Congenital hypothyroidism Support thread

Nine of ten children born with a serious congenital disorder are in low- and middle-income countries. As neonatal and under-5 mortality rates decline, congenital disorders become a larger proportion of the cause of neonatal and under-5 deaths. The most common severe congenital disorders are heart defects, neural tube defects and Down syndrome. Principaux repères sur les anomalies congénitales: définition, causes et facteurs de risque, prévention, détection, traitement et soins, action de l'OMS. The proportion of deaths resulting from congenital conditions is increasing and infectious causes of under-5 mortality are falling. Public health prevention measures (like food fortification) are needed as well as ensuring that systems are in place to detect, treat and provide the long-term care that children born with these conditions may require. Rubella is the leading vaccine-preventable cause of birth defects, accounting for an estimated 100 000 infants born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) each year worldwide. Rubella virus infection during pregnancy may result in miscarriage, fetal death or CRS. The most severe damage occurs early in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Congenital syphilis is easily preventable and treatable – as long as testing and treatment are provided to pregnant women early during antenatal care. The risk of adverse outcomes to the fetus is minimal if a pregnant woman, infected with syphilis, receives testing and adequate treatment with benzathine penicillin, early in pregnancy ... This is known as congenital syphilis. Mother-to-child transmission of syphilis, or congenital syphilis, is usually devastating to the fetus if maternal infection is not detected and treated sufficiently early in the pregnancy. Most untreated primary and secondary syphilis infections in pregnancy result in severe adverse pregnancy outcomes. Congenital malformations occur following both symptomatic and asymptomatic infection. Zika infection in pregnancy can also cause complications such as fetal loss, stillbirth and preterm birth. Zika virus infection can also cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, neuropathy and myelitis, particularly in adults and older children. Congenital anomalies can contribute to life-long disability and health conditions. Over 50% of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost each year due to congenital disorders could be prevented with prompt surgery or other treatment. For example, 100 000 babies are born each year with clubfoot, which can be easily corrected. Diagnosing congenital syphilis is most reliable when specific diagnostic tests are used, but these are unfortunately seldom available. In most countries, therefore, diagnosis relies on clinical history of maternal testing and treatment and clinical examination of the infant, which makes surveillance challenging. Congenital syphilis. There are currently no diagnostic tests for congenital syphilis. All live or stillborn infants of women with syphilis should be examined for evidence of congenital syphilis. For live-born infants, clinical examination, radiology (if available) and laboratory tests at birth and follow up tests will help to define treatment ...

2024.11.25 17:50 Dazzling_Blueberry64 Congenital hypothyroidism Support thread

Looking to connect and chat with those who have congenital hypothyroidism. Feeling extremely lost and down rn.
submitted by Dazzling_Blueberry64 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 UmiSWrld studies for an upcoming larger project

studies for an upcoming larger project small sketc
submitted by UmiSWrld to CharcoalDrawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 KoalaB2024 Trade please 🙏🏼

Trade please 🙏🏼 submitted by KoalaB2024 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 lolopuppie Eu sou babaca por limitar o contato do meu namorado com o amigo?

