2024.11.25 15:50 bluelays What’s the one cultural dish that you’ve mastered? Can you drop a recipe?
submitted by bluelays to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 Cygerstorm Restoring Antique Victrola Talking Machine
My wife and I just got a wonderful antique Victrola Talking Machine for $100 at an estate sale. Wonderful condition, turns at the correct speed, comes with original paperwork, framed advertisement, shellack thick Edison records and leather bound record books from 1905-1920. We are just waiting on a needle in the mail to test the audio. The exterior finish is very rundown though, and we are looking for advice on how to refinish the outside to match the wonderful sheen on the inside. Can we just restain and lacquer it? Please advise! We are new to restoration projects. Photos included. submitted by Cygerstorm to Antiques [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 SameSecretary424 Best to move on
Doing my best to move on. Seeing you yesterday took my breath away, but I pretended I didn't notice you.
I would have waited on you if I had a clear indication that it was something you wanted, but I can't make myself available to what is not available to me. There's a line of others waiting for you to be ready and the truth is, I'm not strong enough to be anyone's second choice or option ever again. That is the worst heartache ever. You were a dream to me, but at some point, we all have to wake up.
No matter what, I'll always be in your corner, but we are all deserving of someone who is sure about us. I'm moving on in hopes I'll find someone who is sure that they want me the way that I was sure about you.
submitted by SameSecretary424 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 the-spagulag (Ps5) W: mule H: ask
submitted by the-spagulag to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 Dumu0 Looking for gaming laptop any advice?
I'm student and I don't have crazy knowledge about laptop. Just basic stuff. What I looking for is budget friendly, capable of running just basic games such as DOTA2, CS2 etc, capable of running AUTOCAD, and have excellent cooling above all reliable laptop. Any recommendations?
submitted by Dumu0 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 ThelVluffin Legitimately the first car I've owned that I get excited to hop into. 2024 Elantra N-Line
submitted by ThelVluffin to Hyundai [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 Fragrant_Arugula_996 In "True Detective"
submitted by Fragrant_Arugula_996 to adriaarjona [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 imperfect_alterego Anyone need a Cineworld Group 1 voucher?
I accidentally bought one. Can exchange for £5.
submitted by imperfect_alterego to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 csch1992 What is the goal of people mounting the tv so high snyway?
submitted by csch1992 to TVTooHigh [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 itsyagurl024 Black Friday codes
Hi guys, apparently got 0.01 cent left for black Friday 10 free item things, happy to trade code for code User name on temu is Darryl onell so you know if ive done it :))
submitted by itsyagurl024 to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 Logical_Comedian9411 $AIXBT - A Sleeping Giant?
Not going to even say much abt the project here here. Just look into what this AI agent is about on X and the Telegram. Good signs all around. Already has an LP on Aero.
Strap in 📈📈📈
submitted by Logical_Comedian9411 to AerodromeFinance [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 remvs98 Onze maan neemt vandaag afscheid van zijn 'minibuur'
submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 Proud_Train_6680 Is my sister imagining things?
Recently I’ve been playing a video game on my pc that requires a lot of clicking every single day, since I share a room with my sister she knows when I’m playing the game because she hears the same repeated clicking sound. But last night I really struggled to sleep, all I did was toss and turn so I decided to move to the living room to see if that would help. I ended up falling asleep but once I woke up my sister told me she also had trouble sleeping but she asked me if I had gone back into the room because she started hearing the same clicking sound on my mouse and keyboard in the middle of the night. My sister is very connected to the spiritual side so she said she didn’t look because she felt an off energy. What’s also odd is that in this past week my monitor has been switching to hdmi1 when I play on hdmi2 and this has never happened before. Is my sister imaging things? Is this just a malfunction?
submitted by Proud_Train_6680 to Paranormal [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 wolfmagui Black Friday deals 2024
Haven’t seen a thread with Black Friday deals this year. Looking for coupons, discounts and all kinds of real savings.
submitted by wolfmagui to Velo [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 VariationNervous2641 I would love to see more weapons like an actual AK74 with wodden furniture or an Akm or even more weastern weapons like the AUG
submitted by VariationNervous2641 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 Vere_ [PC] Hak5 WIFI PINEAPPLE TETRA MK5.8
Hak5 Wifi Pineapple (Tetra Mark 5.8). Tested and working, upgraded firmware and factory reset for next user. Includes Unit, Aerials, US plug and UK power adapter. The unit can be powered via micro USB (as pictured).
