Piggy ship tier list

Python 列表(List) 序列是Python中最基本的数据结构。序列中的每个元素都分配一个数字 - 它的位置,或索引,第一个索引是0,第二个索引是1,依此类推。 Redis 列表(List) Redis列表是简单的字符串列表,按照插入顺序排序。你可以添加一个元素到列表的头部(左边)或者尾部(右边) 一个列表最多可以包含 232 - 1 个元素 (4294967295, 每个列表超过40亿个元素)。 C++ 容器类. <list>. C++ 标准库提供了丰富的功能,其中 <list> 是一个非常重要的容器类,用于存储元素集合,支持双向迭代器。. <list> 是 C++ 标准模板库(STL)中的一个序列容器,它允许在容器的任意位置快速插入和删除元素。. 与数组或向量(<vector>)不同, <list ... Python List list ()方法 Python 列表 描述 list () 方法用于将元组转换为列表。. 注:元组与列表是非常类似的,区别在于元组的元素值不能修改,元组是放在括号中,列表是放于方括号中。. 语法 list ()方法语法: list ( tup ) 参数 tup -- 要转换为列表的元组。. Python List index ()方法 Python 列表 描述 index () 函数用于从列表中找出某个值第一个匹配项的索引位置。. 语法 index ()方法语法: list.index (x [, start [, end]]) 参数 x-- 查找的对象。. start-- 可选,查找的起始位置。. end-- 可选,查找的结束位置。. 返回值 该方法返回查找 ... Python3. 列表. 序列是 Python 中最基本的数据结构。. 序列中的每个值都有对应的位置值,称之为索引,第一个索引是 0,第二个索引是 1,依此类推。. Python 有 6 个序列的内置类型,但最常见的是列表和元组。. 列表都可以进行的操作包括索引,切片,加,乘,检查 ... Python 列表. Python List sort ()方法 Python 列表 描述 sort () 函数用于对原列表进行排序,如果指定参数,则使用比较函数指定的比较函数。. 语法 sort ()方法语法: list.sort (cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) 参数 cmp -- 可选参数, 如果指定了该参数会使用该参数的方法进行排序 ... Python List reverse ()方法 Python 列表 描述 reverse () 函数用于反向列表中元素。. 语法 reverse ()方法语法: list.reverse () 参数 NA。. 返回值 该方法没有返回值,但是会对列表的元素进行反向排序。. 实例 以下实例展示了 reverse ()函数的使用方法: 实例 [mycode4 type='python ... Python 基础教程 Python 简介 Python 环境搭建 Python 中文编码 Python 基础语法 Python 变量类型 Python 运算符 Python 条件语句 Python 循环语句 Python While 循环语句 Python for 循环语句 Python 循环嵌套 Python break 语句 Python continue 语句 Python pass 语句 Python Number(数字) Python 字符串 Python 列表(List) Python 元组 Python 字典 ... Java 集合框架. ArrayList 类是一个可以动态修改的数组,与普通数组的区别就是它是没有固定大小的限制,我们可以添加或删除元素。. ArrayList 继承了 AbstractList ,并实现了 List 接口。. ArrayList 类位于 java.util 包中,使用前需要引入它,语法格式如下:. import java.util ...

2024.11.25 17:50 Impossible_Lab5252 Piggy ship tier list

Piggy ship tier list I'm pretty cool with any ship, so long as it's not illegal or anything. If there's any problems with any of these ships, let me know! Last time I posted a Piggy ship tier list, I didn't know Phenna and Owell were sisters, and.. well, yeah. Embarrassing. Katie and Kitty are one of my OTPS too, but they weren't here for some reason. Tigry and Willow weren't either, but I'd probably add them to the lowest tier (they're sibling coded, if ya didn't know). I'm a little iffy about ships with Daisy too, since I'm guessing she's around 40-50 while the other characters are in their 20s. I'd love to talk about my headcanons for these ships too, if anyone's interested! :)
submitted by Impossible_Lab5252 to RobloxPiggy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 DariusPatiserul Ummmmmmmmm

Ummmmmmmmm This is all kinds of f up is lvl 1001 easteregg or ???????
submitted by DariusPatiserul to BloodyBastardsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Great_Bad3010 Build discussion

So, i recently saw a clip of some riot dev, i think Phreak saying that "Assasins, especially talon and zed are overbuilding eclipse and non-lethality items". I was wondering what everyone else is building? I checked deeplol high elo talon otp builds and people are consistently building; 1. Serylda 2. Eclipse (rarely on assasin) I play full lethality mid and most of the time i build LDR or Serylda mostly since i think it feels better but now i'm starting to question it, maybe i shouldn't go serylda?? Just full lethality maybe? What does everyone here think about it? I'm curious especially with the literal fucking AP Black cleaver coming soon...💀💀
submitted by Great_Bad3010 to Talonmains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 loose_vices Music Review - Uncertain’s latest offering, “Praise” EP, is a testament to the producer’s mastery of crafting hypnotic grooves and dynamic energy within the realms of techno and house.

