Feeling disappointed

2024.11.25 18:31 Commercial_Walk_7205 Feeling disappointed

I feel like Season 3 occurred over the span of like 3 days; 2 episodes of day, 2 episodes of night and so forth. The pacing felt super slow in my opinion. Lots of revelations like everyone is saying are made for the end of season 3 but I feel like we personally could have cut out more than half of the screen time to get there.
Feels like a money grab my MGM+ to me :/
submitted by Commercial_Walk_7205 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 standarddeviati0n AITA for standing my ground and "unofficially" ending a friendship by not messaging

I (23F) have known Sarah (24F) since we were kids and we live nearby. In our teens we drifted apart. After years of no contact, we reconnected, but it was me who initiated convos and hanging out. Whenever we met up she'd constantly talk about herself and her problems but she'd keep saying how I am her best friend, I'm going to be her MOH and give me gifts... I was confused by that warm/cold behavior, I considered to end our friendship but her online friends asked me to be there for her,be patient and help her socialize.
I was coming home from a trip abroad in August and I couldn't find any info regarding transport, I asked for her help, then Sarah said she is in that city and how she and her boyfriend (they are in LDR) can pick me up from the airport and that two of us later can go home. Knowing it's a huge responsibility, I kept saying it's okay and that I can manage but she insisted saying how it's 15 minutes from her bf's place, it's no trouble for them and to message her when I get my luggage. On the day of arrivaI, I kept her updated throughtout the day when I got my luggage I messaged her immediately. She didn't respond for an hour, meanwhile I called her and her bf on all SM she had without answer . An hour later she said they'd arrive after she made lunch for her bf. They arrived another hour later. She apologized then her bf insisted to pay for my food . As the tickets for the last bus were all sold and she didn't want to go home earlier, I had to look for hostels at 11pm. They didn't even offer me to stay at their place.
She did call me and send me a message, but I didn't reply as I was too emotional and angry and talking with her was the last thing I wanted to do after being ditched and the bus thing. We didn't talk much later other than me saying that I want to go by bus at 11am (as the checkout is at 10) and her saying she can't go early as her bf is busy.
I was angry the day I came home so the next day( the day before her birthday) I messaged her. I wanted to say many things but as it was close to her birthday I toned it down. She started attacking me how I didn't express my intentions clearly, they could've picked me up if I told her, she waited for me to feel better and message her when I'm happier and positive, she doesn't see any point in having any further conversation with me and to message her when I think this over. It left me feeling sour like I'm supposed to be the guilty one. The next day I wished her happy birthday and that was it.
First time I saw her recently she mumbled "hi" and couldn't look me in the eye while the second time she avoided me like a plague and hid behind stalls at the minimarket.
When I was ditched for 2 hours at the airport, it wasn't a problem but when I decided to do something I informed her beforehand then suddenly 2 hours became a problem? AITA for standing my ground and not messaging?
submitted by standarddeviati0n to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 iloveramenhehehe ISB YLP interview in 5 days. Need tips!!

Hi I am a BTech graduate with 2 months of work experience. I got into the interview round of isb ylp. Feel free to share your interview experiences. What questions were asked and what type of questions should I expect.
submitted by iloveramenhehehe to IndianAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Brian-Latimer Extra credit?

Extra credit? submitted by Brian-Latimer to ProfessorMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Sabot55 I have an empty space when i defend free kicks and i concede almost every free kick because of this.

I have an empty space when i defend free kicks and i concede almost every free kick because of this. https://preview.redd.it/xx6c9j7ac33e1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=810a2aa5d8fc8708e6124b290b132da161d58894
Tİtle says it al basically. I dont know why that happens, looks like i have put some man in there at tactics.
submitted by Sabot55 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 ElGringoAlto 50 years on, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving provides timeless life lessons

50 years on, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving provides timeless life lessons submitted by ElGringoAlto to television [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Lopsided_Pass_1789 Ielts

I got a band 6 in writing, rest everything is above 7 and overall band is also 7, I got a offer letter for mim marketing conditional, can I submit my Ielts score with 6 in writing?
submitted by Lopsided_Pass_1789 to unimelb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Puzzled_Lurker_1074 Kendrick music video dropp

Kendrick music video dropp Ain’t no way this was random
submitted by Puzzled_Lurker_1074 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 vox333x Prove twinflame isn’t real

Two same souls doesnt exist and specially not in same spirit. Prove is if one soul sell soul other catch it to. So one person in that way can control your soul. And this is why twinflame isnt real and if is it isnt from god
submitted by vox333x to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Then_Marionberry_259 Matt Riley: The Financial Iron Curtain Going Up Between BRICS and the G7

Matt Riley: The Financial Iron Curtain Going Up Between BRICS and the G7 submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to PreciousMetalsNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #1068

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 greg_gory420meow Diabetics in NYC/Westchester NY areas: DM me if you need Humulog or Tresiba

