
2024.11.25 18:50 fearwanheda92 Snark

For those who have been asking, TanaAndBrookeSnark now exists
submitted by fearwanheda92 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Expert-Accountant-65 1️⃣7️⃣m into ynger 0584c3859cef89626cf4919a1658105b2f044b4e5a01d47e9b9e958faf72f03b54

submitted by Expert-Accountant-65 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 CaelebCreek Finally, decent foam!

Finally, decent foam! I need to get the pour technique going, but I was just happy to get decent foam this morning.
Curious about the large bubbles on the outside, is that from not incorporating all the foam after streaming or just a consequence of pouring too quickly?
submitted by CaelebCreek to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 ed_pulido28 Becky Greenan

Becky Greenan submitted by ed_pulido28 to Fit_babes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Brilliant-Resource14 Boy dies while saving Boston, MA from a fire

submitted by Brilliant-Resource14 to explainabookplotbadly [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 sk8rgild Jans Black Friday Ads 2024

Follow this link for Jans Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by sk8rgild to SafePromo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 cam-nash This is an everyday occurrence.

This is an everyday occurrence. submitted by cam-nash to dankmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 alexcascadia Territorial acquisitions

What territories (already disputed or not) are most likely to be annexed forcibly or willingly in the next few years?
submitted by alexcascadia to geography [link] [comments]



2024.11.25 18:50 faraz0786 Daddy's girl

Daddy's girl submitted by faraz0786 to dogvideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Standard_Flatworm571 [EUW] support main looking to get back into game

hihi, i'm a casual player who pretty much only plays a few supports (morgana main), i used to play league a Lot back around covid time on my potato laptop.. i just got a gaming laptop and i wanna get back into playing the game but i kinda have anxiety playing alone.
i'd like to join games with another person or group of friendly people and be comfortable socialising!! i would appreciate if someone would allow me to experiment trying other supports or roles :D im a bronze player for reference.
also i guess this is kinda important to me but i am autistic/adhd just so you know if i come across weird or too excited to you ]: my ign is Vante P, please comment or DM me yours if you're adding me because i decline requests i dont know!!
submitted by Standard_Flatworm571 to LeagueConnect [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Spiritual_Point6758 Hot Choccy is Choccy Milk

Yall didn’t believe us when we said it was the same. Here you go
submitted by Spiritual_Point6758 to DrSquatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Upstairs-Log-7864 Ist das ein Dreiecksbetrug oder ähnliches?

Habe einen Artikel bei Kleinanzeigen drinstehen auf VB im Bereich 200€. Nun hat sich jemand gemeldet und fragte, ob ich den Artikel nach Österreich verschicken kann, er würde das Porto übernehmen. Er hat kein perfektes Deutsch geschrieben, aber nicht weiter auffällig. Ich habe ihm angeboten, dass er per PPF oder Überweisung zahlen kann, dann hätte ich damit kein Problem. Er meinte dann, er würde überweisen, macht er immer so. Ich gab ihm die Daten und schrieb‘ explizit dazu, dass er unbedingt den von mir vorgegebenen Text (Beschreibt Artikel) als Verwendungszweck angeben soll, er so: Er habe es überwiesen, müsste in kürze ankommen. Das Geld kam dann tatsächlich nach ein paar Sekunden an, aber ohne Verwendungszweck. Bevor ich ihm dann zurückschreiben konnte, schrieb er, er wäre jetzt auf Arbeit.
Das riecht für mich nach einem Dreiecksbetrug, oder?
Verdächtig finde ich: 1: Akzeptiert Preis ohne zu verhandeln trotz VB 2: Rundet den Betrag für den Versand auf. (20€ statt 19,99€) 3: kein Verwendungszweck 4: Blitzüberweisung, kenne ich so nur beim Autokauf. 5: Ist plötzlich auf Arbeit, hat mir noch nicht mal seine Adresse genannt
Was muss ich beachten und wie würdet ihr vorgehen? Ich denke daran, das Geld zurückzuschicken und auf eine Überweisung mit Verwendungszweck zu bestehen.
submitted by Upstairs-Log-7864 to Legalillegal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 beepittyboopt What are some instances where fine print is justified or even important?

submitted by beepittyboopt to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Moist-muff SmartTag 2 - create a room error?

