Comunidad de La Manada

Portal informativo de la Comunidad de Madrid. En este portal podrá encontrar información segmentada temática de interés para el ciudadano tales como servicios, convocatorias y trámites Una comunidad es un conjunto, una asociación o un grupo de individuos que comparten elementos, características, intereses, propiedades u objetivos comunes. Desde el punto de vista antropológico, las comunidades humanas comparten el idioma, las costumbres, la visión del mundo. Una comunidad es un grupo de seres humanos que tienen ciertos elementos en común, tales como el idioma, costumbres, valores, tareas, visión del mundo, ubicación geográfica (un barrio, por ejemplo), estatus social o roles. COMMUNITY definition: 1. the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their…. Learn more. Comunidad Te explicamos qué es una comunidad y cuáles son sus características. Además, los tipos de comunidades y el abordaje de Max Weber. 1. f. Cualidad de común (‖ que pertenece o se extiende a varios). 2. f. Conjunto de las personas de un pueblo, región o nación. 3. f. Conjunto de naciones unidas por acuerdos políticos y económicos. Comunidad Europea. ¿Qué es una comunidad? Una comunidad es un grupo de personas que viven en una determinada área geográfica y que comparten intereses, valores, tradiciones y actividades comunes. Pueden ser muy pequeñas, como un barrio o una aldea, o pueden ser más grandes, como una ciudad o un país. A community is a social unit (a group of people) with a shared socially-significant characteristic, such as place, set of norms, culture, religion, values, customs, or identity.Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighborhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms. (Translation of comunidad from the GLOBAL Spanish–English Dictionary © 2021 K Dictionaries Ltd) Translate Comunidad. See 3 authoritative translations of Comunidad in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.

2024.11.25 20:30 Mindork888 Comunidad de La Manada

Somos una comunidad de streamers, viewers y players
REGLAS IMPORTANTES: -Respeto ante todo -Nada Sexual/desnudes -Spam permitido solo de contenidos que sumen a la comunidad y ayude a todos a crecer en twitch o entretenga. -Nada de links que puedan dañar a alguien de la comunidad o sus pertenencias
submitted by Mindork888 to ComunidadLaManada [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Effective-Tradition5 Trade?

Trade? submitted by Effective-Tradition5 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Independent-Bad-3087 Why everyone is so mad??

It’s very hard and frustrating to read posts about how bad a game is when people are just foaming at the mouth.
Yes, the game is not perfect, but the release turned out to be solid.

1. Graphics: In my opinion, the graphics are really good. The locations are beautifully and meticulously designed. I’ve lived in Ukraine my whole life, and I can confirm how accurate things are. 2. Optimization: I have a Ryzen 5 7600, 4070 Super, 32 GB RAM. On all high settings, plus some on ultra, it gives me 100-120 FPS at 1440p. 
I’ve heard that for others it’s significantly worse, but I don’t think it’s TERRIBLE. Name me at least one game with such a large seamless map.
3. AI: It’s not perfect, I agree. But this can all be fixed, and the developers are working on it, as they’ve mentioned multiple times. • The issue with mob spawning behind you. 
In my opinion, the game deserves a 7.0/10 at release. Be patient and respectful.
submitted by Independent-Bad-3087 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 achargersfan [Walder] Outside CB Coverage Rate (top right Tarheeb Still)

[Walder] Outside CB Coverage Rate (top right Tarheeb Still) submitted by achargersfan to Chargers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 regulatorE404 Žena - što vas kod nje izbaci iz takta?

Što vas kod vaše žene naživcira? Što je ono na što joj prešutite a najradije bi planuli i skinuli joj sve sa neba? Mene: njeni su svetinja a u svetinju se ne dira; moji su zlo i ajmo im uskratiti posjete/druženje/viđanje sa unucima.
submitted by regulatorE404 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 TriceratopsOrange Je fais quoi avec elle (lesb) ?

