2024.11.25 12:40 emilylewis__ Dialga in 2 mins 9374 4279 1686
submitted by emilylewis__ to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:40 SandwichExcellent448 Alguém tem Spotify com tudo liberado?
Meu Spotify crakeado com tudo liberado parou de funcionar de ontem pra hoje e nem a pau que vou pagar pra escutar música. Se alguém tiver manda o link aí. Mas manda pelo Mediafire.
submitted by SandwichExcellent448 to farialimabets [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 Over-Comfortable-264 Helmet visor glitch
I saw this asked and answered recently, but can't find it. When I'm in PA the right 1/4 of my view glitches out. How to fix?
submitted by Over-Comfortable-264 to fo76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 TS_Studios We’re looking for talented artists to join TS Studios on our exciting project, POT!
TS Studios is an ambitious game development company working on something big, and we need passionate, creative minds to help bring our vision to life.
This is a revenue-share opportunity, meaning you’ll share in the success we build together. If you’re interested in being part of a collaborative and innovative team, we’d love to hear from you!
submitted by TS_Studios to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 hot_story_92 hora de ir ao ginásio
eu tenho um problema que anda me a impedir de começar a treinar as horas em que posso treinar são das 6 da tarde até as 8 da tarde, porém essa hora no ginasio é o inferno cheio de gente e principalmente cheio de monstros musculados que treina a velocidade de um caracol 30m por maquina nada contra mas impede me de fazer o meu treino dentro do meu horario.
Será que me conseguem dar uma ajuda
submitted by hot_story_92 to CasualPT [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 BriefSpell5186 Let’s Make A Deal
Make me an offer. Worst I can say is no submitted by BriefSpell5186 to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:40 Frequent_Opinion_211 Warlord missile
Season 2 started and i have been the warlord of my alliance for a very long time. Im having trouble understanding this feature. + the use of it. ‘Why’ did they add this. ‘Why’ can it be usefull. ‘How’ to use it best? Pls help thankyou submitted by Frequent_Opinion_211 to LastWarMobileGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:40 Clear-Truck-125 I can’t believe the TFR devs made Chinese people to make the game
submitted by Clear-Truck-125 to TheFireRisesMod [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 Fit-Cod4012 My 482 visa is about to run out.
My 482 visa runs out shortly and due to a break down in communication my renewal/ re applying wasn’t sent out. I m told all documents have now been passed over to the agent but I have no idea what is going to happen. Unfortunately my questions to the agent have gone unanswered and I m really worried about what happens if nothing is in place when my visa runs out on Saturday. I believe I go onto a bridging Visa but don’t know how long that would take to active. Does any one have any experience with this?
submitted by Fit-Cod4012 to AusVisa [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 jilinjames Lana Del Rey Announces Dates For 2025 U.K. and Ireland Stadium Shows
submitted by jilinjames to musicnews24 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:40 Correct-Birthday-545 Sdp political spectrum Chart
I made this a Bit ago but I still agree with Most of it submitted by Correct-Birthday-545 to SleepDeprivedPodcast [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:40 Informal_Sugar_3742 Favourite to least favourite monsters to train in Monster Rancher 2?
I have only played Monster Rancher 2. My favourites are Hare, Henger, Durahan, Phoenix, Zuum
I kinda also like Undine
For Zilla (the whale) the one mixed with Tiger is good, and Jills (the yeti) Hoppers, Katos, Worms, Beaclons, Jells, Mews are ok. Golem mixed with Metalner or Tiger are good due to their better stats in skill And guts regen. Bajarl, the genie, is ok as well.
I don’t think Joker, Gali and Dragon are that special to be honest due to their low lifespan.
On the other hand I hate Wracky and Suezo cause they make really annoying noises.
I am just not interested in Mocchi, Tiger, Plant, ColorPandora, Niton, Baku, Naga and Pixie.
submitted by Informal_Sugar_3742 to MonsterRancher [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 jimd13 Suspecting kahm yeast
Hey everyone, long time lurker and finally started a brew. This is a 1 gallon batch on day 6, using SCOBY from Fermentaholics. Ph was about 3 when I first mixed everything and set it to ferment. I noticed this white formation growing on the surface the last few days, and wondering if it’s Kahm. All of these pictures were taken just now. It doesn’t look like a lot of the kahm pictures I’ve seen, but seems to look different in color to what I suspect is pellicle formation right nearby it on the edge. The other day, the pellicle that came with the SCOBY was floating to the top and was huge, so that was exciting. It is hiding for these pics today. I’ve been using that heated band the entire time and the temp has been constant around 76-78 degrees Fahrenheit. An expert eye would be greatly appreciated. Too scared to pop the cloth cover off the top, but can do if a better pic would help. Thanks all! submitted by jimd13 to Kombucha [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:40 Internal-Crow5063 Forgot how F’d up DD is
I got a pretty high order of $40 today and of course I took it cause I’ve usually been getting $10-$20 orders. It was a store/food run and I thought nothing of it. The total at dollar general was $157 and I don’t remember how much the panda express order was but it just made me think “if I had to pay this much, then how much did the customer pay?” I’m not too knowledgeable when it comes to the financial side for DD but I think it’s wild that I only got $40 from that order when it was such a high cost. If i’m wrong about that feel free to correct me (but not condescendingly). I know we also get paid by the hr but due to my location I rarely get orders until the weekend so the hr pay really isn’t all too helpful.
submitted by Internal-Crow5063 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 FlyingSofasOnCrack No Gas shut off valve in my property
Based in London, England.
