Two guys fishing for piranhas

Organizátoři rybářského veletrhu FOR FISHING změnili termín! FOR FISHING 2022 se nebude konat v únoru, ale až v březnu. Proč? A jaké jsou podmínky vstupu? Již 14. ročník veletrhu opět představí nové trendy. Čeká vás zajímavý doprovodný program se známými osobnostmi, přednášky a soutěže. Karel Kopeček vyzpovídal zajímavé hosty a představil vystavovatele veletrhu FOR FISHING 2024. Přijďte se potkat a vyfotit s rybářskými celebritami, jako je Ali Hamidi, Jakub Vágner a Alan Blair. Těšit se můžete na více jak 170 vystavovatelů i na soutěž o echolot v hodnotě 34 000 korun. Zaměření výstavních hal: Ve čtvrtek odstartovala trojice významných veletrhů FOR INTERIOR, FOR GARDEN a DESIGN SHAKER na PVA EXPO PRAHA. K těmto událostem přinášíme i exkluzivní online akce prostřednictvím našeho marketplace, kde najdete výrobky přímo od vystavovatelů s atraktivními slevami. Úspěšný rybolov začíná výběrem správného rybářského vybavení. BOILIES , KRMENÍ, PARTIKL ATD. Široký výběr rybářských potřeb skladem –⁠ pro váš rybolov. Jsme profesionální rybáři a rádi se o zkušenosti podělíme. Zastavte se osobně do naší pobočky v Hustopečích u Brna. Vyberte si online z nabídky, zboží expedujeme po celé ČR. Výprodej! Příští čtvrtek vypukne For Fishing 2024. Kromě většího počtu vystavovatelů a spousty zajímavých novinek se můžete opět těšit na nesmírně zajímavý doprovodný program. Níže naleznete program přednášek na všechny dny, kdy se akce koná. Held in PVA EXPO PRAGUE, Prague′s largest exhibition center, FOR FISHING is a place where manufacturers of carp fishing tackle, fly fishing products and other angling equipment present their solutions within international competition. V České republice největší veletrh stavebnictví opět představil širokou škálu novinek v oboru od stovek českých i zahraničních vystavovatelů. Podívejte se na reportáž přímo z místa dění! Na letošní 35. ročník FOR ARCH přišlo 38 670 návštěvníků. Chystáte se stavět? Vlastníte nemovitost? Potom musíte znát stavební zákon. Nenechte si ujít největší rybářský veletrh v České republice! Čtyři dny plné odborníků, novinek, osvědčených návnad, kvalitního vybavení, stanů, oblečení, rybářských lodí, sonarů a všeho, co dělá rybaření jedinečným zážitkem a skvělou relaxací v dnešním zrychleném světě. Pro zajištění lepší dostupnosti našich služeb a zefektivnění komunikace s našimi zahraničními partnery a návštěvníky rozšiřujeme síť našich zahraničních partnerů. Nově nás najdete prostřednictvím našich partnerů také v Polsku a Číně. O dalších zemích Vás budeme průběžně informovat.

2024.11.25 14:40 pete12357 Two guys fishing for piranhas

submitted by pete12357 to SurfFishing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 plutusssss s5d at £849

Currently sold on panasonic uk with lumix s 18-40mm at £999 (voucher easy to find to bring the price at 849).
Is it a yes?
submitted by plutusssss to Lumix [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Modelobatman0024 Long and fast

Long and fast submitted by Modelobatman0024 to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 asdbro1111 Wisdom teeth removal

Hello, I’m getting MSE and later on braces installed. My ortho said that is unavoidable to remove the wisdom teeth (they are pushing the teeth). Im pretty confident and happy with my current side profile look and overall jaw structure, how would removing wisdom teeth affect my face?
submitted by asdbro1111 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 sepdri new release - ALL GODS DIE - Demo [Louisville, Kentucky Hardcore]
submitted by sepdri to Hardcore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Character_Log4644 Made a simple hydration tracker + custom reminders in one extension

