2024.11.25 15:00 JackfruitAlone9392 Rate the Nezuko and Obanai art
I did this in class on my homework lol that's why they're mini
submitted by JackfruitAlone9392 to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 madikelce William Whipple, one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, freed his slave after signing it because he believed one cannot simultaneously fight for freedom and hold another person in bondage.
submitted by madikelce to InterestingToRead [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:00 ElectricalCat171 You’ll never find me
I’m extremely hard to please in horror and guess what, “you’ll never find me” did the trick. A true horror, no jump scare, just straight tension from the beginning to the end.
Recently I have liked : - The substance (the beginning was a masterpiece, the end is a bit what I despise in horror genre but overall fun concept and nice movie) - smile 2 (with smile franchise, there is no let down it seems) - late night with the devil (was really amazed by that cheap looking sort of horror, usually I hate this but it fit so well in the 80s vibe) - Oddity - Abigail (very fun, entertaining is the word) - Speak no evil (vilain was interestingly annoying but addicting) - It’s what inside (watched it on the go and was very pleasantly surprised)
And I forgot plenty, but if you really want it, I will look at my watchlist, I bet I forgot some, even better than those I listed.
All those fancy setup and everything, but I watched You’ll never find me no later than a few hours ago and this is the one that did it. We all know this feeling that we crave. That tensed, zoned in feeling, enjoying every minute of it and feeling trapped in a the twilight zone in which nothing else exist in the world except you and your moment.
Anyway, I got this recommended only once on this sub and was going through hundreds of “your top 5 of the year” post. And I don’t know why but this one seemed appealing to me.
It feels a bit like the beginning of Barbarian but continuously.
I consider myself to have good taste in horror (not to sound pretentious or anything but I believe it) but yet, all those movie listed up there are nice and entertaining but they sort of let me down in a way or another.
“You’ll never find me” is my best watch of the last year. I also extremely enjoyed the lighthouse but it’s not recent so it didn’t make the list.
Btw sorry for the difficult read, I’m on phone and the app is bugging the hell out to edit what I typed above.
submitted by ElectricalCat171 to horror [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 sweetzu6 Hey f 30 vergeben
submitted by sweetzu6 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 REZO_TFB Anyone got the save file for when you get master robes in AC Mirage 1.06?
submitted by REZO_TFB to PiratedGames [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 MariaSuarez578 Model Jamie Grinn in Video Ad for Vinyl Record Pressing
submitted by MariaSuarez578 to JamieGrinnFans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:00 Top_Day2394 carplay screen for car For US Testers DM me to Get Info
submitted by Top_Day2394 to coupondealstore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:00 DGAF775 Hating Tariffs ≠ Being a Democrat
submitted by DGAF775 to libertarianmeme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:00 thishamgumisallbone Partner and I had major argument about trans rights last night, now unable to swe them the same. How do I reconcile this?
Last night my partner and I were doing our nightly normal activity of sharing tiktok videos. They noticed my account had a warning on it and when I looked into it, the reason was because I had argued with someone about trans rights and used language that got flagged.
My partner volunteered, believing they were on the same page as me, that they believe trans people should be forced into using the bathroom of their sex birth and not how they currently identify.
We had a pretty loud and ugly fight back and forth until they went to bed.
Until this point in our relationship (a long relationship) we've been on the same or similar pages to things, never on opposite sides. Seeing this opinion out of them makes me upset and slightly disgusted at them.
I feel like I dont really know them and that I can't get over this.
Not interested in having this blow up into a rights conversation, hoping for advice for specifically my situation on how to overcome a massive gap in our thinking and return to our normal loving life.
submitted by thishamgumisallbone to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 AutoModerator Undervalued Stocks
Stocks that are undervalued and potential to trend up
Undervalued (stockbuyvest.com)
submitted by AutoModerator to stockstobuytoday [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 bajie90 警察可以和你说谎吗?当然可以。警察会对你说各种各样的谎话来骗你向TA们交代。
2024.11.25 15:00 BobbyTables829 Everyone on the show looks bundled up like it's snowing outside, so I looked up the Miami weather.
It got down to 64 degrees last night in Miami and Dan looks like he walked out of an L.L. Bean catalog (I legit love his coat, NGL).
To the Miami natives, is this because the building may not have a heater at all, or are they just not using the one they have?
submitted by BobbyTables829 to DanLeBatardShow [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 goblin_matre It’s getting cold outside be sure to warm up the ear jail for your buddies!!
