few time ago

2024.11.25 19:50 Party_Mouse_429 few time ago

few time ago submitted by Party_Mouse_429 to BarRefaeli [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Comfortable_City_554 For Alabama School Counselors are there any state laws that contradict professional ethics or standards as defined by ASCA?

Hi everyone, I am writing a paper, and in one paragraph, I’m just trying to use a single example to show that in order to be adherent to state law, sometimes as school counselors we have to go against our professional ethics since laws trump ethics in legal disputes.
I wanted to ask any school counselors that work or have worked in Alabama if they had to follow a state law that contradicted professional ethics or standards as defined by ASCA.
When doing some preliminary research, I saw that in 2021, Alabama introduced a bill concerning gender-affirming healthcare and breaching of confidentiality if a student discloses to a school counselor that they are gender-questioning, identify as transgender or any other gender non-conforming identity that contradicts their assigned sex at birth. However, I couldn’t find anything that explicitly states whether that particular law was signed into effect.
Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by Comfortable_City_554 to schoolcounseling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 ignored-yet-content Righteous Brothers -- Unchained Melody (Live, 1965) (Picture and Sound Restored)

I wonder if he ever made it?
submitted by ignored-yet-content to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 AndreaNewsHub https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wladimir-putin-wie-der-russische-praesident-sich-vor-entscheidungen-drueckt-a-04a3438b-96de-41c2-bb89-eb6b1bbc5c03ref=rss (orig.: Wladimir...) #WORLDNEWS # (orig.: #https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wladimir-putin-wie-der-russische-praesident-sich-vor-entscheidungen-dr

https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wladimir-putin-wie-der-russische-praesident-sich-vor-entscheidungen-drueckt-a-04a3438b-96de-41c2-bb89-eb6b1bbc5c03ref=rss (orig.: Wladimir...) #WORLDNEWS # (orig.: #https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wladimir-putin-wie-der-russische-praesident-sich-vor-entscheidungen-dr submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 childeater4000 BBQ farming TYKK0H

submitted by childeater4000 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Fluffy_Ad1398 31M Ireland looking to find a mate, someone who wants to connect in hopefully friendship

Reach out, & lets talk! Let's have a conversation, & who knows, can build & grow some sort of a friendship! I am a proper geek, history buff, love reading, writing etc but would love to connect with anyone who have something in their life that they are passionate about that they want to talk about, to share! Hate txting, though can, but prefer voice chats & actually converse lol
submitted by Fluffy_Ad1398 to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 goldsoundz123 Wolf in August: "We're excited about our offensive line group."

"...We’re still working to find the correct combination in there, and I think we have the pieces in place to be able to compete."
I count seven tackles that were available in the offseason that would have been significant upgrades over our Lowe + Jacobs. You can debate individual players, but the overall point is that the tackle position did not have to be this bad.
Free agency:

Our current tackles:
submitted by goldsoundz123 to Patriots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 majsabou Heading to the KFC in the food court for a Lil' Bucket Parfait

Heading to the KFC in the food court for a Lil' Bucket Parfait submitted by majsabou to Gecko45 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Far_Audience_9552 29 girl bored leta have fun

Be hot
submitted by Far_Audience_9552 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 remvs98 Nog meer drugs aangespoeld aan Zuid-Hollandse kust: 'Niet openen, bel 112'

Nog meer drugs aangespoeld aan Zuid-Hollandse kust: 'Niet openen, bel 112' submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 brazilian_investor_ Do SSPX priests have a few days a year to spend with their families in their homeland?

And what about the other institutes of the old Ecclesia Dei, such as the Institute of the Good Shepherd?
submitted by brazilian_investor_ to sspx [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Specialist_Relief_93 "A very crazy last night" (comic by me, @berry_pieee)

submitted by Specialist_Relief_93 to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Calm_Ad4641 Help - video flipping

I can't seem to flip videos using Photos. Had anyone had any success with this?
submitted by Calm_Ad4641 to googlephotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Dr-Fix Luna Controller no more rumble when turned on?

I know it's an insignificant thing, however, didn't the Luna Controller vibrate when it was turned on?
Since a couple of days it vibrates only when it connects to Cloud Connect or when turned off. I'm pretty sure that it was vibrating also when I turned it on... am I crazy?
I've checked the software version and I'm on the latest one, 305165520. As I cannot find any history, I have no idea if it was a recent software update that changed the behavior or if it just my fantasy...
Anyone else?
submitted by Dr-Fix to amazonluna [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Competitive-Mail7448 H: All Six Nuka Rocket Plans W: 60 Leaders

submitted by Competitive-Mail7448 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Myrucasublime Can I sue my contractor?