Hello Askmeuf ! Je suis actuellement en plein dilemme intérieur et j'aimerais des avis ou conseils sur ma situation. Particulièrement si vous êtes wlw mais tout le monde est bienvenu pour interagir !
Globalement je (F19) étais très amoureuse de mon amie d'enfance (F20). On allait tout le temps chez l'autre, sa famille c'était la mienne et ce pendant plus de 10 ans. Ces 2 dernière années on s'est particulierement rapprochées. Ayant pas mal de soucis je passais le plus claire de mon temps chez elle, je dormai chez elle car ça me réconfortait. Elle était là pour moi et m'épaulait toujours pendant ces moments difficiles.
Lors de la journée des fiertés de 2024 nous l'avons passé ensemble, on à manifesté ensemble, puis nous sommes allées à un Drag show le soir ensemble. Alors voilà ; pendant cette soirée il y à eu un slow et tout le monde était invité à venir sur la piste pour le rejoindre. Alors elle m'invite à danser, le tout sur "notre" musique, The Night We Met. Pendant ce slow elle m'embrasse, et là c'était une explosion d'émotions pour moi. J'ai pleuré tellement j'étais heureuse.
La soirée se termine et on finit par rentrées toutes les 2 chez moi. On se lave, je lui prête mes vêtements. On dors ensemble en se faisant des câlins et des bisous. Le lendemain matin pareil, elle repart en m'embrassant et en me disant 'je t'aime'. J'ai donc pensé qu'on était en couple, pour moi c'était évident.
Mais le soir même je reçois un long message où elle m'explique qu'elle n'est pas prête à être en couple, même si elle à des sentiments pour moi etc. Ça m'a détruit. On en à parlé en face à face mais c'était une discussion à sens unique, elle ne s'exprimant que très peu et ne répondant pas vraiment à mes questions. Je suis donc partie en lui disant que je méritait quelqu'un qui savait ce qu'elle voulait avec moi, et que je ne voulais pas rester à mi chemin avec une personne qui utilise mes sentiments pour avoir de l'affection que quand ça lui chante. J'apprendrai par la suite qu'elle m'avait caché qu'elle couchait toujours avec son ex (alors qu'elle m'avait dit à moi qu'il n'y avait plus rien entre elles).
Ça, c'était en juin. Elle m'a supprimée de partout des réseaux entre temps.
Cette semaine elle s'abonne à nouveau à un de mes comptes insta. Moi je m'abonne à elle sur mon 2e compte mais elle ne s'abonne pas en retour.
Depuis je fais des cauchemars et je ne sais pas quoi faire. Je n'ai plus de sentiments romantiques mais elle me manque. Ma meilleure amie, celle qui à été si présente et importante dans ma vie me manque. Elle m'a menti et m'a fait terriblement mal mais elle me manque et je ne sais pas quoi faire, je suis perdue.
Si vous avez lu jusque là, je vous remercie infiniment et attends de vos retours, n'importe quoi. Bises les filles et faites attention à vous <3
submitted by TriceratopsOrange to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Exastiken Dollar falls after Donald Trump names Scott Bessent to Treasury role

Dollar falls after Donald Trump names Scott Bessent to Treasury role submitted by Exastiken to economy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 alle15minuten Gerade ist es November 25, 2024 at 09:30PM

Gerade ist es November 25, 2024 at 09:30PM
submitted by alle15minuten to alle15minuten [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Extension_Relief9234 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Extension_Relief9234 to DinosaurDrawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 IlluminatiXDD Question regarding Wave1 track5

I have done the previous 4 tracks. In the 5th one, am I supposed to get outta my body? When he said "roll over slowly as if you're a log floating on water"? Like what should I do? [I have APed before and I regularly do it successfully] but what he meant by that quote?
submitted by IlluminatiXDD to gatewaytapes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 murshid_akram If you want to strengthen your back muscles without putting much stress, you can try isometric strengthening back exercise. I’ve got more than 10 isometric back exercises that will help you strengthen muscles, improve balance, and reduce low back pain.

If you want to strengthen your back muscles without putting much stress, you can try isometric strengthening back exercise. I’ve got more than 10 isometric back exercises that will help you strengthen muscles, improve balance, and reduce low back pain. submitted by murshid_akram to TheFitnessPhantom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 ogreatgames Happy Feet Two: Epic Journey Of Penguins - PS3 Game

Happy Feet Two: Epic Journey Of Penguins - PS3 Game
![video](4se19io0dk191 " Get ready to tap your toes with these adorable penguins in this heartwarming story of friendship and more! Visit to buy these item(s) & more while supplies last! -- ")
#playstation3 #adventure #story --
Happy Feet Two for Sony PlayStation 3. The world of Happy Feet Two is filled with anthropomorphic penguins who dance, and play. Play as Mumble and collect musical notes. Aside from dancing, players can also participate in fun penguin races where they have to jump off ramps while avoiding ice spikes. Bouncing around is one of life's greatest joys - this video game is great family entertainment! --
Hey check out similar videos here:
submitted by ogreatgames to Ogreatgames [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 MetalComfortable8246 Choose only 2.

I have 3 bags with the same purpose (i think) im gonna get rid of 1 of them. If you are to choose, what are the 2 bags you’ll keep?
submitted by MetalComfortable8246 to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Altruistic-Ice-4831 even trade

even trade Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Altruistic-Ice-4831 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 coinbytedotin Ask Anything About Cryptocurrency Thread

Use this thread to ask anything about cryptocurrency at all!
submitted by coinbytedotin to coinbytes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 FutureDr_ Steven Search comments on Mr.Beast statements on the working conditions of the Beast Games

Link to tweet
submitted by FutureDr_ to youtubedrama [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 iLikeMyNameBro Max Bed Tempeture

When I rooted my K1C, I could set the bed temperature to 115°C, but on the printer screen, it only allowed up to 100°C. If I set it to 115°C, I think the chamber would heat up much faster. If anyone has tips how to heat up the chamber faster, I'm listening.
submitted by iLikeMyNameBro to crealityk1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Remote-Physics6980 Another broken satin spar bowl 😭

Another broken satin spar bowl 😭 submitted by Remote-Physics6980 to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 aidanwashere04 Real or Fake?

