of speech therapy jobs have been difficult to find specifics to so any answers would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Delicious-Yam-4236 to newzealand [link] [comments]