Internet provider question in Artesia

2024.11.25 19:23 MatrixBlaze Internet provider question in Artesia

My Wife and I are moving to the Artesia community, does anyone have any internet recommendations? Unfortunately, Valley does not provide fiber optic in our neighborhood, however, I found a provider called that claim they offer it.
Anyone have any experience with them??
submitted by MatrixBlaze to pahrump [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Eem110 B.Duggan Painting

Anyone know this painting? Can confirm it’s an artist or original or anymore detail about it? I can’t find much on google or google lens.
submitted by Eem110 to Goodwill_Finds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 rafaspvzgw2 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by rafaspvzgw2 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 bil-sabab Edwige Fenech (1969)

Edwige Fenech (1969) submitted by bil-sabab to 1960s [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Artist_Gurl_thecat Animal ear physics on x and z look backwards

Hi this is my third model and I'm rigging this for my friend, but I've been having a bit of trouble with the ear physics. I'm not used to such thick ears (since i'm rigging a koala plush) but I figured i could use the tutorial I had followed for my previous model (who had chunky cat ears).
Long story short, I somehow managed to get both the x and z physics all backwards with no idea how to fix it. The problem is, the y and blinking physics are perfect and I don't wanna touch them for fear of messing them up D:
any help would be appreciated, I attached a video of the problem in the physics tab for reference of my problem.
*if the video doesn't work forgive me I am still new to all this "ask reddit forums" stuff and I am brand new to posting :/*
submitted by Artist_Gurl_thecat to Live2D [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Semetersi Jeep groups and people

I'm still fairly new to Reno, staying in Cold Springs by Sierra Rock Park. I'm going to start putting money into my 04 WJ (4.7 v8 with the quadratrac 2). I haven't worked on cars much since high school, at my uncles auto shop. Graduated 2006, 18 years ago, so I'm very rusty.
I could use a hand, if anyone would be willing. I of course am willing to help in return. Miss having car days, a few ppl together working on everything. One thing I have now, is a new serpentine belt to put on and haven't done one in about 20 years.
Other than that, would love to join any groups. I know most groups revolve around Wranglers and Rubicons, etc, but my GC special edition is still quite capable.
Ty in advance!
submitted by Semetersi to Reno [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Tata_45 does any holomem like tyler the creator

weird question but i genuinenly need to know like im not even joking
submitted by Tata_45 to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 DabbleMeister Got lucky and hard carried w dragoons

Got lucky and hard carried w dragoons submitted by DabbleMeister to BobsTavern [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Defiant_Consequence9 Burts cooked

submitted by Defiant_Consequence9 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 airhammerandy55 Free slide

I was on Facebook marketplace looking for a slide for my kids, I found one a lady was giving away a slide for free, since she is disassembling in a week to transport it to the landfill. Ok cool, maybe I can get a free slide and make it one less item for these people transport to landfill win/win. So I message the lady and ask the arrange a time to come pick the slide up and she says I have to disassemble the entire diy playset and transport it to the landfill inorder to have the slide. I was really nice to her and said no since I don’t have a truck or the time to do that, but I would take the slide when they disassemble it so it could save them some space and time. Well this isn’t what this woman wanted to hear she calls me an asshole, other choice insults and I am a terrible person. I told her I hope it works out and to let me know if she changes her mind and she blocked me. Weirdos
submitted by airhammerandy55 to ChoosingBeggars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Ok_Condition6755 Really odd question

But do snakes (ball python) like hay or stray? (Not as food obv) Like a in a small ball/pile for them to explore/ shift through? I was thinking it might be a fun enrichment?
submitted by Ok_Condition6755 to snakes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 eiki_lf Advice for Hiking

I'm thinking on traveling to the nevado de toluca a big mountain here in Mexico I don't really have a good condition but when I take lsd I can walk for hours, I'm thinking on taking some before stating to hike but I'm a little bit scared that I get some bad experience or just faint walking, is it a good idea to consume or not
submitted by eiki_lf to LSDTripLifeHacks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 BreadfruitNo3097 New Vinyl To The Collection

New Vinyl To The Collection Newest addition to my collection. I copped this and the standard edition, one to play and the other to appreciate fr🤷🏼‍♂️🙏🏻
submitted by BreadfruitNo3097 to MacMiller [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 RCAXio The Sun (50/$9.99) - Contract Found!

Name: The Sun
By: u/solz1967
Supply: 50
Price: $9.99
Secondary Market:
Direct Link:
Discord | | Avatar Marketplace | Random Avatar Swap
submitted by RCAXio to avatartrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 shopping490490 PGA TOUR GOLF handheld electronic game by tiger 1997, excellent condition

PGA TOUR GOLF handheld electronic game by tiger 1997, excellent condition submitted by shopping490490 to shop490490 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 amylhampton Todoist Premium Auto-Renewal not working

I'm a long-time Todoist Premium user who is on the Legacy plan.
My Todoist Premium renewal anniversary is today (11/25). Even though it looks like I should have premium access, my account has been downgraded to Beginner status.
I've not received any subscription renewal emails as I have in the past. There's no payment processing through my bank and yet, the Todoist subscription appears to be intact and good through 11/25/25 - next year. (See image as posted)
I've sent in a support ticket but thought I'd check here as well. There's nothing under "Known Issues" about this on the Todoist website either.
I'm pretty dependent on the premium features. so I'm hoping someone at Todoist can get things sorted out.
submitted by amylhampton to todoist [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 amylhampton Todoist Premium Auto-Renewal not working

