Some tips for completing the 35m headshot challenge from a melee main

2024.11.25 21:32 Beatus_Vir Some tips for completing the 35m headshot challenge from a melee main

I was ready to pay a neighborhood kid to beat this thing for me but I persevered and ended up getting as much as 6 35m headshots in an unexceptional game, so I have some ideas on how to overcome it more painlessly.
Turn off FSR or XESS and use TSR at 100%. Use low settings to add FPS if needed. We need to see heads at a distance, not a Monet painting.
Somewhat niche, but if you're using a controller on PC you can switch to the mouse for fine aiming and back again instantly without changing any settings. I still hold LT with the controller to ADS, which frees up my house hand from holding RMB and makes it easier to shoot.
Use enemy pings to gauge distance. In Power Shift the platform always has the distance marked, but remember that's the center of the platform, so contestants nearer to the edge will be closer than the number says.
Obviously you can take pot shots at the platform from a vantage point, but that requires your team to be losing for you to make progress. You can also play inside-out and occupy the platform, headshotting all the rooftop opportunists and actually contributing to the win.
The most obvious choice of weapon is the SR-84, but there are many other options, and I actually think most of them are more appropriate. Besides, if you're handy with the sniper rifle, you probably aren't reading this. I was able to do the 50m version of this challenge in previous seasons, but if you're like me, you may have not noticed they made a huge change to the SR-84 at the start of season 4:

Updated the SR-84 to now only fire hit-scan rounds up to 40m range. After this point, the shot becomes a projectile with bullet drop from gravity and drag
Anything that can connect at >35m will work for the challenge. We don't need the contestant to die, just for the headshot to register, so damage drop-off is irrelevant, or even desirable. Drop-off is represented by Range inside the menus. The stat we're interested in is Accuracy, and anything with 40% of the bar filled or more will work well when tap-fired, whether or not it has a sight/scope installed.
Try it for yourself in practice mode. For consistent testing, I stand at the 1st 'Change Loadout' pedestal in the the shooting range and aim at the red dummy on the lower left, who is 42m away. This is a great way to fairly test which guns and sights you are best at getting headshots with. Basically anything that shoots bullets (or arrows) will work, with the standouts for me personally being the V-9S, Pike, and especially the FCAR.
Regarding scopes, the SR-84, Pike, LH1 and all produce a glint effect when you ADS through a scope, in order of intensity. This glint effect gives away your position and reduces the amount of time you have to line up a shot, and is the #1 reason I'd disregard the SR-84 for this challenge, over even the infernal bullet drop. If you're going to use the LH1 or the Pike, I'd reccomend using them without their scopes, as the sights are perfectly adequate at these distances and the lack of glint is very beneficial. If you do use a scope, you should wait to ADS until you think you have a shot.
The 'scopes' on the XP-54 and FAMAS are unmagnified and can be used freely since they produce no glint AFAIK. Same goes for any red dot sight.
Let me know if I got anything wrong. Thanks to the folks at the TheFinalsAcademy/ for their help demystifying the weapon glint for me.
submitted by Beatus_Vir to thefinals [link] [comments]

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I'm new on the subreddit and I came here for multiple reasons but one of these reasons was to find out if according to you I can consider myself a conservative.
I have no doubts that I am a socialist and even a communist because I want the abolition of commercial relations, classes, money, private property, etc.
However, I do not hold classical conservative views and at the same time, I am very skeptical of progressivism.
So, to develop these two points :
1) I do not hold classical conservative views.
I want a gradual abolition of the military and the police, I believe in gender equality, I am an atheist, I think abortion is a necessary evil in some cases, I am ambivalent towards nationalism, which I consider a true expression of popular culture and at the same time an antiquated monopoly of warlords (and now nationalist bourgeois) on culture. I believe that showing compassion is more important than showing strength (if we have to choose between the two).
2) I am very skeptical of progressivism
I reject the postmodernist, racialist views of the woke left, I believe homosexuality is a benign perversion, I despise modern art, I hate social degeneracy, industrialism and I respect greatness and heroic values. I believe that the closer we et to an utopian society, the more it will be necesarry to preserve the institutions, that is to say, the only goal of progress is to attain a stable (thus conservative) state. My vision of the future is that of a family and community-centered agrarian society where arts and particularly those of Classicism and Jugendstile movements will transcribe proximity with both nature and greco-roman heritage.
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Records for 1866-01-01 → 1958-06-30 are from Barrie ( )
Records for 1977-09-01 → 2003-11-11 are from Water Pollution Control Centre ( )
Records for 2003-11-12 → 2024-11-25 are from Lake Simcoe Regional Airport ( )
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