Meu namorado nunca teve mtos amigos e logo que começamos a namorar ele reencontrou um amigo de infância. Fiquei contente já que amizades são importantes e queria ver ele feliz e tendo outras companhias, porém logo que isso aconteceu o gato como um ótimo TDAH depositou todas as energias na amizade, inclusive as energias que deveriam ser para mim, eu ouvia falar desse menino tds os dias, tudo era sobre ele, meu namorado jogava com ele tds os dias, e algumas semanas a gente tava la, na casa dele, e eu ia junto, ja que não queria deixar de ver meu namorado quando podia.
Apesar dele me tratar normal, a aproximação dos dois resultou em discussões no meu relacionamento, ja que eu literalmente sentia como se estivesse em um trisal, chegou um momento que até dormir na msm cama que a gente ele dormiu, porque quando perguntado ele afirmou que preferia dormir no quarto do que na sala (alem de folgado é um marmanjo sem noção - dois tontos ja que meu namorado sequer deveria ter colocado essa opção).
Depois das discussões e acertos os dois meio que se separaram, nada de briga entre os dois, a vida só seguiu sem ele ser a obsessão do meu namorado, a vida continuou, trabalho, amigos online etc..
E há quase um mês os dois se reconectaram e voltaram a jogar juntos, até que um belo dia eu leio uma mensagem entre os dois no wpp, em que o queridão simplesmente enviava um perfil de uma garota que produz conteúdo adulto na internet pro meu namorado ver. Já não bastasse isso o link veio com um belo "Se é assim no Instagram imagina no Only".
Se eu já não ia com a cara dele, passei a ter nojo.
Chamei o namorado pra conversar, disse que vi tudo, expliquei como me sentia e que aquilo era completamente desrespeitoso comigo (da parte dos dois ja que ele não desconversou hr nenhuma, pelo contrário). Ele se desculpou, porém disse q a culpa era inteiramente dele, já que quem deve algo é ele e quem deu espaço pra aquela situação foi ele. Discordei, pois apesar de concordar com o fato de que ele também me desrespeitou não acho que anula o desrespeito que o amigo teve comigo.
Deixei claro na conversa que me chateava muito ele ainda manter contato com alguém que fez isso, ele argumentou que agora ele só era "um amigo que jogava", que eu não precisava ter contato com ele, discordando de mim com o argumento citado acima, retirando a culpa do amigo.
Apesar da chateação deixei pra la, porém anteontem ouvi ele falar que iria no casa dele, jogar junto e etc. Novamente coloquei em pauta meu desconforto, e com um "você nao quer que eu tenha contato com meu unico amigo da nossa cidade?" ao fim ele cedeu (ainda nao sei o que exatamente, se é apenas não ver ele ou manter qualquer contato). Deixei claro que o problema não era ele ter amigos, pelo contrário, o único problema era ele continuar amigo de alguém que me desrespeitou (o que pra mim é incabível, já que ele diz querer casar e etc)
Ao questionar se ele entendia o meu lado e se ele se sentiu pressionado a tomar essa decisão o mesmo respondeu sim pra ambas perguntas.
Sou babaca por exigir que ele não tenha contato (alem de um jogo, que já me incomoda)?
Sou babaca por ainda e sentir chateada por pedir algo que pra mim é o básico?
Sou babaca por achar que tenho que ceder certas relações e atitudes pra se ter um bom relacionamento?
submitted by lolopuppie to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 MathematicianFlat976 My Coros Pod 2 and Running Form Review

My Coros Pod 2 and Running Form Review https://
submitted by MathematicianFlat976 to Coros [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 YannaFox Home improvement with very little $$$

My parents left me their old home and it needs a lot of work. When I say work I mean minimum $100,000. I’m a single income earner GenX with little money but I really wanna hang on to the home. Any suggestions?
Let me just say life has been….not tough but not affordable like the Baby Boomers had it. (My parents are from the Silent Gen) I suspect most GenXers understand what I mean when I say this.
Any advice?
submitted by YannaFox to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 SwingingThis5817 If you had 1 minute with your 18 year old self, what you tell them?

submitted by SwingingThis5817 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 ThatYC Question for Baristas

Really curious what the worst thing you’ve smiled through and just dealt with during your time at SBux. Whether it’s a 40 drink mobile order or shit on the floor I really wanna know 😅
submitted by ThatYC to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 mhks Very basic question as i am not into lotr outside the movies, but what happens after what is depicted in the movies? Is there extended peace? Do the dark forces regroup? Do factional differences lead to war again?