submitted by loose_vices to Techno [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 KatieKatRetro [USA-MN][H: tons of laptops, vintage iMac, vintage gaming internals, various RAID stuff, hard drives, CD drives, etc.][W: local cash, may consider shipping out as well]

Hi, I've come across a large quantity of old computer stuff. I'm probably going to end up scrapping a lot of it as e-waste but I thought I would post here first to see if anyone is interested.
It's almost all old, 2010s (or prior) equipment. Not sure how much is functioning, although a few of the desktops boot up.
I haven't created a full manifest/list of everything that is here yet but if you see anything in the images that catches your interest please let me know!
submitted by KatieKatRetro to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Broad_Leadership_828 Why does the bounding box shifts when I rotate???

Why does the bounding box shifts when I rotate??? The newest update somehow messed up my whole Photoshop and now I can't figure out how to rotate a layer without rotating the bounding box?😭
any help would be appreciated!!
submitted by Broad_Leadership_828 to photoshop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 IHaveProblemsLol new dashcam

So i’ve just gotten a new car because my old one was having too many problems for me to consider it worthwhile to fix, I bought it originally for 1100 and sold it for 1200 so it wasn’t a big loss, but had never used a dashcam in it because the cigarette lighter didn’t work. with my new car, a 2009 nissan altima, I occasionally forget to unplug the dashcam while parked and it drains my battery to the point of needing a jump to start if I forgot about it (battery is also bad but once it’s replaced i’m worried about damaging a battery with my forgetfulness) do you guys have any recommendations about it turning off automatically or anything while car is off? my car keeps supplying power despite being off, not sure what brand of dashcam I have I might be able to find it if necessary
submitted by IHaveProblemsLol to dashcams [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Gio3_ bypassare family link

raga ho 15 anni e ho family link, un app android per il monitoraggio della posizione da parte dei genitori, avete metodi per bypassarlo? Oltre a mettere la modalita aereo che è un po sgamabile
submitted by Gio3_ to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Abject_Mammoth_433 NO BRANDON STOOOP

submitted by Abject_Mammoth_433 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 ThirteenStems Thai Montsera Browning

Thai Montsera Browning Hi! Posting for a friend. Her beautiful Thai montsera is browning.
Details below:
I use a moisture meter when watering and water weekly. I don’t give it too much water so excess water doesn’t sit at the bottom to start any root rotting. I mist the leaves when I water weekly but only once a week. It is in a corner of a room that gets sun for most of the day, but not placed where any direct sunlight hits it (at least from what I’ve observed)
Any tips for us? Thank you!!
submitted by ThirteenStems to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 ayo_smurf Bas karo ruk jayo !!!!

Bas karo ruk jayo !!!! Ps: fragcom meme video
submitted by ayo_smurf to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 princessbubblegumliz is it possible to fix my nose without surgery?

is it possible to fix my nose without surgery? https://preview.redd.it/b2qj8noj533e1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d9c153399905ec7eba21d82a8995df56cd9e192
I just hate how uneven it is haha
submitted by princessbubblegumliz to Noses [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 OGKegger Least Great Barrier Reef

Least Great Barrier Reef submitted by OGKegger to CivVI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Critical_Blueberry1 Auto hide vertical tab-bar and Top-bar and show on hover

Auto hide vertical tab-bar and Top-bar and show on hover submitted by Critical_Blueberry1 to FirefoxCSS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Dogwoodrockies How do I open this window?

I moved into a new apartment complex and I can’t for the life of me figure this out. Does anyone know?
submitted by Dogwoodrockies to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 baristaboss1447 my boy is a trash man I fear

my boy is a trash man I fear This is Louie and he is a menace. His favorite pastime is digging through trash and dragging out used Q tips to play with. He does this every. single. day. Does anyone else’s cat do this? I have no idea why he’s so interested in the trash, specifically our bathroom trash cans. It’s just such an abnormal thing that I’m like, is he weird or just a typical sib doing sib things?
submitted by baristaboss1447 to SiberianCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 theasianplayboy How To RizzMaxx and Be Charismatic (According to Science!)

