They don’t even sleep inside side the hut

2024.11.25 19:50 Digitor007 They don’t even sleep inside side the hut

They don’t even sleep inside side the hut submitted by Digitor007 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 notabanana6324 trading

trading submitted by notabanana6324 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Only-Onion7998 Earnhardt Cars, Stewart's Hauler & Bowyer, Waltrip, Reutimann's Alabama championship cars

Earnhardt Cars, Stewart's Hauler & Bowyer, Waltrip, Reutimann's Alabama championship cars Dale Earnhardt jr Die-cast Dale Earnhardt Die-cast 1:24 cars and 1:64 Dually, trailer and car Tony Stewart's 1:24 Show Truck and Hauler Clint Bowyer, Michael Waltrip, David Reutimann's Alabama championship paint scheme to represent Nick Saban's first 3 Championships at Alabama. They all need a Home. If interested in one or all shoot me message.
submitted by Only-Onion7998 to NASCARCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 calc87 Launched an AI Budget Tracker: Feedback Welcome!

I recently launched Spend AI, a simple AI-powered budgeting app that:

view Spend AI on App Store
submitted by calc87 to AppDevelopers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 godshammgod85 Black Friday Bike Ride

Black Friday Bike Ride Hey everyone, not sure how many cyclists we've got in here, but I'm leading my third annual Black Friday Gravel ride on Friday.
Ride leaves from Zumi's in Topsfield at 10 a.m. and we'll ride trails to the Zumi's in Ipswich before heading back. After the ride, Munroe Velo will be open for folks who want to hang out for bit.
Here is the route:
The route is mostly mellow with a mix of rail trail and double track, although there are a few sections of single track. A bike with 33mm+ tires is recommended. Please note, this route avoids the Wenham Canal to respect the restrictions on access in place at the moment.
Hope to see you there!
submitted by godshammgod85 to northshore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 AmbassadorNo540 I can't taste my lips, could you do it for me?

I can't taste my lips, could you do it for me? submitted by AmbassadorNo540 to plasticface [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 ryudraco324 Pancoins

I need some pancoins badly, but I don't know where to get them
submitted by ryudraco324 to IHOP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 chrisalexthomas How I repaired a DJI Mini 4 Pro broken arm shell (motor + antenna is ok)

How I repaired a DJI Mini 4 Pro broken arm shell (motor + antenna is ok) submitted by chrisalexthomas to dji [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Inevitable_Finish340 Eine w hier, die mit mir pervers über meine perversen Fantasien schreiben will ? Bin m 🙈🤭05383bced33489c6e5bb158facc97aaa63996ba21cbe9cee14df81689dd75c505d

submitted by Inevitable_Finish340 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 billdb Time to check in on the SEC

submitted by billdb to ACC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 mulleintea5 Loft find???

Loft find??? Found rolled up in the high rafters of my loft... i found two...They just caught the corner of my eye and i thought what's that hidden away up there... never seen them in my life?? Any ideas ..🤔
submitted by mulleintea5 to Paintings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 JavaGeep If I had a choice, what would it be?

If I had a choice, what would it be? The sound of freedom.
submitted by JavaGeep to Shittyaskflying [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Solid_Cheesecake_362 Anyone in Palkia raid?

submitted by Solid_Cheesecake_362 to PokemonGoRaidInvites [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 TheJuicedMan2490 Question about prerequisites for winter course ladeeda

I want to take a course in winter (im in first year and have 0 completed credits as of now) that has a prerequisite that after this semester I will have completed
Am I able to take this course or nah?
submitted by TheJuicedMan2490 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 MoochoMaas Elon Musk Admits X is Throttling Links — Effectively Limiting People From Reading News

Elon Musk Admits X is Throttling Links — Effectively Limiting People From Reading News submitted by MoochoMaas to GQP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Toonboy06 Sub here, forc3 me to jerk to gross stuff and fail NNN

submitted by Toonboy06 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 AdEquivalent4469 Over night white spots got all over my ps4 and I have no clue what it is, it has also started to appear on my other one any idea what can help?

Over night white spots got all over my ps4 and I have no clue what it is, it has also started to appear on my other one any idea what can help? submitted by AdEquivalent4469 to consolerepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 ParamedicPretty3112 door

door submitted by ParamedicPretty3112 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 longween91 Lyric song missing

It’s still showing in my posted trades, but I can’t find it on my account. It’s the Billie Eilish !!!!!! Song
submitted by longween91 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 aMeRiCaN_bOi_69 our girly just had her kittens! 11/24/24

our girly just had her kittens! 11/24/24 the orange is the one and only dad (literally no other male cats could have done it because she's never been outside or around another male cat aside from the orange, my baby boy) we blame his one black spot (last pic) on his paw for all the darker babies. mom is doing fantastic and no complications
submitted by aMeRiCaN_bOi_69 to kittens [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Mobile_Acadia6720 Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 35237080

Help me get 10 free things please!
submitted by Mobile_Acadia6720 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 thc_guy12 Headphones with noise cancelling mic - recommendations??

Just started my first remote job. I'm sharing a space with 5-7 others. Some are on the phone themselves a lot. Some aren't. But talking on the phone is approved and okayd by everyone in the space.
I need a good set of headphones with noise cancelling microphone. Good call quality. They use Microsoft Teams a lot + will be making voip calls.
They sent me a Logitech H570e but the ear part is tiny. I would prefer one that covers my ears. These feel like they're made for a smaller person. Just not comfy.
Budget is $20-$45.
Would love your suggestions.
submitted by thc_guy12 to remotework [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 AptThrowAway614 Starting from zero

Hey all. Up until last week, all of my preps centered around staying CONUS. Now things have changed and I'm expecting to move to an island, which of course has pros and cons. My gtfo vehicles were already planned out here. But moving to an island leaves me essentially starting from zero. I'll have all the normal utilities, and can figure out watefood/sheltesecurity.....but the biggest hurdle I'm stuck on is "what ocean going boat should I try and get?" I'm planning on having about 6 months of provisions on board, including salt water filters of course. However, past that general idea....I'm drawing a blank and could really use some guidance.
Thanks everyone
submitted by AptThrowAway614 to prepping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Sea-Independent9321 Binary?

Binary? I'm new into collecting. Just wondering what is looked for the most in binary notes and if this is worth anything.
submitted by Sea-Independent9321 to CURRENCY [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 DearObligation719 My light was green but the car in the opposite direction did a left turn

I was sitting on a red light to go straight and the light turned green. However there was a car waiting in the opposite direction that had its left turn blinkers on and when my light turned green, that car did a left turn. Had I not waited 3 seconds after my light turned green, I could've hit that car. Didn't I have the right of way since I had a green light and I'm going straight? My traffic light had a "left turn yield to oncoming traffic". I'm confused.
submitted by DearObligation719 to driving [link] [comments]