Made a simple hydration tracker + custom reminders in one extension Hello, fellow devs! I just started learning to code this year to become a developer, and today, I published my very first Chrome extension. 🎉
It’s called Reboost, and it’s super simple. It has two core features:
Track and log your water intake Set custom reminders for breaks (like eye rests or stretching)
I made it because I wanted to be consistent with my productivity and healthy habits while spending hours on my computer. Figured others might find it helpful too!
No signup or accounts needed, it's all free, and just a simple and intuitive tool. If you try it, let me know what you think, feedback is always welcome! 🤗
submitted by Character_Log4644 to chrome_extensions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Strict-Sign-5489 38f, bored looking for a quick chat maybe more

please state your asl when you text, i do not mind your age or gender just be above 18, i am pretty open, you can ask me almost anything
submitted by Strict-Sign-5489 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 AdOk3484 Carrot cake oatmeal

Grind together oats, chia seeds and flaxseeds. Put it on the stove with the milk of your choice, add cinnamon, shredded carrot, stir (you might add sweetener to your oats if you like it sweeter).
Put it in a bowl and let it in the freezer for an hour.
15 minutes before taking your oatmeal out of the freezer, grab another bowl, mix Greek yogurt, vanilla protein together and put in the freezer for 15 minutes.
Put this mixture on top of your oats, and add on top some more shredded carrots, cinnamon, and honey 🧡
Btw I eyeballed the whole recipe, adjust to your liking
submitted by AdOk3484 to Oatmeal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Fit_Biscotti8981 Quitter mon logement en étant à l'étranger

Je suis actuellement à l'étranger et souhaite quitter mon logement, j'ai envoyé une LRAR via LaPoste en ligne.
Je ne peux pas retourner en France, comment faire pour leur rendre les clés ?
Je suis à jour des paiements.
Merci beaucoup
submitted by Fit_Biscotti8981 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Acrobatic-Initial911 Setting up my old set of Märklin H0 just for fun and nostalgia

Setting up my old set of Märklin H0 just for fun and nostalgia submitted by Acrobatic-Initial911 to modeltrains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Euphoric-Temporary80 Need to get rid of my tirzepatide

I had a bad reaction to tirz and now have a vial of unopened compounded and two mounjaro pens I need to get rid of. I’m hoping to recoup at least a portion of what I spent. Any suggestions? I’ve asked around but can’t seem to find anyone who is on it oddly enough.
submitted by Euphoric-Temporary80 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Rat-Lab Song like "A Sad Cartoon - Loathe"

There was a song from Sewerperson that sounded similar to Loathe's "A Sad Cartoon," but I can't remember the name for the life of me. Any Ideas?
submitted by Rat-Lab to sewerperson [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 oftheKingswood (Spoilers Published) Battle at Summerhall mirror in Jon VIII, ACOK ?

Jon VIII, ACOK, is when Jon kills Qhorin Halfhand and turns his cloak to join the wildlings.
We don't know much about Robert's battles at Summerhall, but one detail is

[Robert] slew Lord Fell in single combat and captured his son Silveraxe.
When Rattleshirt confronts Jon, the Eagle screams "fury" and then perches on Rattleshirt's head. Fury being the Baratheon word, perhaps Rattleshirt is Robert-ish.
Then Rattleshirt explains that Ebben was killed and displays Ebben's axe, now belonging to him, as proof. Good steal it was, gleaming.
The woman reached into a bloodstained sack and drew out a trophy. Ebben had been bald as an egg, so she dangled the head by an ear. “He died brave,” she said.
“But he died,” said Rattleshirt, “same like you.” He freed his battle-axe, brandishing it above his head. Good steel it was, with a wicked gleam to both blades; Ebben was never a man to neglect his weapons.
Recognizing that to ebb means to fall, the similarity seems quite pointed.
In both cases a person named fall was killed and his shiny axe was taken by the killer.
I wonder if other Jon moments may correspond to Robert's actions during the rebellion.
submitted by oftheKingswood to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 WADE_9799 Day #3: What Scooby-Doo monster do you think of when you see the color BLUE?

Day #3: What Scooby-Doo monster do you think of when you see the color BLUE? Almost every vote this time was for Redbeard or the Ghost Clown, so I’m not very surprised by this outcome. If anything, I’m happy because Redbeard has always been my second all time favorite, so congratulations to the captain for securing the red square just like all of his stolen cargo.
This next one is going to be a fucking war.
Original Image:
(If you want something similar, just Google color squares. That’s what I did.)
submitted by WADE_9799 to Scoobydoo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Turbulent_Version_83 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Turbulent_Version_83 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Time-Garbage444 What should i read to dive in more socio-economic and philosophic side of economics?

