2024.11.25 19:50 vmpafq Jokic posts up Walker Kessler
submitted by vmpafq to lakers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:50 creg_creg VOD Review please.
I'm honestly sick of hearing, "you're at the rank you deserve."
Most of my losses come when someone on my team plays absolutely miserably. More deaths than minutes. I think I'm outplaying the team in most of these losses, but you tell me.
I've got 2 games where I felt like I played well and won, and a couple more where I played well and lost, and then probably a couple where I didn't give a s***, bc it was over from the start
In no particular order QTMTHQ X26WC9 Q9RBOH (QR9B0H?) 74TYJX D1S2SQ O4GNYF (04GNYF) QZ4XZS s, our echo sold in a previous game, and I was just done with it. I think she went 5-9 over 5 minutes or some s. I for sure let sojourn die right in front of me bc I went to flame the guy in chat.
thanks in advance for taking the time out of your day to give me some feedback.
submitted by creg_creg to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Adventurous-Oil7396 16 month old has calluses on both big toes
Hi! My son has had a larger foot since he was born. I just got him sized for new shoes 6.5. However now he has calluses on both big toes in the same place on top/side of big toenail. Does this mean my son needs a wider shoe? I'm reading new balance are good. Has anyone else seen this on their child? If so what did it mean?
submitted by Adventurous-Oil7396 to bigbabiesandkids [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 smujal Les tortures a les independentistes Blanca i Eva Serra arriben als tribunals
submitted by smujal to FreedomForCatalonia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:50 JSellyDog Which car should I buy?
Mazda CX-5 Year: 2018 Mileage: 29,833 $18,399
Honda HR-V Year: 2019 Mileage: 63,681 $16,982
Both front wheel drive.
My biggest priority is reliability so it seems like Honda might have the edge there but the Mazda does have 30,000 less miles. I’m not looking to spend much more than the $18,000 the Mazda is listed for.
Thanks for any input!
submitted by JSellyDog to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Alarmed-Fishing-3473 I want to switch to quantum computing… how do I do this?
So, I have been in medical imaging/ computational field for most of my career, but in the past I have studied quantum mechanics and a lot of physics through my BSc and MSc education. I followed that with BE, ME and PhD in EE and worked on signal processing, MRI and medical imaging based applications. Now I feel that I really need a change a career, and QM seems to be an upcoming field and show promise of staying around for a while.
I am reaching out to get some guidance on how I can shift fields now? What courses, tools and techniques I would invest in to have a chance at interviews/ recruiters in this area?
submitted by Alarmed-Fishing-3473 to careerguidance [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 eyalfa Compact size for EDC?
I currently own and CC Glock 43x and I'm looking for something a bit bigger (but still conceal-able). I am looking for something in the size of a glock 19 (I was looking at the Bul Axe Hatchet (c) and it seems to be a good fit.)
My two main concerns are will it be a noticable improvement in shoot-ability and after market accessories like mags and holsters
Is the change is really that noticable? Are glock clone ment to be used with glock accessories? Is it really that simple?
Is the Bul Axe Hatchet a good fit for EDC CCW?
Appreciate any thoughts or insights you have
submitted by eyalfa to CCW [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 MoneyMartin414 SZA called Kai “babes”
submitted by MoneyMartin414 to KaiCenat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:50 HawkLoser100K Ross Colton
When he comes back from injury, will he return to his prior elite deployment (L1 & PP1) or was that just due to the other injuries to COL wingers? If yes / no, is he still worth a hold on an IR spot or was he just a guy to get hot at the start of the season?
submitted by HawkLoser100K to fantasyhockey [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Nico_LaBras Brauche Rat: Soll ich meine Nikon D5600 aufrüsten oder auf ein neues System mit Vollformat umsteigen?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin Hobbyfotograf und habe derzeit eine Nikon D5600 mit dem Nikkor 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6 Kit-Objektiv. Bisher bin ich mit der Kamera ganz zufrieden, vor allem, um generell die Funktionen einer Kamera, und wie man mit ihr umgeht, kennenzulernen.
