Trip Recs

2024.11.25 20:25 brittkubicki Trip Recs

Leaving for Costa Rica on Thursday. I’m staying in the Domincal/Manuel Antonio area for 11 days. Any suggestions on things to do and see while there?
submitted by brittkubicki to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 LegoMonsterMan Is this patched? Was about to do it

Is this patched? Was about to do it submitted by LegoMonsterMan to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Imperator_Oliver 9 packs with no rares, finally a Fullart/ex card.

9 packs with no rares, finally a Fullart/ex card. I really wish the pull rates were better, it’s hard being a F2P player.
submitted by Imperator_Oliver to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 caffeinedrinker My close up encounter in London UK, 2000

My close up encounter in London UK, 2000 submitted by caffeinedrinker to ufouk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 mminkymittens She can read? 😳

She can read? 😳 submitted by mminkymittens to Girlbyeit33 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 temooriqbal Tutti Bambini CoZee straps

Bought a used Tutti Bambini CoZee crib - next-to-me style - but one of the straps is missing. Does anyone have any ideas for how else to secure the crib to the bedside?
And, on the off-chance, does anyone have one of these straps spare they're not using?
submitted by temooriqbal to BeyondTheBumpUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 CookAndShare QW7OV5

submitted by CookAndShare to publicmobilereferrals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Sudden_Werewolf_115 Help me out ladies.

Help me out ladies. submitted by Sudden_Werewolf_115 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Hopeful_Wolverine625 Trade -have/need 🤞

Trade -have/need 🤞 2:1
submitted by Hopeful_Wolverine625 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Independent_Table470 Børnevenligt spisested på fredag 😅

Hej Jeg havde tænkt vi skulle spise på Pincho Nation på fredag til min søns 9 års fødselsdag. Men øv, alt optaget. Er der andre steder der er børnevenlige? Noget jeres børn synes er fedt? Behøves ikke være i midtbyen - faktisk gerne lidt udenfor.. Håber nogen kender et godt sted (hvor jeg kan få bord allerede på fredag 🤞🏼)
submitted by Independent_Table470 to Aarhus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 XZZ5 one of my favorite pics😭🤣🤣😩

one of my favorite pics😭🤣🤣😩 submitted by XZZ5 to snowstrippers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Cool_Cod1393 01/06 Role reveals

If your a 01/06 arrival and just found out ur role plssss lmk what it is I’m dying to know what everyone’s getting!!
submitted by Cool_Cod1393 to Disneycollegeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Training_Air7170 UK financial mutants

As the title suggests, curious if there is anyone here from the UK that applies their advice. Obviously not with the same investment vehicles, but the principles in general.
Recently graduated step 4 and looking now towards the ISA (Roth IRA equivalent I believe) properly. What systems and advice do you take from them and what have you done to put into practice here?
submitted by Training_Air7170 to TheMoneyGuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 N0SS1 Drop date “on” the 12th

Night of the 12th @ 12 am, making it Friday the 13th. Pretty sure it’s for Gemini duality. Angel number (12 12) for his spiritual side that wants peace & then the boogeyman who knows he enjoys war & can justify it with the weirdos (Fri. the 13th)
He will perform it on the 14th for the compton parade & probably expect an Amazon live concert for that.
I am schizo now, but I am pretty positive this is it
submitted by N0SS1 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Significant_Tale_991 LF below shiny Dialga registered offering below

LF below shiny Dialga registered offering below Offering regional pokemon BG primal and Kyogre
submitted by Significant_Tale_991 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 beautifullyhurt St Francis and the Garden of Eden/watercolor by me. Ty for looking

St Francis and the Garden of Eden/watercolor by me. Ty for looking submitted by beautifullyhurt to surrealism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Randomness-66 Lost Cat, I’m not the owner

Lost Cat, I’m not the owner He got out around 2:30 am this morning. He’s friendly asf and food motivated. Please either comment or contact the number with any information please. His momma misses him.
submitted by Randomness-66 to Flagstaff [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 FireViper195 Ok so i drop a phone or any other electronic device in water. Why should I not put it in a dehydration machine?

As the title says, just super curious on if this would work. The only bad thing I can think of is soder maybe melting off? But I'm sure there's a work around right?
submitted by FireViper195 to techquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 bobdon55 i just got an email saying msfaa completed

does this mean my student loan was apporoved?
submitted by bobdon55 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Jpal62 Norma TAC-22

Norma TAC-22 This is after only 150 rounds through my TX22 Competition. They cycle great and are accurate for casual shooting, but greasy. I’ll keep those for my bolt action rifles.
submitted by Jpal62 to 22lr [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 BeverlyEverlyx Space bounties?

New player here so I apologize for the ignorance, Is there any specific area or mission type to so bounties in space? I’ve gotten a couple space bounties and all the rest have been on planets/moons. I prefer space combat a lot more, super fun dodging asteroids and what not while fighting the enemy.
Is it just random where the bounties are or is there a way to specifically take space ones?
submitted by BeverlyEverlyx to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Elspid_132 Thick of it but better

From the beer, to the keys, to the car, to the tree. That's my arm, where's my knee, please call the police. (Seriously call someone I'm bleeding i might die)
submitted by Elspid_132 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Colin8tor112 I thought this was a lot until I saw everyone else's posts

submitted by Colin8tor112 to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 Rambo-Shark6328 V srbski skupščini pretep med poslanci vladajoče koalicije in opozicije

V srbski skupščini pretep med poslanci vladajoče koalicije in opozicije Kolk manjka, da se kej tazga zgodi v Sloveniji?
submitted by Rambo-Shark6328 to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:25 thegrandyman Can you really reword your brain to be more positive and better handle negative thoughts?

Treatments like
submitted by thegrandyman to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]