Players want to "romance" a ghost

2024.11.25 16:53 ItsFud Players want to "romance" a ghost

My player managed to convince a ghost to do slightly suspicious activities in exchange for forgiveness for stealing something. Idk what to do someone help.
submitted by ItsFud to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:53 Revertions Kawasaki Ninja 300 Parts

Hello, I own a Kawasaki ninja 300 and my crankshaft needs replacing does anyone know a good place to purchase parts from? Please advise thank you!!!
submitted by Revertions to Kawasaki [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:53 intipid Why is he Indian? Am I Indian??

Why is he Indian? Am I Indian?? submitted by intipid to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:53 bumbum2200 Efterlysning af en fyr (tog, ICL: Aarhus - Aalborg)

Dette er en nyoprettet konto til dette formål.
Du sad i toget fra Aarhus - Aalborg i dag den 25.11.2024 med ankomst i Aalborg kl. 16:05. Du blev siddende i toget da jeg rejste mig - måske du fortsatte til næste stop? Du sad i vogn 72/plads 38. Jeg sad overfor dig til højre ved det andet 4-mandsbord/plads. Du havde hørebøffer på, sad på din laptop og jeg bemærkede du havde et ekstra sæt (trådløs?) tastatur med. Sorte bukser, mørkegrå trøje og brune sko. Jeg gik på toilet og da jeg åbnede døren, stod du i kø og smilede. Et utrolig charmerende ansigt, som jeg ikke kan få ud af hovedet.
Jer andre - jeg beklager ulejligheden med denne post.
submitted by bumbum2200 to Aalborg [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:53 tarosoda MIY and Jim

Posting this cause I’ve seen people say Jim died because he “got too powerful” but I as a #1 Jim hater can’t stand for that.
I’m fairly certain Jim died because he became irrelevant or outside the rules of the game once Tabitha and Jade remembered their true identities. MIY himself said “this didn’t have to happen, knowledge has consequences”. To me this heavily implies that Jim’s murder was a direct result of Tabitha and Jade being reunited as their original identities, and had nothing to do with Jim himself.
In general, it seems that this game has rules that involve some sort of balance. I suspect that Jim’s death was similar to Fatima’s pregnancy which restored the balance of the number of zombies as equal to the number of original sacrifice participants, just on the opposite side.
This is very speculative and I’m not totally convinced of it, but it’s possible that as original town members remember their identities, MIY gets rid of duplicate town members until we’re left with exactly 1 of each original town member. This may also be why Ethan is/was supposed to die: Victor was still alive. It’s possible that since Ethan basically totally gave up all hope and interest in the game instead of dying, it counted as dying as far as the game is concerned.
submitted by tarosoda to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:53 _9977_ Emily Blunt & Florence Pugh

Emily Blunt & Florence Pugh submitted by _9977_ to UKBabes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:53 Ok-Cut6948 sulisztorik1

Első, saját bejegyzés!
Ami ma elindította bennem, vagyis az a bizonyos utolsó csepp volt a pohárban, hogy elkezdjem írni ezt a blogot, az a fiam Kréta bejegyzése volt: dzsúdó esésből 3-ast kapott!!!!
....hagyok kis időt mindenkinek, hogy egy kicsit ízlelgesse, forgassa magában az információt: dzsúdó esés.....3-as....
hmmmm, nem tudom ki hogy van vele, de akárhogy kutatok az emlékeim között, márpedig ez "jó" szokásom, profi vagyok benne- és nemcsak a ki-mit-mikor-hogyan mondottakra gondolok, sehogyan sem tudom felidézni azt a testnevelés órát, ahol nekem 5.osztályban dzsúdó, és főleg esés lett volna a nem is ez a baj, hiszen attól még lehetett, csak nekem esett ki, nagyobb baj, hogy el nem tudom képzelni a tanár szempontrendszerét az osztályzáskor: 5-re esik, aki visszapattan, 4-re, aki kicsit csattan.....ugye? szóval kicsit olyan mondhatni vicces is LEHETNE.
Azonban nem az, ugyanis a gyereknek ez egy jegy! ami az ő aznapi tudását, teljesítményét, felkészültségét, koncentrációját takarja, ráadásul, az egyszeri gyerek ilyenkor mit gondolhat magában: afene, még esni sem tudok....ugye, így már nem olyan vicces....
Sokadszorra jön haza életem kisebbik ajándéka, azzal, hogy de miért?! én meg a szokásos, kissé lehalkított, hátsimis hangomon megpróbálom majd ezt is ledugni a kis torkán, mondván, hogy semmi baj, attól még ügyes vagy, elvégre igazolt sportolóként csak az kell legyél foglalkozz vele, ez csak egy jegy, nem a világ, és különben is kit érdekel, hogy 3-ast kaptál tesiből egyszer......biztos, hogy csak egyszer fog?!-gondolom magamban, de inkább lenyomom a képzeletbeli bohócot, ami ki akar ugrani a képzeteltbeli dobozból, hogy fityiszt mutatva, kinevessen.....nem, magam sem hiszem....ráadásul a gyerek sem.
No, tehát, hitelemet vesztettem én, a tanár, meg úgy az egész fölnőtt társaság, ugye? mert a gyerek sem hülye, érzi, tudja, hogy ez nem jó, nem helyes, és főleg nem arányos, dehát mindig a fölnőttnek van igaza, főleg a tanárnak, kérdezem: megéri, megérte?
Hogy hol itt az igazság? vagy a mi volt a cél? azt nem tudjuk, de lett még egy jegye a gyereknek erre a hónapra tesiből...hát, ez is valami....
submitted by Ok-Cut6948 to magyaroktatas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:53 deep-dive22 Local musician dropped his first two singles 🎶