Real or Fake? submitted by aidanwashere04 to DisneyPinSwap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 PitifulHamster2888 Must be a detailed chatter. Lets chat and jerk to thicc yn g girl i know guess their age session below SEND VOICE NOTES

submitted by PitifulHamster2888 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 OldPalpitation314 75 gallon Stocking ideas

75 gallon Stocking ideas I seen another post similar to this using chatgbt as their way of finding ideas to stock their tank.
submitted by OldPalpitation314 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 AutoModerator Personal Experiences Weekly Thread

Hello everyone
Use this thread for posting your personal experience. You can link to your own demos or post clips. What is your csgostats history with hackers? Want to talk about your trust factor? Post it here.
If you are a cheater yourself, share your thoughts too.
Please do not create a thread on the subreddit. The post will be deleted and you'll be sent here.
submitted by AutoModerator to VacSucksCSS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 OverallBanana3929 LF Ravager, Mr. Cerebro and Orb. Have Art review and beasties!

LF Ravager, Mr. Cerebro and Orb. Have Art review and beasties! submitted by OverallBanana3929 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 cowbutt6 Building a new system to upgrade from a decade-old 5820K/X99: convince me not to use Arrow Lake 265K/Z890!

So, my decade-old 5820K/X99 is showing its age: in 1% lows (and sometimes framerate) when gaming at 4K with a 4070, and sometimes in desktop applications (e.g. Google Chrome on some JavaScript-heavy websites). I'm also well aware that I can't expect either the PSU or motherboard to last forever.
I was hoping to build a new system based around Sapphire Rapids/W790, but... I was disappointed when it launched and was much less affordable than previous Intel HEDT platforms, such as Haswell-E/X99. Once I came to terms with the fact that its prices weren't going to get cut, I started looking at 13th gen late in its lifecycle, then realised 14th gen was launching soon, then the stories about 13th and 14th gen degradation began breaking. And so, here I am.
If I trust that Intel really have fixed the 13th and 14th gen degradation issues, those platforms are mature, stable (other than aforementioned degradation) and fairly good value. But I'm not yet convinced that Intel really have fixed those problems.
I could consider 12th gen (e.g. 12700K, as I don't like the idea of AIO cooling as required by the 12900K). But it is beaten in gaming and productivity by the Arrow Lake 245K. At £254 for the CPU and £229 for a MSI Intel MPG Z790 CARBON WIFI motherboard, it's also only £20 cheaper than a 245K and an ASRock Z890 LiveMixer WIFI motherboard. The only upgrades would be the 13th and 14th gen CPUs (in practice the 13700K and 14700K, given my aversion to AIO coolers), if I later become persuaded that Intel have indeed fixed the degradation problems - but by then, it may be hard to reliably find used CPUs that haven't already been degraded by being used on motherboards without the appropriate BIOS and microcode fixes having been applied.
When it comes to AMD, I'm conflicted. AMD are clearly producing better CPUs than Intel right now, and I don't really want to reward Intel for the way they handled the degradation problems, or for their lacklustre Arrow Lake parts. But I do currently use lots of USB 3.x ports and more critically, Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) and would like to take a 2x18TB RAID1 array from my X99 platform to the new system. I expect I'll be able to do this if I stay with Intel, but I do not expect to be able to do so if I shift to an AMD platform, whilst retaining the data on the array. Whilst searching to see if anyone had tried it, I also found many reports of performance and reliability issues with AMD's RAIDXpert in normal operation. Combine that with an ASRock AMD X870E Taichi lite motherboard costing £390, and a 9800X3D costing £469, a 7800X3D costing £440, or a 9700X costing £310, it's hard not to consider a 265K for £380 and the ASRock LiveMixer for £213. If I could run AMD CPUs on Intel platforms, that would perhaps be the best of both worlds, but back to the real world...
I could wait and buy nothing, but even though I don't live in the US, I fear that manufacturers will push some of the burden of the expected tariffs onto non-US customers. And it's rumoured that the Arrow Lake refresh has been cancelled, and there's no guarantee that Nova Lake will be worth waiting until 2026 (or maybe 2027) for.
I feel that X99 has spoilt me, and that everything available right now is, well, a bit shit in one way or another. I don't think that the 265K/Z890 combination is a good platform, but grudgingly, it does seem to be the least-worst for me.
submitted by cowbutt6 to buildapcuk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 shoppingbabe E Vite Black Friday Ads 2024

Use the link for E Vite Black Friday Ads 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by shoppingbabe to ClearanceBreak [link] [comments]