Imgur Pictures https://imgur.com/a/ebTqZKA
submitted by Vere_ to homelabsales [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 Past-Damage-308 Not to be that guy
But my Stremio+RD+Tor_____ is working perfectly fine as of 11/25.
Am I just getting really lucky, or am I missing something that's happening? Every single thing I'm looking for is there and ready to watch.
submitted by Past-Damage-308 to StremioAddons [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 Obvious-Escape-9945 PH Wert richtig regulieren
Hallo, habe festgestellt dass mein Gießwasser einen höheren PH Wert hat als es den Pflanzen gut tut. Bin vor 5 Wochen umgezogen und habe die Damen mitgenommen. Habe weiter mit Leitungswasser + Dünger gegossen und habe mir leider keine Gedanken um die Veränderungen gemacht. ( Habe vorher mit Regenwasser gegossen, das ist jetzt nichtmehr möglich) Nun fangen die Pflanzen an gelb zu werden der PH im Substrat vermutlich zu hoch ist. Habe heute mal nachgemessen meine Nährstofflösung hat 6,9. Wie gieße ich am besten, um den PH Wert wieder in den optimalbereich zu bekommen? Die Pflanzen sind jetzt in BW6 und brauchen noch ca 3 Wochen. Soll ich einfach mit Ph Minus auf ca 6 runterregeln und weiter so gießen oder macht es sinn ein paar Mal mit z.B. PH Wert 5,5 zu gießen um das Defizit schneller auszugleichen?
submitted by Obvious-Escape-9945 to Canbau [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 hopenobodyflndme Que teléfono me recomiendan?
Hola necesito algún consejo sobre que dispositivo debo adquirir.
He estado ahorrando algo de dinero durante algunos años.
Es más un capricho mío que me quiero dar, mas que una necesidad como tal
Estoy entre un nuevo S24 Ultra o un Moto Edge 50 Ultra, ¿cuál creen que es mejor en general? Obtuve algunas ofertas bastante buenas para ambos dispositivos (4'300 para el S24 y 3'500 para Edge 50). Estoy buscando algo que me dure varios años, y también estoy abierto a nuevas sugerencias de dispositivos q me recomienden
Realmente no me gustan los iPhone, son un poco más caros y no son realmente mi estilo.
submitted by hopenobodyflndme to Colombia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 parishhills Lord, The Battle is Yours—Fight for Me and Shield My Family Today | Morn...
submitted by parishhills to itsonnow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 iidansuurinfani Iida känkkäränkkä Piiroinen sinua odotetaan discordin puolella. Sulla olisi vähän seliteltävää. Tiedän että näät tämän🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ripuli-iida nyt paikalle. Ei mulla muuta. Liittyen sun ost est kuvaan.
submitted by iidansuurinfani to iidapiiroinen123 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 15:50 Grovite Aggressive Sharpener
I’ve had good experiences with Staedtler sharpeners in the past, specifically the old screw top style. A few months ago, I switched to a KUM Glass jar after reading through some reviews and truth be told, I was not impressed. This past weekend, I stumbled across this Staedtler Noris sharpener at a local art supply store. I figured I’d give Staedtler another go. The Mitsubishi pictured was fresh out of the box two days ago, this is what I am down to as of this morning. This sharpener is crazy aggressive, removing a lot wood with each turn. I’m thinking I may go back to my old standby or even giving the KUM another go. Has anyone else had this experience? submitted by Grovite to pencils [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 SynysterMystic Davenport FL just got it at 10am
submitted by SynysterMystic to Lorcana [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 ItsEthanKane Mi general! Cuanto vales! Gran conductor!!
submitted by ItsEthanKane to dankgentina [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 15:50 Maymoon1976 Have You a Nice day
submitted by Maymoon1976 to OnlyFaces [link] [comments]