I'm a long-time Todoist Premium user who is on the Legacy plan.
My Todoist Premium renewal anniversary is today (11/25). Even though it looks like I should have premium access, my account has been downgraded to Beginner status.
I've not received any subscription renewal emails as I have in the past. There's no payment processing through my bank and yet, the Todoist subscription appears to be intact and good through 11/25/25 - next year. (See image as posted)
I've sent in a support ticket but thought I'd check here as well. There's nothing under "Known Issues" about this on the Todoist website either.
I'm pretty dependent on the premium features. so I'm hoping someone at Todoist can get things sorted out.
submitted by amylhampton to todoist [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 little-red-dress This is Lisa, my childhood cat. She passed away earlier this year at almost 21 years old and I miss her so much.

This is Lisa, my childhood cat. She passed away earlier this year at almost 21 years old and I miss her so much. We got her when I was 10, so we basically grew up together. She was the gentlest, sweetest cat I’ve ever met, and super smart too. She had one litter of kittens when she was 3 and she was a wonderful mama to them, and for her whole life after that she would carry around socks and cuddle with them like they were her babies, even after she was spayed. I hope to see her again at the Rainbow Bridge when it’s time, my sweet angel kitty. Because of her I have a special place in my heart for tuxedo and black cats. Sleep peacefully Lisa, 29/05/2003-26/02/2024❤️
submitted by little-red-dress to TuxedoCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 lucky_mac pray for Margo and all “creators” who have to post links on their IG!!!!!

pray for Margo and all “creators” who have to post links on their IG!!!!! She’s
submitted by lucky_mac to TheMorningToastSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 erentrueform POP OF COLOUR

submitted by erentrueform to spyderco [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 spoongril18 Study about 30-50 percent of embryos not being able to implant.

Has anyone looked into the research on this? How could we possibly know this information in the first place? It doesn't really ring true to me.
submitted by spoongril18 to Fertility [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Usual-Hawk-7434 There's a part of me that feels trans. But the cis male part of me could never explore that, because I fear it's nothing.

I've tagged NSFW coz I'm gonna talk about some sexual stuff.
I'm a cis man, and no one would ever think any differently of me if they knew me. All my thoughts seem to be buried deep inside. And like, in a way, I feel like they could stay there forever. But I also don't know if that's true.
I'm naturally a very self conscious person anyway. Like I often struggle with the way I look and hate it. Sometimes I see the way I look and it's like I'm in love with myself. I was a little overweight before and I'm not anymore, and so I guess being conscious makes sense.
And I like the male ways I look. My favourite attribute about myself is my beard, I like having short hair, I like seeing muscles on myself etc. I know they aren't exclusive make things, but you take my point.
But I've also never seemed to fit into the male group. Like I have make friends, and I have female friends. Sometimes I'm friends with "lads". But I'm not always fitting in. And idk if it makes sense, but I'm not friends with these people because I'm a male.
I guess the biggest thing I relate to about being a male is that you have to stay within what's normal. You can't really express yourself much or you are instantly labelled as weird. And so while I'm typically myself without caring too much, there's an unexplained part of me that I don't know how to explore. Because I feel trying to explore it will label me forever for trying to discover who I am.
I typically have quite a low sex drive. It's something I don't like about myself, but idk how to change. But I've noticed some odd habits and behaviours within my sex life. Idk if anyone can relate to it, but they feel very "female".
I feel very happy with my genitals I would say. But my favourite thing during sex is when the woman is on top, thrusting my penis inside of her until I cum. Even when I masturbate, I sometimes find myself grabbing my chest, as if I had boobs. And I've found myself able to masturbate to completion to an article describing taking Estrogen hormone therapy. Or to having my testicles castrated. And these things turn me on quite a lot. I remember even when I was quite young (like 10 maybe) having a dream where my penis was surgically swapped with an adult woman's vagina
And maybe these things are just sexual. But I think it's impossible for me to feel like I can explore anything about my gender identity without people knowing? Like I feel like if it's nothing, I don't want to explore it at all.
So I guess I want to know, how can I do that? Is there a way? The world is very confusing (and cruel) and while none of this feels urgent, I do think I'd want to try get the answers whilst I'm still in my early 20s so that I live life fulfilled.
submitted by Usual-Hawk-7434 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Some-Humor-6847 Questions about Cheyenne Hawk Thunder

Hi! Looking for a new machine to purchase, I'm open to other machine suggestions too, but I am currently in the market for the Cheyenne Hawk Thunder.
I noticed when buying the machine it doesn't come with a power supply, does anyone have any power supply suggestions for this machine? Thanks! Here's where I'm buying it from:
submitted by Some-Humor-6847 to TattooBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Fionaacrylic Discover the SECRET to Stunning Acrylic Pour Art with a "Magic Wand"! 💫 Watch step-by-step as I create stunning fluid designs that blend vibrant colors into swirling masterpieces.

Discover the SECRET to Stunning Acrylic Pour Art with a submitted by Fionaacrylic to AbstractArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:23 Thick_Round_3163 We’re getting so close to Kendrick being on back on figg I feel it (pause)

submitted by Thick_Round_3163 to BackonFigg [link] [comments]