What is this?

2024.11.25 20:48 bonsiebons What is this?

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submitted by bonsiebons to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 goodday987 Boundary encroachment

I’m in NSW, our back fence is 15cm encroached to back neighbors land, they want to correct the fence line. We have got couple of trees and a shed on the original fence line, the old fence is falling. And our side fence is 10cm encroached to our land. If we move, their side walking way will be narrower. Our back neighbor very strong about moving the fence. Even we agreed to move before knowing the side fence problem, we have already had a massive disagreement. Now thinking there is an issue with side fence, it will be another hard conversation. The back and side encroachment are about similar sqm, so we are not using more land than we should. The fences were done way way before we bought this place, could be 40 50 years ago. If we let the back side to move the fence and we feel to bad to ask the side neighbor to move, just out of no where we lost some space, it’s a very small land in inner city. What our rights? I don’t see how it’s right to follow all the legal boundary and having a completely pissed off neighborhood.
submitted by goodday987 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 allquery Neurahack: A YA/NA cyberpunk sci-fi novel (Project Juniper Book 1) ($3.97 to Free)

Neurahack: A YA/NA cyberpunk sci-fi novel (Project Juniper Book 1) ($3.97 to Free) submitted by allquery to Kindles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Loading3percent Outjerked by Los Estados Confederados de América.

submitted by Loading3percent to vexillologycirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Living-Lake-1791 Hiring temporary care for out of state surgery

I have surgery scheduled with Dr. Klinge but I’ll be traveling from out of state. I won’t have anyone with my except when my husband comes to fly me home (covering childcare for the week+ was impossible). I was looking at hiring temporary care for when I’m on the hotel post-op just to be checked on in case I need help. Has anyone done this or have any recommendations?
submitted by Living-Lake-1791 to tetheredcord [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Material_Month_805 1:1 trade

1:1 trade submitted by Material_Month_805 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 SizzlingPotato Megaflo normal?

Esprit by Gledhill Megaflo
I have a megaflo that was releasing too much water via the tundish and leaked to the floor. Unfortunately I didn't see/record it doing so. Just that the water once overflowed my little container and onto the floor below.
Since then I had the expansion vessel repressured today and the tundish replaced to one that is sealed. Is this sort of drip from the tundish normal approx 10 minutes after I turned on the megaflo?
On a separate note, for the first time today the megaflo tripped a dedicated switch for the megaflo on my fusebox. I just flipped the switch back on for now and continued to let it it boil for another hour. It didn't trip the fusebox this time. Should I be getting a plumber, an electrician or a megaflo service company to fix this?
submitted by SizzlingPotato to askaplumberUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Kittenintheferns HELP - My cat is missing!!

HELP - My cat is missing!! My cat is 3 years old, he is orange and on the skinny side. He was last seen at 11:00, we left shortly after and we're not aware he escaped until we arrived home at 3:00. His name is Pickle, and he usually only responds to high pitched calls. He is not very intelligent and is easily spooked, but he is very friendly if you can approach. He was last seen wearing a cone.
We are on 107th Ave, past the airport. Please comment any sightings!!!
submitted by Kittenintheferns to Plainwell_MI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 FiniteXcellence Trash win. Smh.

Trash win. Smh. submitted by FiniteXcellence to mecharena [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 No_Royal6118 Surrender