I recently purchased a SmartTag 2 tracker to pair with my Samsung S24 Ultra. Everything seems to be going well until the actual connection to a room. I receive an error message that I am unable to remedy.
I am met with this...
"To connect your smartag, create a room first, then try again. Creating a room"
Error code: 84-002
I am stumped. It connects on my wife's S23, with no issue's.
It would not connect to my older Note S20 Ultra either.
submitted by Moist-muff to questions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 CHOMUNMARU Quali sono le vostre fumetterie online di fiducia per l'acquisto di manga?

Da anni sono solito comprare online, inizialmente usavo amazon ma poi ho preferito passare agli store quali mangayo e starshop insieme al comprare dai siti degli editori stessi; mai avuti problemi per tempistiche, imballaggi, assistenza e quant'altro. E' arrivato il periodo del mese in cui faccio il mio acquisto delle uscite mensili, sfortunatamente alcune uscite sono già esaurite e se dovessi acquistare dagli editori stessi stavolta non mi converrebbe perché andrei a spendere troppo in spedizioni; ecco perché avrei bisogno di un altro store a cui fare affidamento per questa volta e per il futuro in caso di necessità.
Mi piacerebbe sapere se avete fumetterie di fiducia da consigliare, la cosa più importante è ovviamente l'affidabilità e la qualità del servizio in generale; avevo adocchiato la mycomics ma volevo sentire anche un po' di pareri e proposte varie, una cosa molto tranquilla insomma. Grazie in anticipo.
submitted by CHOMUNMARU to AnimeItaly [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 DukePregler Everything Wrong With Cinemasins: Deadpool and Wolverine (WARNING: Video contains bird's atheist views. If you are religious, you may wanna skip this one)

Everything Wrong With Cinemasins: Deadpool and Wolverine (WARNING: Video contains bird's atheist views. If you are religious, you may wanna skip this one) submitted by DukePregler to Th3Birdman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Varaldar My bfs new mousepad that i bought for him yesterday. Its been waiting probably near to a decade for replacement (it's the same exact mousepad)

My bfs new mousepad that i bought for him yesterday. Its been waiting probably near to a decade for replacement (it's the same exact mousepad) submitted by Varaldar to Corsair [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 SolutionFancy2502 Is Stonebridge mostly Indians?

If I want my kids to
submitted by SolutionFancy2502 to Naperville [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Independent-Heron-30 Crypto-Wettanbieter, welche Steuern fallen an? - Polymarket

mittlerweile haben bestimmt einige von Crypto-Wettanbietern gehört, bei welchen man bspw. auf die US Präsidentschaft etc. wetten konnte. Speziell geht es um Polymarket, ohne Registrierung in Deutschland.
Welche Steuern wären hier bei möglichen Gewinnen abzuführen?
Handelt es sich vielleicht sogar um Kapitalerträge oder reine Wettgewinne?
Bin gespannt.
submitted by Independent-Heron-30 to Steuern [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 savetheshark buying zombicide gift! what's the difference between zombicide 2 and zombicide 2 daily zombie spawn set edition?

Hi there, as the title suggests-- I'm buying a zombicide game for my boyfriend for Christmas. He wants the second edition, but I ran across Zombicide: Second Edition and Zombicide: Second Edition Daily Zombie Spawn Set Edition.
What is the different between those and which do you recommend? He said he wants to paint the little maples or whatever. Does that matter which edition I buy or are the maples the same?
submitted by savetheshark to zombicide [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 RealityRelic87 What has Christine learned?
From condemning people with tattoos and god know what to now loving and embracing it, but laughing about it being a sin? I don't understand the hypocrisy and lack of any type of acknowledgment of her hate prior to her new dick in her life. So gross. Downvote me to death but this is what I see.
submitted by RealityRelic87 to SisterWives [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 Efficient-Judge-9294 Why isn’t there large Moroccan diaspora in the US & Canada?

I would have expected there to be a large Moroccan diaspora in Canada. Especially since they speak French in Quebec.
submitted by Efficient-Judge-9294 to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 LowHeartbeat New to twitch/ Help

I have 107 followers and just need 3 views for affiliate, I play Fortnite and call of duty idk how to get more people to come into the stream I average 2 views atm?
submitted by LowHeartbeat to Twitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:50 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 822

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]