What's the maximum useful crafting rate for a rocket silo?

2024.11.25 14:50 Mangalorien What's the maximum useful crafting rate for a rocket silo?

The Factorio wiki has an article about rocket silo crafting speed, but it's only for the vanilla rocket silo.
I'm thinking somebody has already done the math for Space Age rocket silos, so would be interesting to hear the results. My preliminary testing tells me that you don't really need legendary rocket silos, just a rare rocket silo with speed moduled beacons is enough, since you end up waiting for the launch animation anyway.
submitted by Mangalorien to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Airen707 My left ctrl doesn't work for undo and redo

Actually, sometimes they do work, sometimes they don't, and I'm not sure why. But it's always infuriating when they don't work because I can still do pretty much every other shortcut. My left ctrl key used to not work at all for almost a year I thought it was done for. Turns out I somehow accidentally turned it off and it was functional again after I pressed ctrl + fn +windows at the same time. But now it doesn't work BUT undo and redo works with fn key instead
submitted by Airen707 to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 realjosielynn am i hot enough for you? f21

am i hot enough for you? f21 submitted by realjosielynn to AmIHotSFW [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 bdog1011 Can I change LED bulbs in rear tail light assembly?

So did clashed reversed and break the taillight cover. I ordered a new one here:
it is the tail light cover and bulb holder. But no bulbs. the LEDs are still working so I presumed I can just swap them in and out. But I can't find any video showing anyone changing the LEDs. Only ones changing the indicator bulb. Or swapping out the entire assembly. I want to take the LEDs out of the old broken assembly and put into the new assembly I am slow to start the job myself without a video as I am concerned I will get into trouble I will have no working tail light. and will need to wait a while for a full assemble to come. It is also strange I was able to buy a new assembly without bulbs if they can't be swapped.
Is what I want to do possible? Is it more complex than a screwdriver and pluck and swap job?
submitted by bdog1011 to MitsubishiOutlander [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Successful-Brief-852 Christmas nails

Christmas nails submitted by Successful-Brief-852 to Nails [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Terminal_Flatulence [Keim] The run game has been dreadful of late. Execution? Predictability? Lots to consider. Daniels ability to run clearly helps. But in the last 4 weeks the RBs have averaged 3.5 per carry. In the first 8? they averaged 5.2.

[Keim] The run game has been dreadful of late. Execution? Predictability? Lots to consider. Daniels ability to run clearly helps. But in the last 4 weeks the RBs have averaged 3.5 per carry. In the first 8? they averaged 5.2. submitted by Terminal_Flatulence to Commanders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Rich_Trash3400 My game crashes when trying to place the new hero hut on my second account that is rushed, I placed and used both the huts in my main account but the game just crashed as I press the green checkmark.

My game crashes when trying to place the new hero hut on my second account that is rushed, I placed and used both the huts in my main account but the game just crashed as I press the green checkmark. submitted by Rich_Trash3400 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Rolandog21 Equalized Stats.. Who wins? (EV coloring by me and Naruto games are allowed)

Equalized Stats.. Who wins? (EV coloring by me and Naruto games are allowed) submitted by Rolandog21 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 StarbucksCoffeeStore Hydra’s New Business

Hydra’s New Business They seem to be making flush buttons in Argentina nowadays 👀
submitted by StarbucksCoffeeStore to marvelstudios [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Kanra_Cosplay Jinx cosplay by me (Kanra_cosplay)

Jinx cosplay by me (Kanra_cosplay) submitted by Kanra_Cosplay to Cosplay_Queens [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Ok_Group_17 Can BTC Miners Tap Into MSTR’s Playbook? A Thought Experiment

Just a thought I wanted to share, and I’d love to hear other perspectives.
If the "thesis" is correct that MicroStrategy (MSTR) is effectively arbitraging the fixed-income market by offering upside exposure to BTC through zero-coupon convertible bonds, here’s how it seems to work:

Now, whether this frenzy around MSTR’s playbook is entirely rational or not, I won’t take a stance on that and the eventual blow up risk in this post.
But this got me wondering: Why don’t BTC miners like Hut8 try to tap into this liquidity?
Alternatively, could larger miners like MARA be in a better position to do this?
From an investor perspective, this raises a few interesting scenarios:
  1. If miners like Hut8 or MARA pursue such a strategy, does it create an asymmetric risk/reward profile for holding their stock?
  2. Would these convertible bonds enable miners to scale operations and accumulate more BTC, indirectly boosting their equity value?
  3. Could M&A activity (e.g., MARA acquiring Hut8) amplify these dynamics by combining operational synergies with creative financing strategies?
Of course, this is a risky game, and I’m not advocating for it—just brainstorming potential scenarios that might create upside opportunities.
What do you think? Are there reasons miners haven’t tried this yet, or is it just a matter of time?
submitted by Ok_Group_17 to hut8 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 No-Definition-1785 Embarrassing

Embarrassing She met like one pornstar and all of a sudden got friends in Japan girl nobody knows you..your unknown as fuck.
submitted by No-Definition-1785 to AmuWestwoodSnark2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 The_Talmanah_Project Uürvek - This wooden glaive is a gift from the guardians of Talmanah's wilderness regions that has been imbued with Kolossi's magic of ice and frost. It is as reliable as any weapon forged from steel.