Congrats on all the sobriety to everyone, and to the ones who are trying…. If you’re hear reading this than take it as a sign that you’re ready and this isn’t a mistake… your reading this for a reason and divine intervention usually steps in when the person is ready. I’m not special but this is my story of how i got sober and not just sober. It’s very deep and ya not easy at first but it’s simple when you have guidance and works. Once the fires lit you can’t go back. There’s no right way you just need to be honest and willing to do what’s uncomfortable short term for long term success. Today id never change a thing and turned my past into my greatest asset.
I hated my entire existence and getting sober after so many failed attempts is unexplainable almost but here it is. For myself, If it made me feel good I was using it but when the drugs started to take a toll on me I settled for alcohol thinking it was the answer. HA!! I went from hard drinker to drunk everyday morning to night. I couldn’t go a single minute without it by the end and my liver was failing hospitalizations and poisoning was my outcome. So it’s F*ucking terrifying yep. When I did sober up in the hospital fear initially kept me sober but I wasn’t happy inside i felt always unsettled in the sad and just shame. I had so much deep suppressed pain I didn’t know anything about . I went from a vibrant university student sports playing gal with a bright future to abusive relationships failed school unemployed, homeless, eating disorders, alcoholic, and even resorted to prostitution so I could buy alcohol and drink myself to death, dying in a shelter with zero friends or family around. I think I just finally gave up one day and said I can’t stop drinking…. I need help. I just gave up the control, admitted for the first time the truth. Once you can admit the truth about who you really are in that moment and surrender it, the universe takes over and you’re in action to seek help. No one can beat this alone , I tried so many ways and my own solutions but it required me to swallow my pride and do the things I didn’t want to do for one whole year because I had years of traumas and addiction to unlearn all the things I thought I knew and the things I thought were right for me. At the time I was financially broke , hurting from my ex rejecting me, lonely ,alone, scared and uncomfortable. Angry at my life I felt like an embarrassment to my family and myself. Loneliness is something people get so terrified about. I needed to reach out and find some treatment where i could breathe and at least not be homeless. So I did go to treatment which does help but it didn’t teach me how to be happy. Sober, on welfare, and miserable….yay. (after treatment and in sober independent shitty housing my thoughts were, maybe I need a boyfriend now haha I’m good and healthy so it should be fine. lol…..no that was not the answer to my happiness)
I was afraid to be sober inside my own head with my thoughts and memories, the anxiety and shame and fear of 15 years worth of chaos and survival. I was avoiding feeling anxiety and fear and I was running from it for so long, creating more anxiety and more traumas and more fear until it almost killed me. That’s what takes people back out because the (ego)identity of who we think we are when we get sober wants to “protect us “from experiencing anything that might be painful even in pure minds….our pain gets stored in us even the things we don’t remember, our body will react when anxiety is activated it’s signalling danger and I’d try anything to run from that feeling not realizing I was seeking relief and go pick up to escape. Luckily I learned all this after treatment from other sober ppl who had many years. Something sparkled within them and I could tell so I listened…which was shocking because i thought I knew everything lol. the ego/identity within us that wants to “protects us” is actually doing the opposite and creates this never ending cycle of chaos by negotiating and convincing our true self( true self is deep within , our soul, the true essence of love) that we know what’s best and we need to take the comfortable familiar path to relieve ourself now. It gets so friggin deep but once you cross that initial hurdle of surrendering the substance and having outside help to rely on for accountability and further tools and sober community to just talk to( whether online or wherever, ) than you will continue to shed this old identity and belief system that was created with in and you become your true self walking in alignment with high vibration of the universe’s intelligence. It’s fucking wild.
When people are using substances they are actually at the lowest level of consciousness like bottom. Anything lower and you’re dead. And when you’re in it you have no idea. As you evolve in your sobriety by doing some deep inner work you actually evolve quite quickly and soon know all your addictions behaviours relationship issues problems etc are just the symptoms and not even the problem. The problem is a much deeper issue within that cannot be revealed without deep honest work. But you dig and get to the root expose it and you’re free. It doesn’t stay in you. That’s when your “addiction” and cravings literally disappear, you have zero desire to ever even pick up like there’s no feeling attached to any substance. Your free. You have to be willing open minded and 100% honest to the best of your ability to reach the higher level of thinking. And as you evolve you become awakened and a magnet to manifestations. That’s actually how manifestations work. You surrender and surrender isn’t what you may think. It’s deep. You think you’re “giving up something” and life will be boring or hard now because you took away things. But that’s false. I’m going to be making some videos on this process because there’s many layers to this and people really need to know this type of freedom that’s within reach. And everyone is unique so their evolution may happen differently. Once you know there’s a way, it’s up to the person to take the reins and do this. Actually commit. No half assing, like lying or hanging out w others who use. You may be alone for a while and that’s ok. I was alone for a year… I had sober friends and a teacher and went to therapy and what not but I was really alone and that allowed me to do this inner work. They don’t tell you this in therapy, they gave me little “tools” all helpful and worth it , some things were useful that time so I encourage ppl to seek all different avenues of treatment or therapy along with this inner work.
So fast forward to today lol im a coach and work with women in my communities and beyond, I have new friends, everyone from my past disappeared, my family is back in my life, I have an apartment, I speak to large groups of people about sobriety, recently asked to be on a well known podcast, I just vacationed in japan and then turkey, I’m flying around the world for work and I am almost out of debt…. My next goal is to start my own sober platforms but I’m working on some fears and anxiety that came up around this…difference is I embrace anxiety with compassion it’s only telling me I have to heal from something still so that’s what I do because I know how to. That shit needs to come out so I can keep evolving. I’m human and I will always have emotions and disappointment but the key is that magic word…..surrender. We must let go. This is a journey of truth. A journey towards your authentic truth. I went from being that girl dying to this one… I like this one and I’m keeping her haha. I attract a lot into my life and had a major glow up. I always thought if I changed the external it would fix my internal. Truth is : start internal and just watch what happens don’t sell yourself short of any dream to big
It didn’t take long at all for my cravings to go away once I started this journey but I had to go through this process to sustain it forever and get to the truth of who I was and be completely free. It feels like I got a new brain sometimes lol and I’m not special or super smart or anything. But I def feel like I’m vibrating on a whole new time line. The life i always dreamed of and thought was impossible. So crazy. So if you’re reading this… keep seeking and you can do this don’t be afraid. If an idiot like myself (I mean that lovingly lol)can do it without any money or anyone making me, you can too. Do it for yourself. Much love -Sober Hussy
submitted by No_Royal6118 to recovery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 allquery To Wed a Proper Lady: The Bluestocking and the Barbarian (The Return of the Mountain King Book 1) ($1.99 to Free)