Ich glaube aber mittlerweile zu merken, dass ich in bestimmten Bereichen wie Low-Light-Fotografie, Schärfentiefe und Objektivwahl etwas eingeschränkt bin.
Jetzt stehe ich vor der Entscheidung, ob ich mein bestehendes System mit einem besseren Objektiv erweitern soll, um meine fotografischen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern (z.B. ein lichtstärkeres Objektiv), oder ob es besser ist, meine Kamera und Objektiv zu verkaufen und in ein neues, spiegelloses Vollformat-System zu investieren, das mehr zukünftige Upgrademöglichkeiten bietet. Meine Gedanken dazu:
Pro Erweiterung des aktuellen Systems:
2024.11.25 19:50 Artdoroki Desabafo: Acabem com esse pesadelo, só quero ter uma vida normal e sem conspiração.
Eu não aguento mais ter que ver essas piadas horríveis e sem graça de "Maldição do Thiago Ribeiro" ou piadas que aquele 4chan de gambá que é o "Meu Timão" ficarem fazendo disso, eu acabo tendo surtos psicóticos ao ponto de acabar criando um paralelo sem sentido disso com a "Lenda da Punhalada pelas Costas" alemã que gerou aquele desastre que não posso citar o nome. Eu não estou brincando, eu tenho ciência do que fiz, mas sinto que há algo que me persegue e me faz escrever essas coisas, como uma "máquina de escrever" na minha cabeça.
Ver santista torcendo contra o time ou conspirando contra me deixa extremamente mal, não adianta falar que é "hipérbole ou brincadeira", eu me sinto MUITO mal.
Há algo que realmente me persegue, quase me fez tirar a própria vida por conta de futebol, faz com que o Palmeiras e Argentina ganhem tudo sobre a desgraça de Brasil e Santos ao mesmo tempo, distorce minha visão de mundo e muito mais... eu preciso de ajuda, há algo que falta em mim, há algo que mudou.
E não, não acho nada disso engraçado, eu sofro de depressão recorrente e suspeito que desenvolvi alguma psicose.
submitted by Artdoroki to SantosFC [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 thatsthedrugnumber Audition songs that show of story telling
Auditioning for company and they want a song that shows of storytelling, with a Sondheim song preferred. I’m a baritone. Not super familiar with Sondheim so can someone help me out. It needs to be 1-2 minutes btw Also kinda a general audition question, if there’s a song where two characters are going back and forth but they have similar vocal parts, can you still use that song for an audition? I like agony from into the woods but idk if it’s a rule that you have to do a solo song for an audition.
submitted by thatsthedrugnumber to musicals [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 XTmarie Missed one dose and so sick
Brain fog, fatigue, heavy eyelids, nausea. Took my dose today but wondering when this will resolve? So behind on work 😅 Anyone have a similar experience?
submitted by XTmarie to cymbalta [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 ilovedirtbikes333 Is it safe to invest in GICAI?
Well long story short my friend told me he invested in this GICAI crypto ai thing and he told me that it can "double" my investment. Tbh it sounds too good to be true but i hope someone can tell me more about this stuff
submitted by ilovedirtbikes333 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 raniej2371 8 months TTC, first month temping - what is going on?
Just started temping this cycle since I haven’t had success with just OPKs so far. I’m not seeing a big temp spike on my chart which has me worried! Can any veteran charters take a look and give me your two cents? Some background: My cycle is usually 26-28 days with a positive OPK on CD 13-14. I have all the telltale signs of ovulation including EWCM and ovulation pains. I’ve been temping right around 6am before getting out of bed. The few discarded temps are from the mornings after I’d had a few drinks because I noticed they’re always ~0.3 higher than usual. This was the first cycle I tried Mucinex. I’m at the tail end of my cycle now, negative HCG the past few days with all signs pointing to AF arriving tomorrow or the next day. submitted by raniej2371 to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:50 Ok-Job-7650 What denominations do generic bars come in?
