2024.11.25 18:31 Ayanelixer Need to bump up those numbers
submitted by Ayanelixer to recap [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 Intelligent-Sea-584 W: 2 Bandits Curved Swords H: Karma "ps5"
I've been farming the skeleton for ages now but they just won't drop the swords
submitted by Intelligent-Sea-584 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 one_day_at_noon More money than I’ve ever had, still depressed, stressed and scared
I grew up in American poverty. Homeless for a short time, wood stove for heat sleeping on mats around it for warmth in winter. HUD housing. Government assistance. Food stamps. Thrift stores/“free stores”. All of it.
2 years ago, as an adult with a partner, we were in a better position financially than either he or I had been in as children. Low rent, his decent salary, me in college to up my income to about 60k-80k a year. In 2 years we managed to scrape together 100k and get rid of all our debt. Thanks to the S&P growth our NW went to 130k. I felt safe for the first time in my life. For the first time in 30 years I wasn’t afraid of homelessness or poverty. We had a long term retirement plan of 15years.
But, my partner’s failing health led to a job loss. And I can’t work and go to school- the program is too demanding and I’d fail out, honestly. I side hustle the best I can in between school and internship.
Thanks to our investments we are “okay”. Stock growth and the additional money we can scrape together has kept us at the same NW roughly. But I have 2 years till I’m certified to work in my field, he’s still sick and can’t return to the work he did previously- he’s looking into new career options. With little money coming in it’s a struggle to keep the balance the same each month let alone save at all.
The deep irony is I right now have more money than I’ve ever had in my life and I’m scared shitless. S/O sick. Career years away. Saving is impossible. Future is unsure. Just trying to keep the balance in the account from going down, or at least slow the bleeding as much as possible. I never once thought I’d be more scared having money than I was when I had none. So much progress that can be lost. So many dreams and hopes on hold. So close to …. Something that looked like safety.
submitted by one_day_at_noon to Money [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 mathugson Onde encontrar produtos naturais no precinho?
Pessoal, vocês tem alguma indicação de loja boa de produtos naturais que tenha preço tranquilo? Falo daquelas coisas que vendem a granel, tipo pó de guaraná, maca peruana, castanhas e afins.
submitted by mathugson to brasilia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 Known-Invite-4717 How to enter on Abyss?
Hello! I’m trying to ask around to see what works for you guys. On Abyss, there always seems to be an easy setup for defenders on A: smoke the entry, and wait. Combine that with a sage wall / sage slow, cypher trips, etc….and I don’t know what to do besides just rotate. How do you guys enter A site with the smoke + other util? Thanks in advance
submitted by Known-Invite-4717 to VALORANT [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 SOCK_IMPREGNATOR 175k tane muz almışım😈 sizin kaç tane aldınız betalar
submitted by SOCK_IMPREGNATOR to vlandiya [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 International-Oil377 Alldebrid is also blocking 3rd party apps.
submitted by International-Oil377 to Addons4Kodi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 bishop491 First experience for me, need advice.
I (42m) was going to a favorite cigar bar after getting a lot of writing done yesterday evening. They closed early, so looking for a place I could watch SNF and have a cocktail led me to Twin Peaks. I've never been there before. I went to Hooters once, a long time ago. So there's one first. Second first was chatting up this attractive woman at the bar watching the game. I assume by default that they don't want to be bothered by some rando so I am very cautious. Apparently too cautious because two other guys who were at another table eventually made their way to her other side and started laying it on thick. I was able to interject every now and again, making nice with the guys and making her laugh.
At one point it became clear that I was getting pushed out of the bubble and I'd had a couple of Old Fashioned cocktails, so I interjected myself and noted that they had their own conversation going on and I was just catching pieces. She warmed up a little more. When the two guys went to talk to someone else, we got to talk more about dating, being a single parent, and she specifically said I should have noticed her turning to me and rolling her eyes when they said things. She said she liked to be pursued when I said I wasn't going to bug her but they apparently had other ideas. I decided to go for broke and ask for her number. This is very, very forward of me.
She said that she never, ever gives her number out until a second date. I asked how I was going to get that. She said she would be at the same bar tonight or potentially another one nearby at around 5:30. She reiterated that she was giving me a time and place. So I'm taking that as an invitation to go meet her. I don't like the idea of having to recon two places before I go in, but whatever. She was flirty enough for me to think she was somewhat serious about it.
We closed the bar down, I got them laughing quite a bit, shook the guys' hands, she got a hug, and I left. They were still at the bar when I left, three of about 6 people still hanging around while they closed down.
So, here's the question: do I take her up on the invitation? How am I going to handle the possibility of two places? How long do I wait at one before I go to another if she doesn't show? Too many loose ends and ways this can go sideways in my head...I need some more brains on this one.
submitted by bishop491 to dating [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 TheRealLEH12 [WTS] left handed competition holsters
Timestamp https://imgur.com/a/sNw7iFq Left to right Gx holster for a shadow 2 $80 Weber tactical for a g19/19x/45 $30 Carey concealment x1 for a shadow 2 $60 Add $7 for shipping.