Uürvek - This wooden glaive is a gift from the guardians of Talmanah's wilderness regions that has been imbued with Kolossi's magic of ice and frost. It is as reliable as any weapon forged from steel. submitted by The_Talmanah_Project to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 knasterkasper94 Spotlight Porto Purps - Navcora

Spotlight Porto Purps - Navcora Habe eine Frage zum Navcara Spotlight Porto Purps. Auf Flowzz glaube ich die einzige Lila Knolle bei 1000en Sorten.
Hat die jemand schonmal gehabt, oder wird man solche Buds niemals trocken zu Gesicht bekommen?
Bin kein Kenner und neugierig, aber auch zu skeptisch um zu Betsellen😅
submitted by knasterkasper94 to Cannabis_Apotheken [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Moming_underoath Simple day. Eggs w/ chicken and oranges

Simple day. Eggs w/ chicken and oranges I have pretty bad ADHD and can’t take be back on my meds until baby is done nursing, so our meals looks pretty lack luster.. I do my best to make sure she gets balanced diet, but baby is so stubborn on veggies😅 Veggie yogurt packs for the win most days…
She just cut two teeth at once and was an angel, how ever she seems to choke of her food a little more now, is that normal?
submitted by Moming_underoath to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 GamerDemala Raids from last week

Raids from last week submitted by GamerDemala to JWA_WolfCat_Alliance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 bestofboth96 Palkia raid, start in 3 mins!

submitted by bestofboth96 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 MajinBurrito I did it again XD

I did it again XD submitted by MajinBurrito to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 AbolishtheDraft Remember when Scott Horton thoroughly dismantled Bill Kristol in a debate?

Remember when Scott Horton thoroughly dismantled Bill Kristol in a debate? submitted by AbolishtheDraft to lpus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Cough_Turn Have You Seen This Hat?

Have You Seen This Hat? New Era Moon Shetland Wool (I believe).
Been looking forver for a 7 5/8 to show up
submitted by Cough_Turn to neweracaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 Freegirl211 Bindungsprobleme: ich kann mich nicht binden… mir wird zu schnell langweilig

Kennt ihr das? Ich bin weiblich, 29 Jahre alt und seit vier Jahren Single. Ich habe keine Probleme neue Männer kennenzulernen, komme gut an und ich bin sehr offen. Ich wünsche mir eine Beziehung. Aber das Problem ist, dass ich nach 2-3 Monaten häufig das Interesse verliere und mich halt über Kopf in den nächsten Mann verlieben. Was kann ich tun? Ich weiß, dass es nicht den perfekten Mann gibt…
submitted by Freegirl211 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 OG_monica Air Jordan 1 Low OG"Travis Scott - Velvet Brown-join our discord to get discount

Air Jordan 1 Low OG submitted by OG_monica to RepsneakersDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 sims_3_lover can’t resist cute strays with cool names

can’t resist cute strays with cool names my sim lives in a really small starter home-there is definitely no space for a cat. plus she already has a dog 😭 HOW ON EARTH am i going to resist this adorable cat…
submitted by sims_3_lover to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 mattskibasneck Connectrac vs Poke Thrus (DC/MD/VA - US)

Subcontractor coming in peace. I don't know who needs to hear this, but Connectrac in lieu of poke thrus is never ever going to be a deduct.
I'm in the DC/MD/VA area and I've seen an large influx of requests for deducts to use Connectrac and it's always an add. Legrand has jacked their pricing up and no longer allows us to make our own BOM to try to cut cost.
I just priced one that was a $36K adder to use Connectrac. Save it for the areas where we can't core drill.
submitted by mattskibasneck to Architects [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:50 ToeKlutzy2035 TS/SCI

Anybody else dealing with long wait times between SF86 Submission date to Interview date. My SF86 was submitted in early October and my Interview date is Early February, nearly a 4 month turnaround. Is this typical and is anybody else dealing with the lag time?
submitted by ToeKlutzy2035 to SecurityClearance [link] [comments]
