Where is ‘Where is my train’ app for iOS ?

2024.11.25 13:13 itsInnerMe Where is ‘Where is my train’ app for iOS ?

Where is ‘Where is my train’ app for iOS ? Sigmoid Labs created the app and launched it on Android over nine years ago, and then Google bought them out in 2018. Almost all Google Apps are available for iOS but not this one.
  • Is Google intentionally holding back the app?
  • What are the alternatives?
submitted by itsInnerMe to indianrailways [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 huleeb vague impression, by huleeb

submitted by huleeb to SpecArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Mightymattie76 Mail Call over the weekend

submitted by Mightymattie76 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Accomplished-Fig-728 Trust Wallet USDT Scam Alert

My friend went into a telegram channel were the calim they resend the funds you send to them X2
He first sent them 100$ , they sent it back 200$ quickly
Then he sent 200$ and got 400$ back
Afterwards he got greedy and sent 800 $ but got nothing back 🤣
So i went in and sent them 500 $ from the first time , luckily they sent me 1000$ , and this is how i got my freinds money back 😂
I nice scamming strategy , trust us then we scam you 😂😂😂😂
If anyone want to try them i advice you send them 1 time and only 1 time , they will double it and send it back because they want you to get greedy .
This is thier USDT(TRC20) adress :
Thank me later 😆
submitted by Accomplished-Fig-728 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Character-Brief3463 unusual bleeding post ipill/ side effects

This is the first time I’ve (F,19) taken the iPill. I had to take the morning after iPill let’s say, 2-3 days after my period ended because of a little oopsie (ykwim). Exactly a week later I got my period, with unusually heavy bleeding, so I assumed the pill worked- to be noted that I was feeling far more hormonal, irritable and cranky than usual. After a week or so, my period ended like it usually does- however, 2 days later it started again, and has been doing on 3-4 days now. This is making me a little anxious because normally, I have a pretty stable and predictable period cycle, and a healthy reproductive system (never taken birth control, or have PCOS, etc). I am currently in an area where I would have to travel to a Metropolitan city to get a good gynaecologist, and get checked. I was just wondering if this is normal, due to the pill, and consequent hormonal imbalance, or if I need to get checked urgently. I would appreciate any inputs from gynaecs, or anyone that has experienced this before.
submitted by Character-Brief3463 to DoctorsofIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Smilinglint569 Worth upgrading?

Worth upgrading? submitted by Smilinglint569 to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 ejnal9 Christmas gift for a game dev

Hello !
I dont't know if it's the right place to ask this but I'll shoot my shot !
This year my partner has started his game dev journey. I've prepared multiple Chrsitmas gifts (related to hobbies and other parts of his life) but I'd like to find one related to dev/games because it's such a big part of his life and I'd like to show him once more my support during his journey.
As you might've guessed I'm dont't really know my way around this world so I'm struggling to find something meaningful...
Any type of help is welcome ! Than you in advance !
submitted by ejnal9 to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 arina_0730 First test summary!

First test summary! submitted by arina_0730 to CricketShitpost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Leonard_Quirm Kaitlyn Dever

Kaitlyn Dever submitted by Leonard_Quirm to MyGallery_Sub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 unidomedo RPG de Mesa e Jogos Digitais

Olá novamente, senhoras e senhores de cultura!
Venho para mais uma discussão "amigável e produtiva". Na minha última provocação, recebi diversos pontos de vista sobre condução de aventura, mas uma delas me chamou mais atenção:
"RPG de Mesa não é VideoGame" Não é a primeira vez que escuto isso, e peno bastante para entender a conexão que forçam em fazer. Já ouvi coisas do gênero:

O RPG de Mesa nasceu antes do conceito de Jogo Digital. Vindo dos Jogos de Interpretação Teatrais, depois tomando materiais como Revistas, Livros-Jogo, Audiodramas... Com o surgimento do Meio Digital, se abrem novas portas para os RPGs: RPGs de Texto, Jogos Point-and-Click, sistema mais robustos que encapsulam a matemática e possibilitam um jogo muito mais dinâmico e individual. Até finalmente entrarmos na era dos Jogos Digitais: Nasce ChronoTrigger, Fallout, Fable, Tibia, Ragnarok.. O mercado explode com novidades, os MMOs dominam um parte consideravel do Mercado, com sucessos como World of Warcraft, Anarchy Online, Runescape.... Jogos que não tem esse enfoque acabam sendo invadidos, como GTA V alimentando uma nova comunidade de Role Players, e muito mais.
Enquanto isso, o RPG de Mesa estagna, se fecha à seus produtos já consolidados e arcam guerras entre seus representantes e comunidade. Isso me parece um pouco de vitimismo... A qualidade de um Jogo, esse sendo Digital ou não, está atrelado com a sua mídia? Existem diversos Jogos de Tabuleiro, como War, X-Wing e outros Jogos de Carta que se mantém, evoluem e fidelizam seus próprios clientes. O RPG de Mesa está fadado a ser obsoleto, com contagem manual, folhas de papel e histórias que não podem crescer para fora dos seus 4 amigos que se encontram quinzenalmente?
Eu estou aqui levantando uma posição. Ta mais que correto vc mestrar sua mesa presencial e seguir com a sua vida. A questão aqui é: (o pessoal tem tido um pouco de dificuldade de se posicionar nas minhas pesquisas, ent vou deixar bem explicitado sobre o que estamos falando).
O RPG de Mesa não pode evoluir com recursos atuais? Ele não melhoraria, ou minimamente daria nascimento a um novo tipo de conteúdo? (Lembrando é claro, não é pq uma coisa não existe que ela seja impossível ou inviavel. O Universo do Medo, por exemplo, está indo em um direção hibrida: um RPG Digital, mas de história narrada e interpretada.)
Entendendo que nem todo ponto condiz com a mesma narrativa (vc pode considerar algumas coisas das citadas, e outra não), qual sua opinião sobre o assunto? Você acha que RPG de Mesa x Jogo Digital tem objetivos tão distintos assim?
Vamos ter uma discussão amigável senhores. Se tu já gastou alguns minutinhos lendo tudo isso, vamos minimamente respeita a posição e argumentos de cada um, e sairmos desse debate melhores do que entramos!
submitted by unidomedo to rpg_brasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 notthelasagna how to deal with meltdowns?