My council flat has no gas shut off valve and I’m wondering if this is a legal requirement?
I’ve read online and it seems that there should be one under gas safety regulations.
I’m moving out soon and they advised that I shut off the valve and disconnect my gas cooker but after checking myself and a gas engineer of theirs who was there for another call out, he also confirmed there is no shut off valve.
They are expecting me to pay £200+ to have the gas capped off.
I have spoken to my gas supplier too who say they would only cap off the gas in an emergency.
Does anyone know what I can do here?
submitted by FlyingSofasOnCrack to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 Mark2036 Anyone else expect Jade’s melody to be Que Sera Sera 😅
When he was humming it I was almost expecting it to be Que Sera Sera 😂. As a lullaby to sing to the children before they got sacrificed it would have fit well too… “whatever will be will be” 💀
submitted by Mark2036 to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 RaceSuspicious9293 am i being as ass? this probably wasn’t the best way to go about it but this is usually how all our arguments start because i end up getting offended and saying something rude back.
submitted by RaceSuspicious9293 to amiwrong [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 Sensitive_Injury_128 Trenger litt hjelp
Er lærling her sør i landet og bor hos min mor for å spare penger og det var lettest med tanke på å passe hund og andre greier
Men... Som alltid...
Jobben har sagt opp kontoret (de tar hjemmekontor 100%), og som lærling så har jeg skjønt at man må ha et oppmøtested (har hjemmekontor noen dager i uken fra før av)... Det betyr at jeg må flytte over 1000km tilbake til der jeg kommer fra i nord og møte opp på kontorlokalene de har der
Så kommer det jeg lurer på, hvem skal betale for flyttingen og hybel? Ønsker ikke å bo hos besteforeldrene mine eller hos faren min som nettopp har flyttet inn med dama si
Har heller ikke lyst å flytte da det ødelegger alt av sosial nettverk og hobby jeg er bygd opp her sør og som ikke kan fortsettes med nordover.
Noen som vet om man har krav på noe eller har noen kloke ord... Eller om jeg må bite i det sure eple å pøse ut med flere titusener 🧐
submitted by Sensitive_Injury_128 to norge [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 Jkbangtan123 House training puppy before vaccines?
I’m planning to pick up a puppy from a breeder in February, pending there is one from the planned litter that fits the temperament I want.
The puppies will be held until week 9-10, so they will already have their first round of vaccines at least. They also will be litter box trained to make house training easier.
While I’m planning to move sometime in the new year and hope to move before I get the puppy, my current apartment complex is filled with irresponsible dog owners who don’t pick up after their dogs. So the grass is filled with old excrement.
How should I house train and socialize my new puppy if it would be dangerous for them to be on that grass for the first few weeks? Should I just take the litter box outside? Or just try to find an area less common for other dogs to use?
submitted by Jkbangtan123 to puppy101 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 rainbowafterSnow Snowy Night Ezo Red Fox
submitted by rainbowafterSnow to KemonoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 SageTegan List of valuable stealables/pickupables?
I just found out about command: drop weapon for the fire greatsword in the prologue! Great weapon. Wyll performs quite well with it.
What's some other stuff? I really want to omit any stealable items that you could buy. But I'd love a list/etc for the other stuff if possible. I'm sure there's one somewhere (that is pristine and updated theoretically).
Thank you for reading!
submitted by SageTegan to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 BullseyeNorth [Bullseye North] Sale Price: $67.49 Umarex - Ruger 10/22 (490 FPS) .177 Cal - NO PAL REQUIRED🇨🇦 Free Shipping Over $250, Flat Rate Shipping Under $17 Some Exclusions and Conditions Apply
submitted by BullseyeNorth to AirRifleDealsCanada [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:40 ftlapple 2016 Volvo XC60 T5 - high-pitched noise from engine, engine revving even in P
Started hearing a very high-pitched, constant noise while driving down the highway. I first thought it was an electronic issue.
Turns out it was the engine, and a very loud noise indeed (see video). When stopped at the red light, car now does a slight rev every 5-10 seconds or so. Engine is very loud (and warm).
Can I still drive this to the mechanic or is this a tow? Car is in P in the video.
submitted by ftlapple to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 Some_Ad_2026 Cursite event not working
Lately whenever I get a cursite spitter event the spitters don’t spawn enough and I fail the event. Anyone also experience this?
submitted by Some_Ad_2026 to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:40 Present-Industry-373 Welcome back, Glorious Leader!
Who needs going to political debates, organizing rallies, print banners/stickers/flags, when you can just buy an unholy amount of bots on Tik Tok with ruzzian money🤑🤑 submitted by Present-Industry-373 to balkans_irl [link] [comments] |