I don't mean in the immediate, I am just curious if the destruction of the ring meant the destruction of sauron and evil on a global scale, or if it just meant a slow rebuild of their forces. And if the divisions hinted at in the movies reform.
submitted by mhks to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 shoppingbabe AuraGlow Black Friday Ads 2024

Use the link for AuraGlow Black Friday Ads 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by shoppingbabe to ClearanceBreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 MasterCJ718 Waiting

Waiting What do y'all think? Migraines been at this for 3 years. I had my Phone C&P already in August...
submitted by MasterCJ718 to VeteransWaitingRoom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Signal-Let6404 What portion of “professional accountability” do you find most lacking in your workplace?

submitted by Signal-Let6404 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 MammothBattle33 What’s New in DePin: Aethir Integrates LayerZero, The Graph Introduces GRC-20, DCG Launches Ecosystem Accelerator

🚨 Crypto News: Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePin) are taking real-world infrastructure into the future with cutting-edge innovation! Here’s what’s buzzing in the DePin space this week.
Aethir has teamed up with LayerZero to transform into a multichain AI and gaming ecosystem. With LayerZero’s omnichain tech, Aethir’s GPU-as-a-service network moves closer to an AI-forward future. They’ve even poured $100 million into supporting independent gaming developers—talk about leveling up!
The Graph dropped the GRC-20 Knowledge Standard to redefine the game for Web3 data. This new protocol aims to replace outdated frameworks by offering a Web3-native approach that’s decentralized, visual, and easier to scale. Big win for indexing data!
Digital Currency Group (DCG) launched Yuma, an accelerator designed to supercharge AI innovation through decentralization. Dubbed as “Y Combinator for decentralized AI,” this initiative aims to break big tech’s monopoly on AI and empower startups. Barry Silbert’s doubling down on DePin, and it’s a massive deal.
DePin is not just a trend; it’s shaping the infrastructure of tomorrow. #DePin #AI #Web3
submitted by MammothBattle33 to Blockmandev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Elegant-Date6056 M suche W schreiben oder worauf ihr bock habt

submitted by Elegant-Date6056 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Immediate-Engine-766 How was the 2016 fandom?

As a person who came in very late, i missed the 2016 fandom, I've also heard it was better than the modern fandom. So what's the biggest diffrence?
submitted by Immediate-Engine-766 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 ggcciiee 45/26 – so inspired by this sub!

45/26 – so inspired by this sub! submitted by ggcciiee to 52book [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 WorseThanOtherGirls Schwartz & Sandy’s is closing end of December

Schwartz & Sandy’s is closing end of December submitted by WorseThanOtherGirls to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 lelegocecool Lego Dimensions deserve respect.

Lego Dimensions deserve respect. What's everyone's problem with the Lego Dimensions dlc? It's just basic Portal 2 humor to me, minus the adult content, Chell doesn't speak, GLaDOS is still a Karen, and Wheatley a moron, yes some stuff break the lore but what did you expect for a multiverse fan service game?
submitted by lelegocecool to Portal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 ctesla01 Blue Cheer - Come And Get It

Blue Cheer - Come And Get It submitted by ctesla01 to TheTikiHut [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 j_sickboy89 Flying barn swallow

Flying barn swallow submitted by j_sickboy89 to wildlifephotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 chuboiftw Baby Luna

Baby Luna She is a 2 month old affectionate goof ball. She refuses to sleep anywhere other than my lap.
submitted by chuboiftw to DobermanPinscher [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 SmartSeason2028 Relapsing perv please don’t send anything LN🔄 teleguard below

submitted by SmartSeason2028 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 Carlosrec24 What to build after Ravenous??

I've picked up fiora again after not playing her for some months and after researching what to go I'm confused as to what to build second.
Is triforce not the BiS anymore? Some people say Eclipse, other Shojin and others rush Hull.
So what's the play?? Thanks in advanced.
submitted by Carlosrec24 to FioraMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 Ragnaroc05 Thank you Secretsanta007

To steal a line from Brad Pitt, Whats in the box?
submitted by Ragnaroc05 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:49 Varkung MESBG no longer in German?

When the new box set was revealed, I stumbled upon an official tweet that said that something (I wasn't able to see what the tweet was referring to) would only come in English, no other languages. Was it referring to the new box? If so, isn't that huge news? Does that mean MESBG is English only from now on? The box is the flagship product of the game so I assume that if the box is English only, everything will be English only.
submitted by Varkung to MiddleEarthMiniatures [link] [comments]