hi, everyone. I've recently been diagnosed as autistic. I always had those meltdowns, I just didn't know it was from my unknown autism. do you guys have any tips to deal with it? I'm struggling a lot.
submitted by notthelasagna to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Content_PenguinX Gültigkeit Tempo 30 Baustelle

Bei einer Baustelle bin ich auf ein Tempo 30 Schild gestoßen. Hierbei handelte es sich um ein altes Schild, denn die "30" befand sich links von der Mitte und die Schriftart entsprach der der alten, nicht der der neuen Schilder. Die alten Schilder enthalten zudem rechts neben der Zahl noch ein kleines "km". Dies war aufgrund eines am Schild befestigten Klebebands nicht zu erkennen.
Für die andere Fahrtrichtung bei der selben Baustelle befand sich das Tempo 30 Schild - diesmal ein neues - in Kombination mit dem Baustellenschild einen Meter vor der Ortstafel. Zwischen Ortstafel und Baustelle wurde das Schild nicht mehr wiederholt.
Ist irgendwas davon gültig, um 30 km/h im Baustellenbereich anzuordnen? Danke für eure Hilfe!
submitted by Content_PenguinX to StVO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 ThatMathsyBardguy Understanding gadget progression

I'm just not quite getting it. Customisation feels very intimidating and I can't figure out what I need or want. Most of the gadgets seem to be assists to make the game easier, but to get to the point where I have a customisable loco and the money to upgrade it, I already know the game well enough that they're not needed. What am I missing?
submitted by ThatMathsyBardguy to DerailValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 BLUTATO Realistic likelihood of flipping Cardano?

Almost double the market cap of AVAX, but both of them are L1s. What are your predictions on whether or not we flip ADA.
submitted by BLUTATO to Avax [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 MassiR77 Anyone see the 2 Stormtroopers next to the dead body in the alleyway next to the fathier table?

In the main city hub on Toshara, I was exploring bit and by the fathier betting table there was a guy you could give credits to for him to gamble away. Behind that dude there was an alleyway, and at the end I saw two stormtroopers next to a dead body. I came back later and they weren't there. Really weird experience, I couldn't interact with them much other than tell Nix to steal off of them, but it was kinda cool seeing them just disappear as well as the body a while later.
submitted by MassiR77 to StarWarsOutlaws [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 AnxiousFighter94 The Truth About Selank: Unveiling Its Nootropic Potential

The Truth About Selank: Unveiling Its Nootropic Potential submitted by AnxiousFighter94 to TheAnxiousResistance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 vp-ivy can anyone give me some tips on manifesting money?

I've been into manifesting quite a while now, I know and understand the basics: living in the end, mental diet, ignoring the 3d, etc. but since I am manifesting out of urgency (paying my cards, and i have a low paying job in a country which has lots of economical issues) and I know I shouldn't because that creates resistance, I don't know exactly how to focus on getting my money without messing it up ;(
submitted by vp-ivy to lawofassumption [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 dadbodwithabeard First time trying my hand at a glowing effect, I think it went alright

First time trying my hand at a glowing effect, I think it went alright Really cool mini I got from I THINK miniature market
submitted by dadbodwithabeard to minipainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Shviv Hello! i wanted to ask what is your favorite FPE au or fan character? (image unrelated, art by: Edgyaludon)

Hello! i wanted to ask what is your favorite FPE au or fan character? (image unrelated, art by: Edgyaludon) submitted by Shviv to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 yum4266 hell yeah

hell yeah u/dunklebreaker
submitted by yum4266 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Scarletteee1 how cute do I look in this selfie?

how cute do I look in this selfie? submitted by Scarletteee1 to ShareYourSelfie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Loud_Height852 Street art, graffiti tour in Berlin

Hey, I'm searching for a street artist who could give a tour about Berlin street art in January or even maybe a workshop.
submitted by Loud_Height852 to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 ProfessionalHour1946 Daca pana si pe Tatulici l-a luat capul ...

submitted by ProfessionalHour1946 to politica [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 Honeydewww-Velvet Purrfectly adorable, my Feline!

Purrfectly adorable, my Feline! submitted by Honeydewww-Velvet to CreamsicleCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:13 MasterpieceFew8904 Is the 4th edition of Computer Networks by Tannenbaum still relevant?

Hi, everyone! I'm a newbie currently learning data structures and algorithms in C, but my next step would be Network Programming.
I found a used copy of the Tannebaum's Computer Networks (4th Edition) and it's really cheap (8€). But, to me it seems pretty old (2003) so I'm curious to know how relevant is it today and will I miss much if I buy it instead of the 5th edition.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by MasterpieceFew8904 to compsci [link] [comments]