Local musician dropped his first two singles 🎶 If you frequent Lake Effect or the 9th & 9th Tiny Porch, you’ve probably heard local indie folk artist Tariq Abou-Bakr belting out some beautiful vocals and strumming his guitar. Now, he’s making his debut as a recording artists with his first two singles, “Cold” and “Run Baby Run.” Add them to your playlists and put ‘em on repeat to support a talented homegrown musician!
submitted by deep-dive22 to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 Shino005 En mode Call of Duty, Amazon mitraille le prix de ce PC portable Gamer ASUS Rog Strix

En mode Call of Duty, Amazon mitraille le prix de ce PC portable Gamer ASUS Rog Strix submitted by Shino005 to 01net [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 Honeymuffin69 Really confused on how buffs work in this game now...

The more I test in mock battles, the less I seem to understand.
I was just trying out a triple sellsword with Gilbertsupporting in the back unit. Just to test if the general concept works, and apparently it doesn't because of weird rules?
Each of my sellswords have a Crude Tasset for War Cry. G in the back casts Offensive Order... and then nobody wants to use War Cry. Ok, I guess they don't stack. So I turn off Offensive Order to see if they'll cast War Cry themselves, and they... don't? Only the fastest sellsword does?
So I can understand that the same kind of buff (physical attack up%) can't be repeated even if it's not the same type (active or passive), but it can't be repeated by anyone else at all?
What about buffs that for instance buff physical attack and then physical attack + crit rate? Or accuracy and then crit rate? Do nerfs work the same? Or what about effects that can activate multiple times by some other repeatable trigger (like getting hit?)
Is there a resource that outlines specifically how buffs can and can't be applied somewhere?
submitted by Honeymuffin69 to UnicornOverlord [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 BlackFridayNews Black Friday Deal: Save up to 50% on Rainbow High, L.O.L. Surprise and More

Black Friday Deal: Save up to 50% on Rainbow High, L.O.L. Surprise and More submitted by BlackFridayNews to BlackFridayUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 DevelopmentOther4563 J5O607

submitted by DevelopmentOther4563 to publicmobilereferrals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 Practical_Ant6162 26 charges laid after worker trapped, fatally burned inside Edmonton smokehouse

submitted by Practical_Ant6162 to offbeat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 Abimazing3 Triplet names 🩵🩵🩷

If you had to name triplets right now, what would their names be? 2 boys + Girl
submitted by Abimazing3 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 BlackFridayNews Black Friday Deal at Ulta: 50% off Select Fragrance Samplers for Women and Men

Black Friday Deal at Ulta: 50% off Select Fragrance Samplers for Women and Men submitted by BlackFridayNews to BlackFridayUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 KMize44 Best place to get a certificate for basic electronics?

Recently I have found myself put into a job where I have no experience. I will be trained on the job starting next week. My supervisor said that it is important for me to get a certificate stating that I know basic electronics. He claims that there were free courses online that I would be able to take that were accredited and get what I need for this job. The problem is every where I look it seems as if the answers I find are that on job experience is better than anything anywhere has to offer. Can someone help point me in the direction of something that would help?
submitted by KMize44 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 International-Land30 I tried to sketch a hisuian typhlosion but i think it might look a bit wider. PS i don't draw much

I tried to sketch a hisuian typhlosion but i think it might look a bit wider. PS i don't draw much submitted by International-Land30 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 Spiritual_Repeat2031 This

Same as Zodyl, why???
submitted by Spiritual_Repeat2031 to gachiakuta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 heidi923 Week 2 on methotrexate update

I took my second 15 mg dose on friday, and i feel better than i did with the first dose, but it’s the nausea and loss of appetite that’s annoying + i’m almost always tired. My hair is also getting thinner. I woke up with a black mark under my foot one random day, that was weird. I take this for ppp, but haven’t noticed a difference yet. This better work because i really don’t like how ugly it can make you look (the hair thinning, tiredness and weight loss)
submitted by heidi923 to Psoriasis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 40lixxx Anybody wanna start a support train?? Drop a link.

Drop a link Review a link
Spread positivity Let’s help each other
submitted by 40lixxx to soundcloud [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 BlackFridayNews Samsung 32" Odyssey Neo G8 4K 240Hz HDR2000 Curved Monitor - $739.99

submitted by BlackFridayNews to BlackFridayUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 DeViser1047 Python screening india

Coding experts India are you getting projects currently???
submitted by DeViser1047 to outlier_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 Dull_Appearance_2927 Hey 1️⃣6️⃣M bored and horny session

submitted by Dull_Appearance_2927 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 NosyNocturnal URGENT: Can someone review my SOP for IIM-C MBAEx? The deadline is tomorrow.

Can someone urgently review my SOP for IIM-C MBAEx programme? The R3 submission deadline is tomorrow. I am in a rush coz I did not plan to apply this year initially, but some unfortunate professional incident (layoff) I decided to apply in a hurry.
submitted by NosyNocturnal to MBAIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 16:52 Consistent-Low-3825 Where to put the capo for a certain key?

I'm using Ultimate Guitar Tabs and a lot of their pages just tell me what Key to play in, not where to put the capo. I know that putting the capo in certain places changes the chord you're playing. Like if I play a C chord with the capo on the second fret, then I'm actually playing a D chord. Does this mean that to play in the Key of D, I need to put the capo on the second fret? is it the same thing?
submitted by Consistent-Low-3825 to Guitar [link] [comments]