To Wed a Proper Lady: The Bluestocking and the Barbarian (The Return of the Mountain King Book 1) ($1.99 to Free) submitted by allquery to Kindles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Adventurous_Tell5059 What are the best methods for getting modules, especially armor?

submitted by Adventurous_Tell5059 to PixelGun [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Puzzleheaded_Alps786 What are the rules of your open relationship?

I know everyone can be different. But given the prominence of it in the gay community especially in NYC. Can someone give me examples of how they and their partner structure their open relationship? Everyone I know can’t seem to give straight forward answers.
For example do you tell each other when you hook up with someone? Or is it a don’t tell situation because like for my friends I do share alot about that with them so can’t imagine not going so with a partner.
Also, how do you make sure you’re not home lonely while your boyfriend is with someone else?
At this rate I’ll probably be in one but I also am really uncomfortable with like it seemly like your just friends who have separate sex lives.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Alps786 to nycgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 BeautizerIzer Meet Saame!!

Meet Saame!! submitted by BeautizerIzer to CountryHumans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 MyNamelsLucifer Was it really worth stealing the album to listen to PEPPERONI AND GREEN PEPPERS MUSHROOMS OLIVE CHIVES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️

Was it really worth stealing the album to listen to PEPPERONI AND GREEN PEPPERS MUSHROOMS OLIVE CHIVES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️ submitted by MyNamelsLucifer to soadcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Soft_Aioli3656 Small bugs found in sub-optimal cold, humid basement

Small bugs found in sub-optimal cold, humid basement These small fellas are living in my basement. They tend to go for flour (which I have stopped storing in the basement) and other dry/paper-stored goods. I have had some issues with high humidity, not being able to keep the temperature up, and black mold in one corner of the basement, where they are most frequently found. An ID would be much appreciated!
submitted by Soft_Aioli3656 to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Fun-Medicine3275 Guess the tier list! (Difficulty: Medium)

Guess the tier list! (Difficulty: Medium) submitted by Fun-Medicine3275 to TierStars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 TrueChampionship3318 So pretty

So pretty submitted by TrueChampionship3318 to AvaniKianaGregg [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 allquery Romancing Christmas (Brothers in Arms) ($3.99 to Free)

Romancing Christmas (Brothers in Arms) ($3.99 to Free) submitted by allquery to Kindles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 lilirosethegodess sugar baby here needs sugar 🍭

sugar baby here needs sugar 🍭 submitted by lilirosethegodess to onlinesugardaddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 BE_Tries Just started watching

Just started watching the show and WOW it brings me right back to my college freshman dorm room.
Every scene is so accurate yet funny 🤣
I really hope they all stay friends, unlike how my freshman roommates ended up 😂
submitted by BE_Tries to SexLivesCollegeGirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 Holiday_Caregiver_16 Can i take minoxidil without doctor consultation

Same as title if yes kindly mention soures thanks
submitted by Holiday_Caregiver_16 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 clearyj1323 Posting Every Day on Youtube Challenge - Day 15 Super Mario World on SNES

Replaying My Childhood Games ~ Super Mario World Playthrough #1
https://youtu.be/E7k4lBNwPM0 > Day 15 Video
https://www.youtube.com/@OneHandedBanditPlays?sub_confirmation=1 > CHANNEL
We are going to be doing a playthrough of Super Mario World, playing through each level of the game and enjoying some nostalgic
All edits and music is done in ClipChamp!
As always thank you all for watching! Deuces to the Gooses - JC, One Handed Bandit
#supermarioworld #supernintendo #nostalgia
submitted by clearyj1323 to casualnintendo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 allquery Origins: An Apocalyptic Post Apocalyptic Genetic Engineering Alien Contact Thriller Series ($2.99 to Free)

Origins: An Apocalyptic Post Apocalyptic Genetic Engineering Alien Contact Thriller Series ($2.99 to Free) submitted by allquery to Kindles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:48 hardcorpsepenis National Coin Association (NCA) looking like the one…

submitted by hardcorpsepenis to memecoins [link] [comments]