Thanks for looking. 💙
submitted by TheRealLEH12 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 Electronic_Amphibian Roof replacement - can we take the owner to court for fraud?
This is in England and I need a little advice if possible. First, the background.
I moved into a flat (share of freehold) in January and found damp. I'm the top floor and a damp specialist said it was likely from the chimney stacks so we got some quotes from roofers to get up there to assess the damage and repair the roof. We picked one of the companies but (as is common) he kept uncovering more and more things that need to be fixed once he's up there. Based on this we agreed a survey was needed and since we trusted him, he said he knew a company so we agreed for more scaffolding to go up and a survey to be done.
Obviously we didn't see the results of this survey (because he lied about it) but he told us we needed a new roof and started getting the work done. At this point we had our own survey done and they confirmed some of what was said but also raised some issues about the need for a new roof.
When the works are finished, (which included removing the chimneys) we get an invoice for ~£60k (he had sent around dozen quotes by this point, none with that cost but apparently it was made up of multiple quotes put together - none of us were expecting this).
After receiving the invoice, we had another survey done and a few friends of the other flat owners go up and they couldn't believe how poorly the work was done. It wasn't actually done by the roofer, he had 8 guys up there for 2 days. Everyone agreed we've been lied to and over charged and the roof wasn't to spec (tiles not nailed down etc). We looked into the roofer after this and he had lied about being part of the roofing contractor confederation and i believe had been kicked off for doing this kind of thing in the past.
So my question; what legal recourse is there? We paid him £10k and now need to pay another £20k to get the roof fixed. The guttering was removed before the invoice but after the main roof was finished so i'm sure there will be more damage too given the rain we've had.
I know it'll be difficult if he closes the company but what about going after him personally for fraud? This is all quite new to me and the damp is actually worse than before.
submitted by Electronic_Amphibian to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 MasalaBoi The Siege, Devonian, Shreyas, Nanku - Ek Din
submitted by MasalaBoi to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 anonymousheisenberg1 what's this about applying for corporal
I see a lot of posts about 'corporal applications', but as a New Zealand Cadet, I have no clue what's going on. We just get promoted when they see we're good enough.
submitted by anonymousheisenberg1 to aircadets [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 Icy_Career_1398 Wiring advice (heater without thermostat)
Hey guys. I’m with very limited experience with that and wondering if someone can give me an advice. If you want to run this heater on a breaker only without a thermostat, what wiring needs to be done to achieve that? Do you just need to have a jumper wire from L1 (on the power terminal block) to 208 (on the controls terminal box), and another jumper wire from L2 (on the power terminal block) to terminal 209 (on the controls terminal block)? submitted by Icy_Career_1398 to hvacadvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 jerrymeehan89 all the parts you need to build a gaming pc
submitted by jerrymeehan89 to StoryAnimators [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 DragonEvolution Helsingborg
submitted by DragonEvolution to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 sammataka Made by a virgin
submitted by sammataka to memes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 sk8rgild iHerb Black Friday Ads 2024
Check out the link for iHerb Black Friday Ads 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by sk8rgild to SafePromo [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 911nihilist Man uses 100,000 lumen flashlight to evade police.
submitted by 911nihilist to NihilistNewsNetwork [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 Brian450450 Is there any compatibility mod for even more traits and dynamic traits mod?
I whant to play with these 2 mods but they conflict, does anyone have a patch or compatibility mod that fixes it ?
submitted by Brian450450 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 According_Gap6967 has anyone got enhancify to work
I been trying all morning, and at one point, it showed it, but it didn't have a logo, and every time I clicked it, it told me the reload. So then I tried fixing, but now it's just not working or showing. Like I've done everything in the steps like I feel like I'm just getting hacked and breaking my computer.
submitted by According_Gap6967 to spicetify [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 Business_Tomato7252 Best DLC to download for Civ 6?
Looking to buy one of the DlC’s for Civ 6. What you recommend?
submitted by Business_Tomato7252 to civ [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 f1sh98 Jack Smith moves to dismiss case against Trump
submitted by f1sh98 to Conservative [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 Popfizz01 Found bug for a trail of hope
So I already did everything on the planet, now I need to meet the resistance and it’s bugged to hell and won’t let me progress. I go to the waypoint and talk to the guy and all he says is that he’ll trust me once he talks to someone and it cannot progress. How can I progress? On PlayStation if that matters
submitted by Popfizz01 to MassEffectAndromeda [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:31 XVNI- I hit gold 3 for the first time yesterday solo queuing, hopefully I hit plat before the season ends!
submitted by XVNI- to Overwatch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:31 oldeluke Well you can't say Clint isn't brave...
submitted by oldeluke to StardewMemes [link] [comments] |