Goblin had cold ears this morning so I had to warm them up with a good stremch!! submitted by goblin_matre to stremtch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:00 Jamop76 J&rkin on cam for feed of bikini girls/celebs or ANYTHING hot NL Discord: jamop
submitted by Jamop76 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 medium_daddy_kane Flächenintensive Nutzungsmöglichkeiten für alte Industriebrachen im ländlichen Raum
Seit meiner Rückkehr in meine oberfränkische Heimat bin ich bestrebt das Thema "Clubkultur" bzw. zeitgenössische Veranstaltungen sinnhaft aufzubauen. Dafür suche ich unter anderem nach Leerstandsobjekten. Nun ergibt sich das Potential eine alte Fabrikanlage mit ~20.000 m² Grundfläche in der näheren Umgebung einer Kleinstadt, 2 Minuten zum nächsten Bahnhof, sinnhaft zu entwickeln. Es ist gegenwärtig noch ein riesiges Luftschloss und die schiere Dimension werden für viele Widerworte sorgen, neben der Nutzung als Bauhof durch die Bahn wird lediglich die Renaturierung als Option gesehen.
Nun will ich versuchen - neben meinem eigenen Projekt - potentielle Nutzungen offenzulegen um damit zu demonstrieren dass diese Fläche auch sinnhaft bespielt werden könnte. Die Verfügbarkeit an Hallen/Büroräumen ist schon auf Grund der Dimensionen quasi endlos. Der konkrete Ablauf und Aufgabenverteilung (zB. allgemeine Ausschreibungen vs. Vorkonfiguration inkl. Betreiberkonzept) ist dabei noch offen. Ich muss vor allem ausreichend Inspiration anbringen welche den Flächenbedarf rechtfertigen.
Ich betrachte das Projekt unter zwei Untertiteln, bin aber offen für weitere Gedanken: a) Szeneviertel für die Region Hochfranken b) Zentrum für Kreativwirtschaft
Dafür sind neben besagtem Clubkonzept auch Konferenz-/Workshopflächen, Arbeitsräume, Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten angedacht. Diese sind aber vergleichsweise überschaubar. Flächenintensiv könnten zB. Nutzung als deutlich günstigere Probebühne für tourende Veranstaltungen, (Film-)Studioflächen oder auch die Indoor-Skatehalle sein.
Gastronomie ist über den Club hinaus eher schwierig angesichts der regionalen Einkommensstruktur, zu Beginn fehlender Laufkundschaft, und der durchaus vorhandenen günstigen Konkurrenz, genauso sind Vereins-/Proberäume sicherlich möglich, betrachte ich aber eher als ökonomisches Butterbrot bzw. Auffülloption, die Bedarfe werden nicht ausreichen die Flächen zu füllen. Eine Erweiterung des städtischen Sporthallenangebots für nicht-schulische Aktivitäten soll noch diskutiert werden. Eine Wohnnutzung fällt angesichts der Lage, der Veranstaltungsnutzung und des Nutzungsplanes über potentielle Werkswohnungen und kurzfristigen Übernachtungsoptionen erstmal aus.
In dem Sinne die Frage an euch: Welche flächenintensiven Bedarfe, die möglichst kostendeckend arbeiten könnten, seht ihr in ländlichen Räumen? Diese müssen nicht zwangsläufig auf die regionalen Bedarfe abzielen, dann wäre aber die Reisebereitschaft von Nutzer*innen notwendig.
submitted by medium_daddy_kane to Stadtplanung [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 RatPie_87 My boyfriend's tier list (we've been watching it together)
submitted by RatPie_87 to EverAfterHigh [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 Sea_Echidna_4623 Trade and goon with me 05161067f6ccd3c3e0fd646f9dfdba2cd32a6c60f82074af9cd1d2a81b3b729a2d
submitted by Sea_Echidna_4623 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 Alien-Troll-8165 Why are in-wall Romex splice kits out of stock everywhere?
I'm looking for the TE CPGI-208169-2 Splice Connector Kit, but there's no stock anywhere.
Is it no longer being produced or something?
submitted by Alien-Troll-8165 to electricians [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 lss_web_1444 Link post title 863
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 ifindthishumerus US Daily Discussion - November 25, 2024
submitted by ifindthishumerus to youngandtherestless [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 Character_Rise9227 introduction to my newest GL OC
submitted by Character_Rise9227 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:00 OkFlower4084 Any flaws on these nb 2002r PP phantoms?
WTC-https://m.dhgate.com/product/2021-new-quality-tuned-plus-iii-tn-3-triple/660814462.html submitted by OkFlower4084 to DhGateReps [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:00 Big-daddy2135 tier list
Step into a new world with family guy Stewie compilation funny! 😂😂 young nut | family guy brian griffin stewie funny moments compilation youtube, "HEY BRIAN WHERE IS THE FAT MAN" baby Stewie makes jokes and it's guaranteed to make you laugh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👶🏻" OH NO I KILLED BRIAN" Stewie does things with future pew pew machines
submitted by Big-daddy2135 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 Long_Image349 Crypto casinos in UK?
Are there any crypto casinos I can use for UK? Is it legal to use without using VPN and all that carry on?
submitted by Long_Image349 to gambling [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:00 amwarts Warhammer
Mark was talking to bob about Warhammer 40k and said he had a recommendation list for the books he’s gotten into and I’m very curious to know what that list looks like!
submitted by amwarts to distractible [link] [comments]