I'm trying to create a bar medallion and I notice the 1oz bar is too small and the 10 oz bar is too expensive for me. Does Pamp make a lady fortuna bar that is between 3oz and 5oz or anything under 10oz and above 1oz. My current medallion for my chain is 32 grams and it's not heavy enough to go with the chain. My chain is 180 grams and 12mm thick. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Ok-Job-7650 to Gold [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 skyrimlo Flex music
Music where all they do is brag about how rich they are 🙄🙄 “I just dropped 10 grand on a new Chanel bag” kinda stuff. I hate that shit. There’s a Kpop song where a bunch of 17 year old girls “rap” about “Spent a milly on some fits, I'm so hot (so hot). Put some ice on my wrist, that's water (drip).” Please go sit down somewhere with that corny ass shit!! 😂😂😂
submitted by skyrimlo to PetPeeves [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Past-Dragonfruit1724 What is this rock?
It reminds me of a totem or something alien-like. I found it in the south of Portugal. Does anyone have any idea what it could be? submitted by Past-Dragonfruit1724 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:50 zanefan3000 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by zanefan3000 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Southern_Fury Help meeting deadlines
School and work sometimes can be challenging. Does it mean life has to be that busy for you always? We can relieve you off the burden of having to worry about it and fully focus on your work. I’m available for hire to assist you with your course work through out the semester.
I am available to offer assistance in your Online classes,assignments,timed quizzes and exam preparation in case of a tight work schedule or demanding deadlines. Our tutors are verified and have demonstrated remarkable abilities and expertise to ensure that you wake up to well written essays and graded online classes and homework. With our pocket friendly rates and project based pricing, we have been able to complete numerous orders, quality work done quickly. Vouches and work samples available upon request.
Contact us through direct message , Email: [email protected] or Discord: TutorA1#9815. Reach out for immediate feedback and let me help you ace your class
submitted by Southern_Fury to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Flowie71 1979 Chevrolet El Camino - 5.0 V8 🥰 Fully Renovated 🌟
submitted by Flowie71 to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:50 Antique-Artichoke-52 Do I have a chance of becoming a Pre-Doc?
Hello everyone! I am an international student - already a senior undergrad now at Top-3 University in my country, interested in becoming a predoc in the US. About me:
● Majoring in Economics, minoring in Mathematics
● Attended Summer Sessions at Stanford University ( DS, CS and Stochastics classes) and UC Berkeley (3 proof-based Math classes - Linear and Abstract Algebras, Intro to Analysis)
● A lot of experience as a TA - for Analysis, Probability, Economics and Game Theory and Econometrics Classes.
● A bit of Research Experience - I started an RA possision at the Lab in my Uni this month.
● Completed a Term Paper with a colleague of mine (on Theoretical Microeconomics) and am working on my Bachelors Thesis now (on Empirical Industrial Organization).
● I am currently working on a proper Github portfolio to show some data cleaning and visualization, DS and ML skills. I know Python and R, and a little bit of SQL and MatLab.
I know that I want to do research in the future and end up getting a PhD at some point, but I am not sure in which field. I definitely want it to have a strong mathematical component. So, I am looking more into Quantative Finance, Applied Data Science, or Operations Research.
I am thinking about applying for a predoc position this year instead of going for Masters, just to get a sense of what doing real reserch could feel like, to improve my academic CV and figure out what my true interests are.
I am worried about a couple of things in my CV:
○ Relatively low GPA (about 3.6/4, if converted to US standards)
○ A "C+" in my Stanford transcript (since I accidentally took a grad-level class and really underestimated how hard it can be for a rising junior)
○ Do not have any GRE scores.