Charisma accounts for 82% of how others perceive you, according to a 2007 Princeton study.
That’s a staggering figure—and it’s good news for us because charisma isn’t about being tall, rich, or conventionally handsome. Here’s what the study says: People judge us on two key traits—warmth (friendliness, approachability) and competence (confidence, skill).
Balancing these two traits is critical. Too much warmth without competence, and people may see you as likable but not serious. Too much competence without warmth, and you might come off as intimidating or aloof. It’s about mastering a balance between warmth and competence—two things anyone can learn to embody.
For Asian men, navigating stereotypes can feel like an uphill battle. Society often boxes us in, portraying us as either passive and invisible or overly competent but cold. To break free of these perceptions, charisma can be a game-changer.
So, how do we put this into action?
1️⃣ Warmth:

2️⃣ Competence:
I go into more detail about this in my latest video, breaking down how anyone can RizzMaxx their charisma.
Check it out if you’re interested: https://youtu.be/khvfdpNflXw
submitted by theasianplayboy to manprovement [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Taro_Far Any other cat parents that’s also a gamer that is allowed to game by their cat?

Any other cat parents that’s also a gamer that is allowed to game by their cat? submitted by Taro_Far to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 kapt70 Girlfreind troubles

I've been in a relationship with this girl for going on three months, things where going mostly well. We met eachothers parents and I stay at her parents place often to see her and her family and vice versa. I noticed she was cool with most of her exes and im cool with mine so no issues there. We'll out of nowhere she asked if she could play video games with one of her exes. I tried to play it cool without being weired out so I said she was her own person. I did give off the vide while saying it that it was a pretty weird thing to ask.
A couple minutes later she said she was joking and wanted to see my reaction.
I don't think she would cheat on me, but I've been getting some signs, the amount of boys she needs attention from weirds me out and she absolutely won't open up DMs or anything in front of me and she admitted she still texts her exes sometimes. Very secretive with her phone expecally if its infrount of me.
Whenever I ask about who her freinds are she calls me insecure.
Not to sure what to do moving forward.
submitted by kapt70 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 finefortime69 Help with multiple sprayer trailers.

Good day all.
I think I am attempting a fools errand here, but is it possible to get both of the Amazone trailers to spray(one herbicide and one fertilizer )at the same time ??
If so how do I do such, I am on ps5.
Any help appreciated.
submitted by finefortime69 to farmingsimulator25 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Starset_fan-2047 I’ve been waiting for this day and now it’s finally here

LET’S GO!!!!!
submitted by Starset_fan-2047 to neffex [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 AdSuccessful9546 i need more help on tunnels

So i tried brass tunneling for the first time in the Star Technology pack and am now focusing on kinda sorting/automating some ingots, but i cant get my Tunnels to work like i want them to. If possible (and i know someone has figured it out) i would add a belt to the left of the first tunnel (the attribute filtering tunnel).
If more info is needed just comment and if i dont reply i probably fixed it. Thanks in advance.
submitted by AdSuccessful9546 to CreateMod [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 Separate_Elk_3157 going alone

hi! this will be my first veld and i was just wondering if it is safe to go alone or if anyone has any advice? i’ve never been to an edm festival or concert so this is all new to me. none of my friends would be down or are into edm like me. 20F :)
submitted by Separate_Elk_3157 to veld [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 macsks What’s the deal with Richard Doty?

I saw a long form interview with him, and it sounded really convincing….he was quite upfront with what he has seen and not witnessed. The story of the photographer who had the artifacts etc!
Anyways I am aware of the hate on him due to the disinformation allegations, of which I feel he has addressed.
What am I missing? why is this guy not a bigger deal? Why is he not being persecuted by the Government for breaking confidentiality…. Etc.
submitted by macsks to UFOB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:50 US_IDeaS I’ve worked 8 months to get Mom into assisted living and now she wants to go home. Please help.

Hi all,
I’ve posted quite a lot within this process and we’ve been accepted by one place and just waiting to hear from a favorite place. Mom is staying with my husband and me until we know where she’ll be moving to.
She went to the bathroom yesterday had diarrhea, toilet clogged and mom kept flushing (typically she’s okay in the bathroom but herself.)
Bathroom flooded and all of this flooded through to the first floor. We just moved into this house about three months ago. Husband saw what happened first and freaked out. He yelled, mom yelled and it was a major fiasco.
I tried calming Mom down but now she 😔 feels bad and is hell bent on moving back to her old apartment in a different state. She can’t as adult protective services already determined her unfit to live alone.
Granted, she’s a pain. Very strong personality, rude, manipulative and a bully—but with the dementia, it’s exhaserbated. She’s not all bad though and we’re so close to finding a place for her where she can thrive—literally days away.
Please help…I need creative ideas. She used to be excited about the move but now she’s completely depressed and embarrassed and upset and won’t come out of the bedroom.
I’ve asked husband to apologize to her when she does come out but I’m stuck in the middle and I just don’t know what to do next. Sorry about the length of this…if you have any thoughts/suggestions, please share. 🙏 TIA sooooo much!
submitted by US_IDeaS to dementia [link] [comments]
