Como vcs se convencem para gastar quantias irracionais em relógios?

2024.11.25 22:39 Competitive-Waltz-43 Como vcs se convencem para gastar quantias irracionais em relógios?

Sejamos sinceros, relogio é emoção. Sendo racional quase ninguém teria um relógio, e se tivessem nunca que iriam pagar mais de 1k em um.
Eu tô querendo lançar um relógio que nem é tão caro assim, mas qnd paro p pensar eu dou um passo p trás pq n faz nenhum sentido comprar isso, exceto pelo fato de q é legal ver a máquina com suas várias pecinhas. Não é um dinheiro que vai me fazer falta nem nada, mas sla.
submitted by Competitive-Waltz-43 to relogios [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 SensitiveWeb4237 Trick Room Help

I've been playing Pokémon for a very long time, and I've always been focused for on collecting, breeding, and ribbons. I'm not a master competetive battler and I never will be.
But to get all my ribbons I need to beat that Battle Tower. I've realized that Trick Room teams are my achilles heel. I'm positive at this point it's not the team I'm using, it's the fact that I just don't get how function in that Trick Room space.
I understand the concept, that it reverses turn order based on speed. My logical brain thinks i understand what's going on. But once I'm actually battling and my opponent sets up Trick Room, i just instantly know that I've lost. I do everything wrong after Trick Room gets set up and I'm just not learning from my mistakes.
Does anyone have any advice on how to wrap my head around Trick Room and what is the strategy when you come up against it?
submitted by SensitiveWeb4237 to PokemonBDSP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 twi-scope Teil eins: dié anco Bibled Umfassend

¹Noah said YeaH I ddiddd tell .y my. GHrandma tto. Fuckiin Noah sagte: Ja, ich habe es dir gesagt. Großmutter tto. Verdammt, geh auf alle Viere und sei das Bandddd-Maskottchen im sss sss s s s Sorri jai ich
submitted by twi-scope to AnimalCollective [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 BrockBracken My friend asked “what’s upstairs?”

I should probably tell him that stairs don’t talk.
submitted by BrockBracken to dadjokes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 HakkyCoder Ukrainian ingenuity! ❤️🖤 What the army needs! Cyberlada's...

Ukrainian ingenuity! ❤️🖤 What the army needs! Cyberlada's... A simple project, built for $1000 or less...
Ukraine, doing whatever works!
submitted by HakkyCoder to NAFO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 Muted-Kaleidoscope38 Preban proof

I have had an AR for 15+years or so, but no longer have the receipt for the lower.... I'm pretty sure I don't have the upper either. What I do have receipts for is things I've gotten more recently over the years (trigger, rails, optics, ammo, etc). The oldest receipt I could find was 2011. Does that provide evidence if ever needed?
submitted by Muted-Kaleidoscope38 to DEGuns [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 sudo-chown Anyone else get stranded for hours on the Paoli Thorndale train this afternoon? 💀

submitted by sudo-chown to philly [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 jhoana1 quien más pensó que era otra respuesta?

quien más pensó que era otra respuesta? submitted by jhoana1 to MemesEnEspanol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 _Rainbowride_ My home in the Bind.

My home in the Bind. submitted by _Rainbowride_ to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 dawavve What are the odds on this board?

What are the odds on this board?
This is the peak of my low ELO career. I had to post it somewhere
submitted by dawavve to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 MayaFable What is this? My friend found it while working/digging in his neighbour’s garden, he took it to a jeweller, the jeweller didn’t know what it was but they said that it could be quartz or sulfur, i don’t think that it’s any of that but hopefully this Subreddit knows.

What is this? My friend found it while working/digging in his neighbour’s garden, he took it to a jeweller, the jeweller didn’t know what it was but they said that it could be quartz or sulfur, i don’t think that it’s any of that but hopefully this Subreddit knows. submitted by MayaFable to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 mysterysciencetheate Question about reference to US spying on prime minister almost ending NATO

I was watching an episode of the show in which they discuss whether they should be spying on the British prime minister. A character mentions that the last time they did that it almost ended NATO. I found it interesting and wanted to learn more about what this could reference.
I found things online about the CIA and MI5 spying on Harold Wilson in the 60s and 70s. But I haven't found much information about "almost ending NATO." Is this a real event they are referencing? Was there spying some time that led to tensions?
submitted by mysterysciencetheate to TheDiplomat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 Venezolanoanimations Revenge Homerun

Revenge Homerun submitted by Venezolanoanimations to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 BreadfruitChemical78 Is anyone here familiar with Westlake Financial ?

Got a car from a major dealer and they got me with westlake financial, read mostly negative reviews on them online. Has anyone ever had a car loan with them and successfully paid off their car and got their title without any issues? And if you have had a loan with them have you ever made extra car payments and were those payments applied to the principal balance only? Please let me know
submitted by BreadfruitChemical78 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 Green_Confusion5989 Extend the background for iPhone Wallpaper

Want this photo of my dog-son for an iPhone background, but it's not the right size. Google says iPhone wall paper dimensions should be around 1170 x 2532. I really just want more space above his head to make room for the time display/etc.
$5 CAD for the best one, TIA
submitted by Green_Confusion5989 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 coachlife SOR Autonomous Security Drone Collaboration

submitted by coachlife to businesstrendz [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 Nimbobs Cool games for 11 year old boy.

Looking for game suggestions for my 11 year old son please and thank you 🙂
submitted by Nimbobs to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 YunDal Will my Case be able to fit a 3Fan CPU Cooler?

Hi I’m looking to upgrade my CPU and it requires a 3Fan CPU cooler instead of the 2Fan CPU cooler I’m currently using, it looks to me like it would fit but I’d like a 2nd opinion on it thanks.
submitted by YunDal to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 Altruistic-Toe8191 Heard beginners were supposed to buy these skins first

Heard beginners were supposed to buy these skins first Did I do ok 👉🏻👈🏻
submitted by Altruistic-Toe8191 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 CardRepulsive6851 Pourquoi certaine personnes agissent comme ça ?

Pourquoi certaine personnes agissent comme ça ? submitted by CardRepulsive6851 to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 ParisTheodore Msfs Autopilot Question

Why does my the Cessna 172 bank left on auto pilot? I’m on Altitude hold mode, the settings read ROL/PIT/ALT. The flight director was set on the runway, and the magenta chevron is level. What am I missing?
submitted by ParisTheodore to flightsim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 Jhnj0hn does anyone have the 3d models specifically loxodont?

i've seen other people have the 3d models but can't find them anywhere and need it for a thumbnail.
submitted by Jhnj0hn to RivalsOfAether [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 GotPet Career Mode Question

Do the planes you have in a company fleet change the type of mission you get? Like my cargo company, I have the 172 and get 1-2 hour flights for less than 100k credits. Will they go up with a 208 or something?
submitted by GotPet to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 Feisty_Beginning_614 Raven and Cabernet cosplay

Raven and Cabernet cosplay
submitted by Feisty_Beginning_614 to PathToNowhere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:39 ThaT1N00Bkid Wtf am I supposed to do against a minigun?

That shit is so op it’s crazy. It kills you in like two seconds and whoever has it basically wins the game. What am I supposed to do against it?
I was playing solos and I pushed someone who was opening a llama and I got some good shots in. Before I know it, every mini ammo in bros inventory was headed straight at my damn head, I’m so lost.
submitted by ThaT1N00Bkid to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]