My supervisor tells me that I probably won't get a position as an international student with such a GPA. Do you agree with him? From your experience, what is the most important part of the application? What should I work on?
submitted by Antique-Artichoke-52 to postdoc [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Dreemur1 i think i just had an autistic meltdown? 🤦
i am not diagnosed with autism but i've been diagnosed with some other stuff (depression, avoidant personality disorder, and current psych has said i might have traits of schizoid personality disorder and/or schizotypal personality disorder). been considering being autistic for all of my life cuz my life kind of makes more sense that way, but today it's been on my mind bc i discovered this sub.
so today i was learning about an extinct bird species and watching a short 5min film about such bird. i was literally crying (isn't this the saddest thing ever???) but my mother came onto my room telling me she was gonna start to bring a bunch of clean bedsheets to put them in my closet. i was going thru some shit bc of the video so i told her to wait for 10mins, she said "well i'm gonna start bringing them now" in a tone that implied "i need to pack these bedsheets in this exact moment and you can keep doing whatever you're doing while i pack them". i kind of acted out, i instantly screamed "just wait! how can't you wait for a little moment", she bluntly said "i'm not gonna do a thing.", and i instantly felt that aching sensation in the chest
now, all day i've been thinking i might have been masking to myself(~) when i feel sad or anxious with the purpose of "calming down", so i kind of decided to allow myself to feel shitty for a change. i rapidly turned off my laptop and phone and just shoved myself onto my sheets. and HOLY SHIT i felt SO bad. i'm talking about punching myself in the head in frustration, extreme anxiety by the simple sounds of my mother opening doors or moving silverware in the kitchen (i almost felt dizzy) and just DREADING the thought of meeting her gaze, or anybody's gaze for that matter. i hold my breath as long as i could just so i could feel the relief when i stopped covering my nose with my fingers.
i decided to go shower, and i felt soooo dizzy when i got up. i planned a way to not meet my mother in the way to the bathroom and walked fastly while i was hugging the towel, inside the bathroom i had to rest upon the wall because i was still dizzy. i only started to calm down when i stood below the shower and focused on the water falling down my body (and it still took like 10mins there for me to feel better!)
im still kind of shaken up by the experience and my head still hurts a bit, and my mother keeps insisting she knows something happened to me bc "you're acting weird, be honest are you feeling bad because of something??". i dont really know if this is an autistic meltdown or just one of the classics (panic attack or anxiety attack)?????????? has one of you ever experienced something similar???????
(~) is this even a thing though???? i feel like in these kind of moments i force myself to act "normal" so i am able to actually function (it only half-works though). also, i kind of feel like i force myself to "play a character" even when i act alone, i noticed this when i realised i unconsciously change my voice modulation not only when speaking to other people, but also when speaking to my cat!!!!!!!! 🤦
submitted by Dreemur1 to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:50 Zaion_ Commission - Seraphon - (Luna)V-2
submitted by Zaion_ to furry [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:50 Lordofthefluffs Getting my baby to fall asleep on his own
My baby is about to hit 9 months. He slept amazing until the 4 month sleep regression and has just got worse and worse ever since. He used to wake 1-2 times a night until that point. Now he's waking at best every hour or at worst every 20-30 mins. He transitioned himself to less naps without my help at each stage. I follow his lead. He's currently doing 2 naps absolutely fine. I've tried changing the lengths of the naps and when they are many times to see if it helps his night sleep but at the moment he's doing about 1.5 hours for the first nap and then 1 hour for the second. We generally do the 2/3/4 or 2/3/3 for wake windows. I don't want to do any kind of cry it out method. But I would like to see if I can get him to fall asleep independently. Since 4 months he has basically only been able to get to sleep if I rock him in a very specific way or breastfed to sleep. I have read a few things online and as he's in his own room I'm thinking I could put his cot mattress on the floor, feed him to sleep (as I know this works cause we bed share sometimes to get longer sleep) and then he's waking up in the same place he fell asleep and may sleep longer. Then once he's falling asleep on his own I can put the mattress back in his cot and see if it still does the trick.
I'm at a loss but I'm desperate for some sleep as I'm going back to work soon, but we also have events coming up where we would have to leave him with our parents and I can't leave him if he's still waking up to 10 times a night.
Any advice would be amazing.
submitted by Lordofthefluffs to sleeptrain [link] [comments]