I have the general knowledge in philosophy. I've read summaries of Hume, Hobbes, Locke, John Stuart Mill, Rousseau, Karl Marx. I get the general idea but in the modern age we have a different system in economics i believe it is neither feudalism nor capitalism nor communism. Modern life is more like capitalism but we cannot compare it to the 1700-1900 and back in the days there wasn't that kind of innovation either, it was just an extraction of resources and the only way to do that was capital. Now the money capital is not that necessary compared to that time. Knowledge, experience also works.
I've read the ABCs of Socialism and since that day i havent read anything about liberal arguments to that. Anyway i saw some of modern economists like Keynes, Friedman, Galbraith in the FAQ page but i guess i need a base to dive in those parts plus i dont even know if they are giving me what im searching for. I want to get the know the sociological and economical and philosophical aspects. I generally know the economics i had a lesson in college for both macro and microeconomics. So yeah.
submitted by Time-Garbage444 to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Longjumping-Tune-454 Is it possible they’re highly educated intelligent? Can they maintain careers if so?

submitted by Longjumping-Tune-454 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Unclestupidhead Feeling lost…

submitted by Unclestupidhead to ExplainTheJoke [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 AggravatingSmile5735 It's growing

Can anyone tell me what this is? I'm too scared to go to a doctor for some reason but if anyone have encountered this or similar to this, please let me know. This has been growing since last year.
submitted by AggravatingSmile5735 to pimplecommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 JimCripe Trump “Mandate” FALLS APART as MAJORITY of Voters REJECT HIM

Trump “Mandate” FALLS APART as MAJORITY of Voters REJECT HIM Trump did not win a "mandate' or a "landslide" and barely won the election in a squeaker at best, with new vote totals showing that he won LESS than 1/2 of the popular vote total, with one of the worst showing against an opponent since 1888, and barely winning the electoral count. Popok is @ The Intersection of Law, Politics, and "Landslide" Myths, to report.
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Repulsive-Bedroom883 Telling Stories Through Music and Ambient Sounds - Feedback Wanted!

I’m working on an album inspired by artists like Nujabes, blending jazz samples and other genres while telling stories through changing ambient sounds. I know ambient noise is common in lofi beats, but here it evolves and shifts with the narrative instead of staying constant.
For example, one track, Mundane Mornings, starts with birds chirping, then transitions into sounds of waking up, closing the window (cutting off the birds), brushing teeth, and making coffee—all told through the ambient soundscape.
Other tracks include:

Each track uses evolving ambiance and samples to tell unique stories and create vivid imagery.
What do you think of this approach? Any techniques, tools, or artists you’d recommend exploring to refine this concept? I’d love to hear your feedback!
submitted by Repulsive-Bedroom883 to LofiGirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Calm_Association3734 30$ only US tiktok account for sale, with creator rewards program 7K followers 23.8K likes organic followers, 100K views was unlock on CRP dm me if interested.

submitted by Calm_Association3734 to TikTokMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Valuable_Bath4895 mediterranean roach??

found a baby roach of some sort in my new apartment… is this a mediterranean cockroach?. i zoomed it but it was very small, like less than a centimeter. i’m really hoping it’s just that because i’ve read that they don’t usually infest homes. i’m so nervous !!!!
submitted by Valuable_Bath4895 to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 carrico3 All Thunderstruck Promo Players Leaked!

All Thunderstruck Promo Players Leaked! submitted by carrico3 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Caco923 Besos entre familiares

Hace poco vi un video de una familia que se saludaban de beso en la boca, la abuela le daba a los nietos besos así y los papás también a sus hijos.
Yo no sor partidario de eso, pero al final es wea de cada uno porque leía los comentarios del video y decían, oh que anti higiénico, que feo hacer eso, pero cuando andan chupando poto o nepe no encuentran cochino jajajaja
submitted by Caco923 to RepublicadeChile [link] [comments]