I can spare a few vials and pens of each within the next week or so once my other insulin brand I’m switching to comes in the mail. Please DM me.
submitted by greg_gory420meow to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 No-Metal-5222 Mum shared family colleague clubcard

I went away on holiday for a week and found that while I was gone my mum had shared her 2nd family colleague clubcard with my brother by screenshot.
When we went to Tesco today he then mentioned he had a screenshot and the lady at the checkout was adamant that he deleted it. I was unaware that my mum had shared it with him until he mentioned it to the checkout lady.
I'm aware we're allowed to use our colleague clubcards for family as long as we live at the same address but the main issue is the fact that my card was shared via screenshot. Will I, as a colleague, get penalised for this?
submitted by No-Metal-5222 to tesco [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Desperate-Fly-4264 My spidey

8 legged freak commissioned this year
submitted by Desperate-Fly-4264 to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Advanced-Currency-14 Symptoms fluctuating at 4w 3d

Hello beautiful people <3 I’ve been feeling a little anxious and i hope it’s okay posting this here!
I tested positive around 5 days before missing my period because i was unusually experiencing nausea and extreme fatigue (which never happens before my period) so i just had a feeling.
Up until the past few days i had them but today and yesterday i was surprisingly fine? Only thing i feel is that no food sounds necessarily “desirable” to me? :’) my boobs aren’t as sore? I have more energy and almost no nausea.
i also have been testing every other day to make sure my levels are at least stable and today and today the line was as dark as the past tests only this time the control line was fainted than before.
Is it normal for symptoms to come and go? Especially if they were stronger at 3 weeks? My doctors won’t see me for another week so im going crazy until then.
I have no bleeding or extremely painful cramping.
I’m going insane😭
submitted by Advanced-Currency-14 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 nikemiketight THE TRAILER IS REAL!!!

submitted by nikemiketight to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:31 Open_Telephone9021 Bomber question

I don’t get the attack and patrol part. I get attack does attack damage and patrol does denfensive damage. However how about ground troops? If attack does ground troop do denfensive or offensive damage, how about patrol
submitted by Open_Telephone9021 to CallOfWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 Haunting_Phrase3361 Purchased a Pro-ject Debut PRO and need help picking the next upgrade

Hello experts and thank you already for your time reading this.
I'm currently in Europe, Portugal to be more precise.
I've just bought the Pro-ject Debut PRO and from the research so far it seems the next piece of hardware would be a receiver(!??!) I'm trying to read the subreddits but it's a lot to compile.
The main objective of this post would be to confirm if the stereo receiver is indeed the next step and if there's any suggestion of one that would would be a good pair with the debut pro would be awesome. I don't really have a budget but I think something up to 1K euro should be fair enough, preferably new stuff since I'm very much afraid of getting scammed _ _". currently Im routing the debut in a Yamaha mixer that I use for other stuff in a sony speaker also not designed for this type of use so eventually Ill buy stuff for that part as well.
Thank you again o/
Location: Europe-Portugal No experience with this at all Need new gear to pair with Pro-ject Debut PRO, maybe receiver first? Budget for the receiver: 1K euro Preferably New gear Current gear: Pro-Ject Debut Pro | Yamaha MG12XU | Sony SRS-XP700
submitted by Haunting_Phrase3361 to StereoAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 Eclipsednights1 Giving out adventure time memes, just comment your fav character for one

Giving out adventure time memes, just comment your fav character for one submitted by Eclipsednights1 to adventuretime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 PhosphorusElement15 Effigy of the Ground missing from “Haunted” section?

Effigy of the Ground missing from “Haunted” section? Was really h
submitted by PhosphorusElement15 to dragonvale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 One-Independent6043 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by One-Independent6043 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 Teamscorekeeper20 My tilt table read out

I did my tilt table and was hoping for answers. While there, the nurse said I would be happy with my results because I would finally get a diagnosis. (3 and a half years of passing out, extreme dizziness, and fatigue). I go to my cardiac follow up and I get "your test results were unremarkable, nothing to report". I am SO frustrated. I can't drive, I'm stuck at home all the time. I want a diagnosis (even if it isn't pots) and treatment plan, I want steps towards being better! Here is my tilt table read out. Any thoughts?
submitted by Teamscorekeeper20 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 chenderson_Goes Sleep Pendulum

My current success rate today using Hypno’s Sleep Pendulum is now 1/18! 👏 I am pretty sure I have never had it work twice in a row, let alone keep them asleep for more than one turn. Is there a more useless ability than Hypno’s?
submitted by chenderson_Goes to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 KirkimusMaximus Radiant Pillar clone with tail fin - Galaxy 30 - Sudzerbal

Radiant Pillar clone with tail fin - Galaxy 30 - Sudzerbal submitted by KirkimusMaximus to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 Honeymoon2210 Are my levels concerning?

I just got my thyroid tests back and I'm wondering if my level of antibodies are concerning?
We are trying to conceive.
TSH: 2.25
T4 Free: 1.1
Peroxidase antibodies: 11.4
submitted by Honeymoon2210 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]