I paid a contractor to epoxy my garage floor. I'm noticing as time is passing the top third of my garage near the door into my house has turned yellow/ Brown. It appears he missed the top coat on that portion of the garage. Reached out to him and he is saying it is too long, he will not fix it for free anymore. The thing is though, the day he did the job it was destined to fail because he did not apply the protective UV coating that keeps it from turning yellow. I reached out to him 12 months after the job after the product started turning yellow.
Do I have any leave a ground to stand on? I can show you pictures. It's pretty bad.
submitted by Myrucasublime to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 BTSlover1302 Blackpink 2025 comeback??

It has been said that Blackpink will comeback in 2025. My question is will it be really possible for them to comeback next year. Rose is dropping an album in December, Lisa is dropping an album in February. This makes it clear that the girls are/will probably do like BTS by giving the member's body of work to marinade with the public, with Jennie also confirming to release next year. It would probably be in the 1st half of 2025. Jisoo will be probably be finishing up shooting kdrama. Does that mean they will drop in the second half of 2025? It also weird how there's talk of a tour but Lisa didn't know about a tour
submitted by BTSlover1302 to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Tall_Succotash JJ Redick said that after watching the film, the conclusion was the Lakers just “stopped playing” in the third quarter against Denver. He said they talked about it this morning and believes it will be an “aberration” and not something that will happen again.

JJ Redick said that after watching the film, the conclusion was the Lakers just “stopped playing” in the third quarter against Denver. He said they talked about it this morning and believes it will be an “aberration” and not something that will happen again. submitted by Tall_Succotash to lakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 CustomNotion France tax benefit for non working spouse

Hi all,
Does France tax system take in consideration non working spouse as a factor to reduce tax burden on married couple.
I am living in Germany, and i get an extra 400 euros (it depends on salary), and with a kid i get a KinderGeld (this is not from my salary but Kid Money: clothes, toys, ....).
Does France have any of this ,bcs I could not get any tax calculator that shows the difference.
I am asking this bcs my company is asking me to relocate to France, and I need help.
submitted by CustomNotion to eupersonalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 ComfortableBasis3046 Its been 5 patches since razor received any changes so i decided to change my build

Basically i been testing it out in turbo but you can see which ones are turbo or all pick the one with a line through it was my spectator game
But i love this build because it gives razor 3 dispells and max movement speed so it makes him able to walk away from any fight and is able to chase anyone down i haven't tried gaurdian greaves because of the less move speed
submitted by ComfortableBasis3046 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 SparkleTwoPointO Appeal denied: My proper thank you to this community! 💙

Appeal denied: My proper thank you to this community! 💙 I combined my favourite shitposts in to one as a final send off to my Overwatch/Reddit era, thank you all so much for making 2023-2024 Reddit so fun. I loved making posts like these for you guys as you showed so much support!
Though one does get burnt out, I'm taking the opportunity to dip from Overwatch as this is was one of the things holding me back. See ya'll on Marvel Rivals maybe? Add my PSN: ChiknWingLova if ya'll wanna play sometime ! :P
Teleporter offline, the path is CLOSED. 💙💙💙
submitted by SparkleTwoPointO to SymmetraMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 After-Professor-7167 Roshi's Thunder Shock

Does anyone know how to snap the Roshi's Thunder Shock. It seems to be the only move I can't seem to dodge or block. So far the only way I can stop it is with after image strike.
submitted by After-Professor-7167 to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 George_Hill_ Add me for gifts 004161974389

submitted by George_Hill_ to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 MobileTypical1054 Wynwood Sidewalk Paintings?

Does anyone know if you need a permit for the stenciled words done with spray paint on the wynwood sidewalks? If you have any experience with this any advice would be much appreciated 🙏
submitted by MobileTypical1054 to Miami [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 michaelh98 Is it possible to - turn on roku, select an app, choose a channel - all through HA?

I already feel spoiled by what little I know how to do in HA. I'd love to be so spoiled that I could hit one button and have it take me to a particular roku app & channel/program within that app.
submitted by michaelh98 to homeassistant [link] [comments]
